Ugh...The "space cloud " was an utter ripoff that ticked me off even more so about this FF 2.
And by this time, we know who that cosmic cloud was supposed to be ..!
It was sumthin that the studio had to try hard to hide and disguise from fans and critics alike, ..simply because they knew it was a budget ripoff ...
Who cares what paid critics know or do not know? They get stuff wrong ALL the time in all genres.
The studio had zero reason to hide or disguise anything from non-fans. Why would the studio be covert about something the majority of the audience had no clue about to begin with?
Not sure how the studio could hide or disguise anything from fans of the comic either. The title of the movie informed fans what the space cloud represented before it appeared on screen.
The Surfer look was borrowed ( stolen?) from the liquid metal Terminator know as Jason Patrick from Arnie's Terminator Judgement Day ...there was
nuhtin' original about it at all.. another ripoff .
I agree 100% that the concept was stolen but the look fit The Surfer perfectly in my opinion. Heck. I thought James Cameron borrowed the design from reading the FF title when I first saw
T2, lol.
I had issues with the casting of Susan Storm anyways, Jessica Alba it felt forced,
I had zero issues with Jessica Alba's casting. Susan Storm Richards is a beautiful woman in the comics. Alba nailed that characteristic.
The three problems I did have had to do with how Alba was used and portrayed. First, they changed her original background from an aspiring actress to scientist. That was cool. It was not cool that Alba did not have any significant scenes of her
being a scientist.
Second, her nasal issues. I will stop there before going on another rant.
Lastly, whatever was the justification of further altering her appearance from the first movie to the sequel. Sue is blond and blue-eyed. No problem there. Alba adjusted her appearance to match the character. I thought slightly blond and blue-eyed (middle pic) was a great match for Alba the Actress and Alba the Character.
Obviously, that was not true since she returned in the sequel with a striking blond and piercing blue-eyed (right side pic) look. For me, the appearance alteration was distracting throughout the entire second movie. In particular, her contacts made her look ever so slightly not human--an almost
Underworld vampirish quality. I still wished they would have started with that look in the first movie so it would not have been bothering me in the back of my mind.
i still could not get into Doctor Doom role,
Agreed. Subtracting Victor Von Doom from the sequel would have left more time for the FF (and Alicia) to interact with Silver Surfer, make him a much more relevant and relatable character within the plot.
and i've always had a problem with the director Tim Story, ... it had the same relating problem as Brett Ratner's Xmen Last Stand ... a comedy oriented
director given a major superhero movie project.
I think
X:Men: The Last Stand had far more definitive issues than comedic orientation but basically agree too.
And FF series seemed more like Love And Thunder, like it was geared to comedy, and take it with a grain of salt type hero flick.
Oh no. Disagree. Maybe the first two FF movies had too much comedy in them but one thing I will say is that both were done better in that aspect than both Taiki Waititi Thor films. I will not comment on 2015's
FF because... it is not really worth the effort.