FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Morning Pops and all y'all.

Good news is my labs are coming back closer to normal and my oncologist has officially called me her most unusual patient in her years of practice and I got the same from my GI doc a month ago. They both tell me they've never seen anyone bring their labs back like this and as many times as I have. This last time they went far off the rails and for too long I was thinking, this is it and more than that, I was ready. The fight seems to take more from me every time.

Not only did that respond well, I gained the 6 lbs I lost during that time back and no longer look as bad as I, evidently, looked as people, including the guy that does my yard. keep telling me they thought I looked awful several weeks ago and they were concerned.

It's not about me but what I represent to them, someone beating the monster. I would not go that far but at least I've kept it at a draw and just passed the 15th month past my expiration date.

The people at Hill Country Health, where I take Rife treatments, share my, (so far) success story with a lot of their clients but not using my name but now I have been asked to meet with a newly diagnosed stage 4 victim with a death sentence and have been informed she is frightened and basically in a state of paralysis through analysis but has to move forward soon.

I have been really open in sharing my journey with people because I think that is part of the reason I am still here but I haven't been put on the spot with someone facing this decision of the usual radiation/chemo vs another route.

My decision to forego the usual treatment is based on personal experience and history and had I chosen that path, I would not be here today. When you are terminal, they just keep treating you until your body says "no more". I never even considered chemo but that was nothing more than personal choice and a resignation that it was time to go. I had nothing to lose. The fact that, so far, my immune system has said "not so fast there, podnah, we're not out of bullets yet" still mystifies me.

One thing I have discovered, everyone has advice about something they heard worked for someone they don't even know and they freely pass it on in a "you should try....." delivery. I guess they figure what have you got to lose?

This person is a younger woman, not some old codger like me who is approaching the new life expectancy of 76.1 years. I am conflicted because I know myself and I can get carried away and go into sell mode too easily and this is a person's life and she's looking for a life preserver in an ocean of confusion. But, do I not owe her what I know about chemo for the terminally ill and just why they're so good at predicting the end? They were uncannily correct about my wife, almost to the day. Because they knew the limitations of that specific aggressive treatment.

This one isn't easy or me just sharing what I've been doing. This lady is looking for hope and she's nearing the moment of decision and path she will take and I am concerned about being influential in that process because I do not see that as a reason I am still here. But, what if that's it?

As you can see, I am truly in a mental state about this and it doesn't help that being on the real THC as opposed to the synthetic is doing it's job. One little gummie and I can get to "don't give a damn" really quickly. Hell, didn't start far from there to begin with.

Anyway, as usual, thank you People of the Pops thread for listening to me and as I began writing all of that, the answer started to come to me. I will meet with her and see what goes from there as I cannot keep this from someone facing the same fate as I am and who is to say what the best path for her is?

The downside to this 15 months past my expiration date is the why. I struggle with why me and what am I supposed to do with this? And I do not discount that maybe it was all about meeting with this one person. When I consider how easily I got on this path and I was preprogrammed for it, I consider everything of a mystical nature.

I used to believe in the randomness of life and death and we were just organisms on collide paths with each other and I am not a foxhole convert of a believer but I now suspect there is something more out there. Can't and won't put a name on it but there is just too much that cannot be explained and I feel a presence that I cannot explain.


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@CouchCoach what a journey you've been on these past few years. I am really glad you've decided to share with us

I can relate to your concerns about sharing with your lady friend. My adult son has a substance abuse issue and, although he has been in recovery for a year or more, I continue to attend AL anon meetings.

Initially, I went, well because I had no where else to turn and I needed help. It wasn't so much that they provided me a path, it was more that let me know there is a path. I go now because others need to know they are not alone in their journey.

Maybe that's what you do - help those understand there is a path... and, that they're not alone. That sounds pretty important to me.

And, FWIW, I still think the monkey paw treatment should not be discounted



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@CouchCoach what a journey you've been on these past few years. I am really glad you've decided to share with us

I can relate to your concerns about sharing with your lady friend. My adult son has a substance abuse issue and, although he has been in recovery for a year or more, I continue to attend AL anon meetings.

Initially, I went, well because I had no where else to turn and I needed help. It wasn't so much that they provided me a path, it was more that let me know there is a path. I go now because others need to know they are not alone in their journey.

Maybe that's what you do - help those understand there is a path... and, that they're not alone. That sounds pretty important to me.

And, FWIW, I still think the monkey paw treatment should not be discounted

Nor do I, Monty, that's what has helped my body fight back.

She's not my lady friend, I haven't even met her yet. The owner of the place where I get some treatments knows her but wanted to talk to me first because she senses the lady is looking for a lifeline and a reason not to go the traditional treatment or she would not have gone to this business.

She was diagnosed a month ago so she's probably still milling around in that anger/denial area that I was lucky enough to avoid altogether, I had already been down that road with my wife and knew better.

I was in the hands of the Monkey's Paw People 6 days after being diagnosed and given that prognosis and I have never looked back in regret which is very refreshing since I seem to do that so much late in life. It was if I had been prepared for this.

And maybe she is being prepared for it because she didn't take the traditional treatment bait yet. That route is so much easier on the mind because you just turn everything over to them, you are no longer in control because once you do decide to go the less traveled road, it's many decisions and some potholes that you are responsible for avoiding or getting out of on your own.

That holistic and homeopathic way looks so inviting but it's got more snake oil salesmen than a carnival. It is disheartening to see that many prey on people praying for a miracle.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Nor do I, Monty, that's what has helped my body fight back.

She's not my lady friend, I haven't even met her yet. The owner of the place where I get some treatments knows her but wanted to talk to me first because she senses the lady is looking for a lifeline and a reason not to go the traditional treatment or she would not have gone to this business.

She was diagnosed a month ago so she's probably still milling around in that anger/denial area that I was lucky enough to avoid altogether, I had already been down that road with my wife and knew better.

I was in the hands of the Monkey's Paw People 6 days after being diagnosed and given that prognosis and I have never looked back in regret which is very refreshing since I seem to do that so much late in life. It was if I had been prepared for this.

And maybe she is being prepared for it because she didn't take the traditional treatment bait yet. That route is so much easier on the mind because you just turn everything over to them, you are no longer in control because once you do decide to go the less traveled road, it's many decisions and some potholes that you are responsible for avoiding or getting out of on your own.

That holistic and homeopathic way looks so inviting but it's got more snake oil salesmen than a carnival. It is disheartening to see that many prey on people praying for a miracle.
My personal route would be to simply tell her my (your) experience, then let her decide which is the bigger risk, and which side effects she could better tolerate. She probably doesn't have the sense of humor you have to help comfort herself, though I don't know which choice would require that crutch more.

If she's like me, she may not even want anyone else's advice, sympathy, or prayers, but may be open to a simple conveyance of information, so she can make a more informed decision.

BTW, I'm glad to know you're doing better, and you've gained some weight back!


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My personal route would be to simply tell her my (your) experience, then let her decide which is the bigger risk, and which side effects she could better tolerate. She probably doesn't have the sense of humor you have to help comfort herself, though I don't know which choice would require that crutch more.

If she's like me, she may not even want anyone else's advice, sympathy, or prayers, but may be open to a simple conveyance of information, so she can make a more informed decision.

BTW, I'm glad to know you're doing better, and you've gained some weight back!
Yeah, that's my plan, just lay it all out there and let her choose her own path. It's not like there is an easy one. Hell, I spend my life staying alive. LOL, I retired and got this for a fulltime plus OT job.

However, I will do some questioning on what her oncologist has told her about the chemo treatment. They do not divulge everything upfront, they are trying to sell their treatment without making it look like sales. I don't blame them, they all work for large companies that are very aware when a patient has been diagnosed as Stage 4 and they consider that an A prospect. My wife and I surely were an easy sell. Hell, I was getting in their face about starting treatments before they did.

You think you know how you will respond to that news but until it really hits you right between the eyes, you really don't know. I literally came apart at the seams when I was informed by our doc about my wife. Surgeon tells me the same thing after the surgery and I just looked at him, he thought I didn't understand. I just didn't give a damn.

And Runny, the strangest thing of all and every member of my family has remarked about it as well as friends. A death sentence gave me a better outlook on life and this positive spirit thing I have going, that I did not know existed, has been most welcome. I was ready to die when I was alive and now that I've been told I am dying, I want to live but I cannot tell you why. It might be as simple as this has given purpose to my life because before I was just treading life.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Yeah, that's my plan, just lay it all out there and let her choose her own path. It's not like there is an easy one. Hell, I spend my life staying alive. LOL, I retired and got this for a fulltime plus OT job.

However, I will do some questioning on what her oncologist has told her about the chemo treatment. They do not divulge everything upfront, they are trying to sell their treatment without making it look like sales. I don't blame them, they all work for large companies that are very aware when a patient has been diagnosed as Stage 4 and they consider that an A prospect. My wife and I surely were an easy sell. Hell, I was getting in their face about starting treatments before they did.

You think you know how you will respond to that news but until it really hits you right between the eyes, you really don't know. I literally came apart at the seams when I was informed by our doc about my wife. Surgeon tells me the same thing after the surgery and I just looked at him, he thought I didn't understand. I just didn't give a damn.

And Runny, the strangest thing of all and every member of my family has remarked about it as well as friends. A death sentence gave me a better outlook on life and this positive spirit thing I have going, that I did not know existed, has been most welcome. I was ready to die when I was alive and now that I've been told I am dying, I want to live but I cannot tell you why. It might be as simple as this has given purpose to my life because before I was just treading life.
Maybe it took this for you to realize you didn't have to live without her forever. Now that you know there's a timeframe, you can try to get the most out of it, without the guilt of trying to be happy without her.

Whatever the reason, I'm happy the fog is lifting...if only a little.


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Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I am sorry to be coming into this so late. After radiation, I have been crashing. I fought it up until two weeks ago and told myself to let go and get better. That meant napping when I was tired without judgement. I've gotten a great deal of sleep in since. When I wake up, I don't know if I'm awake or on an extended pee break. Exciting stuff!

Thank you Coachadoodles for the update. We love that you are baffling your doctors in your own rebellious ways. It makes the sun shine a little friendlier rather than mocking us with Jully temperatures. We the people of Pops thread embrace and salute you through words which is what we have been given to work with. We make the most of it with our thinkysmarts. Montanalo and Runny are wonderful at it. I'm winging it with a muddled noodle of a brain right now.

As for talking to the woman with the diagnosis, be yourself. You are better at it than anyone I know. Whoop out some humor if it pleases you. Laughter is probably needed as much as all the experience you share with her. No, not that experience! The other experience. Yeah, the monkey paw one.

Oh, speaking of... ksk is going to be a daddy again! An isolated monkey at a zoo has mysteriously turned up pregnant.

Well, I must have been on an extended pee break and need to check the quality of my pillow again. Great big hugs for all!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I am sorry to be coming into this so late. After radiation, I have been crashing. I fought it up until two weeks ago and told myself to let go and get better. That meant napping when I was tired without judgement. I've gotten a great deal of sleep in since. When I wake up, I don't know if I'm awake or on an extended pee break. Exciting stuff!

Thank you Coachadoodles for the update. We love that you are baffling your doctors in your own rebellious ways. It makes the sun shine a little friendlier rather than mocking us with Jully temperatures. We the people of Pops thread embrace and salute you through words which is what we have been given to work with. We make the most of it with our thinkysmarts. Montanalo and Runny are wonderful at it. I'm winging it with a muddled noodle of a brain right now.

As for talking to the woman with the diagnosis, be yourself. You are better at it than anyone I know. Whoop out some humor if it pleases you. Laughter is probably needed as much as all the experience you share with her. No, not that experience! The other experience. Yeah, the monkey paw one.

Oh, speaking of... ksk is going to be a daddy again! An isolated monkey at a zoo has mysteriously turned up pregnant.

Well, I must have been on an extended pee break and need to check the quality of my pillow again. Great big hugs for all!
Your humor is fluid, even when you're half asleep.

Hope you feel better soon, doll!


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Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I am sorry to be coming into this so late. After radiation, I have been crashing. I fought it up until two weeks ago and told myself to let go and get better. That meant napping when I was tired without judgement. I've gotten a great deal of sleep in since. When I wake up, I don't know if I'm awake or on an extended pee break. Exciting stuff!

Thank you Coachadoodles for the update. We love that you are baffling your doctors in your own rebellious ways. It makes the sun shine a little friendlier rather than mocking us with Jully temperatures. We the people of Pops thread embrace and salute you through words which is what we have been given to work with. We make the most of it with our thinkysmarts. Montanalo and Runny are wonderful at it. I'm winging it with a muddled noodle of a brain right now.

As for talking to the woman with the diagnosis, be yourself. You are better at it than anyone I know. Whoop out some humor if it pleases you. Laughter is probably needed as much as all the experience you share with her. No, not that experience! The other experience. Yeah, the monkey paw one.

Oh, speaking of... ksk is going to be a daddy again! An isolated monkey at a zoo has mysteriously turned up pregnant.

Well, I must have been on an extended pee break and need to check the quality of my pillow again. Great big hugs for all!
I am? Ohhhh, that was you!!!! We should have some fine younguns together, albeit w/ tails and claws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Morning Pops and all y'all.

Update on my meeting with the lady facing a decision on her stage 4 prognosis.

I was relieved to find her not in state of panic but really focused on the options in front of her. I asked her some questions about her oncologist and was not relieved to learn she had the one I first went to see who had the bedside manner of a body snatcher. I was careful not to share my opinion of him or anything he'd told her because A, I am not qualified and B through E wasn't necessary, A was enough.

I asked her if she's trying to save her life or make the best of what's left of it and she gave me a strange look because I don't think she'd really stood back from it. And standing back from it when it's you is very difficult. I then told her that I went into this just trying to make the best of what was left and what was left turned out to be more than I'd thought there was.

I then began to tell her everything I'd done, what I'd continued to do and what had been dropped because it was not addressing my purpose, the quality of what was left. I told her it would be a lot easier and simpler to just turn everything over to them and follow directions.

I told her that the Monkey's Paw People really mean well but they all know someone or know of someone who beat the monster with a homeopathic regimen. There is no shortage of stories of miracles among the Monkey's Paw People or advice on what to do. They mean well but have no idea how many times you hear that. It is a totally different world among the Monkey's Paw People and there are a hell of a lot more of them than I had ever imagined.

I was very happy to see her smile and laugh quite a bit at some of my oddball humor and when we said goodbye she said I can do all of the things we've discussed but I don't know if I can get your attitude toward this, that's your secret weapon. That made me feel great because that is the most controllable variable in all of this.

I am pretty sure she's going with the Monkey's Paw People and I think she'd made her mind up before we met, I was not an influencer in that. I do think my influence will be in her approach and managing her own care. There are some highs and lows waiting for her that must be managed or they will manage her.

As far as how I am doing, getting on the real deal Marijahootchie, and not the synthetic, has helped my appetite and sleeping and watching hummingbirds and making slurping sounds when they hit the feeder and WWI airplane sounds when they dive bomb each other. They are amazing little creatures.
Last edited:


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and all y'all.

Update on my meeting with the lady facing a decision on her stage 4 prognosis.

I was relieved to find her not in state of panic but really focused on the options in front of her. I asked her some questions about her oncologist and was not relieved to learn she had the one I first went to see who had the bedside manner of a body snatcher. I was careful not to share my opinion of him or anything he'd told her because A, I am not qualified and B through E wasn't necessary, A was enough.

I asked her if she's trying to save her life or make the best of what's left of it and she gave me a strange look because I don't think she'd really stood back from it. And standing back from it when it's you is very difficult. I then told her that I went into this just trying to make the best of what was left and what was left turned out to be more than I'd thought there was.

I then began to tell her everything I'd done, what I'd continued to do and what had been dropped because it was not addressing my purpose, the quality of what was left. I told her it would be a lot easier and simpler to just turn everything over to them and follow directions.

I told her that the Monkey's Paw People really mean well but they all know someone or of someone who beat the monster with a homeopathic regimen. There is no shortage of stories of miracles among the Monkey's Paw People or advice on what to do. They mean well but have no idea how many times you hear that. It is a totally different world among the Monkey's Paw People and there are a hell of a lot more of them than I had ever imagined.

I was very happy to see her smile and laugh quite a bit at some of my oddball humor and when we said goodbye she said I can do all of the things we've discussed but I don't know if I can get your attitude toward this, that's your secret weapon. That made me feel great because that is the most controllable variable in all of this.

I am pretty sure she's going with the Monkey's Paw People and I think she'd made her mind up before we met, I was not an influencer in that. I do think my influence will be in her approach and managing her own care. There are some highs and lows waiting for her that must be managed or they will manage her.

As far as how I am doing, getting on the real deal Marijahootchie, and not the synthetic, has helped my appetite and sleeping and watching hummingbirds and making slurping sounds when they hit the feeder and WWI airplane sounds when they dive bomb each other. They are amazing little creatures.
If for no other reason, you've helped her see at least one thing to help her through this. As long she at least tries to keep a sense of humor, even if it's sporadic, she'll be much better for it.


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Well done Coachadoodles! We knew you had it in you. Monkey Paws - 2 / Chemo - 0

I remember having to take chemo class. They had gifts, so I didn't gripe too much. The teacher said those with a positive attitude has the best chance of survival. I though, welp I'm screwed. She got around to talking about another group that has just as good a chance of survival and that's the stubborn. Mental hands went up and I said "I'll make it". I did and I lived nappily ever after.

Now, did you find out if the woman has a jealous husband? Remember the last thing on your bucket list is to be shot climbing out a bedroom window by one.


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If for no other reason, you've helped her see at least one thing to help her through this. As long she at least tries to keep a sense of humor, even if it's sporadic, she'll be much better for it.
That applies to everything in life so it should also for anything about death.

The night of this surgery, the night nurse came in, herself a cancer survivor. She introduced herself and we began to talk. Me, under morphine and, hopefully, her not. She knew about my wife which caused the suspicion and I was telling her why chemo was a tough sale and she just smiled with this beautiful Asian smile and said "there are more things under the sun than we realize". At the time, that was cryptic enough but has only grown over time.

I told her that when my wife's prognosis was given, I hit my knees and prayed to God "to give it to me instead". I don't think he heard the instead at the end.

She laughed and then smiled that smile again. "You are 12 hours post-surgery and the prognosis for stage 4 and you can joke, I am not worried about you".

Too late in life, I have discovered the value of optimism and positive thinking and I regret not discovering this as a much younger man before my attitude could do harm, mostly to me. The only thing to do is put my mistakes out there and hope the younger can profit from it.
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Well done Coachadoodles! We knew you had it in you. Monkey Paws - 2 / Chemo - 0

I remember having to take chemo class. They had gifts, so I didn't gripe too much. The teacher said those with a positive attitude has the best chance of survival. I though, welp I'm screwed. She got around to talking about another group that has just as good a chance of survival and that's the stubborn. Mental hands went up and I said "I'll make it". I did and I lived nappily ever after.

Now, did you find out if the woman has a jealous husband? Remember the last thing on your bucket list is to be shot climbing out a bedroom window by one.
You remembered!

She is not married and she does have a really good laugh and those types seem to put me on stage, as my wife once mused. And she would be right again except I am going to take this on as a personal crusade to make this woman laugh when she's around but not for attention.

And X girl, I have crossed that off my bucket list because I looked at the odds of how many women would shoot me coming in through the window. Legion.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and all y'all.

Update on my meeting with the lady facing a decision on her stage 4 prognosis.

I was relieved to find her not in state of panic but really focused on the options in front of her. I asked her some questions about her oncologist and was not relieved to learn she had the one I first went to see who had the bedside manner of a body snatcher. I was careful not to share my opinion of him or anything he'd told her because A, I am not qualified and B through E wasn't necessary, A was enough.

I asked her if she's trying to save her life or make the best of what's left of it and she gave me a strange look because I don't think she'd really stood back from it. And standing back from it when it's you is very difficult. I then told her that I went into this just trying to make the best of what was left and what was left turned out to be more than I'd thought there was.

I then began to tell her everything I'd done, what I'd continued to do and what had been dropped because it was not addressing my purpose, the quality of what was left. I told her it would be a lot easier and simpler to just turn everything over to them and follow directions.

I told her that the Monkey's Paw People really mean well but they all know someone or know of someone who beat the monster with a homeopathic regimen. There is no shortage of stories of miracles among the Monkey's Paw People or advice on what to do. They mean well but have no idea how many times you hear that. It is a totally different world among the Monkey's Paw People and there are a hell of a lot more of them than I had ever imagined.

I was very happy to see her smile and laugh quite a bit at some of my oddball humor and when we said goodbye she said I can do all of the things we've discussed but I don't know if I can get your attitude toward this, that's your secret weapon. That made me feel great because that is the most controllable variable in all of this.

I am pretty sure she's going with the Monkey's Paw People and I think she'd made her mind up before we met, I was not an influencer in that. I do think my influence will be in her approach and managing her own care. There are some highs and lows waiting for her that must be managed or they will manage her.

As far as how I am doing, getting on the real deal Marijahootchie, and not the synthetic, has helped my appetite and sleeping and watching hummingbirds and making slurping sounds when they hit the feeder and WWI airplane sounds when they dive bomb each other. They are amazing little creatures.
@CouchCoach you are an amazing storyteller - especially considering the topic. The ability to weave humor, pathos, humanity, hope and life-lessons keeps me on the edge of my seat (of course, I am always looking for references to the Monkey's Paw Treatment - one of my quirks).

I admire and salute you!



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Morning Pops and all y'all.

Update on my meeting with the lady facing a decision on her stage 4 prognosis.

I was relieved to find her not in state of panic but really focused on the options in front of her. I asked her some questions about her oncologist and was not relieved to learn she had the one I first went to see who had the bedside manner of a body snatcher. I was careful not to share my opinion of him or anything he'd told her because A, I am not qualified and B through E wasn't necessary, A was enough.

I asked her if she's trying to save her life or make the best of what's left of it and she gave me a strange look because I don't think she'd really stood back from it. And standing back from it when it's you is very difficult. I then told her that I went into this just trying to make the best of what was left and what was left turned out to be more than I'd thought there was.

I then began to tell her everything I'd done, what I'd continued to do and what had been dropped because it was not addressing my purpose, the quality of what was left. I told her it would be a lot easier and simpler to just turn everything over to them and follow directions.

I told her that the Monkey's Paw People really mean well but they all know someone or know of someone who beat the monster with a homeopathic regimen. There is no shortage of stories of miracles among the Monkey's Paw People or advice on what to do. They mean well but have no idea how many times you hear that. It is a totally different world among the Monkey's Paw People and there are a hell of a lot more of them than I had ever imagined.

I was very happy to see her smile and laugh quite a bit at some of my oddball humor and when we said goodbye she said I can do all of the things we've discussed but I don't know if I can get your attitude toward this, that's your secret weapon. That made me feel great because that is the most controllable variable in all of this.

I am pretty sure she's going with the Monkey's Paw People and I think she'd made her mind up before we met, I was not an influencer in that. I do think my influence will be in her approach and managing her own care. There are some highs and lows waiting for her that must be managed or they will manage her.

As far as how I am doing, getting on the real deal Marijahootchie, and not the synthetic, has helped my appetite and sleeping and watching hummingbirds and making slurping sounds when they hit the feeder and WWI airplane sounds when they dive bomb each other. They are amazing little creatures.
Do not doubt the ‘influence’ you have had on her. Real-world-non-medical-true-human situations go a long way to breeding optimism in those who have nothing but darkened doorways in front of them. Seeing someone who’s standing in a lit doorway makes a huge difference CC. You’re doing a great job and earning those wings!


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Good afternoon Pops and Friends,

We had our 12 YO grandson for a couple of weeks and I am way behind in my Chuck Norris jokes (he thinks they are much funnier than just your run-of-the-mill dad joke):

If you spell "Chuck Norris" in Scrabble, you automatically win... forever.

Chuck Norris doesn't sleep, he waits.

Chuck Norris identifies as... Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris can do a wheelie on a unicycle.

Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch because he always knows what time it is.

No one calls Chuck Norris "Chuck", not even Chuck Norris.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
That applies to everything in life so it should also for anything about death.

The night of this surgery, the night nurse came in, herself a cancer survivor. She introduced herself and we began to talk. Me, under morphine and, hopefully, her not. She knew about my wife which caused the suspicion and I was telling her why chemo was a tough sale and she just smiled with this beautiful Asian smile and said "there are more things under the sun than we realize". At the time, that was cryptic enough but has only grown over time.

I told her that when my wife's prognosis was given, I hit my knees and prayed to God "to give it to me instead". I don't think he heard the instead at the end.

She laughed and then smiled that smile again. "You are 12 hours post-surgery and the prognosis for stage 4 and you can joke, I am not worried about you".

Too late in life, I have discovered the value of optimism and positive thinking and I regret not discovering this as a much younger man before my attitude could do harm, mostly to me. The only thing to do is put my mistakes out there and hope the younger can profit from it.
I was so fortunate with my kidney cancer diagnosis- caught relatively early- stage 2- had no chemo or radiation. Just had to remove my right kidney and was fortunate it had not spread beyond that.

The moment that moved me the most in my journey back to health was sitting in my oncologist’s crowded office one day, tired, somewhat down, not feeling well and wondering about my future. This was before my surgery. A teenaged girl- probably about 16- emerged from meeting with the doc, with a pole, no hair, and what appeared to be her mother in tow. She was smiling broadly and plopped down next to me. She immediately said “Hi” and started an upbeat conversation with her mom. If I had been blindfolded, I would have thought she was a healthy teen, excited about her school life.

I don't remember a word of what that girl said, but her sweet spirit and positivity in the face of her obviously serious challenges made something click in me. I felt better from that day forward even after a few setbacks.

Positivity, humor, and kindness make some kind of powerful medicine. I’ve thought about that sweet girl a hundred times since that day. If she made it, she’s probably in her mid to late 20s now. I choose to believe she did. Because her smile and spirit have certainly lived on.