Who here believes Jerry wants to keep Jason?


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Let me ask you a serious question. Do you agree with the offensive game management in the second half of the GB game? How about the Detroit game a couple of years ago when we had less injuries?

The injury excuse does not explain our all too frequent meltdowns. The team is good enough to jump all over our opponents for a full half or whatever only to crumble late. This does not appear to be a function of talent level...


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Being third in the NFL in scoring blows? Better come stronger than that.

Yeah, Garrett just had to get demoted for that. Denver game also obscures performance, coupled with inability to score against good teams. You also got to love how Sean Lee likes to return INTs within ten yards for the offense to score as well as our Special teams being pretty nasty, when we get a guy off the street running the ball to close to five yards to score.

Don't get me started on us being 3rd or so in TO differential, when last year we were middle of the pact. We had only like 17 TOs, when last year we have plus 11 with one more game to go. BTW, Romo had very similar numbers TD to INt ration two years ago and we were middle of the pact scoring. For all the people blaming Kiffin for hamstringing Garrett, HIs TOs play a part in the scoring.


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Do you want the truth? Or only to hear what you want to hear?

Either way, you'll get the truth. Jerry did not try and make Garrett quit. That's utterly silly. He sees the benefit of having a Coach long term to build something stable and that creates a culture. You can call it following the Steelers lead if you wish. Everyone in the organization believes Jason Garrett is the guy to do that because the players are 100% behind him and what he is trying to build here. No one in the NFL can overcome the type of injuries that have beset this team, the Packers, the Falcons, etc. In other words, our failures due to injuries are not unique. It happens when you have to use too many warm bodies instead of your best players.

Therefore, Jason Garrett is going to be here for a while as the Head Coach, and the success we all want is going to come, because the players have all bought in. We are drafting better. There is cohesion. They do not give up even when they are out manned. These are all good signs. I firmly believe we are going to beat the Eagles. I'd like to see the Packers beat the Bears so that we are the 3 seed in the playoffs. I don't care about being 9-7. I care about getting in, winning our Division instead of a team I hate, and then doing all we can to try and move on further. Do I think we are a Super Bowl contender? Not with this many injuries, but I want the playoffs, and I do believe we can win a game or two. Not saying we will, I believe we can. There is a difference.

If we do, the DFW media will then immediately try to manufacture a QB controversy in Dallas. It will go global and Jerry will be thrilled because people are talking about his team. Like they don't already. Did you see Inside the Huddle? Half the show was about Dallas losing Romo. The truth is there will be no controversy within the team.

I know the above will piss some people off, but it is the truth, not some wild fantasy fueled by frustrations and myths. Time to hate the Eagles if you are able to. If you are going to the game, be louder than you ever have been and encourage everyone around you to do the same. Go Cowboys!

the reality is that if we win sunday most cowboy fans will be happy and if we win a couple of playoff games that would be great

i can probably find you a couple of jaguars fans that 'believe' that they could win a game or 2 if they had somehow gotten into the playoffs, "i believe that we can" is a meaningless statement, is it realistic or likely for us to win 1-2 playoff games this year? no

dont you want a team that is likely to win playoff games nstead of one where you have to come up with this "believe" nonsense year after year after year?

sure, at some point garrett will something as HC, but that is likely several years from now when we will have wasted a great opportunity and the careers of a franchise QB, HOF TE and HOF DE at the altar of the chosen one

even that might not happen

the truly sad thing is that the real reason many support Garrett is not because they still think he is a good/great HC but because their own football ego's are tied to the success or failure of garrett and not of the cowboys. if garrett is a failure, they would need to admit they were duped and their ego's (like that of jerry) could not take that hit. and these are people who have been telling others how they know more about football than others and have been ridiculing others.

that is the real reason


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I don't have the slightest idea what Jerry will do. I know they will do their due diligence at season's end. I'm not sure what I'd do. I see the pros and cons of Jason and I believe the positives outweigh the negatives. If I were Jerry I'd be thankful for one more game at least. Until then I'll wait.

I think that's a completely reasonable position to take.

Hypothetically, what would YOU do if the team were to get soundly beaten Sunday Night?


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the reality is that if we win sunday most cowboy fans will be happy and if we win a couple of playoff games that would be great

i can probably find you a couple of jaguars fans that 'believe' that they could win a game or 2 if they had somehow gotten into the playoffs, "i believe that we can" is a meaningless statement, is it realistic or likely for us to win 1-2 playoff games this year? no

dont you want a team that is likely to win playoff games nstead of one where you have to come up with this "believe" nonsense year after year after year?

sure, at some point garrett will something as HC, but that is likely several years from now when we will have wasted a great opportunity and the careers of a franchise QB, HOF TE and HOF DE at the altar of the chosen one

even that might not happen

the truly sad thing is that the real reason many support Garrett is not because they still think he is a good/great HC but because their own football ego's are tied to the success or failure of garrett and not of the cowboys. if garrett is a failure, they would need to admit they were duped and their ego's (like that of jerry) could not take that hit. and these are people who have been telling others how they know more about football than others and have been ridiculing others.

that is the real reason

Excellent post!!!! Probably a lot of truth to the part in bold!!! I used to support him and hoped he be our next Landry until his mistakes piled upon more mistakes brought me to my senses. A team just can't have a head coach who cost them 2 - 4 games a season with some of the stupidest game / clock management in the history of the game.


The Duke
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Let me ask you a serious question. Do you agree with the offensive game management in the second half of the GB game? How about the Detroit game a couple of years ago when we had less injuries?

No, I don't. I also don't agree with Bill Belichick's decision to go for it on 4th and 3 in his own territory against Peyton Manning and the Colts a few years back. I didn't think he should be fired for it either, and I wouldn't have thought he should even if he hadn't had the success he has. Fire a coach when they lose the team, not when they make a human error.


The Duke
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Hos, I know you like Garrett and are completely sold on him being our next Landry, but does the fact that he has cost us games with terrible clock management decisions not bother you even a little? I know you know football so you have to be able to see his mistakes. Do you think he is going to learn and outgrow them or do we have to build a team so good on both sides of the ball that he never has to make critical clock decisions? I don't want to debate because I will never change your mind and vice versa, I just curious how you feel about his mistakes.:)

Of course it bothers me. But I also know coaches learn from mistakes they make. Just like you and I do. Jimmy never made mistakes? Of course he did. All coaches do. The bigger picture to me is that the best players on this team are firmly, and unequivocally behind the man. If he is fired, I suspect you will get earlier retirements and guys leaving who do not want to go through a new coach and systems. Is that hunky dorey with you?


The Duke
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If everybody in the organization believes in Garrett then the Dallas Franchise has serious organizational issues. A Blind Man can see the Truth about Garrett but the people who witness his actions day to day cannot see his incompetance, lack of experience, and inability to make any adjustments during a game.

I have been a Cowboy fan since 1975 (I was 10 years old) and these last few years under Garrett have soured me as a Cowboy Fan. The Cowboys came before everything in my Life during the Football Season. Now, Football is an afterthought under the "Reign of OP". I want a new HC and I want my Dallas Cowboys back. Until Garrett is Fired, we are all in Football Exile. I wanted Jim Harbaugh a few years ago when we officially hired Garrett and I know that Garrett was and still is the wrong HC for Dallas.

You were strong enough to survive the Campo years, but can't survive a team playing for their division 3 years in a row? That osteoporosis has rotted out your backbone. Take some calcium my friend.


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Do you want the truth? Or only to hear what you want to hear?

Either way, you'll get the truth. Jerry did not try and make Garrett quit. That's utterly silly. He sees the benefit of having a Coach long term to build something stable and that creates a culture. You can call it following the Steelers lead if you wish. Everyone in the organization believes Jason Garrett is the guy to do that because the players are 100% behind him and what he is trying to build here. No one in the NFL can overcome the type of injuries that have beset this team, the Packers, the Falcons, etc. In other words, our failures due to injuries are not unique. It happens when you have to use too many warm bodies instead of your best players.

Therefore, Jason Garrett is going to be here for a while as the Head Coach, and the success we all want is going to come, because the players have all bought in. We are drafting better. There is cohesion. They do not give up even when they are out manned. These are all good signs. I firmly believe we are going to beat the Eagles. I'd like to see the Packers beat the Bears so that we are the 3 seed in the playoffs. I don't care about being 9-7. I care about getting in, winning our Division instead of a team I hate, and then doing all we can to try and move on further. Do I think we are a Super Bowl contender? Not with this many injuries, but I want the playoffs, and I do believe we can win a game or two. Not saying we will, I believe we can. There is a difference.

If we do, the DFW media will then immediately try to manufacture a QB controversy in Dallas. It will go global and Jerry will be thrilled because people are talking about his team. Like they don't already. Did you see Inside the Huddle? Half the show was about Dallas losing Romo. The truth is there will be no controversy within the team.

I know the above will piss some people off, but it is the truth, not some wild fantasy fueled by frustrations and myths. Time to hate the Eagles if you are able to. If you are going to the game, be louder than you ever have been and encourage everyone around you to do the same. Go Cowboys!

"Truth" is an interesting choice of words here.

I see more 'wants' than 'truths'.

Jerry wants Garrett to succeed, all evidence to the contrary.

Jerry wants to be 'right' doing it 'his way', all results to the contrary.

And people want Garrett to be the next Tom Landry, all evidence to the contrary.

'Truth' is 8-8, 8-8, and 8-7.

That's as real and as truthful as it gets.

For all the 'process', 'culture', 'climate', or 'never quit' rhetoric, the absolute and undeniable 'truth' is that none of it results in wins.

After three plus seasons, the wins haven't happened.

That's the inconvenient 'truth' that no one can deny.

Everything else is just talk.


The Duke
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the truly sad thing is that the real reason many support Garrett is not because they still think he is a good/great HC but because their own football ego's are tied to the success or failure of garrett and not of the cowboys. if garrett is a failure, they would need to admit they were duped and their ego's (like that of jerry) could not take that hit. and these are people who have been telling others how they know more about football than others and have been ridiculing others.

that is the real reason
Maybe, but I assure you it is not my reason. Have a fine day worrying yourself to death about tomorrow. Go Cowboys.


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Of course it bothers me. But I also know coaches learn from mistakes they make. Just like you and I do. Jimmy never made mistakes? Of course he did. All coaches do. The bigger picture to me is that the best players on this team are firmly, and unequivocally behind the man. If he is fired, I suspect you will get earlier retirements and guys leaving who do not want to go through a new coach and systems. Is that hunky dorey with you?

He just makes too many mistakes for my blood. As for people retiring with a regime change, I seriously doubt that would happen. If Romo leaves it will be because of his back, not the coach. I will say Romo's back scares the heck out of me because I have had two back surgeries on two different ruptured disc in my life and I can say first hand I am not near the man I used to be and I don't get hit by 300 lbs. men for a living.


The Duke
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"Truth" is an interesting choice of words here.
Interesting, and right. I'm not guessing. What I told you is exactly what you should expect is going to unfold. I mean as far as the direction this team wants to go. There is no desire to start over anywhere on this team, except next year with the same core, and some new blood to help the depth and replace the dead.


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Of course it bothers me. But I also know coaches learn from mistakes they make. Just like you and I do. Jimmy never made mistakes? Of course he did. All coaches do. The bigger picture to me is that the best players on this team are firmly, and unequivocally behind the man. If he is fired, I suspect you will get earlier retirements and guys leaving who do not want to go through a new coach and systems. Is that hunky dorey with you?

Garrett hasn't learned.

The same mistakes from year one are happening as of two weeks ago.

And if any of the players want out, I would say they're free to go.

We can be just as ineffective without them as we have been with them.

And that will be the day that I allow the inmates to run the asylum.

Too many hands in this pot already.


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You were strong enough to survive the Campo years, but can't survive a team playing for their division 3 years in a row? That osteoporosis has rotted out your backbone. Take some calcium my friend.


I respect your opnion and support of Garrett but Campo had no talent to speak of and I knew we were not contenders. I can accept the obvious. This Team has talent but the Man in Charge has no talent to speak of. We also play in the NFC Least right now so we have a chance for the division every year no matter if Dumbo was our HC.


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Jerry Jones has given Jason Garrett every chance to succeed, and, I think it is pretty obvious that he does not want to fire him. However, even Jerry is pretty much reaching the limits. No owner 'wants' to fire a coach. It costs lots of money and is a difficult process hiring another coach and starting anew.

Garrett was given way beyond the benefit of the doubt. He had plenty of chances. He has not delivered to date. 3-1/2 years is plenty of time to show potential. Garrett has shown none. Time to move on. Sorry Garrett-symps (all three of you left): it is just a matter of time when he gets fired. Either after Sunday's game or the following season. Garrett doesn't have 'it.' He never did and Jerry hoped he would develop 'it.' Garrett won't ever get 'it.' The sooner he is fired, the better for the Cowboys. Hopefully, Jerry will make the right call. Time to give someone else a chance.


The Duke
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He just makes too many mistakes for my blood. As for people retiring with a regime change, I seriously doubt that would happen. If Romo leaves it will be because of his back, not the coach. I will say Romo's back scares the heck out of me because I have had two back surgeries on two different ruptured disc in my life and I can say first hand I am not near the man I used to be and I don't get hit by 300 lbs. men for a living.
If Romo leaves it will be because of his back, yes, but also because he does not want a new coach. He'd fight through the back for Garrett. He's that kind of guy. Witten is going to go into the Hall of Fame. I promise you he is going to ask Garrett to introduce him. Sean Lee likes Garrett more than he did Paterno. Ware will fight through just like Tony, but I think he'd simply walk away due to injuries as well. Have you ehard Dez Bryant talk about how Garrett is the reason for the change in him? This stuff should matter to Cowboys fans, in my opinion. If it doesn't, I have no business being someone you ask about anything because these are the things upon which I base my opinions. I value the thoughts of the team over the dust kicked up by the media and the coughing that causes among the fans.


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Interesting, and right. I'm not guessing. What I told you is exactly what you should expect is going to unfold. I mean as far as the direction this team wants to go. There is no desire to start over anywhere on this team, except next year with the same core, and some new blood to help the depth and replace the dead.

I wouldn't doubt that it is going to happen.

But the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

I know what all of these people 'want'. And I also know that it is not what ever happens.

And again, truth is 8-8, 8-8, and 8-7.

Anything else is want.