Charles Barkley with the rim shot regarding Greg Hardy

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Country music is famous for taking everyday things that happen to people and turning them into songs. Is there a country song about piling on? I wanna text the track to my boy Chuck.

I still think we should have won game six against the Bulls, Chuck. :( Still pisses me off. :mad:

But the mediots are the ones that have really piled on. I see Chuck as just trying to move the pile closer to the middle of the landfill.


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Crazy, drunk, coked up bish running around my apartment screaming? I'd have my associate put her down too. If it was another man this wouldn't even be a story but because we all want to view women as defenseless little creatures who can't defend themselves this gets blown up. Women are equal to men, why can't you cis-mail scum see that?


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Exactly! If we are to question hardy's character shouldn't we question the character of someone who takes a payout?
She is guilty as he is in the whole ordeal.

But she has disappeared out of the public eye. Meanwhile, Hardy ...


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Proving Barkley's point here. The victim becomes the perpetrator, under investigation for what they did or didn't do instead of talking about what happened to them, why or who did it. We all assume, because of our privilege, that victims of abuse can just go to the cops and all will be well, but the reality is anything but.

Good article from Barkley. Very empathetic--empathy being typically discarded in this discussion



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Crazy, drunk, coked up bish running around my apartment screaming? I'd have my associate put her down too. If it was another man this wouldn't even be a story but because we all want to view women as defenseless little creatures who can't defend themselves this gets blown up. Women are equal to men, why can't you cis-mail scum see that?

So what does it say about Hardy that he has a "crazy, drunk, coked up 'bish' running around (his) house screaming"?

And if this were another man other than a Cowboys player, it's a good bet that most of this forum wouldn't be as passionate about this subject.

Furthermore, equality of personhood is not the same as equality based on physical prowess and physical attributes.

Women and men are equal in terms of personhood within our country. They are not equal in terms of physical prowess.

The law takes into consideration physical prowess, i.e., you cannot use maximum force if you are a 6'5 280lb man trying to defend yourself against a 5'5 120lb woman. Unless that woman has a sword or has you trapped in a corner with a meat cleaver, you cannot use maximum force against her because the law assumes that you could get away or use minimal force to extract yourself from the situation.

And this is only reasonable. As I've shared on this forum previously, I had a girlfriend who scratched and clawed me, drawing blood. All I did was told her I wasn't going to purchase a gift for her mother because that's something that's personal that she should buy for her mother.
However, I did not retaliate because I was physically stronger than she. I only held her off of me. And I didn't create bruises on her arms.

While I've changed my position somewhat regarding whether Hardy beat her, I believe he did put his hands on her and not merely to restrain her. And because of his size, I can see him - if he wanted to - picking her up and carrying her outside his apartment, dumping her in the hallway and locking the door as he reentered the apartment.

It's like when I was at my previous barber during the O.J. Simpson trial and my barber was trying to argue that O.J. couldn't have killed two people at the same time. And I'm like, "Never underestimate the power of a professional athlete, particularly when you have a petrified spouse (ex-spouse Nicole Simpson) and a kid (Ronald Goldman) who probably can't fight."


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totally agree with barkley. its like so many people want him out of the NFL and then what, cuz hes out of site hes out mind? does kicking him out of the NFL prevent him from ever doing it again. if anything it probably makes him more susceptible do it again by not getting help. everyone now a days with social media thinks their opinion is important and needs to be validated when in reality their opinion isnt worth two *****. Also think its a bit ridiculous that people choose to be outraged after they see pictures. just hearing that someone was assaulted isnt enough to induce mass hysteria people need to see the damage and then go wild. the media outlets especially espn are really hammering this topic home for one because its an easy news story and for two because any news good or bad about the cowboys is a ratings gold mine, i dont think jerry really gives a damn what the people think and he shouldnt. in time this will pass and the sheep will find something else to be outraged and offended over, they always do.

in other news lets congratulate hope solo on her woman of the year award.
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I've said this countless times. There's his story, there's her story, and then there's the truth. We've all heard the first two stories. We will never hear the truth. This case is closed. These idiots in the media, and ex sports "stars", need to chime-out already. I'll guarantee you there are abusers on EVERY team in the NFL. We can all agree it's a huge problem but Hardy needs to be left alone now. This is not a video taped Ray Rice incident. There's only 2 people that know exactly what went on that night and they are not on this board or in the media.....


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Link to the article.

Charles Barkley:

I need to get this off my chest.

I don't know Greg Hardy. I'm not sure I like Greg Hardy. And I'm damned sure I know I don't want Greg Hardy dating my daughter. Let me be clear: Domestic violence is 100 percent wrong. In this case, Hardy went through the judicial system. We need to find a way to stop giving up on black men. We need to get Hardy psychological help, similar to how Brandon Marshall faced up to his particular issues.

I know what Greg Hardy allegedly did to Nicole Holder in 2014 when he played in Charlotte. I know what she said in the restraining order she got against him: "Greg Hardy attacked me in his apartment. Hardy picked me up and threw me into the tile tub area in his bathroom. I have bruises from head to toe, including my head, neck, back, shoulders, arms, legs, elbow and feet. Hardy pulled me from the tub by my hair, screaming at me that he was going to kill me, break my arms and other threats that I completely believe. ... Hardy choked me with both hands around my throat while I was lying on the floor. Hardy picked me up over his head and threw me onto a couch covered in assault rifles and/or shotguns. I landed on those weapons. Hardy bragged that all of those assault rifles were loaded. Landing on those weapons bruised my neck and back."

I know that Greg Hardy was initially convicted by a Charlotte judge, who said at the time, "The court is entirely convinced Hardy is guilty of assault on a female and communicating threats." But I also know that Hardy appealed the verdict, which he was allowed to do under North Carolina law, and asked for a jury trial—and that the case was ultimately dismissed after Holder stopped cooperating with prosecutors, who said later that Hardy and Holder worked out a settlement.

I know that what Holder did is not unusual, that battered women often wind up not going through with charging partners with domestic violence because it is so hard to get a conviction and that the battered person often becomes the one put on trial. I know that women (men get beat up, too, but many more women do) feel that they or their kids or both can't count on real protection from the police or prosecutors when they're being abused or stalked, so they often don't seek out the cops.

Read the rest:

"1 year and a half later".... Quote, unquote:hammer:


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So what does it say about Hardy that he has a "crazy, drunk, coked up 'bish' running around (his) house screaming"?

And if this were another man other than a Cowboys player, it's a good bet that most of this forum wouldn't be as passionate about this subject.

Furthermore, equality of personhood is not the same as equality based on physical prowess and physical attributes.

Women and men are equal in terms of personhood within our country. They are not equal in terms of physical prowess.

The law takes into consideration physical prowess, i.e., you cannot use maximum force if you are a 6'5 280lb man trying to defend yourself against a 5'5 120lb woman. Unless that woman has a sword or has you trapped in a corner with a meat cleaver, you cannot use maximum force against her because the law assumes that you could get away or use minimal force to extract yourself from the situation.

And this is only reasonable. As I've shared on this forum previously, I had a girlfriend who scratched and clawed me, drawing blood. All I did was told her I wasn't going to purchase a gift for her mother because that's something that's personal that she should buy for her mother.
However, I did not retaliate because I was physically stronger than she. I only held her off of me. And I didn't create bruises on her arms.

While I've changed my position somewhat regarding whether Hardy beat her, I believe he did put his hands on her and not merely to restrain her. And because of his size, I can see him - if he wanted to - picking her up and carrying her outside his apartment, dumping her in the hallway and locking the door as he reentered the apartment.

It's like when I was at my previous barber during the O.J. Simpson trial and my barber was trying to argue that O.J. couldn't have killed two people at the same time. And I'm like, "Never underestimate the power of a professional athlete, particularly when you have a petrified spouse (ex-spouse Nicole Simpson) and a kid (Ronald Goldman) who probably can't fight."

I don't think any one is saying Hardy is smart. Just that she was smarter.


Lightning Rod
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The problem is we don't know if she took a payout.

And the other thing is just like Charles mentioned, there are plenty of reasons why women that are legitimately abused stop cooperating with law enforcement.

Barkley's article misses some key points in the case because he's too busy trying to convince the reader that he's not for female abuse, but wants black men to be given a second chance.

This really shouldn't be a race issue. This should be a gender issue of how our society has increasingly taken the female's side in issues like this. Such as the case of Owen Labrie, who was arrested for raping a female student that was 3-years younger than he was despite there being no DNA evidence and the female corresponding with Labrie in a friendly manner thru the computer. Labrie was found innocent of the rape crimes, but was found guilty of 'seducing a minor thru a computer' the judge scolded Labrie and proclaimed to Labrie that 'you expect us to believe that you did not have intercourse with her?' Again, there was no DNA evidence, but Labrie was still guilty in the judge's eyes. The judge's mind was made up despite that pesky DNA evidence missing.

Or the Brian Banks story where he was arrested, tried and convicted of raping a fellow student in high school and spent 5 years in prison and saw his football career virtually extinguished. The female student later admitted that she made up the story.

Or the Jameis Winston incident which again, if you merely have skepticism about the victim's story because the story is contradictory, doesn't make sense and has inaccuracies...society is willing to immediately believe the female and get the torches and pitchforks out.

So, I don't have a problem with a payout and I don't think that means that Holder is not credible or that Hardy automatically didn't do it. What I do have a problem with is how the press and social justice warriors simply will not allow people to question whether the accuser's claims are true. That's not how this country works. And whether the press or the social justice warriors in the world like it or not, you're innocent until proven guilty in the country.


good take

I remember last year in the NHL playoffs. A female fan of the Ottawa Senators claimed that Canadiens' fans in Montreal abused her, threw stuff at her, poured beer on her and called her names and that security would not help her. She got a few days of glory out of it. CanadienFan was falling over himself apologizing on twitter, saying he would have punched the guys who did it etc. I said, well how do we know she is being truthful. The response to me was, I never thought for a second she might not be truthful.

I lost faith in humanity.

I suspect there is truth in both Hardy and Holder's versions.


Lightning Rod
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She was white?;)

or is she a very light sista ;)


Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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totally agree with barkley. its like so many people want him out of the NFL and then what, cuz hes out of site hes out mind? does kicking him out of the NFL prevent him from ever doing it again. if anything it probably makes him more susceptible do it again by not getting help. everyone now a days with social media thinks their opinion is important and needs to be validated when in reality their opinion isnt worth two ****s. Also think its a bit ridiculous that people choose to be outraged after they see pictures. just hearing that someone was assaulted isnt enough to induce mass hysteria people need to see the damage and then go wild. the media outlets especially espn are really hammering this topic home for one because its an easy news story and for two because any news good or bad about the cowboys is a ratings gold mine, i dont think jerry really gives a damn what the people think and he shouldnt. in time this will pass and the sheep will find something else to be outraged and offended over, they always do.

in other news lets congratulate hope solo on her woman of the year award.

In other news, let's congratulate BSPN on their hypocrisy in handling the Berman sexual harassment faux pas. Won't hear much about that...... Count on it. ******* hypocrites.