Signed by Cowboys Cowboys Sign DT Brian Price


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he played really well vs the run.
good re-sign.

@19....Calvin Ridley,WR-Alabama or Isaiah Wynn,OG-Georgia.


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Actually I believe the cowboys finished sixteenth in yard per carry. I'e brought this up twice before but I'll post it again.the cowboys defend gave up a hundred yards rushing in eight out of sixteen games . in four out of those eight games the cowboys gave up over 150 yards rushing. Sean Lee played in four of those games and i believe maliek Collins played the one tech in five of those games. So no, the cowboys run defense is not fine
great points backed by facts. You speak the truth. Until we admit we have a problem,we wont solve it. When Seattle and their ilk can run on us with 2 3rd string backs and a patchwork oline to boot..our defense is not FINE.


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This team finished #8 in yards IIRC on defense. They have a solid d line and cornerback group. I think the team values defense but this particular position is not high priority.

Yards per game is an awful gauge especially when just about every other defensive stat was middle of the pack to lower third.


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I believe he means we couldn’t stop the run when we needed to.. Stats like that can be misleading because they leave out specific game situations.. If you are ahead, teams will pass more, if you’re down teams tend to run more, etc...

Stats like that are actually a hell of a lot better than blowhard speculation. Stats are limiting but not a limiting as baseless claims.

Stats = objective

Blowhard speculation = "I can say whatever I want and act like it is true"


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I like price and feel he has potential but the one tech position still needs more attention.I think price stuffed a few runs last year in his limited playing time.
As Ive said,I like him...just not as someone we can count on. He's a nice depth guy in the rotation and never will be more than that.My fear is that we will think we can throw him out there and not address that position in free agency or draft.


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Stats like that are actually a hell of a lot better than blowhard speculation. Stats are limiting but not a limiting as baseless claims.

Stats = objective

Blowhard speculation = "I can say whatever I want and act like it is true"

The compilation of stats would indicate to any rational fan that the Cowboys were not a good run D last year. They were mediocre.

Middle of the pack in yards per carry, 21st in Football Outsidrers advanced run D analysis, etc.


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great points backed by facts. You speak the truth. Until we admit we have a problem,we wont solve it. When Seattle and their ilk can run on us with 2 3rd string backs and a patchwork oline to boot..our defense is not FINE.

Thank you. I don' know why some of my fellow cowboy fans have trouble acknowledging reality. I guess its up to those of us who are honest fans to speak the truth in vain hopes someone in the cowboys front office listens.


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Anyone thinking this defense was anything more than average is blind as hell.
Your being kind actually. In situational times we couldn't stop the run. IE...Seattle,San Diego down the a must win sitch, we failed to stop anyone.


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Thank you. I don' know why some of my fellow cowboy fans have trouble acknowledging reality. I guess its up to those of us who are honest fans to speak the truth in vain hopes someone in the cowboys front office listens.
No prob...its astonishing how fans want the sexy pick or free agent when whats needed is that big fat boy or bruiser in the middle. Its not very sexy but its what is needed. Teams aren't built from the back inward...its just not the way it is. Look at the Falcons. They have Julio Jones...but cannot stop anyone. Its the teams that can balance the two...but its starts up front. I like Price,but he's just a guy until he proves he's something more...and he needs to stay healthy.Nice rotational piece,but we need at least 2 more bad dudes in the middle and Irving has got to stay at DE.


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Good signing, locking Price up for a couple years. Good vs run and can hold his ground against a double team, just what DAL needs in a backup 1Tech.


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Good signing, locking Price up for a couple years. Good vs run and can hold his ground against a double team, just what DAL needs in a backup 1Tech.
Agree actually. But my fear is management feels that's enough. He's just a guy right now...we don't even know if he makes the team due to his health. Its a nothing burger of a signing until we know he's 100%.


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Step 1: Find fat guy with bad knees and/or bad back. Preferably someone who's a cast off from a good team.

Step 2: Sign him up. Act like he's healthy and will be a significant contributor and that we got him for a value bc we're just smarter and more resourceful than other teams.

Step 3: Insist we're just unlucky when said player amounts to nothing because of injuries.


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It would be refreshing if we went all in on the defense in free agency and the draft and built a special defense that can the Ravens back in the day. In this division..we had better have a sturdy defense up front or we will look bad for a very long time. I been studying the other teams thus far and what moves they have made...speaking on our division, and let me tell you,knowing what we know about the Iggles team,we gotta have a near perfect draft this year and hit at least 2 home runs in free agency or its Katy Bar the Door ...stick a fork in us for 2018. The playoffs go thru Philly, period. Gotta draft accordingly. Free agency is mega huge this year for us...its vital. I'm interested on what you all think and what your philosophy is going forward in free agency etc.What do you all think needs to happen Monday when free agency kicks off officially?Thanks.


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Step 1: Find fat guy with bad knees and/or bad back. Preferably someone who's a cast off from a good team.

Step 2: Sign him up. Act like he's healthy and will be a significant contributor and that we got him for a value bc we're just smarter and more resourceful than other teams.

Step 3: Insist we're just unlucky when said player amounts to nothing because of injuries.
The Jerry Jones School for Wayward Gm's. lol


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Clearly we do not value defense . If they think simply changing the coach (Kris Richard) gonna fix this team defensively they are very mistaken. Even good coaches need good moving parts. Even Marinelli needs players. During his Tenure JJ has been giving Rod M. boloney and expecting him to serve steak dinner! Its stupid! Its the same old repetitive dumb ideas.

coordinators only look good if their players make plays. and only good players consistently make good plays.

it has been sooooo long since anyone feared our defense.


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I line Price. As the 2nd 1 Tech.

But you are probably right. They think he’s a starter along with Collins.
I see Price/Collins combo as a solid 2nd unit at DT. IMO David Irving is the starting 3Tech, leaving a starting 1Tech as a need.


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coordinators only look good if their players make plays. and only good players consistently make good plays.

it has been sooooo long since anyone feared our defense.
Since the 90's. That's an eternity.