If Dez Was Released Soley Over Money, Why Are Players Scared To Talk?


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Beasly is on Twitter saying that he cant say what he wants to or else "I might be next".

Now if Dez was released soley because of his contract, why would Beasly have anything to worry about? Why would Beasly need to be very restricted in what he says if he didn't believe Dez questioning the offense had a role in his release?

Beasly, and I suspect some other players, clearly do think Dez was released for questioning the team and that is why they are scared to say anything on social media for fearing reprisal from the organization.
do you have a link to beasely tweet?


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Beasly is on Twitter saying that he cant say what he wants to or else "I might be next".

Now if Dez was released soley because of his contract, why would Beasly have anything to worry about? Why would Beasly need to be very restricted in what he says if he didn't believe Dez questioning the offense had a role in his release?

Beasly, and I suspect some other players, clearly do think Dez was released for questioning the team and that is why they are scared to say anything on social media for fearing reprisal from the organization.
Dez wasn't released because of money, he would have agreed to a pay cut if afford. If it's about money rumors surfaced Watkins was offered more than what Dez was making. Like Dez said it became personal.


1st Round Pick
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Several things:

1. It definitely wasn't just about money, as Dez wasn't even offered a pay cut.

2. Garrett isn't powerful in the sense that he actually controls things, but he does have Stephen and Jerry's ear, and if he whines long enough to them that he can't win with such-and-such player or coach, the Joneses may eventually agree.

3. Garrett's always been a no-accountability snake, going back to when he was OC and let Wade take all the bullets even for his own unacceptable mistakes (e.g. Tashard Choice fumble to lose the Skins opener). He's always leaked scapegoats to the media to protect his own reputation, whether that be Crayton, TO, Newman, Callahan, Rob Ryan, or even Tony Romo.

The only thing worse than Garrett might be the DFW media who have bought into his superficial facade from the start and consistently refused to hold him accountable despite many years of mediocre (at best) results.

If we struggle this year fans will check out and TV ratings will plummet. That’s what it will take to get rid of Garrett.

I don’t think they care at all what result he gets. As long as the fans are entertained he’ll keep on coaching this team.


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The honest answer is the Cowboys don’t want to have to get rid of their favorite country club member Jason Garrett.

The fans know he sucks.. The players know he sucks... Our opponent say we are easy to scheme for.

Winning is so far down the list of this teams priorities.


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I will give you that about the coaching...its shaky at best. But shame on Dez...men don't run their mouth on the way out the door.I am disappointed. How many games did we see where he simply had a mental meltdown of sorts and lost interest? TOO MANY. At one time he was uncoverable.But now he could rarely get any separation. He has clearly slowed.
Yeh I agree he wasn't the same guy. But I give him credit just like i did T.O. that there was no doubt in my mind that he wanted to play at the highest level and would do anything to win a game. If you were him and saw things weren't working on the field and suggested something different and they told you get lost, you would be upset with those guys too. That probably happened then he plays by their rules and those guys team up on him to get him cut. As a man I'll take my lumps for not doing well, but when you're the fall guy it's a tough pill.


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Yeh I agree he wasn't the same guy. But I give him credit just like i did T.O. that there was no doubt in my mind that he wanted to play at the highest level and would do anything to win a game. If you were him and saw things weren't working on the field and suggested something different and they told you get lost, you would be upset with those guys too. That probably happened then he plays by their rules and those guys team up on him to get him cut. As a man I'll take my lumps for not doing well, but when you're the fall guy it's a tough pill.
good point.


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The only way this is a good football decision is if they make a big move and pay that person the money they saved by cutting dez.
Earl Thomas Maybe? Could that be the big picture? Maybe Bowman as well? This would make sense. Plus we gotta pay DLaw and Martin.


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Beasly is on Twitter saying that he cant say what he wants to or else "I might be next".

Now if Dez was released soley because of his contract, why would Beasly have anything to worry about? Why would Beasly need to be very restricted in what he says if he didn't believe Dez questioning the offense had a role in his release?

Beasly, and I suspect some other players, clearly do think Dez was released for questioning the team and that is why they are scared to say anything on social media for fearing reprisal from the organization.
first of all, off the field Beasley talks like a sailor and acts like a female dog. I like his play on the field, but yeah if i was his boss I would assume he keep quiet because he surely would probably say something to get himself canned based on his social feeds.
throwing a tantrum on the sideline visible enough to where the media focus' on that rather than the game is a little more than "questioning the team" as you put it. If you act like a child in public, can you imagine how he acts in the locker room/practice field?
as far as anyone else speaking up, there was Taco and Jaylon.... right? Even Beasley himself answered why more did not speak up on social media, basically asking why he has to publicly say something about it to be validated. Since when do players have to keep us informed on their thoughts in social media? they should keep their problems and work them out in the real world, leave the social networking crap to everyone else

If we would of kept Dez, I would say trade Beasley for whatever we could get out of him since this is his last year with us, but now we need him to play out his last year.


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Earl Thomas Maybe? Could that be the big picture? Maybe Bowman as well? This would make sense. Plus we gotta pay DLaw and Martin.
Martin would be a cap savings this season if we signed him to a big deal. Dlaw was never going to get a deal done this year. Because he put up those numbers 1 season out of 4. Earl Thomas or Bowman I'm ok with. But we have to at least bring in some talent if we are going to cut a guy who would obviously start on this team.

waving monkey

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Do you know anyone close to the team who says Dez was anything but a hardworking teammate or are you just making things up?
I'm in keeping with the posters on the zone.
But to your question,after eight years in the NFL and his route skills are universally panned
I think that suggest lack of focus on his job.
Did he like to run and work out hard I bet he did. Thats not working on the technical side of his profession and if he did he sucked at it. It's not hard.
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Fattening up
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Dez was let go partly because of his production bs cap him. It was more than just money or they would have made him an offer at a lesser rate. They were done with him no matter what. It wasn't just business.

It might have been a ‘fit’ issue, too. Or the fact they thought he’d be discontent playing at a number they could live with. I don’t think we really know what the issues were, and it’s hard to guess knowing there was dysfunction nobody’s talking about going on with the staff, too.


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*passes out tissues*.......... can't we have a "tears for Dez" thread that all these tears could be place into .................lmao......


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So an incompetent jellyfish who has accomplished absolutely nothing has more control?

You're right, that's a scary thought
So then,why bother watching the games? I must ask. If its a forgone conclusion and not up for debate...why bother? No disrespect intended.


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I think garrett is good at what he is doing.

The things you demand from a person in a leading position is a bit overdone for my taste. Of course garretts job also is to put people in the right position to maximize their talent. But that is mostly true for the Coordinators and position coaches who work under him. Those have the job to put the players into the right position to succeed.

Now you can argue that they all hadnt the right approach with Dez Bryant. The werent able to handle his ego or to put him in the right position to succees.

Since Bryant was here it was always that coaches didnt use him right. They wouldnt let him motion. Let him play the slot. Run other routes. So many good coaches and nobody was able to do it right with Bryant. That makes me wonder if the problem wasnt with all thise coaches but with exactly one person (Dez Bryant).

Also you have to be able to work with different egos and form a team out of them. Get their mind focused on the main goal. But this goes only so far as your players want to do this also. You cant force people into something and a leader doesnt have the power nor the task to change players mindsets nor talents. On the contrary he has the task to put the whole team in a position to be the most successfull as it can be. He also has to get rid of distractions if he senses one. If he isnt able to handle a big ego of course you could say he is a weak leader. But that is away to simplistic kind of view. And it happens everywhere in every business. Is Godell a weak leader because he got rid of JJ when it came to the argument between them ? No. If you cant work with somebody it will always be a question of power. And Godell used his power and so did Garrett.

Humans are no gods. Everybody has its weaknesses and so does Garrett. Maybe he is not the leader you demand him to be. But then do you need that kind of leading person to have a successfull team? I dont think so.
I give him mucho cred for dealing with multiple ego's in that building for as long as he has. I don't think fans have a real idea how talented mentally you must be balancing it all out.


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I'm in keeping with the posters on the zone.
But to your question,after eight years in the NFL and his route skills are universally panned
I think that suggest lack of focus on his job.
Did he like to run and work out hard I bet he did. Thats not working on the technical side of his profession and if he did he sucked at it. It's not hard.
I think you should go back and watch dez in 2010