FEATURED Morning Pops!


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Afternoon Pops and friends. It's in the mid 50s here so not too bad, but cold weather will move through tomorrow I think. I was looking at shelving units and found this in the description:

The storage shelves is easy to assemble, all parts packaged for idiots.

I thought it was funny and wanted to share. Have a good day everyone.
I would give this two "likes" if possible.


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Afternoon Pops and friends. It's in the mid 50s here so not too bad, but cold weather will move through tomorrow I think. I was looking at shelving units and found this in the description:

The storage shelves is easy to assemble, all parts packaged for idiots.

I thought it was funny and wanted to share. Have a good day everyone.
Does it have some left over parts? I love that and have a collection of mine from over the last 40 years.
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Good morning Pops and all of you lucky people that did not go to Central Market in Austin with me yesterday. I hadn't been to my favorite store since November and it has now fallen form grace with me. Except for the people working for other companies and doing their sampling, I encountered the most disinterested and unfriendliest employees in one store I have ever seen. It was as if they had signs around their neck "I hate this job and this company". I actually heard three of them discussing problems with their immediate boss in front of several shoppers. But this was all over the store, really haven't seen anything like that before.

I've encountered happier employees at Walmart, including the mutterers. Hell, that guy picking up the carts strewn all over the parking lot had a better attitude and he thinks people are aholes. I am calling their main office today to tell them they need to send some phantoms in there. Maybe hire the guy picking up carts in the Marble Falls Walmart parking lot?


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may decide to stop in today and check things out. I am hoping that you all had a good weekend?

Horrible Pro Bowl game, not encouraging for the Cowboy Offense, going forward. LOL.....

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John and Gramma, hope you guys have a great day!

Be well everybody!


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. Today should be an uneventful day for me which is just the way I like it. It will be a good day to take a walk because the wind isn't blowing. Have a great day, everyone.


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Morning Pops and everyone that decides to crawl out from under their blankeys today. It's 6:22 a.m. central time and we've reached our balmy high for the day of 3°. No walks outdoors for me today (overnight low expected to be -23ish). Tomorrow's HIGH is -14 so I need to enjoy this heatwave I suppose. Temps are looking up for the end of the week tho. Enjoy your day everyone, and stay safe and warm.


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Good morning Pops and friends living out "The Day After Tomorrow". All the talk of the polar vortex got me to thinking that might not be fiction in the not too distant future. What is alarming is that these scientists that get called the boy who cried wolf by ignorant people are finding out that they were actually being overly optimistic. The caps are melting at a faster rate.

And if the weather pattern and climate change aren't enough, they just lowered the prediction of the catastrophic galaxy collision from 8B years to 2B. I am going month to month on these contracts from here on out, no long term deals.

All of this makes me glad that I did not go into the science field because they know too much about what's going on. How in the hell can a guy be all about hand buzzers and Whoopie cushions knowing what they know? And it's not like anyone sent emissaries from the science field to recruit poor ole CC, we agreed to ignore each other.

You folks up there in the frozen tundra, batten down the hatches and keep plenty of human antifreeze on hand. Hot cocoa with a healthy shot of Grand Marnier or coffee with Bailey's will get those bones to thawing out. That cocoa tastes just like an orange Tootsie Roll Pop but you don't have to have the patience to eat it. If you must venture forth today, I hope you've got some of those Giant Northern Flips Flops to keep you from sinking.


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Afternoon Pops and friends.
Morning Pops and everyone that decides to crawl out from under their blankeys today. It's 6:22 a.m. central time and we've reached our balmy high for the day of 3°. No walks outdoors for me today (overnight low expected to be -23ish). Tomorrow's HIGH is -14 so I need to enjoy this heatwave I suppose. Temps are looking up for the end of the week tho. Enjoy your day everyone, and stay safe and warm.
On behalf of everyone may I just say dayam!

Sunday I was on a restricted diet of no sugar, carbohydrates or caffeine for a scan. It's moments like this that say caffeine is more important that you thought. Huh? Was I thinking? Nope, because you didn't have any caffeine. Well, I'll get some Monday and come back with a snarky retort. Ok, I'll wait. I had to be at the facility at an un Godly hour so I decided not to sleep the night before. GENIUS! or not. To expedite things, I slapped on my glow in the dark Cowboys hat with a fuzzy ball on top. I'm just running in one door and back out, no one will see me. Would my doctor allow it to be so simple? No, now I had to give blood too. Enter the chaos upstairs wearing my glow in the dark, fuzzy balled Cowboys hat and no sleep. Things didn't get any better and I was dubbed the day's trouble patient, but I suspect Saints fans so no personal demerits.

Finally back home, I went to bed and hit a hard sleep. I was dreaming of having a conversation with someone when my door bell rang. In my dream, the person asked me "Are you going to get that?". I responded "I don't know. I guess I should." My dreams don't often do that, but it did yesterday. A late nap meant a late night and late today. Sleep is officially messed up right now. I just got here and saw Coach's last response and didn't remember writing it. A mercy nap is not out of the question right now. Is it still Tuesday? We're going up the mountain, but the peak isn't too far ahead. Have a good Tuesday everyone.


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Does it have some left over parts? I love that and have a collection of mine from over the last 40 years.
Oh Coach... is it a Southern thing? I always have left over parts. I used to drive my ex up the wall. He'd find me in the middle of an assembly project and ask where the instructions were. In time, he learned the trash is going to be his best bet. They'd still be neatly folded up if there weren't any parts attached to them. So far nothing has fallen apart or sprung a leak, but I drove him up the wall in the process. He'd estimate how long a project was going to take. I could do it in half the time if I didn't have to stop for him to read those tedious instructions.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Afternoon Pops and friends.

On behalf of everyone may I just say dayam!

Sunday I was on a restricted diet of no sugar, carbohydrates or caffeine for a scan. It's moments like this that say caffeine is more important that you thought. Huh? Was I thinking? Nope, because you didn't have any caffeine. Well, I'll get some Monday and come back with a snarky retort. Ok, I'll wait. I had to be at the facility at an un Godly hour so I decided not to sleep the night before. GENIUS! or not. To expedite things, I slapped on my glow in the dark Cowboys hat with a fuzzy ball on top. I'm just running in one door and back out, no one will see me. Would my doctor allow it to be so simple? No, now I had to give blood too. Enter the chaos upstairs wearing my glow in the dark, fuzzy balled Cowboys hat and no sleep. Things didn't get any better and I was dubbed the day's trouble patient, but I suspect Saints fans so no personal demerits.

Finally back home, I went to bed and hit a hard sleep. I was dreaming of having a conversation with someone when my door bell rang. In my dream, the person asked me "Are you going to get that?". I responded "I don't know. I guess I should." My dreams don't often do that, but it did yesterday. A late nap meant a late night and late today. Sleep is officially messed up right now. I just got here and saw Coach's last response and didn't remember writing it. A mercy nap is not out of the question right now. Is it still Tuesday? We're going up the mountain, but the peak isn't too far ahead. Have a good Tuesday everyone.
Hope the rest of your week is a bit less chaotic and a whole lot more enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and everyone that decides to crawl out from under their blankeys today. It's 6:22 a.m. central time and we've reached our balmy high for the day of 3°. No walks outdoors for me today (overnight low expected to be -23ish). Tomorrow's HIGH is -14 so I need to enjoy this heatwave I suppose. Temps are looking up for the end of the week tho. Enjoy your day everyone, and stay safe and warm.
I feel a bit like a whimp; cancelled my hike this morning because it was a brisk 9 F. Our high is expected to be in the low- to mid-20's.