20 Questions: 7 - Can Trey Lance Overtake Cooper Rush


Cowboys Diehard
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Nick Eatman's article today wasn't encouraging, regarding Lance's play vs. Cooper Rush in recent practices.

He didn't make any excuses for Lance's play, reporting that he doubts Trey Lance manages to outplay Rush.

Whether or not that evaluation comes from one who is just being partial to Cooper Rush remains to be seen.


Cowboys Diehard
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Nick Eatman's article today wasn't encouraging, regarding Lance's play vs. Cooper Rush in recent practices.

He didn't make any excuses for Lance's play, reporting that he doubts Trey Lance manages to outplay Rush.

Whether or not that evaluation comes from one who is just being partial to Cooper Rush remains to be seen.
I'll have to confess that my partiality to Trey Lance was motivated by my desperation for something good to happen for the Cowboys.

With regards to that confession, Nick Eatman has always impressed me as a "straight shooter." That's something I'll hang my hat on.

Let's see how the competition between Trey Lance and Cooper Rush develops, w/as much honesty as humanly possible. It's a deal.


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It is stupid, I repeat - stupid, to simply look at just the stats of first 4 games on a QBs career. Especially, one that was expected to sit and learn because they're raw, but were forced in due to injury.

He had 4 games, three as a rookie, and one his 2nd year. He had about an 84 passer rating. That's way better than a TON of QBs, even high profile QBs who had great careers.
His 1st game, he had a 117 passer rating - he actually came in midway through this game, so really it's only a 3.5 game sample size. His 3rd Game, he has 116 passer rating. Right off the bat, that's 50% of his games with 116 or higher passer rating, with 4 TDs to 1 Int.

The team also wasn't as stacked as it is now. There was no CMac. Mostert was on IR. Aiyuk was just a second year guy that was only solid. They were 3-5 to start the season. Don't tell me that's because of Lance and his 1.5 games (They were already losing when he came in the first game, and they put up more points with him than Jimmy G).

Fact: It's foolish to take a 3.5 game sample size and pretend it means much of anything for a QB coming into the league.
Fact: It is even more foolish to do that with an extremely raw rookie who needs time to learn.
Fact: Contrary to what you like to pretend, it is not all bad, and there is definitely some good mixed in.
what's stupid? stupidity is the Lance Lovers sticking their head in the sand and spinning paragraph after paragraph making a legend out of 4 games, spinning excuses?

seriously read your post...you are spinning into a 3.5 game sample size (actually it was 3.312 games based on the minutes and seconds he played..........sarcasm fully intended). and now you give a game by game breakdown...his completion percentage was less than 55%...his QBR was below 40!!!
and you just made up a whole bunch of stuff. his first game his rating was 59!!! did you reach back into you know where and pulled that out twice and added it up?!!!!
his second game he beat a 4-12 houston team...with a team loaded...funny you bring up Aiyuk, but fail to mention Sameul, Kittle, or McCaffrey and the great SF defense...

its foolish to think he is anything but at best be able to become a good QB...that's the highest ceiling. in fact he is on the bubble to be able to be the back up QB and reports are Rush is out performing him in camps.
he is not a rookie any longer. he is in his 4th year. and the team thought he has so much potential they didn't pick up his 5th year option...yeah, that's how much they believe in him.

so it looks like you and the other lance lovers are the pretenders.


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Again another topic we have discussed over and over.
But it is one of the 20 questions series.

All 4 answers seem to be ... wait and see .... and that is to be expected and fair. As we really do not know what we have in Trey yet.

They sound like Rush fans that are afraid. With Mickey bringing out the vaunted 5-1 argument. :muttley::popcorn:

When does Trey Lance overtake Dak?

Cause fans are about to get a show in training camp.

Ask JimmyG.


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what's stupid? stupidity is the Lance Lovers sticking their head in the sand and spinning paragraph after paragraph making a legend out of 4 games, spinning excuses?

seriously read your post...you are spinning into a 3.5 game sample size (actually it was 3.312 games based on the minutes and seconds he played..........sarcasm fully intended). and now you give a game by game breakdown...his completion percentage was less than 55%...his QBR was below 40!!!
and you just made up a whole bunch of stuff. his first game his rating was 59!!! did you reach back into you know where and pulled that out twice and added it up?!!!!
his second game he beat a 4-12 houston team...with a team loaded...funny you bring up Aiyuk, but fail to mention Sameul, Kittle, or McCaffrey and the great SF defense...

its foolish to think he is anything but at best be able to become a good QB...that's the highest ceiling. in fact he is on the bubble to be able to be the back up QB and reports are Rush is out performing him in camps.
he is not a rookie any longer. he is in his 4th year. and the team thought he has so much potential they didn't pick up his 5th year option...yeah, that's how much they believe in him.

so it looks like you and the other lance lovers are the pretenders.
Lance was 3rd pick in 2021 draft.

Dak was a 4th round scrub who blows up playoff games.



Well-Known Member
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what's stupid? stupidity is the Lance Lovers sticking their head in the sand and spinning paragraph after paragraph making a legend out of 4 games, spinning excuses?

seriously read your post...you are spinning into a 3.5 game sample size (actually it was 3.312 games based on the minutes and seconds he played..........sarcasm fully intended). and now you give a game by game breakdown...his completion percentage was less than 55%...his QBR was below 40!!!
and you just made up a whole bunch of stuff. his first game his rating was 59!!! did you reach back into you know where and pulled that out twice and added it up?!!!!
his second game he beat a 4-12 houston team...with a team loaded...funny you bring up Aiyuk, but fail to mention Sameul, Kittle, or McCaffrey and the great SF defense...

its foolish to think he is anything but at best be able to become a good QB...that's the highest ceiling. in fact he is on the bubble to be able to be the back up QB and reports are Rush is out performing him in camps.
he is not a rookie any longer. he is in his 4th year. and the team thought he has so much potential they didn't pick up his 5th year option...yeah, that's how much they believe in him.

so it looks like you and the other lance lovers are the pretenders.
Taking a 3.5 game sample size and pretending it makes a difference one way or the other is stupid. You're the one that kept telling people to look at these games, not other people. Don't get all defensive now that people actually do (even though it is STUPID!!!!!) and realize you're full of crap.

Falsely pretending that the entirety of that tiny sample size is bad is also stupid.

So is falsely pretending that anyone is making a legend out of 4 games. Stupid and dishonest.

And no, his first game had a rating of 117. It was against Seattle. He had 157 yards, 2 TDs, and zero interceptions. His comp % was not high, but other areas were.
His first start, but 2nd game with significant playing time had a rating of 58.4. If you want to eliminate the first game because it wasn't a start, then you're making your already stupid sample size even dumber. Remember, this is YOUR idea.

Are you high?
I brought up Aiyuk to point out they weren't the juggernaut they are right now. And I also DID bring up McCaffrey to point out the fact that...wait for it...HE WASN'T ON THE TEAM YET.

Just stop embarrassing yourself.


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Lance was 3rd pick in 2021 draft.

Dak was a 4th round scrub who blows up playoff games.


as the 3rd pick he can't get on the field.
as a 4th rounder he has been to several playoffs...yes not successful results, but if you can't get on the field, you can't get to playoffs, if you can't get to playoffs, there is no superbowl.

haha back at ya :thumbup: