2012 NBA Offseason Thread


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DWest isnt going anywhere.Dont get ur hopes up Bieber.


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i kind of hope the spurs pick up blatche, a knuclehead he is, but much like javale mcgee, is talented. if anyone can keep that kid in line, its timmy, pop, and stephen jackson!
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Yeah Drew is definitely getting the max. With guys like Lopez, McGee, Asik, Mr. Kardashian, etc. getting paid ridiculous money Bynum will definitely get the max.


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Cowboys&LakersFan;4625523 said:
Yeah Drew is definitely getting the max. With guys like Lopez, McGee, Asik, Mr. Kardashian, etc. getting paid ridiculous money Bynum will definitely get the max.

this came out of left field...but yeah, even though in my opinion he doesnt deserve it, and like ive said before, only about 6 players deserve the max, he is much better than players that have gotten the max before.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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MC KAos;4625493 said:
i kind of hope the spurs pick up blatche, a knuclehead he is, but much like javale mcgee, is talented. if anyone can keep that kid in line, its timmy, pop, and stephen jackson!

Blatche can't be reached... somebody will take a chance on him, and whoever does will be making a huge mistake...


Commanders Forever
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C&L don't you remember the whole "I don't care" thing from Bynum ?

That was a slap in the face for the Lakers who built him into the player he is today.

I think they could win with or without him. I don't want Howard so much but as another 7 footer it makes sense, as a great defender it makes sense.

Get rid of this kid that doesn't want to be a Laker. He should feel honored to be making that kind of money and playing for that great franchise.
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Howard Willing To Stay Longterm With Lakers


Magic center Dwight Howard signaled that if he is traded to the Los Angeles Lakers, he would be prepared to sign a long-term extension after the 2012-13 NBA season, the basketball website RealGM.com reported on Wednesday.

Two sources confirmed to ESPN The Magazine's Chris Broussard that Howard is willing to re-sign long-term with the Lakers if Orlando trades him there. Until recently, Howard had been steadfast in his desire to commit only to the Brooklyn Nets long-term.

Source: ESPN


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Why should anyone believe Howard at this point? The guy has changed his opinion quite a few times over the past year. "I want to be traded. I don't want to be traded. I only want to go to the Nets. I want to go anywhere." Now it is "I will sign long term with the Lakers after the season". I wouldn't trust him.


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Cowboys&LakersFan;4625536 said:
Apparently the Lakers won't take Richardson's contract because he slept with Nash's wife.

Over at Lakersground that story has been proven false. They may have had issues but it doesn't have naything to do with Nash's wife.


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Cowboys&LakersFan;4625536 said:
Apparently the Lakers won't take Richardson's contract because he slept with Nash's wife.
I had always heard she was with Leandro Barbosa....maybe both of them.
I heard one quote that siad "dang, thse guys are taking layup lines to far!". lol

Still recall how the press (and a few on this board) tried to make Nash the bad guy for leaving his wife after she just gave birth.

On the other had, the Phx owner said one reason Nash chose LA (over some other locales) is that he could be closer to his kids. I assume he means his twin daughters and not JR's kid.


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:lmao: Magic arent trading Dwight for Varejao and a bunch of worthless picks. This Rudolph dude is just Dwight's puppet trying to pressure Rob into making this idiotic deal. This is the same guy that said there was a 90% chance Dwight was being traded to the Nets.

Oh and Bynum's agent said there is no truth that the Cavs are on his list to sign an extension. In fact, Bynum is adamant he is not signing an extension with any team. And why would he? He can make 25 million more if he tests FA. The new CBA rules allows a player to make more money with their current team if they become a FA. Which is exactly what Deron did.


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delonte: as you can see via photographic evidence in the whats next for the mavs thread... delonte was at mavs run hoops camp yesterday. he isnt signing elsewhere unless some mystery offer at huge money comes out. the thought he'd sign w lal is laughable. all they have is the vet min. dal has offered 5.15m over 2 years. if he leaves dal it will be for more money.

howard: again, best bet is to ignore the white noise. he may be traded tomorrow or never. NEITHER player is signing an extension so both franchises would have to gamble they'd re-sign. not a terrible gamble considering it is 25m more dollars for whomever has bird rights but it is a gamble nonetheless and the cost of living in la makes that actually less money than one can get elsewhere. if howard is leaking to people like this realgm kid he is an idiot. he looks so bad in all this that his image may take years to recover. his best bet is to be quiet and let his wishes be known via official channels only. it is hilarious that he would have been traded to la last year at the deadline if he hadn't opted in but he did. he brought this drama on himself.

leaks: until you hear something from henigan it's all just keeping the news cycle going. legit media guys are getting annoyed themselves. even they admit the teams are all still talking but nothing imminent.

lakers: la like ny live in a fairy tale world. they had the lakers announcer on with cowherd and he had a lot of overly homeristic points to make. i see why the laker fans on here are so clueless. blind leading blind. end of the day the lakers want to get howard for nothing but bynum. that is now and always will be unlikely. i still think the lakers are mostly pawns for orlando. orlando needs 2 bidders and hou alone may not be offering all that is said to be offered.

magic: they have the best big man in basketball under contract. no single player they get back will replace howard. the closest may well be bynum but they arent inclined to make that an even swap and lose the value of howard without some future rewards. of the deals houston has the best apparent offer on the table. they have plenty of leverage because howard would have to take 25m less if he leaves without the magic getting any return. there is zero indication howard will ever do that. he wants his 25m. the draft picks actually gain value as you get close to the draft. they are less valuable now and especially in season at the deadline when trams are jockeying for playoff positions. the magic are in no rush no matter what anyone says. after january 15 they open up lots of new suitors including Brooklyn and Dallas.
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The Lakers should really just move on from the mess. It's great that Dwight wants to be a Laker, but it's not up to him at this point. Just extend Bynum and get a couple of more bench pieces.