2017 NBA Western Conference Finals: Spurs vs Warriors

LOL let's forget Durant? Do you mean when he jumped from behind the 3 point line and landed at least 2 feet forward? NO, we can't forget that even for one second. You are clearly unable to see this objectively. Your own video disputes your claims so why are we debating this? We can agree to disagree, can't we? Aldridge's half step ended on top of the 3 point line, which would be clear for KD to land safely if he doesn't jump forward but because KD jumped toward LaMarcus he put himself in danger of landed on a foot.
LOL you've never played the game, clearly.

I'll try again: why did Aldridge slide his foot forward at the last second?

Here's a hint: it's a COMPLETELY unnatural movement, and one that a player would only do if he was trying to slide it under someone's landing spot.

What a startling coincidence that this unnatural movement made Durant land EXACTLY on top of his foot!!! Almost like Aldridge knows where Durant's feet tend to land when he's attempting a pull-up jumper!!!

Again: you've CLEARLY never played the game.

Oh, and you might want to re-watch the Pachulia/Leonard play: Leonard was fading away on the shot, so he landed further back from where he took off from.

Pretty much destroys any argument you had for why the plays are different.

It's okay, though. Your season's going to be over soon and you're butthurt. The Big, Bad Warriors own the West and that's not changing anytime soon.
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It's crazy that Bron is about to have made 7 NBA Finals in a row. Either he's that good or the East is that bad.
LOL you've never played the game, clearly.

I'll try again: why did Aldridge slide his foot forward at the last second?

Here's a hint: it's a COMPLETELY unnatural movement, and one that a player would only do if he was trying to slide it under someone's landing spot.

What a startling coincidence that this unnatural movement made Durant land EXACTLY on top of his foot!!! Almost like Aldridge knows where Durant's feet tend to land when he's attempting a pull-up jumper!!!

Again: you've CLEARLY never played the game.

Oh, and you might want to re-watch the Pachulia/Leonard play: Leonard was fading away on the shot, so he landed further back from where he took off from.

Pretty much destroys any argument you had for why the plays are different.

It's okay, though. Your season's going to be over soon and you're butthurt. The Big, Bad Warriors own the West and that's not changing anytime soon.

You are your own worst enemy in this debate. First you provide the video that shows KD jumping toward the feet of Aldridge and then you admit Kawhi was jumping backwards which supports my premise that these incidents are two different things. Thank you for your cooperation in your own defeat in this discussion. Lets move on to talking about how game 3 will turn out. Are the Warriors going to win their 11th straight playoff game or do the Spurs protect their home court? I'll concede the series if the Spurs loss game 3.
You are your own worst enemy in this debate. First you provide the video that shows KD jumping toward the feet of Aldridge and then you admit Kawhi was jumping backwards which supports my premise that these incidents are two different things. Thank you for your cooperation in your own defeat in this discussion. Lets move on to talking about how game 3 will turn out. Are the Warriors going to win their 11th straight playoff game or do the Spurs protect their home court? I'll concede the series if the Spurs loss game 3.
LOL every single NBA player-turned-analyst who I've seen discuss the Aldridge play have said it was dirty. Tim Legler, Chauncey Billups, Antonio Davis, Jalen Rose. But yeah, you know the nuances of the NBA game more than they do!

Still no explanation as to what the hell Aldridge was doing with his feet? LOL your silence is deafening.

We'll smack the Spurs in their house Saturday night. Pop said it best after Game 2: Spurs played like they didn't believe. Dubs took their hearts already.
LOL every single NBA player-turned-analyst who I've seen discuss the Aldridge play have said it was dirty. Tim Legler, Chauncey Billups, Antonio Davis, Jalen Rose. But yeah, you know the nuances of the NBA game more than they do!

Still no explanation as to what the hell Aldridge was doing with his feet? LOL your silence is deafening.

We'll smack the Spurs in their house Saturday night. Pop said it best after Game 2: Spurs played like they didn't believe. Dubs took their hearts already.
Silence? What am I being silent about? I told you what Aldridge was doing, he was getting jumped at. He doesn't have to get out of the way when that happens, he has a right to stand his ground.

Pop was right about how his team played game 2. They didn't appear to believe they could win, but that doesn't mean that won't change before game 3 with this time to digest what happened and time for Pop to gets his teams head back in the sport of winning.
Silence? What am I being silent about? I told you what Aldridge was doing, he was getting jumped at. He doesn't have to get out of the way when that happens, he has a right to stand his ground.

Pop was right about how his team played game 2. They didn't appear to believe they could win, but that doesn't mean that won't change before game 3 with this time to digest what happened and time for Pop to gets his teams head back in the sport of winning.
Yes, silence.

Why did Aldridge's foot move forward at the LAST possible moment, for no good reason and with no momentum in that direction, after Durant had released the ball but while he was still in mid-air?

The ex-NBA players know why. Not surprisingly, you're claiming ignorance.
It's crazy that Bron is about to have made 7 NBA Finals in a row. Either he's that good or the East is that bad.
Pretty amazing.
I think the answer is all of the above, btw.
The East has stunk, he's a truly great player...plus he has stacked his teams relatively speaking.
As for the talks on who's dirty and who isn't....

It's crazy that Bron is about to have made 7 NBA Finals in a row. Either he's that good or the East is that bad.

I've never been a big Lebron fan. The "I'm the King" schtick just rubs me wrong. But you can't deny his dominance. Part of it is a weak East, but it's still quite special.
Yes, silence.

Why did Aldridge's foot move forward at the LAST possible moment, for no good reason and with no momentum in that direction, after Durant had released the ball but while he was still in mid-air?

The ex-NBA players know why. Not surprisingly, you're claiming ignorance.
Are you deaf? It does not matter why Aldridge's foot moved forward considering where it stopped(on the line). If KD doesn't jump forward, there is no contact. They both have the same right to that space in front of KD, first come wins.
Are you deaf? It does not matter why Aldridge's foot moved forward considering where it stopped(on the line). If KD doesn't jump forward, there is no contact. They both have the same right to that space in front of KD, first come wins.
LOLLLLL I'm embarrassed for you, dude.

I guess Zaza had the same right to the space as Leonard, and clearly, Zaza got there first. Your logic, not mine.

For what reason did Aldridge move his foot forward there? Just say, "I've never touched a basketball in my life" and be done with it.

"Footwork" is a thing. It's what separates NBA players from fat kids playing pickup games at the YMCA.

When an NBA player moves his foot forward, for NO GOOD REASON, while a shooter is in mid-air, that's dirty. It was completely unnatural footwork, and it served zero purpose other than to impede Durant's space. He did so at the last possible moment too, clearly hoping Durant would land on his foot... AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED.

Durant's allowed to move forward while in mid-air, just like players are allowed to fade backwards. And in either scenario, if the defender PURPOSELY tries to stick his foot into their landing zone, it's dirty.

Not sure what's funnier: you defending Aldridge or your apparent ignorance to how NBA players actually play defense.

LOLLLLL I'm embarrassed for you, dude.

I guess Zaza had the same right to the space as Leonard, and clearly, Zaza got there first. Your logic, not mine.

For what reason did Aldridge move his foot forward there? Just say, "I've never touched a basketball in my life" and be done with it.

"Footwork" is a thing. It's what separates NBA players from fat kids playing pickup games at the YMCA.

When an NBA player moves his foot forward, for NO GOOD REASON, while a shooter is in mid-air, that's dirty. It was completely unnatural footwork, and it served zero purpose other than to impede Durant's space. He did so at the last possible moment too, clearly hoping Durant would land on his foot... AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED.

Durant's allowed to move forward while in mid-air, just like players are allowed to fade backwards. And in either scenario, if the defender PURPOSELY tries to stick his foot into their landing zone, it's dirty.

Not sure what's funnier: you defending Aldridge or your apparent ignorance to how NBA players actually play defense.

Yes, Zaza had the same right to the space in front of Kawhi, not the space under Kawhi. Leonard jumped up and has the right to land in the space he jumped from and yet Zaza saw fit to prevent Leonard from landing safely.

You and you alone are assigning motive to Aldridge's footwork. The "no good reason" is a fabrication of your own making. It's not evidence of ill intent or dirty play.

Your claim that KD is allowed to jump forward into other players is incorrect. The NBA rule is the shooter in entitled to land on the same space from which he jumped. Durant endangered his own ankles by jumping forward and Aldridge is not required to yield that space. Learn the rules and we won't be having these stupid arguments.
Yes, Zaza had the same right to the space in front of Kawhi, not the space under Kawhi. Leonard jumped up and has the right to land in the space he jumped from and yet Zaza saw fit to prevent Leonard from landing safely.

You and you alone are assigning motive to Aldridge's footwork. The "no good reason" is a fabrication of your own making. It's not evidence of ill intent or dirty play.

Your claim that KD is allowed to jump forward into other players is incorrect. The NBA rule is the shooter in entitled to land on the same space from which he jumped. Durant endangered his own ankles by jumping forward and Aldridge is not required to yield that space. Learn the rules and we won't be having these stupid arguments.
LOL you're blatantly lying or you're ignorant of the rules. Durant's right foot moved up MAYBE 6 inches from where he took off from. There's no rule at all which states that this is illegal, in any way. He didn't initiate any contact.

And that lean-in is justification, in your blind eyes, for the defender to blatantly slide a foot out in front of the guy in hopes he lands on it??? LOLLLLLL and Bruce Bowen wasn't dirty either, right?

Kawhi faded BACKWARDS and landed on Pachulia's foot... not straight up. Pachulia, at least, had his momentum moving towards the shooter, unlike Aldridge.

Again, you're blind as a bat.

But let me guess... Kawhi has the right to the space BEHIND him as well, right? But if you land 6 inches forward from where you took off from, it's a free-for-all!!!

2-0 lead. Our conference. Your team's an inferior group of pretenders and we'll be leaving you in the DUST.

THAT is why you're being so stubborn and ignorant. You don't want to lose this one too!
LOL you're blatantly lying or you're ignorant of the rules. Durant's right foot moved up MAYBE 6 inches from where he took off from. There's no rule at all which states that this is illegal, in any way. He didn't initiate any contact.

And that lean-in is justification, in your blind eyes, for the defender to blatantly slide a foot out in front of the guy in hopes he lands on it??? LOLLLLLL and Bruce Bowen wasn't dirty either, right?

Kawhi faded BACKWARDS and landed on Pachulia's foot... not straight up. Pachulia, at least, had his momentum moving towards the shooter, unlike Aldridge.

Again, you're blind as a bat.

But let me guess... Kawhi has the right to the space BEHIND him as well, right? But if you land 6 inches forward from where you took off from, it's a free-for-all!!!

2-0 lead. Our conference. Your team's an inferior group of pretenders and we'll be leaving you in the DUST.

THAT is why you're being so stubborn and ignorant. You don't want to lose this one too!
This is all we need to know... the ref's called a foul on Zaza for what he did to Kawhi and no foul was called for what Aldridge did.
This is all we need to know... the ref's called a foul on Zaza for what he did to Kawhi and no foul was called for what Aldridge did.
Bowen was almost never called for fouls when he pulled his landing zone crap... guess it wasn't dirty!!!

I thought Spurs fans were supposed to be knowledgable.

Gee, I wonder if Leonard falling down like a sack of bricks had anything to do with the foul call!

Or if Durant landing safely on Aldridge's foot and NOT falling had anything to do with the non-foul call!

You should either change your avatar or learn the sport.
Bowen was almost never called for fouls when he pulled his landing zone crap... guess it wasn't dirty!!!

I thought Spurs fans were supposed to be knowledgable.
It almost never was a foul and it wasn't dirty... most of the time. Again, that was 8 years ago and has nothing to do with this series.
It almost never was a foul and it wasn't dirty... most of the time. Again, that was 8 years ago and has nothing to do with this series.
B-b-but when it WAS dirty, it still wasn't called a foul!

And YOUR reasoning on Aldridge was that it's clean if a foul wasn't called!

Hypocrites are confusing.

B-b-but when it WAS dirty, it still wasn't called a foul!

And YOUR reasoning on Aldridge was that it's clean if a foul wasn't called!

Hypocrites are confusing.

What Zaza did was called a foul and it was dirty. There is no hypocrisy on my part. I defended Aldridge's action and the ref's must have agreed because they called no foul. It's like I've been saying this whole time.... that ain't this and this ain't that.
VERY few people are into the NBA even the post season
This is the NBAs doing and they deserve it
I used to watch at least the post season quite consistently but don't think I've watched more than 10 minutes of any game this year

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