3rd for Quincy?

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Bill the Butcher said:
Saladin, for your part your a good, fair , poster. No prob with you whatsoever. You support your guy in a logical manor. Nothing wrong with that.

'preciate it Bill

Although we don't always agree, I always stop down to read your post.
'preciate it Bill

Although we don't always agree, I always stop down to read your post.
Thanx Sal. Another thing in your favor...LOL, You, like myself were one of the 1st to jump on the Hunter bandwagon. Think he's a keeper. Last year I kinda wanted to spell D wood a little at safety to see what he could do there. Still think with his size/speed he and Roy would be great back there. Oh well, gonna see him at CB anyway and worry bout getting another replacement for Woodson later.
Sad to say it but I do think at least SOME of the debate is fueled by racism. On BOTH sides. Just think we should be honest thats all. I firmly believe that ALL people are at least somewhat racist, its human nature. We first have to admit that. Having said that, its true that some are alot more racist than others. That is CRIMINAL! Shouldnt exist. Players should be judged by performance only, not the darned color of theyre skin! I think most of us do that, sad that others dont. Anyway, for my part I started out as a Q supporter, still am, support every Cowboy. Just lost faith in him is all. Doesnt make me a hater though. I guess in a way I AM a hater, a hater of HATERS!...LOL Glad when this stuff is finally over. Hope I opened some minds with this thread. And YES, it was mostly aimed at the Q camp. Just wanted them to see there is always 2 sides to the coin. Meant no harm or disrespect, just sick of some of the double standards that have taken place recently.
And now I'll let some of you go back to the dancing on the grave party of one Chad Hutchinson. Hey, whatever makes you feel better. Just dont know why anybody would be happy to see a COWBOY fail? Believe me, if Quincy does fail and eventually lose his job to Henson I WONT be celebrating it. You can hold me to that too. It means a good young kid just lost a lifetime of work and saw a dream of his crushed. Thats nothing to celebrate. Hutchinson at least deserves that from you too after he's waived shortly. The only people im glad to see dumped are the druggies and screwups, they deserve it!
Bill the Butcher said:
Question/ How many teams in the NFL would give up theyre 3rd rounder for Quincy RIGHT NOW, on the cusp of his 4th year in the league? If the answer is NONE, or NOT MANY then why the downgrading of Henson by some? Our very own JJ and BP did JUST THAT for a guy who's been out of football for awhile. I understand that JJ gave up a 2 for Q but those were radically different times and PRE BP! ;)
This is a silly question from the standpoint we can argue all day but not answer it. We dont speak for the other 31 teams.

If I were a GM I would gladly part with a 3rd for QC, many here would not, but none of us are GMs.

And just so we're accurate, Henson was for a future 3rd which equates to 4th round value. QC to a 2nd round value where we know he wouldnt have slipped past 3rd regardless of Jerry.

Henson is certainly worthy of accolades but QC is hardly worthy of the vitriole he receives.
Hostile said:
You and Bluefin make me sad I'm leaving for a concert in 10 minutes. I'd like to keep this nice logical discussion going.

Is Losman going to start in Buffalo over Bledsoe? I don't think so. If you agree I am going to go make a username there and create a Jpeg of Losman and Jim Kelly. I bet no one will get upset by it.

You see how ridiculous the objections have become? Do we really need to be upset about sig lines and avatars?
Do we really need to be childish and attack players on our own teams?
How many Dalla sfans live in Philly anyways?
Bill the Butcher said:
Sad to say it but I do think at least SOME of the debate is fueled by racism. On BOTH sides. Just think we should be honest thats all. I firmly believe that ALL people are at least somewhat racist, its human nature. We first have to admit that. Having said that, its true that some are alot more racist than others. That is CRIMINAL! Shouldnt exist. Players should be judged by performance only, not the darned color of theyre skin! I think most of us do that, sad that others dont. Anyway, for my part I started out as a Q supporter, still am, support every Cowboy. Just lost faith in him is all. Doesnt make me a hater though. I guess in a way I AM a hater, a hater of HATERS!...LOL Glad when this stuff is finally over. Hope I opened some minds with this thread. And YES, it was mostly aimed at the Q camp. Just wanted them to see there is always 2 sides to the coin. Meant no harm or disrespect, just sick of some of the double standards that have taken place recently.
I absolutely agree with this, tho I may not agree with your general thoughts on the QB situation itself.
Bill the Butcher said:
Sad to say it but I do think at least SOME of the debate is fueled by racism. On BOTH sides. Just think we should be honest thats all. I firmly believe that ALL people are at least somewhat racist, its human nature. We first have to admit that. Having said that, its true that some are alot more racist than others. That is CRIMINAL! Shouldnt exist. Players should be judged by performance only, not the darned color of theyre skin! I think most of us do that, sad that others dont. Anyway, for my part I started out as a Q supporter, still am, support every Cowboy. Just lost faith in him is all. Doesnt make me a hater though. I guess in a way I AM a hater, a hater of HATERS!...LOL Glad when this stuff is finally over. Hope I opened some minds with this thread. And YES, it was mostly aimed at the Q camp. Just wanted them to see there is always 2 sides to the coin. Meant no harm or disrespect, just sick of some of the double standards that have taken place recently.

Brillantly stated Bill and thanks for taking the time to post it.

The thinly veiled racial refferences is what split our old board in two. I don't think you're a hater at all but for some no matter what Q does he'll never be accepted.

I really admire Quincy for his mental toughness in light of all of the things that he's had to deal with and I also like his promise. But he has to improve and it's as simple as that. Will he? While so many want to believe that he won't and worst of all can't, I'll still take the wait and see approach.

Some flowers bloom later than others ;)
Dale said:
Theoretically, if we were offered a pick for Quincy, we should probably make the trade and run if the organization is already leaning toward believing he is not the answer. My problem with such a trade though would be that it would reek too similar to the Tony Banks situation a few years back. You have a guy who you think is your starting quarterback, only to see him suddenly shipped away.

I don't think I'd like to see us enter training camp or the season with only Vinny Testaverde to rely on. Henson could have a nice future, but the second we commit to him as a rookie we are essentially throwing the year away. As we saw with the veterans in New York when it seemed like they were going to go with just Eli, I'm not sure starting over with a rookie is the best thing to do with the makeup of this team coming off a playoff season.
And this is why it wont happen.
BP knows he needs veteran guys to make other veteran guys comfortable. He made a number of statements to this effect in NY.

Love QC or hate him, QBs are valuable. Would a team trade a 3rds for him? As Hostile duly noted it depends on situation. I agree that SF would love to ship out a 3rd for a true vet QB. I feel Det and Zone would welcome him as well even if not as starter from day 1. QBs always draw more salary and more in trade than they should. Just look at what we got for Steve Walsho for cripessake.
jterrell said:
And this is why it wont happen.
BP knows he needs veteran guys to make other veteran guys comfortable. He made a number of statements to this effect in NY.

Love QC or hate him, QBs are valuable. Would a team trade a 3rds for him? As Hostile duly noted it depends on situation. I agree that SF would love to ship out a 3rd for a true vet QB. I feel Det and Zone would welcome him as well even if not as starter from day 1. QBs always draw more salary and more in trade than they should. Just look at what we got for Steve Walsho for cripessake.
See, this is what I mean. This doesnt have much at all to do with the post that started this thread. If you read the 1st post it has more to do with peoples attitudes than with an actual trade. Not pickin on ya bud. Just clearing things up..........
Bill the Butcher said:
Just to clear up a little misunderstanding. NOWHERE did I ever say we should trade Carter for a 3rd or anything else for that matter. My original question was would any team give up a 3rd for Carter. Brought it up because SOME bash on Henson without seeing him play yet and a 3rd is what we gave up to get him. Also, thought I layed out my senario pretty clearly on why I thought Henson would be starting by the 10th game or so. Go back and look, its all there. Just dont like it when my words are twisted.
jterrell said:
Do we really need to be childish and attack players on our own teams?
How many Dalla sfans live in Philly anyways?
By all means your honor, please break down that post word for word, one at a time, and show me how a post about Losman is attacking players on my team.

I'm still waiting for evidence that doubting a player's ability is an attack and for an answer why it is okay to doubt Hambrick, Hutchinson, and every other player except. There's an old saying about people who live in glass houses. You should heed it your honor.
LaTunaNostra said:
Who laid down that rule? Who said "no hyping Henson"? And who on earth agreed to it?

What I don't get is how you can get so upset that every Tom, Dick, and Harry here isn't hyping him. You don't like it he's not getting enough love to make you happy.
That means as much as Carterites wailing the same sorry song.


Like any player, Henson will have his hypers, he will have those neutral on him, (the vast majority who are the moderate wait and see-ers), and he will have his detractors.

So what? LMAO!

I want everyone to hype Terry.

They don't.

I'm not gonna whine the rest of the season about it.
I love how you guys (and gals) on the opposite side of the fence are always so quick to interpret my posts as upset. I was nowhere near upset. Could it be that the obvious flaws in the theories upsets the other camp? Then once they are upset, I must have been. Has to be.

I was enjoying this discussion very much, and was wishing I could keep it going. So much so that after getting home late from a concert in Phoenix I opened this thread before heading off to bed. I was hoping the good discussion had continued. Big problem, I showed a lot of hypocrisy in the theories entertained so now I must be upset. End of debate. The wheels came off.

Sigh. Wish I'd gone straight to bed instead. Good night.
Hostile said:
I love how you guys (and gals) on the opposite side of the fence are always so quick to interpret my posts as upset. I was nowhere near upset. Could it be that the obvious flaws in the theories upsets the other camp? Then once they are upset, I must have been. Has to be.

Well TH, you always manage to sound upset. Upset, hurt, victimized and martyred.

I was enjoying this discussion very much, and was wishing I could keep it going. So much so that after getting home late from a concert in Phoenix I opened this thread before heading off to bed. I was hoping the good discussion had continued. Big problem, I showed a lot of hypocrisy in the theories entertained so now I must be upset. End of debate. The wheels came off.

You showed nothing of the kind. Every fan from pre draft on has players he or she is particularly keen on, and some fans are prone to hyping. Some never hype anyone. I'd wager MOST fans fall into my category on Henson, very excited about his potential, but at the same time recognizing the fact he will probably not see much active duty this year, and if he does, it won't be a good sign for the team's overall fortunes. In fact, I would not blame any fan who felt he hoped he didn't see Drew on the field at all this year except in mop up duty. I'd hardly call that disloyal to Henson. I'd call that gosh darn common sense. This team went to the playoffs last year. Few are willing to tank the season to prepare Henson faster. Especially after what throwing young QBs out there too fast has resulted in in the recent past.

Altho I know you have said you feel Carter earned the starting job last year, we both know he has to keep earning it. But this summer he will be earning it by keeping Vinnie at bay, not Drew. That's next summer's challenge for Q. One thing Dallas fans can take comfort in is the head coach will show no favoritism. Just as Bill played the best option at QB last year, so will he this year. If Henson can bypass Carter, Testaverde, and Romo, he will start. But it is very very unlikely from the scout team he is able to do that, and that's why many of us are not getting ourselves in a tizzy about him this year. Tho of course it will be fun to see him on the field in preseason. Let him throw a few intermediate passes to Terry where he doesn't have to reach behind him for the ball, and you will see how fast I start hyping. The hype will come, and it may even be vigorous to satisfy YOU, TH.

Many of us have never even seen Drew play, just have the opinions of other to go on. I chose a rather hyped opinion (that of my brother) to frame the parameters of my perspective. I am already OVER hyping Henson by attributing to him "franchise" potential. The danger for this boy, imho, is going to just that over hype. You can call it "hypocritial" if you like, or read it as a tactic to keep the positive regard down, but it isn't. It's experience of watching over and over how a fanbase hoisted a player on a pedestal, and then in mob like fashion caved it to the ground. When a kid this limited in experience with a lot of raw talent gets discussed, the danger is indeed setting him up for stormy times.

I categorically disagree with the contention there are only two possiblities for Drew's future. "Elite" impact QB or bust. In Bill's system, there is much for potential for a Phil Simms type career. Henson could become the ultimate bus driver. He could become a moderately successful starter, or a much valued backup. The full range of possibilities are as open to him as to any other QB.

However, if the debate is framed in such a way that a kid with his amount of experience, away from the game for several years, can work his way up to the starter position this year via an aerial display of Favre like fireworks and mature game management, a feeling of disappointment will set up around him. The bar will get set so high every missed receiver will be a dagger, and each misread blitz become a fatal flaw. Drew, talented as he may be, is a developmental prospect. In fairness to him, that should be kept in mind. He is not SuperRook and expecting him to be both dampens the legitimate hype, and works to the advantage of his detractors.

I can wait to see Drew, secure in the knowledge of Tuna's past. The minute, nay, the SECOND, Drew Henson becomes the best option at QB, he will be on that field.

Some kids can wait for Christmas to unwrap those gifts. Others are searching every inch of the house from Thanksgiving on trying to find where daddy and mommy hid them. Doesn't mean the kids with some self discipline crave the presents any less. They just understand there's a time and place for everything. From where we sit right now, the FO/CS had decided the time for Henson is 2005 at the earliest and his place this season is to prepare, as it was for so many inexperienced QBs before him. He would have to be godlike to take the starting job from his place on the depth chart. Talented as I believe he is, I'm not attributing him with such qualities. Yet.

I appreciate your desire to see Henson asap, and I hope you fight the good fight by hyping him to high heavens. Like wise those who hype Quincy. But I also respect the wisdom of Bill Parcells. Your dog in the race, you have said often, is Henson. Mine is Tuna. TUNA is the man who is going to take us there, and whatever dog he runs will be the best option. The purebred greyhound, or the mangy mutt. :D

Unlike that minority of fans who do sometimes at least appear to be more about the player than the team, (tho I sure don't have the gall to accuse anyone of that, who the hell am I to question anyone's team loyalty), he will not put one player above the team. Not Carter and not Henson. Not his ex-Jet Vinnie either.

Sigh. Wish I'd gone straight to bed instead. Good night.

I wish you had too. I also wish I had refrained from jumping in on a thread that was so intentionally created to inflame, and am signing off on it now. Tho I admit seeing one of the most consistent flamers on Cowboys boards give lectures on morality provides no small amusement.

Bill the Butcher said:
See, this is what I mean. This doesnt have much at all to do with the post that started this thread. If you read the 1st post it has more to do with peoples attitudes than with an actual trade. Not pickin on ya bud. Just clearing things up..........
Actually I addressed that previously.
The original question cant be answered because we do not know what 31 other teams would do. Soem are crazy enough to assume, others know better. 31 GMs will answer questions differently obviously.
Bill the Butcher said:
They didnt fit the profile. Im comparing QB's that play NOW not apples and oranges! ;)
The problem is you are relying on sack totals and such to tell you if Vinny would stay healthy. Thats simply not an accurate guage. Pocket passers take alot of shots as they deliver passes. You remember that guy name Troy retiring early right? You don ot want to put a pocket passer behind a weak OL because you ask that player to take even more hits then they normally do. When that player also happens to be over 40 it would be rather ignorant.
LaTunaNostra said:
Well TH, you always manage to sound upset. Upset, hurt, victimized and martyred.

Once again, interesting phenomenon isn't it :rolleyes:

LaTunaNostra said:
You showed nothing of the kind. Every fan from pre draft on has players he or she is particularly keen on, and some fans are prone to hyping. Some never hype anyone. I'd wager MOST fans fall into my category on Henson, very excited about his potential, but at the same time recognizing the fact he will probably not see much active duty this year, and if he does, it won't be a good sign for the team's overall fortunes. In fact, I would not blame any fan who felt he hoped he didn't see Drew on the field at all this year except in mop up duty. I'd hardly call that disloyal to Henson. I'd call that gosh darn common sense. This team went to the playoffs last year. Few are willing to tank the season to prepare Henson faster. Especially after what throwing young QBs out there too fast has resulted in in the recent past.

Altho I know you have said you feel Carter earned the starting job last year, we both know he has to keep earning it. But this summer he will be earning it by keeping Vinnie at bay, not Drew. That's next summer's challenge for Q. One thing Dallas fans can take comfort in is the head coach will show no favoritism. Just as Bill played the best option at QB last year, so will he this year. If Henson can bypass Carter, Testaverde, and Romo, he will start. But it is very very unlikely from the scout team he is able to do that, and that's why many of us are not getting ourselves in a tizzy about him this year. Tho of course it will be fun to see him on the field in preseason. Let him throw a few intermediate passes to Terry where he doesn't have to reach behind him for the ball, and you will see how fast I start hyping. The hype will come, and it may even be vigorous to satisfy YOU, TH.

Many of us have never even seen Drew play, just have the opinions of other to go on. I chose a rather hyped opinion (that of my brother) to frame the parameters of my perspective. I am already OVER hyping Henson by attributing to him "franchise" potential. The danger for this boy, imho, is going to just that over hype. You can call it "hypocritial" if you like, or read it as a tactic to keep the positive regard down, but it isn't. It's experience of watching over and over how a fanbase hoisted a player on a pedestal, and then in mob like fashion caved it to the ground. When a kid this limited in experience with a lot of raw talent gets discussed, the danger is indeed setting him up for stormy times.

I categorically disagree with the contention there are only two possiblities for Drew's future. "Elite" impact QB or bust. In Bill's system, there is much for potential for a Phil Simms type career. Henson could become the ultimate bus driver. He could become a moderately successful starter, or a much valued backup. The full range of possibilities are as open to him as to any other QB.

However, if the debate is framed in such a way that a kid with his amount of experience, away from the game for several years, can work his way up to the starter position this year via an aerial display of Favre like fireworks and mature game management, a feeling of disappointment will set up around him. The bar will get set so high every missed receiver will be a dagger, and each misread blitz become a fatal flaw. Drew, talented as he may be, is a developmental prospect. In fairness to him, that should be kept in mind. He is not SuperRook and expecting him to be both dampens the legitimate hype, and works to the advantage of his detractors.

I can wait to see Drew, secure in the knowledge of Tuna's past. The minute, nay, the SECOND, Drew Henson becomes the best option at QB, he will be on that field.

Some kids can wait for Christmas to unwrap those gifts. Others are searching every inch of the house from Thanksgiving on trying to find where daddy and mommy hid them. Doesn't mean the kids with some self discipline crave the presents any less. They just understand there's a time and place for everything. From where we sit right now, the FO/CS had decided the time for Henson is 2005 at the earliest and his place this season is to prepare, as it was for so many inexperienced QBs before him. He would have to be godlike to take the starting job from his place on the depth chart. Talented as I believe he is, I'm not attributing him with such qualities. Yet.

I appreciate your desire to see Henson asap, and I hope you fight the good fight by hyping him to high heavens. Like wise those who hype Quincy. But I also respect the wisdom of Bill Parcells. Your dog in the race, you have said often, is Henson. Mine is Tuna. TUNA is the man who is going to take us there, and whatever dog he runs will be the best option. The purebred greyhound, or the mangy mutt. :D

Unlike that minority of fans who do sometimes at least appear to be more about the player than the team, (tho I sure don't have the gall to accuse anyone of that, who the hell am I to question anyone's team loyalty), he will not put one player above the team. Not Carter and not Henson. Not his ex-Jet Vinnie either.

I wish you had too. I also wish I had refrained from jumping in on a thread that was so intentionally created to inflame, and am signing off on it now. Tho I admit seeing one of the most consistent flamers on Cowboys boards give lectures on morality provides no small amusement.


Yet another classic. Great post LaTuna
Hostile said:
By all means your honor, please break down that post word for word, one at a time, and show me how a post about Losman is attacking players on my team.

I'm still waiting for evidence that doubting a player's ability is an attack and for an answer why it is okay to doubt Hambrick, Hutchinson, and every other player except. There's an old saying about people who live in glass houses. You should heed it your honor.
Ahh, your honor now? Nice, I see you have been hanging with 2 deep again. Makes sense being that he would still be banned if it wasnt for you.

MY take on this has been clear. Stop attacking Cowboy players. Saying a guy who got benched or threw jerseys at the coach is lacking is rather obvious. Arguing the starting QB sucks is a whole nother issue.

Thats the difference between me and many here. The guys I labeled negatively have been cut traded or whatever. Galloway, THam, Hutch have been the only real targets for me. Lynn Scott is probably the one guy still on the team who I think is stealing ajob and I am not sure he can last past training camp. All that being said, go back and find the last time a brick was thrown from this glass house at one of our own players. Good luck and hope you have a while to search. I have said nearly nothing negative about Hutch in months. The guy got jobbed by a dufus coordinator same as QC, except he didnt have a 2nd chance because of contract issues. I dont HATE any of our players or former players. Yet we see plenty of bashing through passive knocks, "jokes", and whatever else excuse the hater bandwagon can use to knock the guy. Mostly because they want attention.

It again boils down to simple credibility. BP has made moves in agreement with my statements yet has made moves against the hater nation. Hmmm, you would think the fact BP, Woody, Staubach and others have given QC a vote of confidence would be enough, but it isnt.
Qcard said:
Once again, interesting phenomenon isn't it :rolleyes:

Yet another classic. Great post LaTuna
Well when they lob her softballs you gotta expect home runs. :)

Maybe they can start walking her like Barry Bonds.
LaTunaNostra said:
Well TH, you always manage to sound upset. Upset, hurt, victimized and martyred.

You showed nothing of the kind. Every fan from pre draft on has players he or she is particularly keen on, and some fans are prone to hyping. Some never hype anyone. I'd wager MOST fans fall into my category on Henson, very excited about his potential, but at the same time recognizing the fact he will probably not see much active duty this year, and if he does, it won't be a good sign for the team's overall fortunes. In fact, I would not blame any fan who felt he hoped he didn't see Drew on the field at all this year except in mop up duty. I'd hardly call that disloyal to Henson. I'd call that gosh darn common sense. This team went to the playoffs last year. Few are willing to tank the season to prepare Henson faster. Especially after what throwing young QBs out there too fast has resulted in in the recent past.

Altho I know you have said you feel Carter earned the starting job last year, we both know he has to keep earning it. But this summer he will be earning it by keeping Vinnie at bay, not Drew. That's next summer's challenge for Q. One thing Dallas fans can take comfort in is the head coach will show no favoritism. Just as Bill played the best option at QB last year, so will he this year. If Henson can bypass Carter, Testaverde, and Romo, he will start. But it is very very unlikely from the scout team he is able to do that, and that's why many of us are not getting ourselves in a tizzy about him this year. Tho of course it will be fun to see him on the field in preseason. Let him throw a few intermediate passes to Terry where he doesn't have to reach behind him for the ball, and you will see how fast I start hyping. The hype will come, and it may even be vigorous to satisfy YOU, TH.

Many of us have never even seen Drew play, just have the opinions of other to go on. I chose a rather hyped opinion (that of my brother) to frame the parameters of my perspective. I am already OVER hyping Henson by attributing to him "franchise" potential. The danger for this boy, imho, is going to just that over hype. You can call it "hypocritial" if you like, or read it as a tactic to keep the positive regard down, but it isn't. It's experience of watching over and over how a fanbase hoisted a player on a pedestal, and then in mob like fashion caved it to the ground. When a kid this limited in experience with a lot of raw talent gets discussed, the danger is indeed setting him up for stormy times.

I categorically disagree with the contention there are only two possiblities for Drew's future. "Elite" impact QB or bust. In Bill's system, there is much for potential for a Phil Simms type career. Henson could become the ultimate bus driver. He could become a moderately successful starter, or a much valued backup. The full range of possibilities are as open to him as to any other QB.

However, if the debate is framed in such a way that a kid with his amount of experience, away from the game for several years, can work his way up to the starter position this year via an aerial display of Favre like fireworks and mature game management, a feeling of disappointment will set up around him. The bar will get set so high every missed receiver will be a dagger, and each misread blitz become a fatal flaw. Drew, talented as he may be, is a developmental prospect. In fairness to him, that should be kept in mind. He is not SuperRook and expecting him to be both dampens the legitimate hype, and works to the advantage of his detractors.

I can wait to see Drew, secure in the knowledge of Tuna's past. The minute, nay, the SECOND, Drew Henson becomes the best option at QB, he will be on that field.

Some kids can wait for Christmas to unwrap those gifts. Others are searching every inch of the house from Thanksgiving on trying to find where daddy and mommy hid them. Doesn't mean the kids with some self discipline crave the presents any less. They just understand there's a time and place for everything. From where we sit right now, the FO/CS had decided the time for Henson is 2005 at the earliest and his place this season is to prepare, as it was for so many inexperienced QBs before him. He would have to be godlike to take the starting job from his place on the depth chart. Talented as I believe he is, I'm not attributing him with such qualities. Yet.

I appreciate your desire to see Henson asap, and I hope you fight the good fight by hyping him to high heavens. Like wise those who hype Quincy. But I also respect the wisdom of Bill Parcells. Your dog in the race, you have said often, is Henson. Mine is Tuna. TUNA is the man who is going to take us there, and whatever dog he runs will be the best option. The purebred greyhound, or the mangy mutt. :D

Unlike that minority of fans who do sometimes at least appear to be more about the player than the team, (tho I sure don't have the gall to accuse anyone of that, who the hell am I to question anyone's team loyalty), he will not put one player above the team. Not Carter and not Henson. Not his ex-Jet Vinnie either.

I wish you had too. I also wish I had refrained from jumping in on a thread that was so intentionally created to inflame, and am signing off on it now. Tho I admit seeing one of the most consistent flamers on Cowboys boards give lectures on morality provides no small amusement.

Could someone please explain why this thread is so intentionally created to inflame yet threads started by the Q gang are NOT? Why is it that only the folks who arent enamored with Carter are considered THE HATERS? Why is it acceptible to make fun of Hutches Eyes, singing, whatever the case may be, but not acceptible to make fun of any of Quincys attributes? Seems like a double standard to me. Why is it O.K to dance on the grave of a COWBOYS QB "Hutchinson" but to not be enamored with QC is being a HATER? Your right, this really is a phenomena ! Glad it gives you amusement Latuna. So in other words if someone acts one way they can never change. Sure hope thats not the case cuz if it is Q is in rough shape...LOL. BTW...If TERRY GLENN would have been HALF AS GOOD as the Panther recievers Q would have had a much better year. RIGHT? C'mon now, cant have it both ways now can we? ;)
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