3rd for Quincy?

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Bill the Butcher said:
Listen guys, lets think about this logically. 04, no matter how much we want it is NOT our Superbowl push year, 05 is. JJ and more importantly BP have both stated we may be a better overall team in 04 but our record may not reflect it. THEY SAID THAT. How can we on one hand say BP is a straightshooter but if he says something that doesnt fit our agenda say he doesnt mean it? Most fans, even some Q backers say that Q starts this year but they like Hensons chances in 05. Theres a problem with that........If 05 is our true push year do you REALLY BELIEVE BP will go into that season with a guy that has NO NFL game experience? HE WONT! Q will start the season with Henson taking over by the 10th game at the latest. Wont happen?LOL, Gotta remember, after Vinny went down in NY BP got that team to 8-8 I believe with the likes of RAY FRIGGIN LUCAS at Q.B....LOL In 05 we will be much improved overall plus have TWO 1st round picks. Bash me all you want, but everything JJ/BP have done and said points to the scenario I just laid out. Put it ALL together instead of just piecemeal and it makes sence. ;)
........................................................ :D
And I do mean EVERYTHING they have done! The handling of the draft, the puzzling non pick of what was considered the top 2 backs in the draft"although I do feel J Jones is a keeper", how F/A was handled, the stocking of 2 no ones NEXT YEAR, Saying things like..."we may be a better overall team but have a record that doesnt reflect it" , bringing in Vinny, Still having 5 QB's on the roster at this late date, could go on and on. But go ahead, piecemeal it if you want. I myself prefer to look at the BIG PICTURE. Tends to give you more of a true sence of whats going to happen! ;)
And why is it that when Parcells SAID that Testeverde would be givin the chance to compete for the job the Q gang puts no credibility to that statement? I thought BP was a straightshooter? Puzzling?? What did he mean when he said Q was the starter "FOR NOW"???? Did he mean it like it sounded or is he just pulling our legs again? Thought he was a STRAIGHT SHOOTER? C'mon which is it? Or is he only speaking the truth when he says something positive about QC? Yeah, IT SURE IS an interesting phenomena! ;)
jterrell said:
The problem is you are relying on sack totals and such to tell you if Vinny would stay healthy. Thats simply not an accurate guage. Pocket passers take alot of shots as they deliver passes. You remember that guy name Troy retiring early right? You don ot want to put a pocket passer behind a weak OL because you ask that player to take even more hits then they normally do. When that player also happens to be over 40 it would be rather ignorant.
What about Vicks injury? Mcnairs history of nagging injurys? How many games has the biggest statue of all Brad Johnson missed recently? Vinny? ;)
This is amusing. For the record, I think it's 8 games. If in 8 games, Carter has not shown dramatic improvement, I think we see another QB and I think the natural progression would be Henson or Romo, assuming either are ready. That's the key. Parcells has proven time and again what it is he expects out of the QB position. The thing that seems to always be over looked is the consistant direction used in basically every move BP makes. He rearly, if ever, makes decisions that take te development of the team backwards. I don't see him doing that with the QBs if he feels Carter has reached his ceiling (sp?). BP is good at handling game situations. If Henson were inserted, he would not be asked to win games by himself. He would be asked, at least initially, to not lose games. I think you absolutly give that chance to Henson if he shows the aptitude.

Three things here.

1. There really should be very little for the Carter camp to get upset over. He has every advantage. It's his spot to lose. If he can't get it done now, he never will so comments, regardless of tone or verbage are really irrelivent. IMO, this is a yes or no proposition for Carter. Nothing can change that now, least of all message boards.

2. We have 2 number one picks this year. Nobody is really talking about using those picks on a QB. Before Henson, all the talk was QB next year if Carter can't get it done. It would be very shortsighted, in my opinion, to assume Carter is going to get it done or that Henson is the answer without ever seeing him play. To me, it's an imparative that we understand what we have in Henson before the draft. Two first round picks could put us in a position to take a QB if we need to. Before we do that, we have to know if we have a QB or not.

3. If Carter does not show enough progression, Henson is not played the whole year and we don't use our picks on a franchise QB, what does that say? To me, it would suggest that the decision on Henson has already been made. Either way, it's within Carter's ability to make this point moot. The Carter issue is really pointless if you look at it logically. Either he will or he wont. All the back and forth stuff on message boards is a reflection of our own personel agendas and fears. We cloud the issue with so much BS because we don't want to admit we might be wrong either way. It's really pretty stupid if you think about it and I'm just as guilty as anybody. I've spent 3 seasons discussing this topic and I'm no closer to resolution then I was when it first started. It is what it is.
Bill the Butcher said:
Could someone please explain why this thread is so intentionally created to inflame yet threads started by the Q gang are NOT? Why is it that only the folks who arent enamored with Carter are considered THE HATERS? Why is it acceptible to make fun of Hutches Eyes, singing, whatever the case may be, but not acceptible to make fun of any of Quincys attributes? Seems like a double standard to me. Why is it O.K to dance on the grave of a COWBOYS QB "Hutchinson" but to not be enamored with QC is being a HATER? Your right, this really is a phenomena ! Glad it gives you amusement Latuna. So in other words if someone acts one way they can never change. Sure hope thats not the case cuz if it is Q is in rough shape...LOL. BTW...If TERRY GLENN would have been HALF AS GOOD as the Panther recievers Q would have had a much better year. RIGHT? C'mon now, cant have it both ways now can we? ;)

When I say I've signed off a thread, it means I've determined there is no way for a thread to go but south, or it already has gone south. This one, of course, BEGAN south, and you did it deliberately. I usually make good on my word on that sign-off regard, but I'll make the exception in this case, and reply, because "adversarial" and "pedantic" (yup Fuzzy, you were SOOO right) as it will come across, it is something that has really detracted from the overall quaiity of the board of late, imho.

Who said the extremist wing of the Carterites does not also begin threads for inflammatory purposes? Take your whine to someone other than me. I had a long thread this week critiquing CowboyinIraq on just that very issue. I lectured him on it like a schoolmarm, which was probably totally inappropriate .The board tiff I had prior to that was with another Q supporter, Rack, altho in his case, he did nothing of the kind. I started the thing. But I recall you managed to get your two cents in on that one to take a few shots at Rack.

I am fair with my criticism, imo, and even handed. I wish more of you obvious partisans could be the same. But you're not. You back anyone who has your particular biased outlook, no matter how extreme. Which loses you the little credibility you might have had.

Hostile, Sgt Hendricks, and Rack are posters I consider posting buddies. I will say anything I feel relevent to them at any time, and on my part anyway, absolutely nothing in the way of bad blood is created. It is very possible to like and esteem those we disagree with. With no need to bawl like a baby afterward.

Whining about posters photoshopping Hutch's eyes? Grow up, I'm not caterwauling about that or about the photoshops last year of Carter homeless with a tin cup in his hand or of Hutch flippin burgers. That crap is funny. You have to be able to laugh at both sides and not get so defensive. Evidently, you're incapable of not letting it become about YOU.

Your point about changing is well taken. Perhaps you don't intend to stage the same act here you do at other boards.. But so far, I've seen nothing from you of substance, just ultra defensive sniveling about how unfair it all is, and how poor Hutch gets treated, and how Quincy is above reproach. While in reality, he bears the brunt of much dissatisfaction, as starting QBs are so prone.

Your attempts to bait me with Glenn insults are laughable, because you attribute me with the same irrationality that directs your own posting. If you read any threads that are not about Carter bashing, you'd know my assessment of Terry's game hardly falls in the category of 'hype'. I know he is no toughie like Smith, have myself made a negative comparison of him here regarding the exact same player. You evidently can't even fathom that a fan could be realistic about his/her "favorites"... Terry Glenn DOESN'T fight for the ball like Smith does. That is a fact. And I can say it without somehow feeling my own personal validiity is threatened. But you can only be objective about a player if you have't let it become about YOU.

And where exactly have I sounded like I expect to have it both ways? (dirty minds, shame on you :D ) No player, no coach, is above legitimate criticism. But it's hard to respect the endless mantras, and the flamer like responses, or the DELIBERATE agitation that is behind the starting of these threads. No matter what side of the debate it falls on. And seriously, I love this board, and any attempt to turn it into a sewer ticks me off. Big time.

Because of the recent past, and in your case Hutch losing out to Quincy APPEARS to be a sore spot, there is a considerable amount of posting ON BOTH SIDES that is nothing but a long interminable "how unfair" whine. It isn't even about the players, it is about past tiffs with other posters. And sometimes even at other places. Boo hoo hoo! "Why can that camp say this and we can't that "crap. Bawhaha! Nonsense. We can and do say anything we wish that meets the self imposed policy of board decorum. But maybe both sides need to stop and ak themselves

Now I AM signing off this abomination of a crybaby, poor-little-me thread.
jterrell said:
Ahh, your honor now? Nice, I see you have been hanging with 2 deep again. Makes sense being that he would still be banned if it wasnt for you.
Well, when was it that TwoDeep3 got banned? I must have missed that. I really must have missed it the discussion where I un-banned him or supported it.

"Your Honor" because you sounded like you wanted to be the Judge. The post you quoted had NOTHING to do with Cowboys players. It was about whether Bills fans would get upset if I found or made a Jpeg of Losman over Kelly the way 3 of you seem upset that I used a Jpeg of Henson over Aikman. I did not even make that picture. JDNalls found it when we were in Chat one night and I asked if I coudl use it. I thought it was a cool picture, not an "issue" to be upset about. You passed judgment on me in a post where I wasn't even discussing a Cowboys player. I was discussing a stange mindset of a particular group of fans.

MY take on this has been clear. Stop attacking Cowboy players. Saying a guy who got benched or threw jerseys at the coach is lacking is rather obvious. Arguing the starting QB sucks is a whole nother issue.
That's interesting. Which player have I attacked again? I have taken great care not to say Quincy sucks but have said it about quite a few players other than him. It is interesting to me that no one has defended those players. Hmm.

Let me bottom line this for you JT...doubt does not equal "attack." I have doubts. Period. End of story. You can stop sweating what I have to say. You can really stop reading between the lines because the vision seems to be blurry at best.

Thats the difference between me and many here. The guys I labeled negatively have been cut traded or whatever. Galloway, THam, Hutch have been the only real targets for me. Lynn Scott is probably the one guy still on the team who I think is stealing ajob and I am not sure he can last past training camp. All that being said, go back and find the last time a brick was thrown from this glass house at one of our own players. Good luck and hope you have a while to search. I have said nearly nothing negative about Hutch in months. The guy got jobbed by a dufus coordinator same as QC, except he didnt have a 2nd chance because of contract issues. I dont HATE any of our players or former players. Yet we see plenty of bashing through passive knocks, "jokes", and whatever else excuse the hater bandwagon can use to knock the guy. Mostly because they want attention.
The advice to me was stop attacking Cowboys players then you go on to explain which players and/or coachesyou have attacked, and why? Real cute the pardon you give yourself there JT.

Guess what? I don;t consider that you have ATTACKED those players or coaches. You expressed some doubts. See how that works? This isn't rocket science.

You are upset because I doubt your client and you have made it an attack when it clearly is not. It could not be any clearer. You do not defend any other player.

It again boils down to simple credibility. BP has made moves in agreement with my statements yet has made moves against the hater nation. Hmmm, you would think the fact BP, Woody, Staubach and others have given QC a vote of confidence would be enough, but it isnt.
Do you really expect anyone to bow and genuflect?

I've seen so many coaches and players receive "votes of confidence" from owners and coaches when they are struggling, only to end up being benched or waived. It's like a broken record. I seem to remember Jerry saying Dave Campo had his full confidence just a week or two before he started negotiating with Parcells. Yet somehow these votes of confidence are supposed to ease my mind and change it? I don't think so.
Listen guys, lets think about this logically. 04, no matter how much we want it is NOT our Superbowl push year, 05 is. JJ and more importantly BP have both stated we may be a better overall team in 04 but our record may not reflect it. THEY SAID THAT.

Last I checked, Jerry Jones got out of the prediction business after the '02 disaster.

Did either predict Dallas would make the tournamnet last year?

Why would they give the media such a juicy morsel to chew on this year?

Since you feel '05 is the year, I guess you expect Parcells and Jones to predict a championship run that July?

I don't.

Wouldn't it be a bit much to ask Drew Henson to be ready to quarterback a Super Bowl run his first full year as a starter in '05?

I'm not about to ask that.

If Henson is on the field in '05, which is very likely IMO, I'd be more than willing to push back Super dreams to '06 and give Drew one year on the field to find his game.

Bill the Butcher said:
And why is it that when Parcells SAID that Testeverde would be givin the chance to compete for the job the Q gang puts no credibility to that statement? I thought BP was a straightshooter?

Is Mickey Spagnola a Carter apologist?

Spags looks at Vinny as nothing more than a veteran reserve capable of stepping in and helping out on occasion if need be and a player who will not impede any of the young quarterbacks from progressing.

In fact, Vinny is being counted on to help them progress.

Testaverde will compete just as Parcells promised him, but he wasn't acquired to win the starting job.

He's much needed veteran insurance on a team with playoff aspirations.

1. There really should be very little for the Carter camp to get upset over. He has every advantage. It's his spot to lose. If he can't get it done now, he never will so comments, regardless of tone or verbage are really irrelivent. IMO, this is a yes or no proposition for Carter. Nothing can change that now, least of all message boards.


Q has his second year in the same offense and continuity with the coaching staff. Carter has a possession receiver and an emerging possession tight end. T-Ham is running his mouth by the Bay. The offensive line looks to be in better shape than last year.

Step up or take a seat.

That's why I so badly wanted a veteran quarterback in the mix this year.

If Carter doesn't progress, hand the reins over to Vinny and see if he can get the bus on cruise control.

Two options is always better than one option.

2. We have 2 number one picks this year. Nobody is really talking about using those picks on a QB. Before Henson, all the talk was QB next year if Carter can't get it done. It would be very shortsighted, in my opinion, to assume Carter is going to get it done or that Henson is the answer without ever seeing him play. To me, it's an imparative that we understand what we have in Henson before the draft. Two first round picks could put us in a position to take a QB if we need to. Before we do that, we have to know if we have a QB or not.

We'll know about Carter from watching him play, Henson will be more up to the coaching staff.

After a year of watching Drew practice and in the classroom, the staff should have a good idea what he's capable of.

But it isn't possible to get an in depth evaluation of Henson his first year back in the game after messing around with some other nonsense for three years.

Henson needs time and I expect Dallas to give it to him.

3. If Carter does not show enough progression, Henson is not played the whole year and we don't use our picks on a franchise QB, what does that say?

It says that Carter's done in Dallas, Henson wasn't ready yet and that the team didn't feel any quarterbacks in the draft had more long term promise than Henson.

To me, it would suggest that the decision on Henson has already been made. Either way, it's within Carter's ability to make this point moot. The Carter issue is really pointless if you look at it logically. Either he will or he wont. All the back and forth stuff on message boards is a reflection of our own personel agendas and fears. We cloud the issue with so much BS because we don't want to admit we might be wrong either way. It's really pretty stupid if you think about it and I'm just as guilty as anybody. I've spent 3 seasons discussing this topic and I'm no closer to resolution then I was when it first started. It is what it is.

It isn't fair to expect anything from Henson as a rookie and I don't think it would speak poorly of him if he doesn't get any time.

I'm nothing if not patient when it comes to developing quarterbacks.

As for Carter, like you said, either he will or he won't.

Q will either help the team get better or watch someone else try.

Pretty simple.

And we need an answer to the question.
Qcard said:
Once again, interesting phenomenon isn't it :rolleyes:
Yes, it is interesting how often you can wrongfully judge people despite your self proclaimed omniscience.

Yet another classic. Great post LaTuna
She is the very best.
LaTunaNostra said:
However, if the debate is framed in such a way that a kid with his amount of experience, away from the game for several years, can work his way up to the starter position this year via an aerial display of Favre like fireworks and mature game management, a feeling of disappointment will set up around him. The bar will get set so high every missed receiver will be a dagger, and each misread blitz become a fatal flaw. Drew, talented as he may be, is a developmental prospect. In fairness to him, that should be kept in mind. He is not SuperRook and expecting him to be both dampens the legitimate hype, and works to the advantage of his detractors.

I can wait to see Drew, secure in the knowledge of Tuna's past. The minute, nay, the SECOND, Drew Henson becomes the best option at QB, he will be on that field.

Some kids can wait for Christmas to unwrap those gifts. Others are searching every inch of the house from Thanksgiving on trying to find where daddy and mommy hid them. Doesn't mean the kids with some self discipline crave the presents any less. They just understand there's a time and place for everything. From where we sit right now, the FO/CS had decided the time for Henson is 2005 at the earliest and his place this season is to prepare, as it was for so many inexperienced QBs before him. He would have to be godlike to take the starting job from his place on the depth chart. Talented as I believe he is, I'm not attributing him with such qualities. Yet.

I appreciate your desire to see Henson asap, and I hope you fight the good fight by hyping him to high heavens. Like wise those who hype Quincy. But I also respect the wisdom of Bill Parcells. Your dog in the race, you have said often, is Henson. Mine is Tuna. TUNA is the man who is going to take us there, and whatever dog he runs will be the best option. The purebred greyhound, or the mangy mutt. :D

Unlike that minority of fans who do sometimes at least appear to be more about the player than the team, (tho I sure don't have the gall to accuse anyone of that, who the hell am I to question anyone's team loyalty), he will not put one player above the team. Not Carter and not Henson. Not his ex-Jet Vinnie either.

I wish you had too. I also wish I had refrained from jumping in on a thread that was so intentionally created to inflame, and am signing off on it now. Tho I admit seeing one of the most consistent flamers on Cowboys boards give lectures on morality provides no small amusement.


Be prepared to put me back on ignore.

Let's see wanting to see Henson play makes one childlike and undisciplined. We are so caught up in the hype, that we'd not be able to accept any mistakes and we would effect Henson's career negatively.

You get amussed by a "lecture in morality" yet you freely give one. An overly long one, I might add.

Lastly, since our FO/CS feels 2005 is the earliest for Henson I must have dreamt, in my fits of Carter hate, Parcells saying when asked about Drew playing THIS year, "I'm not ruling anything out," or Jerry saying, "Getting him in early gives him a better chance to compete." Both have completely ruled it out.

Feel free to spend 25 paragraphs attacking this word for word, or return me to your extremist list, if you prefer.
LaTunaNostra said:
When I say I've signed off a thread, it means I've determined there is no way for a thread to go but south, or it already has gone south. This one, of course, BEGAN south, and you did it deliberately. I usually make good on my word on that sign-off regard, but I'll make the exception in this case, and reply, because "adversarial" and "pedantic" (yup Fuzzy, you were SOOO right) as it will come across, it is something that has really detracted from the overall quaiity of the board of late, imho.

Who said the extremist wing of the Carterites does not also begin threads for inflammatory purposes? Take your whine to someone other than me. I had a long thread this week critiquing CowboyinIraq on just that very issue. I lectured him on it like a schoolmarm, which was probably totally inappropriate .The board tiff I had prior to that was with another Q supporter, Rack, altho in his case, he did nothing of the kind. I started the thing. But I recall you managed to get your two cents in on that one to take a few shots at Rack.

I am fair with my criticism, imo, and even handed. I wish more of you obvious partisans could be the same. But you're not. You back anyone who has your particular biased outlook, no matter how extreme. Which loses you the little credibility you might have had.

Hostile, Sgt Hendricks, and Rack are posters I consider posting buddies. I will say anything I feel relevent to them at any time, and on my part anyway, absolutely nothing in the way of bad blood is created. It is very possible to like and esteem those we disagree with. With no need to bawl like a baby afterward.

Whining about posters photoshopping Hutch's eyes? Grow up, I'm not caterwauling about that or about the photoshops last year of Carter homeless with a tin cup in his hand or of Hutch flippin burgers. That crap is funny. You have to be able to laugh at both sides and not get so defensive. Evidently, you're incapable of not letting it become about YOU.

Your point about changing is well taken. Perhaps you don't intend to stage the same act here you do at other boards.. But so far, I've seen nothing from you of substance, just ultra defensive sniveling about how unfair it all is, and how poor Hutch gets treated, and how Quincy is above reproach. While in reality, he bears the brunt of much dissatisfaction, as starting QBs are so prone.

Your attempts to bait me with Glenn insults are laughable, because you attribute me with the same irrationality that directs your own posting. If you read any threads that are not about Carter bashing, you'd know my assessment of Terry's game hardly falls in the category of 'hype'. I know he is no toughie like Smith, have myself made a negative comparison of him here regarding the exact same player. You evidently can't even fathom that a fan could be realistic about his/her "favorites"... Terry Glenn DOESN'T fight for the ball like Smith does. That is a fact. And I can say it without somehow feeling my own personal validiity is threatened. But you can only be objective about a player if you have't let it become about YOU.

And where exactly have I sounded like I expect to have it both ways? (dirty minds, shame on you :D ) No player, no coach, is above legitimate criticism. But it's hard to respect the endless mantras, and the flamer like responses, or the DELIBERATE agitation that is behind the starting of these threads. No matter what side of the debate it falls on. And seriously, I love this board, and any attempt to turn it into a sewer ticks me off. Big time.

Because of the recent past, and in your case Hutch losing out to Quincy APPEARS to be a sore spot, there is a considerable amount of posting ON BOTH SIDES that is nothing but a long interminable "how unfair" whine. It isn't even about the players, it is about past tiffs with other posters. And sometimes even at other places. Boo hoo hoo! "Why can that camp say this and we can't that "crap. Bawhaha! Nonsense. We can and do say anything we wish that meets the self imposed policy of board decorum. But maybe both sides need to stop and ak themselves

Now I AM signing off this abomination of a crybaby, poor-little-me thread.
Who exactly are YOU to sit in judgement of others? Just another poster, nothing more nothing less. Although I will not rejoice at the possible demise of Quincy, I will rejoice EVERY TIME I read you after Henson is named starter. Its coming, and sooner than you think. Looking forward to reading you. Will be here every step of the way to insure you, and others are constantly reminded of things said in the past. Will also make sure everyone gives Henson the EXACT amount of latitude givin Quincy or face being exposed for the TRUE HATERS they are. You KNOW its coming, looking forward to seeing you then..LOL. Best part is, there is NOTHING you can do except sit back and watch the sand run out of the hourglass ;)
Bluefin said:
Last I checked, Jerry Jones got out of the prediction business after the '02 disaster.

Did either predict Dallas would make the tournamnet last year?

Why would they give the media such a juicy morsel to chew on this year?

Since you feel '05 is the year, I guess you expect Parcells and Jones to predict a championship run that July?

I don't.

Wouldn't it be a bit much to ask Drew Henson to be ready to quarterback a Super Bowl run his first full year as a starter in '05?

I'm not about to ask that.

If Henson is on the field in '05, which is very likely IMO, I'd be more than willing to push back Super dreams to '06 and give Drew one year on the field to find his game.

Is Mickey Spagnola a Carter apologist?

Spags looks at Vinny as nothing more than a veteran reserve capable of stepping in and helping out on occasion if need be and a player who will not impede any of the young quarterbacks from progressing.

In fact, Vinny is being counted on to help them progress.

Testaverde will compete just as Parcells promised him, but he wasn't acquired to win the starting job.

He's much needed veteran insurance on a team with playoff aspirations.


Q has his second year in the same offense and continuity with the coaching staff. Carter has a possession receiver and an emerging possession tight end. T-Ham is running his mouth by the Bay. The offensive line looks to be in better shape than last year.

Step up or take a seat.

That's why I so badly wanted a veteran quarterback in the mix this year.

If Carter doesn't progress, hand the reins over to Vinny and see if he can get the bus on cruise control.

Two options is always better than one option.

We'll know about Carter from watching him play, Henson will be more up to the coaching staff.

After a year of watching Drew practice and in the classroom, the staff should have a good idea what he's capable of.

But it isn't possible to get an in depth evaluation of Henson his first year back in the game after messing around with some other nonsense for three years.

Henson needs time and I expect Dallas to give it to him.

It says that Carter's done in Dallas, Henson wasn't ready yet and that the team didn't feel any quarterbacks in the draft had more long term promise than Henson.

It isn't fair to expect anything from Henson as a rookie and I don't think it would speak poorly of him if he doesn't get any time.

I'm nothing if not patient when it comes to developing quarterbacks.

As for Carter, like you said, either he will or he won't.

Q will either help the team get better or watch someone else try.

Pretty simple.

And we need an answer to the question.

Anybody getting paid to play football or any sport has expectations put on them. Henson will as well. While I don't necessarily believe it's realistic to expect him to start, I don't close myself to the possability either.

It would not be wise to go into the draft blindly at the QB position. A year of practice or holding a clip board does not tell you what you need to know about a QB. Game time is the only answer to the question no matter how you slice it. The game isn't a probability excersise. In depth analysis not the answer. If a player can play, it shows. It's that simple.

Either way, soon most of this will be put to rest. I, for one, am counting the minutes.
Anybody getting paid to play football or any sport has expectations put on them. Henson will as well. While I don't necessarily believe it's realistic to expect him to start, I don't close myself to the possability either.

It would not be wise to go into the draft blindly at the QB position. A year of practice or holding a clip board does not tell you what you need to know about a QB. Game time is the only answer to the question no matter how you slice it. The game isn't a probability excersise. In depth analysis not the answer. If a player can play, it shows. It's that simple.

Either way, soon most of this will be put to rest. I, for one, am counting the minutes.

I'm not closing the book on Henson contributing as a rookie, I have no idea how he'll play during the pre-season or adapt to the offense.

I'm just not getting my hopes up and I'm perfectly fine with the fact Henson will likely need some time before hitting the field as a starter.

It'll be nice if the team can find a way to get some on field evaluation of Henson during the season, but how much would it help?

Such snaps would either come with the team comfortably ahead or in the death throes of a blowout, an accurate picture wouldn't be painted, IMO.

The Cowboys chose to bypass Byron Leftwich in '03 and again abstained from looking at quarterbacks this year during the draft.

Drew Henson is the future at the position and Quincy Carter might put up a fight if he continues to improve and is still a Cowboy in '05.

Tony Romo may stay in the picture as well.

Regardless of what happens this year, I can't see Dallas pursuing a first round quarterback next year.
Bluefin said:
I'm not closing the book on Henson contributing as a rookie, I have no idea how he'll play during the pre-season or adapt to the offense.

I'm just not getting my hopes up and I'm perfectly fine with the fact Henson will likely need some time before hitting the field as a starter.

It'll be nice if the team can find a way to get some on field evaluation of Henson during the season, but how much would it help?

Such snaps would either come with the team comfortably ahead or in the death throes of a blowout, an accurate picture wouldn't be painted, IMO.

The Cowboys chose to bypass Byron Leftwich in '03 and again abstained from looking at quarterbacks this year during the draft.

Drew Henson is the future at the position and Quincy Carter might put up a fight if he continues to improve and is still a Cowboy in '05.

Tony Romo may stay in the picture as well.

Regardless of what happens this year, I can't see Dallas pursuing a first round quarterback next year.

It's interesting that you bring up Leftwich. I believe that passing on him was a huge mistake. We may get lucky with Henson but that doesn't change the fact that we should have taken him IMO.

I think it's prudent to temper enthusiasam as I said earlier. If Henson is special, then I think that it's reasonable to get him on the field as soon as he has a good grasp of our offense. Honestly, I don't believe that the physical is what will hold him back. It's the mental that he will need to master. I also don't think it's the x's and o's part of it. He has had lots of time to study. I figure by mid season, he will probably know the offense. The thing is the speed and really, it's getting hit and standing in. It's feeling the pressure and evading. It's game experience.

I agree with you on the playing time. If Carter plays the way many hope he will, then this amounts to nothing. Carter has all the power. The opportunity to close the deal once and for all. Will he do it?
Bill the Butcher said:
Who exactly are YOU to sit in judgement of others? Just another poster, nothing more nothing less. Although I will not rejoice at the possible demise of Quincy, I will rejoice EVERY TIME I read you after Henson is named starter. Its coming, and sooner than you think. Looking forward to reading you. Will be here every step of the way to insure you, and others are constantly reminded of things said in the past. Will also make sure everyone gives Henson the EXACT amount of latitude givin Quincy or face being exposed for the TRUE HATERS they are. You KNOW its coming, looking forward to seeing you then..LOL. Best part is, there is NOTHING you can do except sit back and watch the sand run out of the hourglass ;)

After reading this post, im convinced that Bill the Butcher is the biggest ******* on this forum, and not me :( Looks like i'll have some catching up to do.
ChrisFul said:
After reading this post, im convinced that Bill the Butcher is the biggest ******* on this forum, and not me :( Looks like i'll have some catching up to do.

LOL!!!!!!!! Does anybody besides me find this post exceedingly funny and somewhat ironic?

LaTunaNostra said:
Well TH, you always manage to sound upset. Upset, hurt, victimized and martyred.
Funny, that is exactly how a lot of posters who don't like my opinions sound to me too. They shout "apples and oranges" about a comparison I make, then go off on a tangent that is further from the point, and hate it if I try to bring the discussion back. I was talking about how we get excited about rookie prospects and somehow excitement over a veteran got mixed in. I'd say apples and oranges but when that veteran was signed I was excited. This is the time of year that we get excited about the new presents under the NFL Christmas tree, i.e. our new rookies.

You showed nothing of the kind. Every fan from pre draft on has players he or she is particularly keen on, and some fans are prone to hyping. Some never hype anyone. I'd wager MOST fans fall into my category on Henson, very excited about his potential, but at the same time recognizing the fact he will probably not see much active duty this year, and if he does, it won't be a good sign for the team's overall fortunes. In fact, I would not blame any fan who felt he hoped he didn't see Drew on the field at all this year except in mop up duty. I'd hardly call that disloyal to Henson. I'd call that gosh darn common sense. This team went to the playoffs last year. Few are willing to tank the season to prepare Henson faster. Especially after what throwing young QBs out there too fast has resulted in in the recent past.
I "showed nothing of the kind?" I guess thanking Jimz31, Bluefin, and you for the interesting debates is not showing how much I was enjoying it. Okay I guess.

All I did was point out that we as fans get amped up about rookies with potential like Williams, Newman, etc. So much so that we even talk about them in relation to the greats of all time. I pointed out that other team's fans do this too. I then pointed out that when talking about Henson the names Leaf and Hutchinson are immediately thrown out by the folks who think doubting Q equals an attack. Apparently it struck a nerve or guilt.

Altho I know you have said you feel Carter earned the starting job last year, we both know he has to keep earning it. But this summer he will be earning it by keeping Vinnie at bay, not Drew. That's next summer's challenge for Q. One thing Dallas fans can take comfort in is the head coach will show no favoritism. Just as Bill played the best option at QB last year, so will he this year. If Henson can bypass Carter, Testaverde, and Romo, he will start. But it is very very unlikely from the scout team he is able to do that, and that's why many of us are not getting ourselves in a tizzy about him this year. Tho of course it will be fun to see him on the field in preseason. Let him throw a few intermediate passes to Terry where he doesn't have to reach behind him for the ball, and you will see how fast I start hyping. The hype will come, and it may even be vigorous to satisfy YOU, TH.
I know the Henson hype is coming LTN. I've never said it isn't. I just find it humorous that Roy is the next Lott, T-New is the next Deion, but Henson is the next Hutchinson: all because of baseball. I find that rather interesting.

This thread had a dubious intent in your mind as you've said. Surely you can see that I have not even discussed things asked under the original intent and premise of this thread and when I did directly answer that premise I was not hateful or under handed.

Someone else threw something out there that I found interesting. Last year we made the playoffs with a QB who threw 17 TDs and 21 INTs, 3300+ yards passing in an offense that scored 289 points.

There is a common lament that if we start Drew Henson it is tanking the season. Last year in 13 games started Byron Leftwich threw 14 TDs, 16 INTs, threw for 2800+ yards passing and led an offense that scored 276 points. As a true rookie.

Pretty similar huh? That for a team that was pretty poor. Call me crazy but Leftwich has that certain "IT." I think if he had been our QB we'd have still made the playoffs. I'd still credit the defense and the coaching.

Maybe I'm crazy but if those stats can lead us to the playoffs one year, why not another? Why is it suddenly gloomy? Where did the optimism go?

I personally think if Henson wins the job he will be better than what was good enough in 2003. That just means to me the team has improved. I don't see the harm in wanting that.

Many of us have never even seen Drew play, just have the opinions of other to go on. I chose a rather hyped opinion (that of my brother) to frame the parameters of my perspective. I am already OVER hyping Henson by attributing to him "franchise" potential. The danger for this boy, imho, is going to just that over hype. You can call it "hypocritial" if you like, or read it as a tactic to keep the positive regard down, but it isn't. It's experience of watching over and over how a fanbase hoisted a player on a pedestal, and then in mob like fashion caved it to the ground. When a kid this limited in experience with a lot of raw talent gets discussed, the danger is indeed setting him up for stormy times.
What I call hypocritical is the extreme opposite feelings and judgments. For example, Carter has had only 31 games to prove himself, but Hutchinson is washed up after only having 9 games. A common theme.

Carter was good enough to lead us to 10 wins and the playoffs, but Hambrick wasn't. Another common theme.

You see from where I sit the whole offense had limitations that held us back, not just Hambrick.

We should not "attack" Cowboys players, but then it is fine to say Larry Allen is a "Fat A**," or call him Joey "Gallowaste," or say Hambrick tripped over blades of grass. A common occurence here.

You see, I don't consider any of those things "attacking" Cowboys players. I think those things express doubts. What exactly is wrong with having doubts?

When an offense only scores 289 points I am going to be more concerned than giddy. I think that is only natural.

I categorically disagree with the contention there are only two possiblities for Drew's future. "Elite" impact QB or bust. In Bill's system, there is much for potential for a Phil Simms type career. Henson could become the ultimate bus driver. He could become a moderately successful starter, or a much valued backup. The full range of possibilities are as open to him as to any other QB.
Fair enough. I submit that is probably in your eyes, and not necessarily everyone else's.

However, if the debate is framed in such a way that a kid with his amount of experience, away from the game for several years, can work his way up to the starter position this year via an aerial display of Favre like fireworks and mature game management, a feeling of disappointment will set up around him. The bar will get set so high every missed receiver will be a dagger, and each misread blitz become a fatal flaw. Drew, talented as he may be, is a developmental prospect. In fairness to him, that should be kept in mind. He is not SuperRook and expecting him to be both dampens the legitimate hype, and works to the advantage of his detractors.
Hmm. As the foremost accused supporter of Henson I don't remember comparing him to Favre. I have said I think he will show in Training Camp that overall he is the best QB on the roster. I did not think that translated to Favre.

The judgments of any QB for several years until one simply shines are going to be extremely harsh by one segment of the fans or the other. That is just the truth. The two sides have rubbed each other's noses in it for so long now, that it isn't likely to be forgotten.

If Drew has a stellar game some yahoo will bash Q. That's not fair but it is going to happen. If he has a poor game some other yahoo will bash him. That's not fair either. It's the world we've created by being so overly sensitive to other people's opinions. Political correctness stinks. It's the world we've created though. I know for a fact one side feels like the other wants them censored. If the shoe is on the other foot you can bet that sentiment will be returned in kind.

I can wait to see Drew, secure in the knowledge of Tuna's past. The minute, nay, the SECOND, Drew Henson becomes the best option at QB, he will be on that field.
I understand that. I have no problem with that. My issue is why is he the next Leaf or Hutchinson?

Some kids can wait for Christmas to unwrap those gifts. Others are searching every inch of the house from Thanksgiving on trying to find where daddy and mommy hid them. Doesn't mean the kids with some self discipline crave the presents any less. They just understand there's a time and place for everything. From where we sit right now, the FO/CS had decided the time for Henson is 2005 at the earliest and his place this season is to prepare, as it was for so many inexperienced QBs before him. He would have to be godlike to take the starting job from his place on the depth chart. Talented as I believe he is, I'm not attributing him with such qualities. Yet.
I admit, I am guilty of trying to figure out my presents in advance. That doesn't mean a lack of self discipline. That means an overly stimulated curiosity.

I appreciate your desire to see Henson asap, and I hope you fight the good fight by hyping him to high heavens. Like wise those who hype Quincy. But I also respect the wisdom of Bill Parcells. Your dog in the race, you have said often, is Henson. Mine is Tuna. TUNA is the man who is going to take us there, and whatever dog he runs will be the best option. The purebred greyhound, or the mangy mutt. :D
I don't think I hype him at all. That is just perception. I say I think he will be better than anyone else on the roster. To me that is not hype because I don't think the other QBs on the roster are very good. If it is hype to others for me to say that I can live with it.

Unlike that minority of fans who do sometimes at least appear to be more about the player than the team, (tho I sure don't have the gall to accuse anyone of that, who the hell am I to question anyone's team loyalty), he will not put one player above the team. Not Carter and not Henson. Not his ex-Jet Vinnie either.
I agree, there is a minority of fans like that, and I do not throw out those accusations. I do not think Tuna will favor a player. That is why I simply say if Drew is clearly the best go ahead and play him.

I wish you had too. I also wish I had refrained from jumping in on a thread that was so intentionally created to inflame, and am signing off on it now. Tho I admit seeing one of the most consistent flamers on Cowboys boards give lectures on morality provides no small amusement.

I think in any thread there can be good and bad discussions. I had a great one with Jimz31. Loved it. I felt you and Bluefin made some great points that I enjoyed. I don't sign off on threads. I do on occasion sign off on responses to people who aren't part of the good discussions in that thread. I refuse to have to be above it all. If I can have a good discussion in a "bad" thread why not take advantage of it?

If you haven't noticed I don't begin any response in a thread with a judgment or put down unless it is in a playful manner to someone I consider a friend. Even then it can be mistaken. Yeagermeister insults me all the time. I never take those things personally. Not once, not ever. I find it fun to be able to have my friends josh me a bit. I don't use the words "hater" or "apologist" unless making a point that extremists drive those perceptions. I never go into a thread looking for it to disintegrate into insults only. I do try to have fun, but for the most part I do not get upset. Ever. In only one thread can I recall actually being miffed. After I said something real nice about Q I got accused of racism. That did upset me.

I don't know what tone you or others get from my posts but trust me, if I was upset people would know it. I am not now nor have I ever been a victim. I sent you the story about what happened to me in Mexico. Does that sound to you like I would let something like a disagreement on opinions upset me?

No, what I am guilty of is digging my feet in and refusing to budge. I continue to toss out good natured barbs at some people who do the same to me. Qcard for instance. I've had a lot of fun with his insinuations and I've tossed back his thinking he could read my mind and determine my satisfaction level. If he were to PM me and tell me those jokes were upsetting him I would stop them. I don't mind his insinuations. I find them to be way off base and thus really funny.

Upset? Naw. Haven't got time for it.
Very few people can post opinions on messageboards without sounding like arrogant *****.

When one rebutts comments by another, it exacerbates the impression one is pompous and opinionated.

The degree of respect one's opinion is held by the vast majority of posters is how comments are accepted. How the replies are meted out.

I see posters who are praised for their sound thinking and wisdom.

I see others who are shot down because they are argumentative, petulant, and obstinate.

And yet each poster makes their point and defends their ideas from others in the very same manner.

Education does not make one right. It probably gives one an advantage in a discussion because of experience in passionately expressing a point-of-view. But BS masked in words learned in the hallowed halls of higher education is still BS.

The DMN board at one point, long before it became the sanctuary of bigots and trolls had a group of posters who were dedicated to exposing opinion posted as truth.

If you made a claim, and did so in a way that appeared to be fact when it was not, there would be someone to call you on your sleight-of-hand.

The DMN board held little value because it was not monitored by anyone and was open for any expression of hate and derision.

But that one aspect always impressed me when some verbose windbag would wax poetic about a subject and then spend the better part of a day defending it as if the opinion was fact.

Because asomeone would expose Mr. Bag for the crapola he was slinging as fact when it was merely his opinion.

Maybe everyone should take a giant step back from this and realize this thread was merely a hypothetical and nothing more.

I am usually one of the first ones to get on my high horse, but there are some posts in this thread that make me look like a piker.

Football will be back in less than two weeks for all of us. Maybe we should keep our eye on the ball.
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