3rd for Quincy?

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ChrisFul said:
bleh. Once again, ive never said "Just you wait" or "You'll see" or "I told you sos" or anything like Bill leveled at TunaNostra. Once again, others are putting words in my mouth.

Laugh all you friggin want, ABQ.

I intend to Chris. After all, you make so easy for us all.
I intend to Chris. After all, you make so easy for us all.

Whatever. You don't like what I have to say, fine.

I catch a lot of crap because I am assumed to be the supreme QC homer on the board, but never have I made any claims that QC would be a probowler, QC would be a world beater, or that he would even be a "Good" QB. But whatever. Keep on with the attacks. Im glad im probably the most disliked member of the forums now. If I got any praise from the lot of you I'd probably shoot myself.

Im not going anywhere, unless its an IP-ban enforced by a mod.
ChrisFul said:
Whatever. You don't like what I have to say, fine.

I catch a lot of crap because I am assumed to be the supreme QC homer on the board, but never have I made any claims that QC would be a probowler, QC would be a world beater, or that he would even be a "Good" QB. But whatever. Keep on with the attacks.

Chris, I don't rag on you because you like QC or you don't or whatever. I even kinda like you as a poster because you have some loyalty and you sometimes view things in a way that may not have been considered. I will admit that I sometimes drop the hammer on some of your stuff but it's not because I hate you or anything like that. It's because you sometimes have a way of presenting certain things as if they were fact when in reality, there very far from that.

It's not about liking what you have to say or not. I like that you say what you think. I just don't always like that you say it as if it is a truesom rather then a point of view.

I found what you said funny. I mean think about it. If I came on the board and said, " I'm no longer the biggest Jackass on the board, this guy is a way bigger Jackass" when he hadn't even said anything to me, wouldn't you look at that and say to yourself, "man, he just don't get it" ?
Im glad im probably the most disliked member of the forums now.

Chris, sorry to interupt but I have had this distinction on several boards for years.
ChrisFul said:
Whatever. You don't like what I have to say, fine.

I catch a lot of crap because I am assumed to be the supreme QC homer on the board, but never have I made any claims that QC would be a probowler, QC would be a world beater, or that he would even be a "Good" QB. But whatever. Keep on with the attacks. Im glad im probably the most disliked member of the forums now. If I got any praise from the lot of you I'd probably shoot myself.

Im not going anywhere, unless its an IP-ban enforced by a mod.

Well I like having you around Chris. And I'm not too keen on Quincy either. I just like having someone on this board with a little edge.

It brings back a little of the "old board".
ChrisFul said:
Im not going anywhere, unless its an IP-ban enforced by a mod.
No one has ever discussed banning you and you know I'd be against it. As far as I know you've never even received a warning. I enjoy your opinions and your friendship.
Hostile said:
Funny, that is exactly how a lot of posters who don't like my opinions sound to me too. They shout "apples and oranges" about a comparison I make, then go off on a tangent that is further from the point, and hate it if I try to bring the discussion back. I was talking about how we get excited about rookie prospects and somehow excitement over a veteran got mixed in. I'd say apples and oranges but when that veteran was signed I was excited. This is the time of year that we get excited about the new presents under the NFL Christmas tree, i.e. our new rookies.

I "showed nothing of the kind?" I guess thanking Jimz31, Bluefin, and you for the interesting debates is not showing how much I was enjoying it. Okay I guess.

All I did was point out that we as fans get amped up about rookies with potential like Williams, Newman, etc. So much so that we even talk about them in relation to the greats of all time. I pointed out that other team's fans do this too. I then pointed out that when talking about Henson the names Leaf and Hutchinson are immediately thrown out by the folks who think doubting Q equals an attack. Apparently it struck a nerve or guilt.

I know the Henson hype is coming LTN. I've never said it isn't. I just find it humorous that Roy is the next Lott, T-New is the next Deion, but Henson is the next Hutchinson: all because of baseball. I find that rather interesting.

This thread had a dubious intent in your mind as you've said. Surely you can see that I have not even discussed things asked under the original intent and premise of this thread and when I did directly answer that premise I was not hateful or under handed.

Someone else threw something out there that I found interesting. Last year we made the playoffs with a QB who threw 17 TDs and 21 INTs, 3300+ yards passing in an offense that scored 289 points.

There is a common lament that if we start Drew Henson it is tanking the season. Last year in 13 games started Byron Leftwich threw 14 TDs, 16 INTs, threw for 2800+ yards passing and led an offense that scored 276 points. As a true rookie.

Pretty similar huh? That for a team that was pretty poor. Call me crazy but Leftwich has that certain "IT." I think if he had been our QB we'd have still made the playoffs. I'd still credit the defense and the coaching.

Maybe I'm crazy but if those stats can lead us to the playoffs one year, why not another? Why is it suddenly gloomy? Where did the optimism go?

I personally think if Henson wins the job he will be better than what was good enough in 2003. That just means to me the team has improved. I don't see the harm in wanting that.

What I call hypocritical is the extreme opposite feelings and judgments. For example, Carter has had only 31 games to prove himself, but Hutchinson is washed up after only having 9 games. A common theme.

Carter was good enough to lead us to 10 wins and the playoffs, but Hambrick wasn't. Another common theme.

You see from where I sit the whole offense had limitations that held us back, not just Hambrick.

We should not "attack" Cowboys players, but then it is fine to say Larry Allen is a "Fat A**," or call him Joey "Gallowaste," or say Hambrick tripped over blades of grass. A common occurence here.

You see, I don't consider any of those things "attacking" Cowboys players. I think those things express doubts. What exactly is wrong with having doubts?

When an offense only scores 289 points I am going to be more concerned than giddy. I think that is only natural.

Fair enough. I submit that is probably in your eyes, and not necessarily everyone else's.

Hmm. As the foremost accused supporter of Henson I don't remember comparing him to Favre. I have said I think he will show in Training Camp that overall he is the best QB on the roster. I did not think that translated to Favre.

The judgments of any QB for several years until one simply shines are going to be extremely harsh by one segment of the fans or the other. That is just the truth. The two sides have rubbed each other's noses in it for so long now, that it isn't likely to be forgotten.

If Drew has a stellar game some yahoo will bash Q. That's not fair but it is going to happen. If he has a poor game some other yahoo will bash him. That's not fair either. It's the world we've created by being so overly sensitive to other people's opinions. Political correctness stinks. It's the world we've created though. I know for a fact one side feels like the other wants them censored. If the shoe is on the other foot you can bet that sentiment will be returned in kind.

I understand that. I have no problem with that. My issue is why is he the next Leaf or Hutchinson?

I admit, I am guilty of trying to figure out my presents in advance. That doesn't mean a lack of self discipline. That means an overly stimulated curiosity.

I don't think I hype him at all. That is just perception. I say I think he will be better than anyone else on the roster. To me that is not hype because I don't think the other QBs on the roster are very good. If it is hype to others for me to say that I can live with it.

I agree, there is a minority of fans like that, and I do not throw out those accusations. I do not think Tuna will favor a player. That is why I simply say if Drew is clearly the best go ahead and play him.

I think in any thread there can be good and bad discussions. I had a great one with Jimz31. Loved it. I felt you and Bluefin made some great points that I enjoyed. I don't sign off on threads. I do on occasion sign off on responses to people who aren't part of the good discussions in that thread. I refuse to have to be above it all. If I can have a good discussion in a "bad" thread why not take advantage of it?

If you haven't noticed I don't begin any response in a thread with a judgment or put down unless it is in a playful manner to someone I consider a friend. Even then it can be mistaken. Yeagermeister insults me all the time. I never take those things personally. Not once, not ever. I find it fun to be able to have my friends josh me a bit. I don't use the words "hater" or "apologist" unless making a point that extremists drive those perceptions. I never go into a thread looking for it to disintegrate into insults only. I do try to have fun, but for the most part I do not get upset. Ever. In only one thread can I recall actually being miffed. After I said something real nice about Q I got accused of racism. That did upset me.

I don't know what tone you or others get from my posts but trust me, if I was upset people would know it. I am not now nor have I ever been a victim. I sent you the story about what happened to me in Mexico. Does that sound to you like I would let something like a disagreement on opinions upset me?

No, what I am guilty of is digging my feet in and refusing to budge. I continue to toss out good natured barbs at some people who do the same to me. Qcard for instance. I've had a lot of fun with his insinuations and I've tossed back his thinking he could read my mind and determine my satisfaction level. If he were to PM me and tell me those jokes were upsetting him I would stop them. I don't mind his insinuations. I find them to be way off base and thus really funny.

Upset? Naw. Haven't got time for it.

I'm an equal opportunity insulter :D
"Upset? Naw. Haven't got time for it."

No wonder you have no time Hos. That was one of the longest posts I ever read. :eek:
Hostile said:
No one has ever discussed banning you and you know I'd be against it. As far as I know you've never even received a warning. I enjoy your opinions and your friendship.

I know that, im just telling abq to keep it up, because he's not going to run me off.
Nors said:
"Upset? Naw. Haven't got time for it."

No wonder you have no time Hos. That was one of the longest posts I ever read. :eek:

I type real fast Nors. Real fast.
ChrisFul said:
I know that, im just telling abq to keep it up, because he's not going to run me off.
I doubt anybody wants to run you off. BBR used to I think. Maybe I read that wrong, but I always sort of thought that was the case.

Just have fun I say. That's what the forum is supposed to be for. Too many people want to change other people's opinions. I just want stimulating conversation that makes me think hard.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.
ChrisFul said:
After reading this post, im convinced that Bill the Butcher is the biggest ******* on this forum, and not me :( Looks like i'll have some catching up to do.
I/we must have done something right. This thread has kept us all busy and entertained for a few days now. Hasnt gotten too far out of hand either. Anyway, thought that was always the intent of a message board. A place to kick back and debate the news and opinions of the day. Keep in mind, without that debate, a message board will die a slow death. ;)
Perhaps I'm the biggest Jackass on this board Chris. It's OK if that's what you think. I can go ahead on with that. I'm sure some might agree with this position. Having said that, you don't do fen fatal very well. Basically, you give what you get. Sometimes you give a little better, sometimes you get a little better. It's a reap what you sow thing.
ChrisFul said:
great, yeah, whatever.
Or, we could all sit back in a big circle and chant over and over again how Great Quincy is like Joshskeetys board!..LOL That gets kinda boring you know. Just ask anyone who's ever been assimilated into the BORG collective! ;)
ChrisFul said:
great, yeah, whatever.

LOL. If nothing else, you are consistant. Very good, do what you gotta do Chris. Stick around, leave, do what ever.

However, I recall when you joined this board. You brought on much of what you get yourself. You have continued to do these things and now your upset or whatever it is you call this behavior. I also recall that not all that long ago, you were calling people out for how they posted and offering up the fact that they were new to the board etc. It is funny how things sometimes work out, don't you think?
For the record/ I think this board is run to near perfection! We are all allowed to debate our points to the fullest as long as it doesnt get too personal, and definatly not racial or vulgar. Other boards go way to far with the personal attacks, vulgaritys, while still other boards want a borglike collective. Thats not good either! I know of a board where one of the mods.."silverbear" is able to attack as many folks as he wants because he is part of the pro QC crowd on that board. Yet he will delete you on a wim if he sees fit. Again, the pure doublestandard of it all....... ;)
Bill the Butcher said:
For the record/ I think this board is run to near perfection! We are all allowed to debate our points to the fullest as long as it doesn't get too personal, and defiantly not racial or vulgar. Other boards go way to far with the personal attacks, vulgaritys, while still other boards want a borglike collective. Thats not good either! I know of a board where one of the mods.."silverbear" is able to attack as many folks as he wants because he is part of the pro QC crowd on that board. Yet he will delete you on a wim if he sees fit. Again, the pure doublestandard of it all....... ;)

Yes and no. While I don't like intense personal attacks, I appreciate a sarcastic swipe as much as the next guy. I use to laugh my arse off on the old board. I don't laugh as much with this one.

Yeah, you might say this isn't a "comedy" board, which is true. But the fact is all this NFL stuff is nothing more than entertainment anyway. Why not laugh a little too?
LOL. If nothing else, you are consistant. Very good, do what you gotta do Chris. Stick around, leave, do what ever.

However, I recall when you joined this board. You brought on much of what you get yourself. You have continued to do these things and now your upset or whatever it is you call this behavior. I also recall that not all that long ago, you were calling people out for how they posted and offering up the fact that they were new to the board etc. It is funny how things sometimes work out, don't you think?

I recall that not so long ago, the board wasn't full of personal attacks like it is now. Used to be only BBR or Aikman_Lives were the source of venom, and now its all over. Excuse me.

Yeah, ive been nothing but a troll since i joined the board back in summer of '02. Whatever. Ask anyone else thats been around that long if Im a troll or not. I'm the reason this board isn't as good as the old one! Yes, blame me. Its funny how it works out? Hoo weee, do I feel bad.

Maybe i ought to just start trolling this board, give you a REAL reason to dislike me.

Anyways, im done with you. Feel free to continue the vitriol, I will not be responding.
MichaelWinicki said:
Yes and no. While I don't like intense personal attacks, I appreciate a sarcastic swipe as much as the next guy. I use to laugh my arse off on the old board. I don't laugh as much with this one.

Yeah, you might say this isn't a "comedy" board, which is true. But the fact is all this NFL stuff is nothing more than entertainment anyway. Why not laugh a little too?
Your 100% right about that! Its all in good fun really. I for one miss the likes of Booze, Sbk, EZ, and Midswat. Them dudes are funny!
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