45-10! But does it even matter?


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The scores don't matter. Just the wins. If Dallas loses to Seattle next week then beating Washington 45-10 will look unimpressive.

As it stand now, every team remaining on the Cowboys schedule is beatable, but I do not expect them to win by 20 points.

As for the Eagles, they have had some luck with the refs, but I think to win a Super Bowl is takes some of that luck. Yet, even with that luck, the Eagles look good, but not unbeatable.


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At the end of the season no one will care that Dallas beat the snot out of really bad teams if they fail to get the job done against the 9ers or Iggles level teams.
no way, we will be bragging about the 12-win season and beating our chest right before pointing to the sky.


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We can enjoy the blowout wins but it must be put in perspective because of our lack of success against better teams .

It’s kinda like the monkey on our back of not going deeper in playoffs .

We have our toughest stretch of schedule coming up. If we can win several of these ( 3 against division leaders ) upcoming games then it elevates this team and can begin to dismiss the narrative.

As always , there’s only one way to silence the critics. Proof is in the pudding.


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But until they actually do it the doubt will remain. 'Almost' doesn't cut it. Ever heard the term horseshoes and hand grenades? I think that applies here. Would almost winning the revolutionary war have resulted in the USA we have today? WWII?
Only 4 QBs in this league have done it. And we can probably rule out the Rams, Jets and Broncos. So I guess we can doubt everyone but the Chiefs.


Lightning Rod
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EagleFan/media is now claiming we run up the score etc. Screw it I love how our games have not been stressful


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For now I agree. Who’s #1?

Philly or San Fran?
Id argue SF right now is playing better. Phil of course has better record and has been the better team throughout the season. Big head to head matchup coming up next week which should tell us more.


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Is San Fran beating teams with both a strong balanced offense, complimented by a strong defense? The same way they have trounced us repeatedly?

As long as that is true, they are #1 in the NFC.
Well they only "trounced" us the last time. We undeniably had a bad game. That happens to all teams. Our defense is leaps and bounds better than theirs, Prescott makes purdy boy look like a junior college QB, Cee Dee runs circles around their receivers and Pollard is just getting warmed up. I won't even mention the eagles and lions, both those teams are pathetic. We will be the NFC representative in the SB, absolutley no doubt.


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Only 4 QBs in this league have done it. And we can probably rule out the Rams, Jets and Broncos. So I guess we can doubt everyone but the Chiefs.
We could probably include QB’s who have made it to a SB which would include Goff and Hurts. Burrows is out for season of course .

I’d give any of these with their teams a great opportunity or higher level of confidence than others who haven’t been to a SB.


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If you watch the Eagles games and compare them to last season, their O-line isn't playing as well. Carter isn't as good as Hargrove. Their running game isnt as good. Their corners aren't playing as well. They don't pressure the QB as much. Yet they still get the job done. They certainly deserve respect. But they shouldn't scare anyone. I still don't think they get back to the Superbowl. I do think that if everyone played their A-game, SF are the best team in the league. As for Dallas, they are still a year away I would suggest. But isn't that always the way. As a fan though, you should still be able to enjoy a win and not worry that they may lose in the future. Because everyone will lose at some point. That's sports. That's life. So enjoy the moments while you can. Even the small ones.


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It matters in the sense that it keeps the Cowboys two steps back of the eagles. That is all. At least they have the semblance of an offense right now, even if it is against the dreads in the NFL. But you gotta start somewhere. The question still remains as it was at the beginning of the season....how will they perform WHEN they get in the playoffs.? The NFC is so bad, Dallas is bound to get in as a WC. But of course, this victory matters.


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No doubt the Cowboys are on a roll and wish it continues however any realistic person knows they have beaten some cupcake teams lately.

The only winning / playoff teams we have played and we would be 0-2.

Eagles look nothing like last year however they find a way to win.

It's all about the playoffs


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No need for such a long post when the answer is so simple, in the two games the boys had to prove this year is different they lost them both. One was a complete embarrassment the other the usual poor coaching, lack of discipline and poor luck. People act like over the past 28 years the boys haven’t done this before, get fat and look like champions vs lesser opponents and then crap the bed on the road against quality opponents. Every boys fan should have the same mind frame, happy they are beating teams they should, but a wait and see approach against tougher opponents especially on the road
Some can accept genuine truth better than others.

Great post, by the way.


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EagleFan/media is now claiming we run up the score etc. Screw it I love how our games have not been stressful
Why put our backups in? Reps are important, especially this time of year. You don't get your car all tuned up and running perfect to let it sit for months only to find it won't start. We are clicking on all cylinders and have shown over the last 3 games our offense (and defense) is the gold standard of the NFL. To derail that at this point is absurd. The more quality reps the better. Consider the 4th quarters as a jump on the coming week's practice. That should calm everyone down.


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no way, we will be bragging about the 12-win season and beating our chest right before pointing to the sky.
Ding, ding, ding. It’s all about getting into the playoffs. Not about what you do when you get there. It’s a crapshoot until it isn’t. The top 3 seeds from either conference have won the enormous bulk of SB’s. But that statistic is lost when you want to pump hype into the regular season.

Winning the final game of the season or making the final four of the season pretty consistently gets you more benefit of the doubt. That is why the 49ers and Eagles get more hype-and the fact they already beat Dallas this season. Eventually, a team must prove they can play with AND beat the other contenders deep in the playoffs to earn that hype. The way it is, was, and always will be. That’s why there is a Super Bowl trophy. Aikman has been asked if the pressure increased with each and every win in the postseason-he has ALWAYS said yes without question. Win in the biggest moments on the biggest stages consistently and the hype will come (even if grudgingly).


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It matters in the sense that it keeps the Cowboys two steps back of the eagles. That is all. At least they have the semblance of an offense right now, even if it is against the dreads in the NFL. But you gotta start somewhere. The question still remains as it was at the beginning of the season....how will they perform WHEN they get in the playoffs.? The NFC is so bad, Dallas is bound to get in as a WC. But of course, this victory matters.
No doubt . I wouldn’t discount the importance of blowing these games out. These are still NFL teams which win games too.

And this should give us a higher level of confidence when we face better teams. But unfortunately, in order to dismiss the narrative we must eventually beat the teams in front of us and advance deeper in the playoffs or the hype will be just that.

And if we don’t have a good enough team to get over the hump we must come to that reality as well instead of making excuses why we came up short.

The reality could be teams like SF and Phi are better teams. We’ll see if our fanbase can deal with that.


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I know, I know, IGNORE the media, the “haters”, the internet trolls, etc., but can anyone explain the madness? Most of the media, anyone that hates Dallas, and a portion of our own fanbase scoff at our trouncing of below average teams.

Dallas is 8-3, but the narrative is we haven’t played anyone—our wins are meaningless. But in the interest of fairness let’s examine a few “elite” teams. Yeah, Philly is 9-1, with a loaded roster, but if you look at the results, they haven’t dominated anyone. They beat the Rams, Washington twice, 4-6 Tampa, and New England. Should we discount those 5 wins? Plus, they lost to the Jets, and were gifted the Miami win by the refs, but THEY’RE legit! The 9ers lost three, plus beat up on Seattle, the Rams, Tampa, Arizona, and the Giants! And they’re a juggernaut!

Just sayin’…
To half of our fans no it doesn't we still suck apparently. If we win by 1 or win by 30 we suck. If we lose by 1 or lose by 30 we suck!


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Remember last season? The eagles beating up on nobodies. They were still loved and commended weekly. On here and by the media.
They still are.
The Eagles 2 wins, over Miami and KC were tainted by the officials. But it is what it is they still count as wins.
Maybe someday Dallas will be blessed as Philly is on these calls, as well as GB, Pittsburgh, SF to a degree.

It is ok to admire good teams and players. But fans on here take it to an extreme. So extreme they seem to hate on the team they claim to root for. Note I said "seem to hate"
Not calling anyone a hater.

I know much of it is frustration in the playoffs lack of success. But as I said, some of it is extreme. I get it though. But at least they should take a positive as it is, and not turn it into a negative as they do.


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No doubt the Cowboys are on a roll and wish it continues however any realistic person knows they have beaten some cupcake teams lately.

The only winning / playoff teams we have played and we would be 0-2.

Eagles look nothing like last year however they find a way to win.

It's all about the playoffs
Great teams find a way to win even when they don’t have their best performance.

Hurts has won 13 straight games against winning record teams. That streak will end .

But winning on the bigger stages does make a difference.

That’s all this team and QB is missing. And it’s the only way to silence the critics and dismiss the narrative.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I get all that, and I agree, but there’s STILL a double standard!
Only in your mind. The Dallas Cowboys probably don't give a crap what the media does in comparison to other teams, but it sure does tie your brain in knots! smh


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Only in your mind. The Dallas Cowboys probably don't give a crap what the media does in comparison to other teams, but it sure does tie your brain in knots! smh
Yea, it’s probably a bigger deal to fans than the players who are told to block out the noise in media .

We should still enjoy these wins . It’s fun watching these blowouts . Nothing should be taken for granted in NFL. These teams are all capable of winning games .

But this current narrative is another monkey on our back like not advancing further in playoffs . And theres only one way to silence the critics .