A harsh truth about Dak Prescott for some of you


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You're not qualified to give out awards. You're the guy that stands outside and begs to be let in.
oh mister mister please let me in. I beg you, please feed me....oh mister mister oh please please.

you are sooo weak minded....I am very disappointed...of all the trolls I had some respect for you, but you are greatly letting me down....not one of your better days :facepalm:


1st Round Pick
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you are avoding.....you are squirming. I asked a very simple direct question.....and your ADHD took over....I asked about pass defense, you responded with run defense.

answer the question I asked first....do you think the 29th pass defense a strength and its good? we will discuss the run defense next....I am trying to spoon feed you, teach you. so come along child

Dude are you so dumb that you can’t see how they correlate?


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this past summer I told him he was obsessed with Dak and only Dak related topics, obviously bashing him....in looking through his profile, 99% of his posts were Dak related.....as soon as I said that, he made his profile private.....

usually people who have something to hide do that..

then he said he has more likes than I do...as if that matters, but it exposed his mindset......I gave him something like 300 likes across any of his posts I found...you know to make him feel better
Yea, it’s so blatantly obvious. I only come in to point out to others who haven’t already recognized and depending on how much loose time I have will expose further.


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oh mister mister please let me in. I beg you, please feed me....oh mister mister oh please please.

you are sooo weak minded....I am very disappointed...of all the trolls I had some respect for you, but you are greatly letting me down....not one of your better days :facepalm:
I don't care about who you respect. I don't even like you. Why would I care about having your respect? lol


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he hates to lose arguments. he sees that as a sign of weakness. it makes him feel superior when he he feels he won an argument, so he will argue, spin, divert, then insult...typical process for him....it shows great lack of confidence....
Like I said earlier, Trolls never surrender . They only exist when we provide them a platform .

He’s winning cause he’s irritating Cowboy fans . That’s his objective.


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Like I said earlier, Trolls never surrender . They only exist when we provide them a platform .

He’s winning cause he’s irritating Cowboy fans . That’s his objective.
somethimes I like to just drag them along..toy with them a bit..just have them dig deeper, make bigger fools of themselves....its entertaining.....


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If you watched our games you’d know why teams are throwing a lot and not running but I guess you need some stat to tell you how to think so go find it.

This stuff is self explanatory.
ahh, youa re avoiding...diverting.....I gave you a chance to explain yourself and you shiet your pants....running scared :thumbup:


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somethimes I like to just drag them along..toy with them a bit..just have them dig deeper, make bigger fools of themselves....its entertaining.....
I hear ya . I have done the same . But once everyone realizes their intent it’s time to move on. Continuing to feed them only provides an opportunity for others to be incited.


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Like I said earlier, Trolls never surrender . They only exist when we provide them a platform .

He’s winning cause he’s irritating Cowboy fans . That’s his objective.

Yep it always surprises me how few people recognize that the ultimate goal of the troll is to elicit responses and irritate people. Every response is a win for them..


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The sad part is you actually think that. Lol…

If those stats are correct then it’s very self explanatory.
you are refusing...you don't have the mental capacity to explain so you divert....typical tactic of a clueless troll...this thread alone is full of them.

show some balls or wear a pink tutu....come on dude...explain it to me. assume that I don't understand it and I don't know it..

you are avoiding avoiding avoiding.....no guts....

perhaps go stare at your Dalton poster and shed a few tears that a poster was mean to you


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I’m arguing that his team is more than good enough but a lot of people here want to act like this team isn’t awesome.

Well then, I agree with the lot that believes the Cowboys team is not awesome. They give up too many chunk plays on defense to be awesome. Let's get Lawrence and Gallimore back andput 12 games in our pocket then we can talk about how good they are. They are playing well now and their confidence and determination to win is exciting.


1st Round Pick
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you are refusing...you don't have the mental capacity to explain so you divert....typical tactic of a clueless troll...this thread alone is full of them.

show some balls or wear a pink tutu....come on dude...explain it to me. assume that I don't understand it and I don't know it..

you are avoiding avoiding avoiding.....no guts....

perhaps go stare at your Dalton poster and shed a few tears that a poster was mean to you

I’ve explained it.

Teams are abandoning the run and throwing it because we are beating their ***.


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I’ve explained it.

Teams are abandoning the run and throwing it because we are beating their ***.

that doesn’t explain a total yardage ranking around 23 and a passing yardage ranking of 28th or so.

As noted there are teams with higher point differentials who are still 1st and 3rd in passing yards allowed. Now if we were 14th or 15th, sure I can see an argument that we’re slightly better. But 23rd? Slightly better is still below average


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Dallas doesn’t have to do what someone else did to win.

A lot of teams don’t play our style of football. Most teams, especially playoff teams, could care less about running the ball. Dallas wants balance. Most teams just want to be pass happy.

So someone else’s system like Seattle doesn’t mean Dallas needs to do that. Our offense is far better than theirs ever was.
So again...you are saying our offense is good enough to overcome whatever the coaching and defense can/can't do?

Do you know how many times that attitude has hurt us? How long have you been watching football?

Do you think our offense is better than the 18 - 0 Pats offense that lost to the Giants in the Super Bowl? Do you think our offense is better than the greatest show on turf offense that lost to the Pats in the Super Bowl? Do you think our offense is better than the Chiefs offense that lost to the Bucs in the Super Bowl? Heck this is not the best OL Dak has had since he has been in Dallas. Zeke is not the best he has been in Dallas. The TE position is not the best Dak has had. Dak through 5 games....appears to be the best version we have ever seen of Dak. But that is way too small of a sample size for me to decide it is good enough to go on a Super Bowl run. I would love for that to happen...but I am just going to enjoy the ride right now.