Accountability 101 - RW Blames Romo for Everything... Vid added Post #73

Apollo Creed;3056098 said:
Least favorite player on the team.

He's been making excuses since he got here.

Apologists unite, tell me about his 4.4 speed. Or that year he went to the pro bowl. Or how good he is at catching the ball in traffic.

Even if he's covered throw him the ball? Yeah real smart, Romo gets blasted for being careless with the ball - why try to jam it into Keyshawn 2.0 when you've got guys like Austin/Hurd/Crayton/Witten getting wide open.

You forgot he blocks downfield.
Dave_in-NC;3056893 said:
Did any one (but JJ) really expect this guy to be a star? Now his true colors
are showing, he's playing with a better cast and not doing any thing.

I'm glad we signed him because THAT showed owens the door. Other than that................

Except he's about to turn into Owens without the production. Not going to be long at all before the Red Genius and Romo's forcing the ball to him, killing the team and Roy's still going to be proclaiming it's all everyone else's fault.
Ok...sooo we make a trade to pick up a WR, then cut a Drama Queen WR ( that we end up replacing with the traded WR ) & he ends up being a Drama Queen as well with LESS production? :bang2:
Do I really need to say anything about this ***** *** pansy that I haven't already said? At least when TO whined he backed his **** up for a pretty good sample of his time here. That RW nut swinging parade sure is beginning to look anemic.
Ultra Warrior;3056916 said:
Ok...sooo we make a trade to pick up a WR, then cut a Drama Queen WR ( that we end up replacing with the traded WR ) & he ends up being a Drama Queen as well with LESS production? :bang2:

It's Jerrys world.
Given Roy's obvious stupidity in making these comments, it makes me wonder how many balls have been thrown "incorrectly to him" vs. how many times he was just ridiculously out of position. Considering his predecessor's legacy with this team, it makes you wonder how tone deaf this jagoff can be. :)
Dawgs0916;3056896 said:
You forgot he blocks downfield.

In the immortal words of Chris Rock, "That's what you're supposed to do, you dumb mother****er! What you want? A cookie?"
He opened his mouth again.

What he implied and what fans inferred is that he is at the very minimum, pouting. And he doesn't think Romo can throw to him. And the balls keep going to No. 2, not him.

He knocked on GArrett's door last year with T.O., didn't he, to whine about the lack of balls thrown their way, right? He continues to not produce and he continues to open his big mouth.

He could say no comment. But he won't.

I am really tired of RW. I'm sad that Jerra threw away those draft picks on him.
And I am sorry that Romo has to put up with this schtup from an almost average WR.

bbgun;3056649 said:
Sigh. Once again, Theo throws the first punch by butting into a conversation I'm having with someone else, forcing me to respond. Seriously, this is getting pathological (not to mention ironic, considering the "ego" barb you throw at me earlier). Remind me to review those stalking/harassment guidelines later.

Don't sweat it, he's got nothing but broad swipe insults that he believes resonate with others - rendering it OK. Our resident white knight.
Doomsay;3056941 said:
Don't seat it, h's got nthing but brod swipe inults tht he belives resnate with ohers - renering i OK. Our reident whie kight.
Fixed your post for you.

tecolote;3056945 said:
You can see the video from the Total Access discussion of Roy's comments here,

What the Hell.

thanks williams.

Look at the title of that video.

Unrest in Dallas? NFL Total Access looks at the locker-room problems possibly brewing

What a load of crap, from the media and williams. there are zero problems on this team. I can not believe williams allowed this to happen.

Completely disgusting.
bbgun;3056933 said:
In the immortal words of Chris Rock, "That's what you're supposed to do, you dumb mother****er! What you want? A cookie?"
theebs;3056952 said:
What the Hell.

thanks williams.

Look at the title of that video.

Unrest in Dallas? NFL Total Access looks at the locker-room problems possibly brewing

What a load of crap, from the media and williams. there are zero problems on this team. I can not believe williams allowed this to happen.

Completely disgusting.

The funny thing is, that unlike last year, the team appears unified as you said, and the complainant isn't an integral part of the offense. I think that he's embarrassed and not that bright.
Doomsay;3056964 said:
The funny thing is, that unlike last year, the team appears unified and the complainant isn't an integral part of the offense. I think that he's embarrassed and not that bright.

Last year it was real. From day 1 it was real, because the guys here were trouble making whiny babies.

Right now no one fits that description here.

now williams has created this nonsense. now other players will have to hear about this over and over if we lose this week.

I really cant tell you how sick of williams I am for allowing this to happen.

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