Accountability 101 - RW Blames Romo for Everything... Vid added Post #73

theebs;3056952 said:
What the Hell.

thanks williams.

Look at the title of that video.

Unrest in Dallas? NFL Total Access looks at the locker-room problems possibly brewing

What a load of crap, from the media and williams. there are zero problems on this team. I can not believe williams allowed this to happen.

Completely disgusting.

Trent Green had the best comment on this.

Why now? Why after you go on a three game winning streak? It's Eagles week. He was all good until now.
theebs;3056952 said:
What the Hell.

thanks williams.

Look at the title of that video.

Unrest in Dallas? NFL Total Access looks at the locker-room problems possibly brewing

What a load of crap, from the media and williams. there are zero problems on this team. I can not believe williams allowed this to happen.

Completely disgusting.
I am becoming less of a fan everyday of Williams. I was very excited when we traded for him because I like him in Detroit but I see why they traded him away even though Detroit sucks.
I don't know, I think people blame too much on RW.

yes he opens his mouth too much, I don't like that. No he's not an omg amazing receiver.

But he's not horrible. It's not like he does right in practice, then suddenly goes out and forgets to run routes correctly in games. Romo misses him by such ******** amounts, how can it ALL be on RW? RW gets open consistently, he gets passes his way, only they are not catch-able balls.

I think Austin is > Roy Williams even if him and Tony connected plenty, don't get me wrong, but I feel it's more the QB's job to adjust to the WR, not the other way around. WR's adjust to the scheme, QB's adjust to the WR. Romo has clearly not done that well enough atm.

Romo needs to improve his connection with RW, and RW needs to put use to his "Awesome catching ability" he's known for, and stop dropping the few balls that do reach him.

I feel the guy deserves a break, but it matters little. He and Romo will start connecting soon enough, and then all the negative nancy's will forget.

He will not be our #1 receiver though. Austin will have that securely in his pocket by the end of the season, regardless of Roy's production.
Roy is quickly becoming a Derrick Coleman to me.

Coleman is probably my all-time favorite college basketball player...Seikaly is pretty high up there as well....But once Coleman got to the NBA, it went to his head and he became a huge buttclown. His foolishness once he got to the Association helped me to no longer be a fan of his.

Well Roy is my favorite college WR of all-time....just ahead of Mike Adams, Quan Cosby, and Jordan Shipley. But his attitude sucks. He is acting like a pampered, spoiled brat. The way he is behaving, he should change his name to Veruca Salt....since he feels he is completely entitled to the golden egg and the goose that lays it, without having to work for or earn it.

His actions and comments recently have broken my burnt orange heart.....
I haven't commented much on RW, especially negatively as I was one of the people who most wanted him to come here to begin with. When he did, I was ecstatic. I thought he had serious skill being hindered by a bad Lions team and I thought he struck me as a bright individual and team guy when I saw him off the field.

Now... I'm not so sure.
It pains me to think that my wishes were rewarded with this guy who doesn't appear to be as intelligent or talented as I thought he was before becoming a Cowboy.

He sucks at deflecting questions posed by the malicious media and doesn't even seem to identify them properly. (some questions he avoids like they have ill-intent when they do not and others he answers in the worst possible way w/o recognizing the contraversy he may be creating)

I still think there's a talented receiver in there who just hasn't gotten his yet, but he never will if he doesn't learn how to be humble and accepting of his lack of contribution at the moment. Romo has been on fire the last few games and that's all RW should be saying. To imply that the QB may have some problem is unacceptable and lacking in accountability from a guy who has dropped more catchable balls than he has caught.

I'm not jumping ship on him yet but he is on thin ice for me and needs to straighten up his execution both on and off the field if he wants to keep me in his corner.
theebs;3056966 said:
Last year it was real. From day 1 it was real, because the guys here were trouble making whiny babies.

Right now no one fits that description here.

now williams has created this nonsense. now other players will have to hear about this over and over if we lose this week.

I really cant tell you how sick of williams I am for allowing this to happen.

I think that the media will try to make it an issue because it is good thematic sport, but I don't think it will have any impact on a team that is pretty inured to that stuff by now and more importantly, is playing well as a squad. I just hope that Jerry or a coach doesn't jump in to defend the indefensible here.
Doomsay;3056989 said:
I think that the media will try to make it an issue because it is good thematic sport, but I don't think it will have any impact on a team that is pretty inured to that stuff by now and more importantly, is playing well as a squad. I just hope that Jerry or a coach doesn't jump in to defend the indefensible here.

Its not a real problem with anyone but williams.

here is the issue now though, now it will be talked about and referenced by all national media members constantly.

So now it is an issue. When someone says something about Dallas it becomes a fact even when it isnt.

What do you think Al Michaels, Chris Collinsworth and Andrea Kremer are going to talk about?

Now its an issue, even though it isnt.....if that makes sense.

and it sucks.
Doomsay;3056989 said:
I think that the media will try to make it an issue because it is good thematic sport, but I don't think it will have any impact on a team that is pretty inured to that stuff by now and more importantly, is playing well as a squad. I just hope that Jerry or a coach doesn't jump in to defend the indefensible here.

No need for them to try. Roy just handled that.

What a ****ing bum. This almost sounds as ridiculous as JaMarcus Russell saying he isn't the problem in Oakland.

"I don't think I am the problem. Do you think I am problem"

What a joke.

I hope someone on the team puts him in his place. Someone needs to go over to him and tell him that he isn't as good, important or free of fault as he thinks and let him know that they won't allow him to **** things up for the rest of the team.
No more players named Roy Williams on the Cowboys.

What a clown, no excuses for this.
xWraithx;3056229 said:
*facepalm* x 10....

"what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. "

blah blah blah

You sheep are such enablers for the cancer that is RW.
Hoofbite;3056999 said:
No need for them to try. Roy just handled that.

What a ****ing bum. This almost sounds as ridiculous as JaMarcus Russell saying he isn't the problem in Oakland.

"I don't think I am the problem. Do you think I am problem"

What a joke.

I hope someone on the team puts him in his place. Someone needs to go over to him and tell him that he isn't as good, important or free of fault as he thinks and let him know that they won't allow him to **** things up for the rest of the team.

Amen to that. Jason witten is just the man to do this.
Is it wrong to hope that the media slams the piss out of this guy?
newnationcb;3056263 said:
The overreactions in this thread = Fail

Eskimo= Commander brain

Putting the player over the team - typical of "Roy Sheep".

To explain it to your intellectually challenged self, I am a fan of the team, not necessarily of its individual players. I am most definitely not a fan of Roy, nor was I a fan of TO or Deion. It doesn't equate to being a fan of the Commanders. Typical McCarthyism.
Hoofbite;3056999 said:
No need for them to try. Roy just handled that.

What a ****ing bum. This almost sounds as ridiculous as JaMarcus Russell saying he isn't the problem in Oakland.

"I don't think I am the problem. Do you think I am problem"

What a joke.

I hope someone on the team puts him in his place. Someone needs to go over to him and tell him that he isn't as good, important or free of fault as he thinks and let him know that they won't allow him to **** things up for the rest of the team.

I don't like you but good post.
Hoofbite;3056999 said:
No need for them to try. Roy just handled that.

What a ****ing bum. This almost sounds as ridiculous as JaMarcus Russell saying he isn't the problem in Oakland.

"I don't think I am the problem. Do you think I am problem"

What a joke.

I hope someone on the team puts him in his place. Someone needs to go over to him and tell him that he isn't as good, important or free of fault as he thinks and let him know that they won't allow him to **** things up for the rest of the team.

I nominate Keith Brooking.
Now the flood gates are wide open and this will brew in the locker room the rest of the season. Why does Roy have to open his fat *** mouth and ***** and complain.

Dude we're 5-2!!! About to play a HUGE game against a division rival for first place. And you want to talk about the poor balls being thrown to you while we're 2nd in the league in points per game? ******* clown.
AMERICAS_FAN;3056326 said:
Can we all agree that Roy Williams is as good as a #3 WR, whose main role is blocking? Until he can prove otherwise, he is what he is, whether you want to defend him or chastise him.

"Good as" is difficult to define.

I would argue his production level is typical of a #3 WR in a standard pro offense.
Bleu Star;3056917 said:
Do I really need to say anything about this ***** *** pansy that I haven't already said? At least when TO whined he backed his **** up for a pretty good sample of his time here. That RW nut swinging parade sure is beginning to look anemic.

He's got TO's mouth with Mike Williams(USC) ability and passion.

Probably the worst combo known to man.
SLATEmosphere;3057017 said:
Now the flood gates are wide open and this will brew in the locker room the rest of the season. Why does Roy have to open his fat *** mouth and ***** and complain.

Dude we're 5-2!!! About to play a HUGE game against a division rival for first place. And you want to talk about the poor balls being thrown to you while we're 2nd in the league in points per game? ******* clown.

This really pisses me off, I will start the Roy Williams OUT campaign unless he has his best game as a Cowboy this week.

I realize that he doesnt have to do much to have his best game as a Cowboy. Say.... 4 catches and a touchdown, or else I am done.
Hostile;3056401 said:
Archer must be lying. He has so much less credibility than McMahon.

Holy cow, people are so automatic to accept the worst about this team.

Hos, this has nothing to do with the team - this is about the player. You yourself should know the distinction all too well. Look at all the trouble divisive players have caused here.

Roy is that kind of divisive player - more to the fanbase than the team itself at this point anyways which is something to be thankful for.

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