Adrian Peterson Sweepstakes ***Officially reinstated (again) and merged***

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This is a prime example of why Romo will never get into the HoF. He gets blamed for things that he has zero control over and if he ever gets a ring or two, it will be because of everyone around him and he just drove the bus.

I am surprised that CNN hasn't blamed Tony for the water shortage in California due to over-drinking from the water fountains at various golf courses.
Amazing to think that people actually get paid for this kind of stuff. I'm sad to say that I have, over my life span, witnessed the death of really good journalism. I never new or appreciated how good I had it when I was younger.
The whole "This is typical Romo" thing just makes my brain melt. What in the world is he even talking about?

Yeah, I'm sick and tired of Romo always being so selfish and never willing to do anything for the good of the team. What a loser!


I literally have ZERO idea what this guy is talking about, and neither does he most likely.
Ugh I couldn't even finish the whole video. I am cringing so hard, I'm actually too embarrassed for those guys to continue watching.
The fact that he kept saying Murray had "290 carries" tells me how credible the show is.
Dallas could still get another 20m in cap space AFTER they fully pay for Hardy and McClain.

They allowed Murray to take multiple offers and never matched. They were let off the hook when it got above 6m

If they wanted Murray they would have kept him at 8m, period.
Dallas could still get another 20m in cap space AFTER they fully pay for Hardy and McClain.

How so? I'm guessing doing something with Carr and signing Dez long term?
I thought Bell, Murray, and Foster all had great potential. I just don't agree with you some random 2 or 3rd round running back is good enough for our team right now. It's too much of a crap shoot and we need more of a sure thing back there and AD is that player. The time is RIGHT NOW for us to go all in to get to a super bowl. If we were looking 5 years out, then that is a whole different story. Just have to agree to disagree.

But how do you know. Murray, Bell, and Foster weren't 1st round backs and I seriously doubt you thought they would be really good coming out of college. You act like getting Gordon or Gurley is guaranteed success. It isn't. I was more impressed with what Coleman did at IU than Gordon did at Wisky last year.
How so? I'm guessing doing something with Carr and signing Dez long term?


They could 6m from signing Dez to a long term deal.
They could get 8m from making Carr a June 1st cut.
They could get 3m if they restructure Witten.
They could get 3m if they cut Dunbar and CJones
I don't know why this hasn't been brought up yet, but Romo didn't restructure his deal. The Cowboys did. It is a built in switch in the contract. The players have no control over. They cant say yes or no, unless there wasn't a restructure "trigger" built in; the Cowboys ALWAYS build them in. Romo did NOTHING and admitted he would take a PAY CUT not just restructure; the Cowboys didn't want to pay Murray more than $6M. Sometimes I don't understand how these people get let alone keep their jobs.
Amazing to think that people actually get paid for this kind of stuff. I'm sad to say that I have, over my life span, witnessed the death of really good journalism. I never new or appreciated how good I had it when I was younger.
I was really nerdy growing up--watching, listening and reading broadcast and printed news almost religiously. I did appreciate how journalists strived to inform the public of current events via limited four network channels, radio, and newspapers with little or no attached personal or commercial agenda. Disseminating information to the public has advanced astronomically since I was a boy. It sometimes boggles my mind just how many outlets are accessible to the public for information. Yet, it is equally frightening just how twisted news reporting has become. One day I hope the media will eventually morph itself into being far less self-serving, hypocritical and slanted. And I hope I am still alive to see that day happen.
I was really nerdy growing up--watching, listening and reading broadcast and printed news almost religiously. I did appreciate how journalists strived to inform the public of current events via limited four network channels, radio, and newspapers with little or no attached personal or commercial agenda. Disseminating information to the public has advanced astronomically since I was a boy. It sometimes boggles my mind just how many outlets are accessible to the public for information. Yet, it is equally frightening just how twisted news reporting has become. One day I hope the media will eventually morph itself into being far less self-serving, hypocritical and slanted. And I hope I am still alive to see that day happen.

I would love to see that DE but I don't hold out much hope. Can't put the Genie back in the bottle, as they say.
It never ceases to amaze me how 'analysts' do not understand how 'restructuring' a contract works. I'll give them a's something that almost all players in almost all situations WANT to do. Kind of a more money in their pocket thing that people tend to favor.

Right? " This is pathetic Romo." really? why not attack dez, hes more of a reason then romo for not keeping demarco.

So right.

Dez to me is not the reason that we did not keep Murray. But this kid is so selfish he lost alot of symapthy and credibility.
I don't know why this hasn't been brought up yet, but Romo didn't restructure his deal. The Cowboys did. It is a built in switch in the contract. The players have no control over. They cant say yes or no, unless there wasn't a restructure "trigger" built in; the Cowboys ALWAYS build them in. Romo did NOTHING and admitted he would take a PAY CUT not just restructure; the Cowboys didn't want to pay Murray more than $6M. Sometimes I don't understand how these people get let alone keep their jobs.

In theory I agree, but I don't think that they are automatic. The team still needs the player's consent to alter the contract. In some cases there may be automatic triggers, but I don't think that is the norm.

But 99.9% of the time the player will agree to get their whole salary in a lump sum, months in advance. Which is a de facto guarantee.
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