I don't know where you got that number from, I don't know what all that is based on, and how you know who is included in that number and who isn't.
The number I gave you is from TODAY. From the NFLPA. So it's an official number, as of today. It's not some blogger who came up with his own calculations or whatever. And I already said that McClain is included in that, so is Hardy. The rookie pool is going to cost us about 4 mil. by the way, not 2. I doubt you looked into this enough to really have an opinion on this. Please find me ONE reliable beat writer, blogger, whatever, who said we can't afford to bring in AP. Doesn't exist. In fact, all the reports from various beat writers / journalists / insiders say the exact opposite. Getting AP is not a money issue whatsoever. That's a fact. We can afford him. Now whether JJ is willing to give up a high pick for AP on top of what we're gonna have to pay him is a different issue. But that has nothing to do with the fact that we can fit him under the cap. Especially if we restructure his contract which is going to happen regardless if he gets traded.