News: AFC Bills-vs-Bengals Game will not be rescheduled (no conspiracies)

I thought the kid had died when it happened . Figured he would at the hospital or before he got there. An hour delay would have been enough.

Is the NFL going to reimburse all of those ticket holders . The league totally bundled the situation.
I agree with you... but many people say unequivocally that the game should have been cancelled.
No one has told me why?

They say it is too "Traumatizing," on those players.

When scud missiles were flying and I had to run out of a tent and dive into a 6ft deep hole in the ground my superiors didnt tell me to take a few hours to compose myself. Im not diminishing what happened on Monday, but if that event is the most trauma those players or people on TV have to deal with in the next 10 years, they should consider themselves very fortunate.
I posted this in another thread, but I will repost it again here.

This is the kind of fallout and problems that can happen when you make a decision based on emotions and social pressures instead of logic and good rationale.

They should have restarted the game or played it the next day or 2 (at the worst).

Instead, we allowed emotions to compound and worsen the situation. Hopefully we will learn from this situation (although I doubt we will).
They say it is too "Traumatizing," on those players.

When scud missiles were flying and I had to run out of a tent and dive into a 6ft deep hole in the ground my superiors didnt tell me to take a few hours to compose myself. Im not diminishing what happened on Monday, but if that event is the most trauma those players or people on TV have to deal with in the next 10 years, they should consider themselves very fortunate.
What’s more traumatizing is losing home field advantage.

Players have died in practice before. Didn’t cancel the games .
I thought of ATT being the host for a neutral site AFCCG but then I said no because if they play it there and we don't make the NFC one, damn the memes will write themselves
They probably were not the best games but sure they were memorable. It is not what separates football from other outdoor sports

What? Playing in the elements, wind factors, chill, the heat, etc. very much separates it from other sports. You have to strategize around this, more mistakes happen, some players rise to that challenge and play through it. And yeah, the violence of the sport is also what people enjoy about it...despite pretending they don't.
I posted this in another thread, but I will repost it again here.

This is the kind of fallout and problems that can happen when you make a decision based on emotions and social pressures instead of logic and good rationale.

They should have restarted the game or played it the next day or 2 (at the worst).

Instead, we allowed emotions to compound and worsen the situation. Hopefully we will learn from this situation (although I doubt we will).

Im glad to see some of you coming out today to speak on this. I was mocked last night by someone because I was basically an idiot.
A neutral site is the only fair thing to do. That way KC doesn't automatically get home field advantage throughout the playoffs due to Monday's game cancellation.
But KC had to earn their spot through 17 regular season games. It's not fair to them.

The only "fair" things to do were either A. Finish the game in the day or 2 after, or with more difficulty use the week off before the SB to push things back a week. Or, B. follow the established NFL rules for a cancelled game - which is to figure out all the standings based on the games played.

The league has rules in place for this. They should follow them.
Bengals got hosed, big time.

  • Played 7 home games & 9 road games
  • We're winning the Buffalo game & had they won would be resting their players this week
  • Now if they lose to Baltimore this week, are subject to a coin flip & may have a road playoff game even though they are division champs
  • IF they lose to Baltimore, not only do they have a road game, but they would still have a first place schedule next year!
  • And the NFL ignores their own rules which are already in place in case a game wasn't played
IF they win Sunday, this is all moot. Had they won against Buffalo they would be the 2 seed, so another home game. Went from having 2 possible home playoff games to possibly having none.

I don't think the Bengals would be resting this week had they finished and won that game. It would still depend on what KC did, and they'd still need to win if they wanted the 2 seed over the 3 seed.
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Should have moved both teams' week 18 games to Saturday. Then finished the abandoned game next Wednesday. Ist round playoffs involving either of these teams the following Monday evening.
I posted this in another thread, but I will repost it again here.

This is the kind of fallout and problems that can happen when you make a decision based on emotions and social pressures instead of logic and good rationale.

They should have restarted the game or played it the next day or 2 (at the worst).

Instead, we allowed emotions to compound and worsen the situation. Hopefully we will learn from this situation (although I doubt we will).
Im glad to see some of you coming out today to speak on this. I was mocked last night by someone because I was basically an idiot.

I tried sharing similar sentiment on it a day or so after it happened and a bunch of my posts got deleted.
that's not a "complaint", just noting a fact.

If I Remember right a bunch of your posts got put in the circular file as well, didn't they?

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