News: AFC Bills-vs-Bengals Game will not be rescheduled (no conspiracies)

Cincy by default is already the North Champs. Although they might not get a home playoff game as it could be in Balty. Yet they get the harder schedule and lower draft pick. Talk about a hose job.
Just call it a draw. It is what it is.
But is that fair to a team outside looking in to get in the playoffs
If a draw makes no difference in other teams chances of getting in that seems like a reasonable solution but if it does change the playoffs I think you got to play the game
Any solution won’t be fair to everyone
No game those teams get an extra weeks rest
Play and they lose rest time
But the biggest factor has to be on how it effects the teams getting into the playoffs
Exactly, neither the Bills or Bengals should complain. Not finishing the game that night I understand, but choosing not to complete the game that Wednesday or Thursday is on them. If the Chiefs get the number one seed, those teams have no one to blame but themselves

Agreed but with one caveat. If the Bills deemed it to "emotional" to continue, they should have been forced to forfeit. Bengals shouldn't be punished in that situation.
if the Bengals agreed, then they are complicit. My guess is they probably wanted to play and fight for top seed but maybe didn't want to appear "uncaring" or "callous" and if they buckled because of that, then it's on them
The issue is the timing. If this occurred early in the season they could've squeezed it in. With the playoffs starting next week there's no good time to do it.
It’s complicated for sure and someone will gain or lose by any solution
I tried sharing similar sentiment on it a day or so after it happened and a bunch of my posts got deleted.
that's not a "complaint", just noting a fact.

If I Remember right a bunch of your posts got put in the circular file as well, didn't they?
Me too. They didn’t even want discussions about when the game could be rescheduled initially. Not sure what they were worried about.
I tried sharing similar sentiment on it a day or so after it happened and a bunch of my posts got deleted.
that's not a "complaint", just noting a fact.

If I Remember right a bunch of your posts got put in the circular file as well, didn't they?

I got immediately locked out of that thread. This place becomes like Twitter sometimes, they allow emotion to cloud reason.
Cincy by default is already the North Champs. Although they might not get a home playoff game as it could be in Balty. Yet they get the harder schedule and lower draft pick. Talk about a hose job.
How would the Bengals win their division and not host a playoff game?
it is obviously VERY relevant to a lot of people and discussing it was just not allowed.
Skip Bayless was wrongly and disgustingly (IMO) crucified just for acknowledging the fact that it was a question the NFL would have to figure out (while at the same time acknowledging that in that moment the player was rightfully the focus).
Skip Bayless was wrongly and disgustingly (IMO) crucified just for acknowledging the fact that it was a question the NFL would have to figure out (while at the same time acknowledging that in that moment the player was rightfully the focus).
Yea, I guess it’s difficult for some to chew gum and walk at the same time .

Part of crisis Mgmt is dealing with the sensitive subject while addressing the effects of the event and providing solutions .
Skip Bayless was wrongly and disgustingly (IMO) crucified just for acknowledging the fact that it was a question the NFL would have to figure out (while at the same time acknowledging that in that moment the player was rightfully the focus).
100% correct, he acknowledged Hamlin and also acknowledged that is was a huge game, but I guess it's hard to do both when people are trying to show they care more about Hamlin then the next guy.
The issue is the timing. If this occurred early in the season they could've squeezed it in. With the playoffs starting next week there's no good time to do it.
This is a key playoff seeding game though, Just push the playoffs back a week and get rid of the two week timeline between the championship games and the Superbowl
I posted this in another thread, but I will repost it again here.

This is the kind of fallout and problems that can happen when you make a decision based on emotions and social pressures instead of logic and good rationale.

They should have restarted the game or played it the next day or 2 (at the worst).

Instead, we allowed emotions to compound and worsen the situation. Hopefully we will learn from this situation (although I doubt we will).

You got the word "emotion" right in this thread. Lol.
But KC had to earn their spot through 17 regular season games. It's not fair to them.

The only "fair" things to do were either A. Finish the game in the day or 2 after, or with more difficulty use the week off before the SB to push things back a week. Or, B. follow the established NFL rules for a cancelled game - which is to figure out all the standings based on the games played.

The league has rules in place for this. They should follow them.

That's a good point. I don't know why they are not following their own rules. No matter how it went there was always going to be a team at a disadvantage.
NFL needs to just throw in an extra 2nd or even a 3rd round draft pick to whoever gets screwed

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