News: AFC Bills-vs-Bengals Game will not be rescheduled (no conspiracies)

Me too, I think it was because I speculated he threw a clot. I only speculated that after someone shared a tweet saying he had a heart attack, which, overwhelmingly, is caused by a clot. I haven't speculated as to the cause, but many have. I only made the suggestion after the tweet was shared.

But that's not really a conspiracy, is it? It's speculation. At worse, wild speculation. There is a big difference between speculation and conspiracy.
I really don't see what the big deal is. This was a highly abnormal event that only affected 4 teams, 1 positively, the Chiefs. Three teams negatively, Ravens, Bills, Bengals. And two of those teams were the cause. I don't think they should have done anything. Why is the league going to jump through hoops for one stinking team? They are doing some coin flip thing for the Ravens, it should be left at that.

No team should be affected positively by it tbh so if it’s only the chiefs that’s 1 team too many. The nfc championship game one team will have the benefit of a home and the other has to go on the road to get to a super bowl while the afc championship is played at a neutral site.

the game could potentially determine the division. If the cowboys were on the bad end of this there would be uproar here
No team should be affected positively by it tbh so if it’s only the chiefs that’s 1 team too many. The nfc championship game one team will have the benefit of a home and the other has to go on the road to get to a super bowl while the afc championship is played at a neutral site.

the game could potentially determine the division. If the cowboys were on the bad end of this there would be uproar here

If I would have been the commissioner Id have let the Bills decide to play or not. Everyone says they didnt care about the game, and I believe that. I also believe that if they didnt care about the game, they wouldnt car how a forfeit loss would impact them. So, thats what I would have done. The Bills hold all the cards, so they accept the results of their decision. If that gives the 1 seed to Chiefs and 2 seed to Bengals, so be it. I would not have let the Bengals have a say as there was no way they could. If they said they wanted to play, they would have been cricified.

@ years ago during Covid, my neighbor was threatened by a parent due to covid rules at school. My neighbor was the VP of the HS. I wrote a letter to the superintendent pleading with him to step up and force the Police Dept to file charges and not leave it in the VP's hands. The VP should not be able to be threatened with physical violence by a parent, and then also have to face criticism within our community if she filed charges.

As the leader (in our case the nfl commish) you step up and YOU take the heat off those involved and you make the decision for them. Thats what I would have done.
No team should be affected positively by it tbh so if it’s only the chiefs that’s 1 team too many. The nfc championship game one team will have the benefit of a home and the other has to go on the road to get to a super bowl while the afc championship is played at a neutral site.

the game could potentially determine the division. If the cowboys were on the bad end of this there would be uproar here

I'm just saying, there is no team besides the Ravens that have reason to complain.
I'm just saying, there is no team besides the Ravens that have reason to complain.

we can agree to disagree. I don’t think it’s fair a team from the nfc has to go on the road in a potential hostile environment to get to a super bowl- somewhere potentially like Philly and the afc game is played completely neutral.
actually yes. If you are a season ticket holder you get the right to buy playoff tickets.

Oh ok. But like I said, if I'm an owner, why should I care if you're inconvenienced? I care that the stadium is filled, I don't care by who. I care that people buy season tickets, again, don't care who. You don't like it? Don't buy them. Someone else will.
Crazy, they should have re played the game and pushed back the bye week between the championship games and the Super Bowl.

The logistics of moving the Super Bowl are probably un-doable at this point. Super Bowls are scheduled on certain weekends literally years out and so that's a no-go.
we can agree to disagree. I don’t think it’s fair a team from the nfc has to go on the road in a potential hostile environment to get to a super bowl- somewhere potentially like Philly and the afc game is played completely neutral.

I don't think we disagree on this. I agree with you completely. I was suggesting they not take any steps. Cancel the game and leave things be.
we can agree to disagree. I don’t think it’s fair a team from the nfc has to go on the road in a potential hostile environment to get to a super bowl- somewhere potentially like Philly and the afc game is played completely neutral.
I agree. I was thinking the same that just because the NFC wasnt impacted directly, they are impacted and your example is exactly how. It is what it is.
Oh ok. But like I said, if I'm an owner, why should I care if you're inconvenienced? I care that the stadium is filled, I don't care by who. I care that people buy season tickets, again, don't care who. You don't like it? Don't buy them. Someone else will.
Agree with you. I travel to games all the time and stuff happens. Ive had plans to arrive on a saturday for a sunday game that was flexed and screwed me over.

I just got screwed over last week as I had tickets to go to Nashville and my flight was cancelled. No fault of the nfl, but fans that travel cant complain when stuff happens. It is simply part of the deal when traveling for games.
Agree with you. I travel to games all the time and stuff happens. Ive had plans to arrive on a saturday for a sunday game that was flexed and screwed me over.

I just got screwed over last week as I had tickets to go to Nashville and my flight was cancelled. No fault of the nfl, but fans that travel cant complain when stuff happens. It is simply part of the deal when traveling for games.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Crap happens. The fans are the least of their concerns. Because they always know they can be replaced.
They are saying this is not a tie, it's a "no-contest". But effectively it is scored as a tie in the standing.
No matter how you cut it, it would not be fair. Teams need a week between the Championship games and SB. They have done it before where there was 1 week between the championship and SB and it was a nightmare for those team.
Seems like my idea would have been the better of the unattractive options available.
Well, what do you know? Common sense prevailed! That's rare for the NFL. :muttley:
Seems like my idea would have been the better of the unattractive options available.

Unless your team makes it to the SB, the league has tried before to have no week between the championship and SB. For players, no time to get ready not to mention family and friend being able to attend the game. I'm sorry about what took place with the Hamlin but the players who make it to the show should not be punished because of it. What you propose is great for Cinn and Buffalo not so much for the rest of the teams

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