American Idol Fans?

FloridaRob;2073179 said:
criticize the selection of songs all you want but for 16-17 yrs old, the kid has one amazing voice. His selection of songs is no worse than Cooks were tonight.

His voice is so darn monotone. He's just overhyped by the judges. He brings nothing to the table. He can't sing upbeat at all.

Actually Cook selected "baba O'Reilly" which is quite a decent tune.;)
DCgirl13;2073187 said:
He shouldn't be "good for a 16-17 year old". To win the competition you need to be good for any age and David A. just isn't. He's boring, sings the same crap over and over and can't even annunciate his words. Sure he is a "cute" kid, but that won't last too much longer.

He looks like a lawn jockey.
His performance of "Love Me Tender" was easily one of the worst performances of the entire American Idol series. The judges are either on crack or being paid mega bucks by Jeff Archuleta to make the kind of commentary they did after that performance.

I've resigned myself to the fact that demon seed is going to win... let's review:

top 12 week he forgot the lyrics!

he's basically sang the same song for 10 weeks straight

he gasps for breath and gives the most lame/lackluster performances I've ever seen

he licks his lips uncontrollably

he giggles like a 5 year old girl
irvin88;2073154 said:
Hopefully Archuletta is a surprise boot. How many more boring balads do we need to hear ?

i know i don't. i was yawning during both of his songs. what's worse is that i dozed off during his second song.
kristie;2073216 said:
i know i don't. i was yawning during both of his songs. what's worse is that i dozed off during his second song.

At least when they were overhyping Carrie Underwood and Fantasia from the beginning of their seasons you could tell they at least could sing and entertain you. This kid is a remedy for sleep disorders.
you guys are funny. Of the three voices left, David Cook, David Archuleta and Saisha, Archuleta easily has the best voice of the three. LIke I said, any of them can win but if the best voice wins, Archuleta wins it. I love Cooks voice and Saishas too, but there is no doubt DA has the best of the three. And it has nothing to do with cutes. If being cute had a vote, then Kristy Lee would still be competing. She had cute wrapped up on a neat little package.

I discount whatever Randy and Paula say but Simon is usually spot on in his critques. He didnt beat the other three singers tonight, he destroyed them. The kid never misses a note. His biggest sin has been that he forgot words in a song a few weeks ago. Big deal. I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with them missing notes, not words.

And has far as his enunciation, that is too funny, there is nothing wrong with his diction and enunciation.

I think you guys just need to admit you like David Cook because you really like that genre more. I don't have a problem with that. He does it well. I don't particually like rockers but I think Cook performs that style great. I just don't think his voice is as good as Archuletas. The kid is pitch perfect.

I heard Simon say on Larry King that he actually likes David Cooks music more than David Archuletta so I don't think bias against Cook has any bearing. Archuletta just has a better voice.

Bore you to sleep all you want, If America gets it right, and they have only missed one so far, (Hicks winning) Archuletta will win it.
DCgirl13;2073187 said:
He shouldn't be "good for a 16-17 year old". To win the competition you need to be good for any age and David A. just isn't. He's boring, sings the same crap over and over and can't even annunciate his words. Sure he is a "cute" kid, but that won't last too much longer.

let me rephrase it, Archuletta at 16 or 17 has a better voice than singers three times his age. And what is with the "singing the same crap over and over again"--that is his genre. Doesnt David Cook sing the same rocker style over and over again. It is his comfort zone. That style bores people that dont like Rock.

Cute Kid? Na, Talented Kid, yup!!!
irvin88;2073217 said:
At least when they were overhyping Carrie Underwood and Fantasia from the beginning of their seasons you could tell they at least could sing and entertain you. This kid is a remedy for sleep disorders.

i actually found fantasia to be really annoying.
FloridaRob;2073251 said:
you guys are funny. Of the three voices left, David Cook, David Archuleta and Saisha, Archuleta easily has the best voice of the three. LIke I said, any of them can win but if the best voice wins, Archuleta wins it. I love Cooks voice and Saishas too, but there is no doubt DA has the best of the three. And it has nothing to do with cutes. If being cute had a vote, then Kristy Lee would still be competing. She had cute wrapped up on a neat little package.

I discount whatever Randy and Paula say but Simon is usually spot on in his critques. He didnt beat the other three singers tonight, he destroyed them. The kid never misses a note. His biggest sin has been that he forgot words in a song a few weeks ago. Big deal. I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with them missing notes, not words.

And has far as his enunciation, that is too funny, there is nothing wrong with his diction and enunciation.

I think you guys just need to admit you like David Cook because you really like that genre more. I don't have a problem with that. He does it well. I don't particually like rockers but I think Cook performs that style great. I just don't think his voice is as good as Archuletas. The kid is pitch perfect.

I heard Simon say on Larry King that he actually likes David Cooks music more than David Archuletta so I don't think bias against Cook has any bearing. Archuletta just has a better voice.

Bore you to sleep all you want, If America gets it right, and they have only missed one so far, (Hicks winning) Archuletta will win it.

Hicks should have won that season. He was the best on the show. Just because Daughtry released a bunch of Nickleback ripoffs doesn't mean he should have won.

Pickler has sold more albums than Hicks, but she was an anoying idiot that season. Should she have come in second place ??:rolleyes:
irvin88;2073997 said:
Hicks should have won that season. He was the best on the show. Just because Daughtry released a bunch of Nickleback ripoffs doesn't mean he should have won.

Pickler has sold more albums than Hicks, but she was an anoying idiot that season. Should she have come in second place ??:rolleyes:
Hicks was absolutely terrible. Couldn't sing. He was just a gimmick like Sanjaya.
FloridaRob;2073253 said:
let me rephrase it, Archuletta at 16 or 17 has a better voice than singers three times his age. And what is with the "singing the same crap over and over again"--that is his genre. Doesnt David Cook sing the same rocker style over and over again. It is his comfort zone. That style bores people that dont like Rock.

Cute Kid? Na, Talented Kid, yup!!!

Let me rephrase myself then. What I meant by the same crap over and over was that Archie never does anything unique with anything he sings. He tries to sing it exactly how it was originally and it's boring. I personally don't even think he has a good voice at all. It's way too raspy and he can't annunciate properly. I really don't get why people think that he is the next best thing.
theogt;2074023 said:
Hicks was absolutely terrible. Couldn't sing. He was just a gimmick like Sanjaya.
That'll get you banned on one site. Ask NoDakCowboy.

irvin88;2073997 said:
Hicks should have won that season. He was the best on the show. Just because Daughtry released a bunch of Nickleback ripoffs doesn't mean he should have won.

Pickler has sold more albums than Hicks, but she was an anoying idiot that season. Should she have come in second place ??:rolleyes:

So in your opinion HIcks should have won because he was the "best" on the show but David Archuleta should not win because

"top 12 week he forgot the lyrics!

he's basically sang the same song for 10 weeks straight

he gasps for breath and gives the most lame/lackluster performances I've ever seen

he licks his lips uncontrollably

he giggles like a 5 year old girl

none of which has anything to do with his voice. Hicks was a horrible choice and as theogt said, he just had a gimmick of Soul Patrol. McPhee should have won, not Pickler. I think Simon said the same thing a while back.

You might need to look up the definition of monotone because of all the things you might be able to criticize Archuleta for, being monotone is not one of them. Those are usually reserved for the bad singers and first few weeks of the show.

At this point my personal favorite is Saisha. She doesnt have the best voice but she adds a variety to the show now where the two Davids (not just ARchuleta) are pretty set in what they are going to deliver. You never know what you are going to get the girl and she has more showmanship in her performance than the two Davids. I hope she wins but I think she will take 3rd behind DA and DC.

As long as Dreadlocks boy goes home today, then the final three makes no difference. They will all three be successfull and have a better singing career than all except Carrie and Kelly.
FloridaRob;2074186 said:
So in your opinion HIcks should have won because he was the "best" on the show but David Archuleta should not win because

"top 12 week he forgot the lyrics!

he's basically sang the same song for 10 weeks straight

he gasps for breath and gives the most lame/lackluster performances I've ever seen

he licks his lips uncontrollably

he giggles like a 5 year old girl

none of which has anything to do with his voice. Hicks was a horrible choice and as theogt said, he just had a gimmick of Soul Patrol. McPhee should have won, not Pickler. I think Simon said the same thing a while back.

You might need to look up the definition of monotone because of all the things you might be able to criticize Archuleta for, being monotone is not one of them. Those are usually reserved for the bad singers and first few weeks of the show.

At this point my personal favorite is Saisha. She doesnt have the best voice but she adds a variety to the show now where the two Davids (not just ARchuleta) are pretty set in what they are going to deliver. You never know what you are going to get the girl and she has more showmanship in her performance than the two Davids. I hope she wins but I think she will take 3rd behind DA and DC.

As long as Dreadlocks boy goes home today, then the final three makes no difference. They will all three be successfull and have a better singing career than all except Carrie and Kelly.


Chris Daughtry already has a huge career.

As to other things:
I have to agree with the poster above about David Archuleta. Yes, he can flat out sing but he has zero connection to the song or the audience.

There is no real depth with him at all, everything is just droll.

I though that attempt to sing an Elvis tune was horrid because Elvis was this ridiculous showman and DA took that song and sang it sitting down.

Randy is a flat idiot. He has been all over Archuleta the entire season and has been bashing others for far superior performances. He took apart Syesha's Sam Cooke but applauded DA's Elvis? HUH!!

All that said if they want to sell records they should be pimping David Cook. He is the one who is the most professional. He doesn't do anything other than take what is asked of them week in, week out(which is to play crap songs for the most part) and turn them into very good offerings that do not bore you or make you want to stab icepicks into your ears.

Castro: Has his own style but a mediocre voice and often seems unprepared.
DA: Great voice but just too young to be taken seriously singing these big songs he attempts.
DC: Lacks the "look" of a rock star but is a cerebral guy who figures out what to do each week and has an underrated pure singing voice.
Syesha: Perfect for Broadway. Always fun to watch and a big note hitter to be sure. Not always pitch perfect but always entertaining.
DCgirl13;2074150 said:
Let me rephrase myself then. What I meant by the same crap over and over was that Archie never does anything unique with anything he sings. He tries to sing it exactly how it was originally and it's boring. I personally don't even think he has a good voice at all. It's way too raspy and he can't annunciate properly. I really don't get why people think that he is the next best thing.

funny, I remember the original Love Me Tender by Elvis. And Archuleta arrangement was very different from that. He is the next best thing because he is good. There is nothing wrong with his enunciation. He doesn't slur anything so I have no idea where that complaint comes from. You don't like him, and that is your opinion but as reflected by the vast majority and it is not all teeny boppers, he is the favorite. And you think Archuletta has a "raspy" voice? We must not listen to the same person or one of our sounds on our TV is messed up. I think it is crystal clear without a hint of raspiness. Cook being the Rocker has a raspy voice but I think that is more by choice. The kid is good, very good.
one thing to keep in mind about the finale is that the top two will be asked to sing the same song. Usually that song is a ballad and not condusive to a rocker style performance. Cook has a better chance this year because he actually has a voice that can sing just about anything (except country) so that will be interesting.
Hostile;2074179 said:
That'll get you banned on one site. Ask NoDakCowboy.

Too late. Already banned, if I'm thinking of the same place. :)
FloridaRob;2074186 said:
So in your opinion HIcks should have won because he was the "best" on the show but David Archuleta should not win because

"top 12 week he forgot the lyrics!

he's basically sang the same song for 10 weeks straight

he gasps for breath and gives the most lame/lackluster performances I've ever seen

he licks his lips uncontrollably

he giggles like a 5 year old girl

none of which has anything to do with his voice. Hicks was a horrible choice and as theogt said, he just had a gimmick of Soul Patrol. McPhee should have won, not Pickler. I think Simon said the same thing a while back.

You might need to look up the definition of monotone because of all the things you might be able to criticize Archuleta for, being monotone is not one of them. Those are usually reserved for the bad singers and first few weeks of the show.

At this point my personal favorite is Saisha. She doesnt have the best voice but she adds a variety to the show now where the two Davids (not just ARchuleta) are pretty set in what they are going to deliver. You never know what you are going to get the girl and she has more showmanship in her performance than the two Davids. I hope she wins but I think she will take 3rd behind DA and DC.

As long as Dreadlocks boy goes home today, then the final three makes no difference. They will all three be successfull and have a better singing career than all except Carrie and Kelly.

Untrue. People don't buy Idol music like they used to. Check out Sparks' #'s and Carrie's 2nd album compared to first.

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