American Idol Fans?

FloridaRob;2074234 said:
one thing to keep in mind about the finale is that the top two will be asked to sing the same song. Usually that song is a ballad and not condusive to a rocker style performance. Cook has a better chance this year because he actually has a voice that can sing just about anything (except country) so that will be interesting.

Found this on another board::lmao2:

David Archuleta is a mediocre contestant on Season 7 of American Idol. He is unable to sing without gasping between every note and he look is similar to that of a monkey. He is adored by young girls because they find him to be cute, one can only assume that these girls are blind and/or deaf. Archuleta is a child of Satan, he is a demon and there is only one way to bring him down, vote for anyone other than him. He must not win American Idol or else the world will come to an end. David Archuleta's popularity IS a sign of the Apocalypse.
Is the Fix in For Archuleta?
Posted May 7th 2008 12:12PM by TMZ Staff

David Archuleta could fart and the "A.I." judges would say bravo.

Davie boy was pretty good last night, but really, it's as if the judges were preprogrammed to drool over him regardless of what he did. They didn't cream over Kelly Clarkson the way they did with David, and no offense, but he eats her dust.

"Idol" has its mitts on the recording contracts of the winners. So is this about talent, or that David is more commercial and has a longer shelf life? We're just askin'.....
Topic: Nigel said 4th place curse happens tonightPosted: Wed, May 07 2008, 3:42 PM
On access hollywood, said he is very disapointed
irvin88;2074283 said:
Found this on another board::lmao2:

David Archuleta is a mediocre contestant on Season 7 of American Idol. He is unable to sing without gasping between every note and he look is similar to that of a monkey. He is adored by young girls because they find him to be cute, one can only assume that these girls are blind and/or deaf. Archuleta is a child of Satan, he is a demon and there is only one way to bring him down, vote for anyone other than him. He must not win American Idol or else the world will come to an end. David Archuleta's popularity IS a sign of the Apocalypse.

irvin88;2074292 said:
Is the Fix in For Archuleta?
Posted May 7th 2008 12:12PM by TMZ Staff

David Archuleta could fart and the "A.I." judges would say bravo.

Davie boy was pretty good last night, but really, it's as if the judges were preprogrammed to drool over him regardless of what he did. They didn't cream over Kelly Clarkson the way they did with David, and no offense, but he eats her dust.

"Idol" has its mitts on the recording contracts of the winners. So is this about talent, or that David is more commercial and has a longer shelf life? We're just askin'.....

Well I think it's pretty obvious the judges don't actually comment on how they perform. I stopped watching after last season, and the inept judges were a big reason. More often than not the best will not win AI.

Clay is ten times the singer Reuben is (not that I would listen to anything by either), but Clay wasn't seen to be as marketable, so Reuben gets the win to help him sell.

Fantasia is just flat out painful to listen to, she had no business in the top 12 in my opinion. There wasn't much to offer that season.

Doughtry should have won the year he was in it, and he is the only contestant in AI's history that I wouldn't mind listening to in my car.

Last year was just meh all around.

On a side note: Now that David Cook has made the final 3, he and American Idol are coming to my hometown on Friday for their homecoming thing. He's doing a concert at my old high school, and I THINK he's going to be at the Royals game that night.
FloridaRob;2074234 said:
one thing to keep in mind about the finale is that the top two will be asked to sing the same song. Usually that song is a ballad and not condusive to a rocker style performance. Cook has a better chance this year because he actually has a voice that can sing just about anything (except country) so that will be interesting.

comments on many posts:

Fantasia: She was a star. Her performances got old but they were top notch and she has a successful r&b niche. Not really my kind of singer but she is very solid and can sale records for years.

Clay Aiken: He annoyed me from auditions on. He was a solid singer but had zero personality and didn't show any depth or range. Just sang songs in half lilt. Like DA he had a huge young girl fan base. Why do these girls like overly effeminate guys?

Reuben: Was a true talent but has come across then and now as a bit lazy. Obviously has vocal chops for days and can actually sing in a grown man's voice but needs to put in work in the gym so he isn't sweating like a mule after 5 minutes singing.

Daughtry: My favorite overall contestant they have had. Again he is at least a grown man and not some halfchick, halfguy falsetto.
TMZ has learned David Archuleta's dad, Jeff, has been officially banned from "American Idol.":lmao2:

Here's how it went down. "Idol" sources tell TMZ Jeff has been a complete pain in the ***, interfering with the entire production. He has badgered producers, the band, vocal coaches and even other contestants. The final straw came this week, when Jeff wanted to change the lyrics to David's first song, "Stand By Me." Jeff insisted on adding a verse from Sean Kingston's hit, "Beautiful Girls." Producers sent him an e-mail telling him the lyrics could not be changed. They were beyond pissed when David sang the song with Kingston's lyrics during the live show.

We're told by changing the lyrics, it created problems with the song's publisher and cost "A.I." a lot of money.

Jeff was ordered to sit with "A.I." lawyers on Wednesday, who told him he was "banned from being in the rooms where David was learning or rehearsing his songs." It's "Idol's" position, since David is 17, he does not need a guardian -- just a teacher. Jeff will be allowed to sit in the audience during the live show but he's 86'd from anything backstage.

Sources say the other contestants were fed up with Jeff and didn't want him near them. Now they have their wish.

All in all, sources say Jeff is the stage dad from hell. BTW, he was banned on the set when David did "Star Search" a few years back.
irvin88;2077337 said:
TMZ has learned David Archuleta's dad, Jeff, has been officially banned from "American Idol.":lmao2:

Here's how it went down. "Idol" sources tell TMZ Jeff has been a complete pain in the ***, interfering with the entire production. He has badgered producers, the band, vocal coaches and even other contestants. The final straw came this week, when Jeff wanted to change the lyrics to David's first song, "Stand By Me." Jeff insisted on adding a verse from Sean Kingston's hit, "Beautiful Girls." Producers sent him an e-mail telling him the lyrics could not be changed. They were beyond pissed when David sang the song with Kingston's lyrics during the live show.

We're told by changing the lyrics, it created problems with the song's publisher and cost "A.I." a lot of money.

Jeff was ordered to sit with "A.I." lawyers on Wednesday, who told him he was "banned from being in the rooms where David was learning or rehearsing his songs." It's "Idol's" position, since David is 17, he does not need a guardian -- just a teacher. Jeff will be allowed to sit in the audience during the live show but he's 86'd from anything backstage.

Sources say the other contestants were fed up with Jeff and didn't want him near them. Now they have their wish.

All in all, sources say Jeff is the stage dad from hell. BTW, he was banned on the set when David did "Star Search" a few years back.

if david a. loses, i think his father will be blamed for it.
kristie;2077381 said:
if david a. loses, i think his father will be blamed for it.

it should be because he bored the nation to sleep.
My wife finally saw the high school pictures of Cook and remembers clearly having theatre class with him. She couldn't recall him before, but he looked a lot different back then.

It was weird seeing the big fuss going on at my high school on the news yesterday.
irvin88;2077400 said:
it should be because he bored the nation to sleep.

you just need to get over that angle. David A has the best VOICE left in the competition. People love to listen to him and not just tennie bopper little girls. You don't like him but you are definetely in the minority. He doesnt bore the nation, he bores you. The nation votes him the favorite. I am sure his genre rubs people your age the wrong way but people that appreciate all types of music know the kid can sing. I don't like Rock but I know David Cook can sing the phone book. With a little bit of training Sayesha may end up having the best voice out of all of them but right now it is 1-David A, and has been since the top 24, 2-DAvid Cook, and has been since the top 24 and Sayesha who was definetley top 5 with maybe Carly being a little bit better.
irvin88;2077337 said:
TMZ has learned David Archuleta's dad, Jeff, has been officially banned from "American Idol.":lmao2:

Here's how it went down. "Idol" sources tell TMZ Jeff has been a complete pain in the ***, interfering with the entire production. He has badgered producers, the band, vocal coaches and even other contestants. The final straw came this week, when Jeff wanted to change the lyrics to David's first song, "Stand By Me." Jeff insisted on adding a verse from Sean Kingston's hit, "Beautiful Girls." Producers sent him an e-mail telling him the lyrics could not be changed. They were beyond pissed when David sang the song with Kingston's lyrics during the live show.

We're told by changing the lyrics, it created problems with the song's publisher and cost "A.I." a lot of money.

Jeff was ordered to sit with "A.I." lawyers on Wednesday, who told him he was "banned from being in the rooms where David was learning or rehearsing his songs." It's "Idol's" position, since David is 17, he does not need a guardian -- just a teacher. Jeff will be allowed to sit in the audience during the live show but he's 86'd from anything backstage.

Sources say the other contestants were fed up with Jeff and didn't want him near them. Now they have their wish.

All in all, sources say Jeff is the stage dad from hell. BTW, he was banned on the set when David did "Star Search" a few years back.

the AP as well as picked up on the story as well so this must be true.
FloridaRob;2077855 said:
you just need to get over that angle. David A has the best VOICE left in the competition. People love to listen to him and not just tennie bopper little girls. You don't like him but you are definetely in the minority. He doesnt bore the nation, he bores you. The nation votes him the favorite. I am sure his genre rubs people your age the wrong way but people that appreciate all types of music know the kid can sing. I don't like Rock but I know David Cook can sing the phone book. With a little bit of training Sayesha may end up having the best voice out of all of them but right now it is 1-David A, and has been since the top 24, 2-DAvid Cook, and has been since the top 24 and Sayesha who was definetley top 5 with maybe Carly being a little bit better.

Actually this is the opinion of the vast majority of people over 25.
It is ALL over the internet.

The show is a raw majority though and the 16 and under girls love David Archuleta and they vote more than any demographic by far.

Even if he wins he'll have a far inferior career to others because he is just not ready to sing anything that has an emotional connection and he is the worst performer left of the bunch. They'll get him in a studio and he'll have great "sounding" songs but they'll be crappy songs and they'll be backed by sad performances.

David is the epitome of the candidate who needed another year to mature.

I agree with you that the kid has a big voice but I have yet to see him ever strike an emotional chord at all and not a single performance has been unique in any way. Its ironic because the theme for the season has been unique qualities and David is painfully generic with a big voice.

Honestly, ask yourself what kinds of songs he'll be singing in album format. He's a power ballad guy. That's the ultimate male punchline.
Finally watched an episode of this season. From what I saw tonight, I thought it was pretty clear David Cook was the best. Syesha was OK, but definitely better than the kid.
ChldsPlay;2081382 said:
Finally watched an episode of this season. From what I saw tonight, I thought it was pretty clear David Cook was the best. Syesha was OK, but definitely better than the kid.

david cook rules! :D
Yeagermeister;2082450 said:
It's going to be a David and David finale.

As it should be....The two best vocalists are in the top two. Was pulling for Sayesha as an underdog tho. She has more personality than the other two combined. Her voice was just not as good.

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