Are You Reality Ready?

Are you ready for the juggernaut of a running attack that we are about to unleash on the rest of the league?

Are you ready to see our offensive line take it to even greater heights?

Are you ready to witness a formidable clock eating run game that will be even better than the Demarco years?

Are you ready to see Dak settle in behind all of that?

I most definitely am! I'll save a seat for you.
Yes, yes, yes, yes and can I have an XL cup holder in my seat?
I understand what you're saying about expectations being too high within the fan base for Dak who has never even played a real NFL game (although I do think Seattle was pushing the bar for a preseason contest because it was the dress rehearsal, they hadn't looked good in the first two PS games, they were at home and Dallas had physically whipped them on their last trip to Seattle). I agree people are likely expecting too much.

However, I live smack in SEC country and watch a lot of it myself. The better SEC teams got to Dak early and often because of his surrounding cast and if that had "rattled" Prescott like you said... then he would have been that was for entire games at a time.

I saw it more as Dak trying to win a game that was pretty much unwinnable considering the discrepancy between the talent levels of he two teams. He was either being hit way too soon or he was taking what was essentially a calculated risk hoping that he could make something good happen for his team. I understand why you (and others) might see it as him getting rattled and making mistakes... but for Prescott, it was try to make a play or just take the sack... and not taking chances while getting sacked would never, ever win the game.

So he took risks that he likely wouldn't have with more competent team mates around him.

Dak is built so well that you could tell he wasn't afraid of getting hit. He never had the look of a QB getting beaten up with that wild Bradford look in his eyes. He wasn't worried about getting hit and the physical part of the game, IMO, didn't rattle him. He just wanted to win and with the only option to try to do so being throwing the ball down the field into coverage he probably knew wasn't favorable... he did so.

At least that is how I saw it while he was playing at State.

Now, does that mean he won't throw some bad passes now that he has a good offense around him? Of course not. Hell, he threw a couple of bad one's in the preseason already. He will make some ill advised throws, and he will get picked off some. That is going to happen.

However, he has made those bad throws at a minuscule rate when compared to other rookie QB's in their PS games going back decades. While we know he is going to make mistakes... he has shown that he does have poise, doesn't get rattled easily, can read defenses, make the correct throw, use his legs to get out of trouble, and that the big stage certainly doesn't phase him in the slightest.

You're certainly correct in cautioning people that Prescott is a rookie and is going to make mistakes... but I think the kid is also going to make some very good plays for the team and will hurt/scare defenses with his legs.

And the best thing about Dak is what I haven't even mentioned: His ability to inspire his team mates with confidence and the uncanny way that his team always, always plays for him like it is their last day on Earth. People run through walls for Dak and just like Staubach's team mates felt like he would win it for them... Prescott's teams always feel like he can take them to the promised land.

There is a chance Prescott is overwhelmed, I agree. There is also a chance he shocks the NFL too. I can't wait to see which it is.
That's the Dak that concerns me because, like Romo, when they put the team on their back, and that's what Dak did, it can crush them. The best thing he said in that interview was about the guys around him. Romo used to catch a lot of heat until 2014 when they put a better offense around him and I am hopeful Dak realizes he doesn't have to carry this offense, they can carry each other. He says the right things and I am optimistic that he will play well for a rookie. But, I also accept that for what it is and while we all want to contend every season, this is a great opportunity to see what he's got and if he's the future.

The other element that will help Dak is Dez staying in control and not getting over emotional. Dez, Witten and Yosemite can be a real calming influence if things get frantic.

What a crazy season. We lose our QB1 and I am more excited to see this team than in recent memory with these two young players. These guys are joined at the hip and dependent on each other for success.
It could go either way, guys. I'm not letting myself get excited about anything except the fact we are on the brink of getting to watch The Boys play 16 games. As Rick Flair would say, 'Woooooooooosa'
Excited? Hell, I'll be breathing into a paper bag an hour before kickoff......right before consuming what was in the bag. It's not what most of us wanted but starting a rookie QB and RB in the first game is definitely something different for us.
That's the Dak that concerns me because, like Romo, when they put the team on their back, and that's what Dak did, it can crush them. The best thing he said in that interview was about the guys around him. Romo used to catch a lot of heat until 2014 when they put a better offense around him and I am hopeful Dak realizes he doesn't have to carry this offense, they can carry each other. He says the right things and I am optimistic that he will play well for a rookie. But, I also accept that for what it is and while we all want to contend every season, this is a great opportunity to see what he's got and if he's the future.

The other element that will help Dak is Dez staying in control and not getting over emotional. Dez, Witten and Yosemite can be a real calming influence if things get frantic.

What a crazy season. We lose our QB1 and I am more excited to see this team than in recent memory with these two young players. These guys are joined at the hip and dependent on each other for success.
Travis Fredrick, when I saw him for the first time and heard about his temperament on the football field, breaking a teammates arms AFTER the whistle, it was a natural. Like watching a billionaire mining for gold in his luxurious suite on national TV to open his Big Top and losing his first game. Booger just seemed fitting. Still does.
Outstanding = QB1 injured and out 3 times within a year
Free is the weak point in pass protect

They're far better at run blocking.
I'm sorry but this is lazy and dumb. Every QB gets hit and his body is just breaking down. Last injury is not on the online as well.
Whatever happens, I am not making any judgments about young Prescott in these first two games, either way, because reality happens when the DC's get enough film.

I am figuring the pass o/u at 25. If he has to make over 25 pass attempts, we lose and are not able to run the offense we were built to run. He has to be a game manager and execute the offense.
I agree with the idea of a "pitch count" and I think you are right there at 25 attempts, I would maybe even be ok with up to 27, buy if he is throwing more than that it favors Eli and the Giants.
There will definitely be a reality check for us fans.

It's going to be very difficult to win games in the NFL with a rookie QB and suspect defense, regardless of where that QB was drafted.

I hope that Garrett and Linehan don't try to protect him too much though, because I'd hate to see us turn a good prospect into another Weeden. Prescott is used to being the star of the team and main source of plays, so let him embrace that role in the pros too. If he gets humbled, that's good for his long-term development.

I think we need to approach this season like Prescott is Romo and play all-out on offense. It's really our only shot. If we play it safe and conservative as Garrett is known to do, our defense will get run over and worn out and the score will just run away from us in the 3rd and 4th quarter.
I'll deal with reality when it happens. Right now I'm having too much fun thinking about our 4th-round QB prodigy tearing up the Giants.
Can't really judge qbs til after their second playing season imo. Plenty start hot until there is enough tape for defenses to adjust to your play on the field. Kid looks great so far and I have high hopes but I'll temper them knowing even one solid season starting doesn't guarantee franchise longevity ala rgiii.
Time to start letting my emotions towards life be reflected on how well the Coboys perform again.....

Oh god! Am I EVER so glad this teams performance on Sundays don't affect me like it USED TO,,, you have no ideal or maybe you do( I'd go hide in my reloading room, wouldn't answer the phone or talk to what ever wife I had at the time,,, SHEESE.)
From some of the Dakmania I've been seeing, I wonder if fans are ready for the reality of the real season, game planning and a young inexperienced, but talented, QB getting his first taste of real NFL defenses?

I like him a lot and he's been very impressive but I've seen this before in the pretend season with a variety of positions but especially the QB position. Best to tell yourself "it's not real" over and over.

Some may be expecting this young QB to overcome a very suspect defense that may put too much pressure on him to make plays instead of execute plays.

That interview was great, he said all the right things but he hadn't seen what they're going to throw at him. When you think of our young QB, think of how humbling NFL defenses can be to highly touted 1st rounders like Carr, Manning and Luck.

While Dak is stepping into an offense that is loaded with pb players and he'll have a better OL and run game than most QB's, he will still have to overcome this defense.

The odds are every QB that has to play out of this draft class is going to struggle, and ours is no exception, but that is part of the game. NFL defenses humble rookie QB's, I just hope ours can keep them under 30 and let him execute the offense. Dak doesn't just need the offense to help him, he needs the team. And my reality is that defense is actually worse than the last two seasons.

Whatever happens, I am not making any judgments about young Prescott in these first two games, either way, because reality happens when the DC's get enough film.

I am figuring the pass o/u at 25. If he has to make over 25 pass attempts, we lose and are not able to run the offense we were built to run. He has to be a game manager and execute the offense.

No, we are all so stupid that we think a pass in the first drive of the preseason equals the same pressure as a pass in the regular season.
Still excited for the season. I didn't really see Dallas as Conenders even with a healthy romo. Im excited to see zeke and if we have life after romo in dak. This won't be a lost season like last year.
I accepted the reality check that Romo isn't coming back, and Dak and this offense is going to roll. Many people didn't expect Dak to take an NFL snap. I saw MANY of those posts here on this forum. **NEWSFLASH** he has taken over the starting QB position before the first game.

I know the NFL is tough, but this isn't rocket science. Dak is plenty of capable of putting this team on his back and carrying them to places Romo only saw in his dreams. Time to get on board and enjoy this ride.
It's the first game of the season. You always get goofy things/mistakes that happen even by the vets. Look at last year. Our team looked out of sync.

Fortunately, Eli and company looked worse making dumb mistakes. I'm sure we'll see things that will make us go "hmmm".

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