Audio: Jerry Jones lays down the law!!!

jjktkk;3045632 said:
Jerry drafted Troy Aikman, because the Cowboys needed a quarterback. A franchise quarterback. The goodlooks, etc..., was just icing on the cake.

That's the way I remember it
Just the fact that Jerry says that benching Roy Williams is basically his decision not the head coaches tells you everything you need to know about the accountability on this team.

He basically admitted to undermining his coaches authority, not that it is shocking but it is interesting to see him finally admit as much.

I don't believe him that things were like that when Jimmy was here, Jimmy would release players to make examples out of them for poor play and to send a message to the rest of the team, nothing like that has happened since he left. It is revisionist history for Jerry to say other wise.

It is also a crock that he says if you write the $80 million check that you want the final input. That scenario happens every day in professional sports. Heck it happens in a lot of other major businesses, its called paying professionals to do their thing. It is also different to have final say on personnel, coaches etc... its another to have final say on game day etc. Jerry is the reason we havent won a playoff game in 13 years, period.

I will be the first to give him credit if this team wins another Super Bowl, until then he gets the blame for not winning one.
dboyz;3045704 said:
I know that Jimmy initially preferred Walsh to Aikman but I have never heard that Jimmy preferred Mandarich.
That's because it isn't true.

Jimmy made the football decisions. Period. Jeff Perlman's book had a nice bit where Jerry was telling Jimmy to pretend to talk to him when the cameras were on so people would think he was involved in the decision making process.

Jerry's a joke. Always has been. As evidenced by the futility of this team once Jimmy Johnson's players got old.
Dodger12;3045770 said:
The last person I'd believe on anything related to Troy Aikman is Skip Bayless.

Don't throw away the baby with the bathwater. The Boys was a very good book despite the author turning into an idiot afterwards, possibly because of the fame he got out of it.

Jeff Pearlman was very critical of Bayless in the book you referenced. Also, Pearlman makes no mention that I can recall where he cited any evidence that Jimmy wanted Mandarich over Aikman

THat wasn't the part I was refering to. Other parts, like the Hershel Walker trade, the Emmitt Smith draft, were referred in that book.

He had an affinity for Walsh being from Miami and yes Jimmy had doubts about whether Troy could win the big game. But even Walsh conceded that Troy was the far better player on the practice field. Troy's talent was off the charts and evidet to both coaches and players. Troy's only "negative" was that he was so cerebral he couldn't improvise. He just wanted the play and to execute the play exactly the way it was drawn up. Enter Norv Turner and the rest is history.

Norv was the " Obi-Wan Kenobi " of Troy Aikman's jedi life. Jerry Rhome was also very influential ( the short time he spent with him ).

and what sealed the deal between him and Jimmah Jenius was salt water fish.
Doomsday;3045780 said:
Just the fact that Jerry says that benching Roy Williams is basically his decision not the head coaches tells you everything you need to know about the accountability on this team.

He basically admitted to undermining his coaches authority, not that it is shocking but it is interesting to see him finally admit as much.

Well not necessarily if the coaches in questions know ahead of time is not their call to begin with. I doubt Wade feels undermined. Heck he feels like the luckiest coach on earth having a head coaching gig (on paper at least) in the NFL.

I just realized that I have come to terms to having Jerry as our owner/gm/head coach. Anyway, I'm not switching teams if that's the other alternative some say guys like me have. Go cowboys!
Randy White;3045759 said:
I believe it was Stars and Strife.

Turning the thing around.

Thanks, I think I'll buy them all (some are as little as 7 cents)
jobberone;3045574 said:
And you know this because........? You're a fly on the wall or you have your 'sources'?

I listened to the entire interview once and parts twice. I came away with nothing like your interpretation.

Jerry was very clear that nothing has changed in his approach 'since I bought the team' and 'from the very beginning'. You've got nothing here. Not even fluff. And he didn't site examples at all for any time period or coach here. He did say they influenced some decisions to play young personnel since the beginning of his stay here.

Even with the Ogletree thing he never stated it was his call but that you would see him on STs and on offense. I can interpret that as nothing but the same ole same ole. Where else are you going to see Olgetree. Again never once did Jerry say "I'm telling Wade and Jason to play Olgetree". That's all your agenda.

Your act is getting old. I wonder who's the greater attention seeker..... you or Jerry.

Exactly jobberone. For dcfanatic be this openly, unfairly hateful over an owner borders on disturbing because it is as close to obsessive as you can get. Everyone is entitled to even an extreme opinion about Jones but posting incessantly over this is really wearing and unpleasant and dilutes any of the positives of this hate agenda driven thread starter.
silver;3045784 said:
Well not necessarily if the coaches in questions know ahead of time is not their call to begin with. I doubt Wade feels undermined. Heck he feels like the luckiest coach on earth having a head coaching gig (on paper at least) in the NFL.

I just realized that I have come to terms to having Jerry as our owner/gm/head coach. Anyway, I'm not switching teams if that's the other alternative some say guys like me have. Go cowboys!

Im not either but I am going to put all the blame for them not winning a playoff game directly on his shoulders. He wants all the glory, he can have all the credit when things go like they have the last 13 years as well. Ultimately it is his fault and eventually it is going to come back to bite this franchise in the butt.
Randy White;3045782 said:
THat wasn't the part I was refering to. Other parts, like the Hershel Walker trade, the Emmitt Smith draft, were referred in that book.

Great book too; not that I've read any others about the Cowboys with which I can compare it to. On the Hershel trade, I don't recall Pearlman mentioning Hershel's contract demands as a starting point for the trade although I wouldn't doubt that was the case, but I don't think that's where JTerrell got his info.

EDIT: I just re-read JT's post and he didn't mention Pearlman's book. My bad.
Dodger12;3045760 said:
Angus, I hope this post, especially the bolded part, was a half hearted attempt at sarcasm.

Me too, Jerry has done nothing to make me a fan. The Cowboys got my heart as I was growing up in the 70's and went to games with my dad. I lived about 1/4 mile from the old practice facility and we went there and watched practice over the fence. We would meet the players as they came out after practice and get signed autographs (Boy, I wish I ahd gotten more of them and kept them). We also had several Cowboys that lived a few houses or blocks away and we could go knock on their door and get an autographed picture. It was great, they're a part of my youth and they'll always have a piece of my heart and that had absolutely nothing to do with Jerry.

The Cowboys had my heart long before Jerry ever came along. I loved what Jerry did when he came here and got rid of Landry & hired Jimmy. I loved it when he finally relented and hired Parcells and I'm pleased he released Owens and appears to be taking the team in a positive team oriented direction.

However, some of the things he has done has caused me to have negative feelings for the team I never thought I'd have. It got to the point for me that I took solice in all the losses of the late 90's, early 2000's because I thought the humiliation of Jerry was the only hope they had of ever being successful again.
Smith22;3045222 said:
Most of this came from the hosts asking him about demoting Roy Williams. Basically, Jerry was saying even if the coach wanted to demote him, Jerry could overrule him.

I haven't listened to the clip but how is this any different then bud adams saying VY needs to play.
DallasInDC;3045795 said:
I haven't listened to the clip but how is this any different then bud adams saying VY needs to play.

That wasnt exactly a good move by Bud Adams.

Thats like the old expression "monkey see, monkey do".
Dodger12;3045770 said:
The last person I'd believe on anything related to Troy Aikman is Skip Bayless. Jeff Pearlman was very critical of Bayless in the book you referenced. Also, Pearlman makes no mention that I can recall where he cited any evidence that Jimmy wanted Mandarich over Aikman. He had an affinity for Walsh being from Miami and yes Jimmy had doubts about whether Troy could win the big game. But even Walsh conceded that Troy was the far better player on the practice field. Troy's talent was off the charts and evidet to both coaches and players. Troy's only "negative" was that he was so cerebral he couldn't improvise. He just wanted the play and to execute the play exactly the way it was drawn up. Enter Norv Turner and the rest is history.

This is the way I remember it
jterrell;3045562 said:
Jimmy Johnson had no choice but wanted Tony Mandarich.


Cowboys, Aikman make history
$11.037 Million pact NFL rookie record
By BERNIE MIKLASZ / The Dallas Morning News
On Thursday, the Dallas Cowboys made UCLA's Troy Aikman their quarterback of the future, and a very wealthy young man, by giving him the largest rookie contract in NFL history.

Shortly before 2 p.m., Aikman, 22, walked into the office of Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and signed a six-year, $11.037 million deal that took only two weeks to negotiate.

Aikman was represented by California attorney Leigh Steinberg, who hammered out the contract with Jones' business partner, Mike McCoy. The deal surpassed, by nearly $3 million, the previous top rookie contract: quarterback Vinny Testaverde's six-year $8.2 million agreement with Tampa Bay in 1987.

"It's pretty much a dream come true for me," said Aikman. "It's beyond words. I wanted this so badly, to be a Dallas Cowboy."

Aikman was presented with a new No. 8 Cowboys jersey during Thursday's news conference at Valley Ranch. Aikman then was led to his new locker – the one formerly occupied by tight end Doug Cosbie, who signed with Denver last month.

Sunday morning, there will be more pomp and pizazz. Aikman will fly to New York to be presented by NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle when the Cowboys officially make Aikman the No. 1 overall selection in the 1989 draft.
That ceremony will be anti-climactic; the Cowboys certainly made their feelings known Thursday.

"Troy has the talent to take the Cowboys back to where we all want them to be," said Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson. "You'd be amazed at what some of the teams were willing to give up (in a trade) for Troy. But we've known that this was our guy."

Johnson said he never really considered trading Aikman or drafting another player. But he thought that listening to trade offers would be good experience for a rookie NFL coach. And Johnson wanted to keep quiet until Jones could get Aikman signed.

Johnson made up his mind the weekend of March 17-19, when he worked out Aikman in Los Angeles.

"We knew without question that Troy Aikman was our guy when we got back on the plane after the workout at UCLA," Johnson said.

Said Jones: "When Jimmy called me and said, "Man, you should see him," I just raised up and yelled into the phone, I was so excited. There was no decision to make here."

After the shouting, all that was left was working out the details of the contract. Surprisingly, Jones publicly volunteered a contract figure – $11.2 million – that he apparently overstated in all of the excitement. According to sources, the actual total compensation came to $11.037 million.

Aikman will receive a signing bonus of $2.75 million and yearly salaries that range from $787,000 in his rookie season (1989) to $2 million in the final year of the contract (1994).

Months before Aikman will throw his first official pass in the NFL, he already is the league's third highest-paid player, with an average yearly compensation of $1.839 million.

And he's also the highest-salaried Cowboy, surpassing running back Herschel Walker's $1 million for 1989.

Aikman seemed unaffected by the vast riches of the standard-setting contract. He will establish a yearly $5,000 scholarship at his two alma maters: Henryetta (Okla.) High School and UCLA. He also will donate $1,000 to charity for each game won by the Cowboys.

"I want to play the game because I have fun doing it," Aikman said. "I certainly don't want to look at it as a business, although it is."

Jones, who purchased the Cowboys and Texas Stadium Corp. for $140 million on Feb. 25, expressed no regrets after making an $11 million investment.
This was a Jones production all the way. Former Cowboys president Tex Schramm, who resigned Tuesday, and current vice president Joe Bailey weren't present for Thursday's news conference. Jones was making it clear that the Cowboys now were his team, and Aikman probably was his most-prized possession.

"I said it the first time I stood here," Jones said. "We're committed to winning, and we'll go and get it if it's humanly possible. We'll do whatever it takes to make our fans proud of the Cowboys.

"Troy is not the man that single-handedly is going to solve all the Cowboy problems. He's not going to single-handedly solve all the problems of the world. But I tell you this: you put you together a few Troy Aikmans back to back, and you'll knock a few dents in it."

It isn't clear how soon Aikman will be permitted to start denting some NFL defenses. One thing is certain: Aikman will benefit in his rookie development by signing early. He will be able to participate in a minicamp in May and Johnson's three-week passing-game school in June.

"We really don't have a timetable for Troy," Johnson said. "I know he wants to get into it. He's committed to being the best that he can be, and we'll go at his pace."

The Cowboys have three quarterbacks on the roster: starter Steve Pelluer, Danny White and Scott Secules.

"We have some quarterbacks with the club that have done some good things, so we'll have to wait and see what we do in training camp," Johnson said.
Aware of the problems John Elway had early in his rookie season with Denver, Aikman would not mind serving an apprenticeship.

"It's a matter of how quickly I pick up the system," Aikman said. "I won't know that until I get on the field and start playing. Generally speaking, I think the ideal situation is to take things slowly with a young quarterback."

But will Cowboys fans, starved after three consecutive losing seasons, be willing to wait? It won't take long for Aikmania to begin. Aikman is stepping into a rebuilding situation, and all Cowboys quarterbacks forever will be compared to Roger Staubach, a Hall of Famer.

"Those things are inevitable," Aikman said. "I hope people do compare me to Roger Staubach five years from now, and I'm mentioned in the same breath as him. It would certainly be ridiculous for me to try to live up to Roger Staubach and try to fill his shoes and make people forget about him. They never will. He's a legend in his own time. I just want to do the best I can."
Already, Aikman has surpassed Staubach by one measure.

In 1979, his final season with the Cowboys, Staubach was paid $213,000.
cowboyed;3045786 said:
Exactly jobberone. For dcfanatic be this openly, unfairly hateful over an owner borders on disturbing because it is as close to obsessive as you can get. Everyone is entitled to even an extreme opinion about Jones but posting incessantly over this is really wearing and unpleasant and dilutes any of the positives of this hate agenda driven thread starter.


So I just started up a thread to start hating on Jerry out of nowhere.

Or I heard an interview he did TODAY and gave my opinion on it.

Which one is it?

Everlastingxxx;3045280 said:
My problem is it appears that Jerry feels he knows more than the coaches. If Wade says player X is not ready...but Jerry thinks he is, player X is playing. Jerry thinks he knows more than Wades 30 years of experience. I have a problem with that.

So O-Tree is playing because Jerry says so? I am happy he is, but id rather a real coach make that decision. No wonder we have a been a joke the last decade.

Is Jeff Fisher a "real coach"????

Because he wanted to draft Matt Lienert and was overruled by Bud Adams who demanded the team draft Vince Young.

Fisher has been backing Kerry Collins all year saying the losing wasnt his fault and Bud Adams came out in the press and said Vince would be the starter. A day later, Fisher did a 180 and named Vince the starter.

So it looks to me that most owners have the final say regardless of how much of a "real coach" they have. When an owner says start this player or draft that player and if you dont its your job, well alot of "real coaches" fall in line pretty quickly.
speedkilz88;3045758 said:
:rolleyes: See this is your problem, you decide what people think. You can't see the forest for the trees.

And you only read stuff on here from the same 10 people who have convinced you what's real and what's not.

Expand your horizons.

I decide what people think...


I am the most powerful man in the universe.

I am He-Man!

Rampage;3045335 said:
I hate Jerry Jones

Would you rather have Bidwell, Al Davis, Bud Adams, Daniel Snyder, ect......

Be careful what you wish for, the next owner of the Boyz might be a clone of one of these jokers. The next owner might be more interested in making money for himself and spending jack on the team (see Clevland Browns).

We could do alot worse than Jerry, trust me.
I listened to the audio first. I have not read any responses to it yet.

I am now wondering if I should at all. I know this is going to be heated and disagreed upon.

Okay, here goes, reading the thread.
Everyone calls the stadium Jerry's World, I think this decade is the real Jerry's world. Sub 500 team with no playoff wins.

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