Audio: Jerry Jones lays down the law!!!

Yakuza Rich;3045597 said:
I am extremely glad that they cut Ellis over Spencer. Spencer played terrific against the Falcons and has had a good season. Problem is that people look at stats. I think Spencer is due for a big game very soon and his play this year has been far and away better than Ellis' play in '07. And we don't have to listen to Ellis whine about something either.

Crayton has a nice punt return against the Falcons, but he doesn't get open and is largely a non-factor. If you watched Roy closely on his routes against the Falcons he was getting open quite often and did a real nice job with that, but Romo usually went elsewhere. Plus, Roy has been a monster blocker for the team. Starting Crayton over Roy is a real hazardous idea and yet that's what the media wants because Roy doesn't like talking to many of them.

Go figure.


We didn't cut Ellis over Spencer.
We Ellis over Ellis.

He just refused to shut and play, even when finally paid well.

This team would be better off with Ellis as the nickel pass rusher but it wasn't worth it to keep his whining around.

Hopefully Spencer keeps developing but even if he does this team still needs one of the 4th rounders to become a legit OLB. It is a position where we are woefully light compare to just about any 3-4 team.
Jerry isn't all good or all bad. He has wins and losses like anyone; some of the losses were the proper calls at the time and some of the wins, like Herschel, were dumb luck... but he is what he is and that's what the Cowboys will have. Hating him is just pointless. Those he bothers most should just find a new team. It is his team, and they are one and the same. He didnt just buy the team he has spent 20 years 'being' the team.

What jerry jones doesnt realize is this, the Head Coach generally has an eye for coaches to run the team. Just like you mentioned Jimmy Johnson asking zampazee an offensive mind and he suggested norv turner, rest is history.

If the gm hires the coaches, then the head coach doesnt have control over those asst coaches. The players also see this in practices and games, and they also see when Jerry Jones over rules the coaches and implements what he wants.

Thats why at times, players were said just rolling their eyes when wade walked into the room. When players know to a degree he is a puppet, then why should they fear the head coach or respect him.

On top of that, what jerry jones doesnt realize is that even when he put in his own head coach in 94, they didnt win a superbowl. They were very lucky to get back to the playoffs in 95. Jerry to a degree has overlooked that.

Reason why the cowboys did go to superbowl in 95 was due to luck, God smilling on the cowboys, and leaders on the team in the locker room to keep players inline, and the assistants coaches. They basically ran the team, with the leaders. Switzer hardly did anything, was the players and assistant coaches.

Thats what jerry jones overlooks.

This team is starting to get leaders in brooking, witten, but they need about 2 more to make players toe the line in film study, working hard, etc.
yimyammer;3045583 said:
I've lived in Dallas my entire life and avidly followed this team since I was 6 years old and I've never heard these claims. This doesn't mean I'm an authority and you're not, I'm simply dumfounded how I could miss something like this when I've been actively following them for so long.

What you say may be true and I'm not saying you're incorrect, but can we have some evidence? Do you have any links, articles, books or videos sources to support your assertions?

If Jerry is the marketing genius everyone cliams him to be, then I can't understand how this isn't easily verified through multiple sources.

Or was your post sarcastic and I completely missed your humor?

Jerry drafted Troy Aikman, because the Cowboys needed a quarterback. A franchise quarterback. The goodlooks, etc..., was just icing on the cake.
Mash;3045622 said:
I love Jerry....

Every organization makes blunders in drafts......every makes mistakes...

All I want as a fan is for the team to be Champions.......everything else is a disappointment.

Jerry as owner and GM has 3 rings......most fans would love to see their team do that once in 20 years.....

Jerry tries.....he wants to win.....and will spend money to do so......and make changes to try to accomplish that goal ........I cant ask for more....

Its his team.....let him have fun.......I would do the same if I was in his shoes.......

A Jerry bashing thread?!

Man, I wish I had an alert message on my web browser to make it here immediately when these start. Let me read it first and then add my thoughts about his awesome GM skills.
jterrell;3045615 said:
If you are a long-time fan of the team then you aren't following closely if you do not know most of this.

Much of it is confirmed by both Jimmy and Jerry in their books. The Aikman/Mandarich piece comes directly from Jimmy. Jimmy has stated he thought Aikman couldn't win the big game. He never could beat Miami when he was at UCLA and struggled against Rodney Peete and USC even. Jimmy planned all along to draft Walsh and wanted to get him a premier OL. Jimmy made Troy so mad at one point he demanded a trade. Jimmy made good with Aikman by talking it out with him about tropical fish. The head personnel man ta the time, Bob Ackles was ready to kill Jimmy over Aikman.

The Herschel piece comes from Jerry's book by Mike Fisher. The story goes Walker's agent sent in a fax to Jerry's office. He pulled the fax and saw the salary demands and nearly had a coronary, he went down to the field where he and Jimmy walked a lap each day and said there is no way I am paying this guy QB money, explore a trade for him. How much exploring Jimmy did is unknown to me but Mike Linn caught wind the Boys had Walker on the table and made an offer that was crazy good. Jimmy stalled a bit and asked for some conditional picks to be attached to the players Dallas was getting back. Dallas basically let all those players go so they could just stockpile the picks.

Other notes:
-- We drafted Emmitt Smith after we lost out on the Baylor LB Jimmy had targeted and a subsequent LB also came off the board. We traded down and Emmitt kept falling. Joe Brodsky had recruited Emmitt to Miami so had followed his Florida career closely and had seen all his high school tape. He stood on a table screaming that they had to go up and get Emmitt; that Emmitt was the best player he had ever watched on the high school level. So they did and now the all-time leading rusher is a Cowboy(at one time surrounded by doodoo).

-- Once interviewed the very first time about Aikman, WELL PRIOR to the draft, Jerry stated he'd even give him number 12. He was that dead set on marketing this kid and making some money. He didn't have much choice, recall Jerry bought the team with largely borrowed and invested funds.

Can you imagine if we drafted James Francis and Tony Mandarich instead of Aikman and Emmitt. People treat Jimmy like he was some sort of genius when in reality he was more lucky than anything when it came to the draft.
UVAwahoos;3045645 said:
A Jerry bashing thread?!

Man, I wish I had an alert message on my web browser to make it here immediately when these start. Let me read it first and then add my thoughts about his awesome GM skills.

Heres my thoughts, Jerry the GM friggin sucks.:D
Rampage;3045335 said:
I hate Jerry Jones

Then you hate the Cowboys. Jerry Jones is the Cowboys and has been since Tom Landry was fired.

Angus;3045674 said:
Then you hate the Cowboys. Jerry Jones is the Cowboys and has been since Tom Landry was fired.

lol yeah so he thinks and wants.
jterrell;3045615 said:
If you are a long-time fan of the team then you aren't following closely if you do not know most of this.

Much of it is confirmed by both Jimmy and Jerry in their books. The Aikman/Mandarich piece comes directly from Jimmy. Jimmy has stated he thought Aikman couldn't win the big game. He never could beat Miami when he was at UCLA and struggled against Rodney Peete and USC even. Jimmy planned all along to draft Walsh and wanted to get him a premier OL. Jimmy made Troy so mad at one point he demanded a trade. Jimmy made good with Aikman by talking it out with him about tropical fish. The head personnel man ta the time, Bob Ackles was ready to kill Jimmy over Aikman.

The Herschel piece comes from Jerry's book by Mike Fisher. The story goes Walker's agent sent in a fax to Jerry's office. He pulled the fax and saw the salary demands and nearly had a coronary, he went down to the field where he and Jimmy walked a lap each day and said there is no way I am paying this guy QB money, explore a trade for him. How much exploring Jimmy did is unknown to me but Mike Linn caught wind the Boys had Walker on the table and made an offer that was crazy good. Jimmy stalled a bit and asked for some conditional picks to be attached to the players Dallas was getting back. Dallas basically let all those players go so they could just stockpile the picks.

Other notes:
-- We drafted Emmitt Smith after we lost out on the Baylor LB Jimmy had targeted and a subsequent LB also came off the board. We traded down and Emmitt kept falling. Joe Brodsky had recruited Emmitt to Miami so had followed his Florida career closely and had seen all his high school tape. He stood on a table screaming that they had to go up and get Emmitt; that Emmitt was the best player he had ever watched on the high school level. So they did and now the all-time leading rusher is a Cowboy(at one time surrounded by doodoo).

-- Once interviewed the very first time about Aikman, WELL PRIOR to the draft, Jerry stated he'd even give him number 12. He was that dead set on marketing this kid and making some money. He didn't have much choice, recall Jerry bought the team with largely borrowed and invested funds.

Maybe I wasn't paying good enough attention but I had a close friend who's mom worked for the Cowboys during those years. Because of her, we went to the Super Bowl with the Cowboys employees and even went to the Cowboys private after game party with the players, cheerleaders and JJ himself. So, during that time period I've had some good info relayed to me through sources pretty close to the team (which doesn't necessarily mean it was correct).

The Emmit slipping to us I remember, but I never heard the story about Joe Brodsky jumping on a table.

I don't recall the Walker deal as being particualrly the product of Jerry or Jimmy, seems like one of the cases where their relationship worked wonders when it was going well, not to mention the tremendous luck involved in that trade.

I've heard rumblings over the years but nothing as specific or exactly as you wrote about Aikman. I recall Jimmy keeping every player on their toes and some initial doubts over Aikman, thus the odd supplemental draft of Steve Walsh. I never heard anything to the effect that Jimmy was ready to run Aikman out of town and was only halted by Jerry's need to market the team (which isn't a football decision if that's the only reason Jerry wanted to keep Aikman).

Your post sounds like you were a fly on the wall and I can't understand why the Aikman issue isn't more easily substantiated by other sources so I am going to buy these books and see if I can get some good quotes because if this is accurate, Jerry deserves a lot of credit for this, especially if it was because he believed Aikman was a franchise QB and not merely marketable.

Which Fisher Book are you referring to?

Stars and Strife: Inside the Dallas Cowboys' Reemergence as America's Team or The 'Boys Are Back: The Return of the Dallas Cowboys

Is the Jimmy Johnson book you are referring to Turning the Thing Around: Pulling America's Team Out of the Dumps-And Myself Out of the Doghouse ?
He is the GM, if he feels its what's right, then that's what the GM does.

As far as Ogletree goes, this is a good week to work him in. I think this team needs to know what they have and who they can depend on come December/January.
dcfanatic;3045342 said:
Ogeltree was the returner in KC because Austin took over for Roy.

AND because Felix was down. That's the key.

Now Felix is back and he's the #1 kick returner.

So we should be seeing Williams or Hamlin because we need defensive special teamers, not returners or a 5th WR.

And for the record I love Ogletree.

So now things should be done your way, Mr. GM?

Our special teams didn't seem to miss either Williams or Hamlin last week, so I don't see why anyone would want to make this a big deal ... unless, of course, they see it as another opportunity to rip Jerry Jones.

Ogletree's not just a return man/wide receiver, he also plays on coverage units and, I believe, was involved on a special teams tackle against the Chiefs.
Alexander;3045389 said:
We've also had twelve plus years of playoff failure. So start along these lines when we've started consistently winning those kinds of games again. Otherwise, we can have all the "talent" in the world and it won't matter if he's the one deciding not only who it is, but when and how much they play.

By the use of the collective "WE" you identify yourself with the team that Jerry Jones owns. If you don't want to put up with him and his mistakes and his self-importance affecting you, you'll have to divorce yourself from the Cowboys. That's the only way.

But conceding the mistakes he has made and the difficulties his interference has caused, the only reason the Cowboys are still America's Team can be attributed only to Jerry Jones and no one else because he is the architect. And he is responsible for you still being a fan.

Tom Landry and Tex Schramm started it, but Jerry Jones has gone beyond their start to make the Cowboys greater than the New York Yankees ever were in the sports world - a magnificent achievement, especially without winning it all for many years.

I regret many of the things he does, but there is no other person I would rather see own the team - though I would like for him to turn the GM duties over to Stephen. Very soon.

jterrell;3045562 said:
The Aikman thing is 100% true.

Jerry drafted him to market him. Blond pretty boy to sell jerseys; he needed someone to sell jerseys.

Jimmy Johnson had no choice but wanted Tony Mandarich. Jimmy still took Steve Walsh in the supplemental draft.

At the end of their rookie years Jimmy took a vote of his staff and all but 2 guys voted Walsh as starter(not surprising at all since Walsh own the sole game of their rookie years and most all the coaches had Walsh at Miami) for the next season. Jerry knew he needed an offensive mind and went to Ernie Zampese who suggested Norv Turner. Turner came in and settled on Aikman and the rest is 3 rings worth of history.

--to Jimmy's credit he flipped Walsh for a 1st and 3rd getting back more than he paid for the guy.

--Jerry is also why we traded Hershel. He saw his agents monetary demands which were "QB money" in Jerry's opinion and this was back when Dallas wasn't selling anything, so he told Jimmy to work on a trade for him. Jimmy fleeced Minny and the dynasty was born.

Jerry isn't all good or all bad. He has wins and losses like anyone; some of the losses were the proper calls at the time and some of the wins, like Herschel, were dumb luck... but he is what he is and that's what the Cowboys will have. Hating him is just pointless. Those he bothers most should just find a new team. It is his team, and they are one and the same. He didnt just buy the team he has spent 20 years 'being' the team.

I know that Jimmy initially preferred Walsh to Aikman but I have never heard that Jimmy preferred Mandarich. Not saying it isn't true, but I would of thought that would have come out. One thing I think you have wrong is Shula was the OC for 89 and 90. Norv Turner did not come in until 91 when Aikman was entrenched as a starter.

The way I remember it was during training camp most of the coaches wanted to start Walsh, but Jimmy started Aikman because he had more upside.
EPL0c0;3045686 said:
He is the GM, if he feels its what's right, then that's what the GM does.

As far as Ogletree goes, this is a good week to work him in. I think this team needs to know what they have and who they can depend on come December/January.

Bingo. I wish we had room to play Williams and Hamlin. And Dixon.
Jerry Jones sounds like a guy that doesnt give a flying **** about what anybody thinks...

He's the boss and nobody can do jack about it. Wade phillips is just a puppet. Poor guy gets all the blame when the guy at the top makes all the decisions.
DallasDomination;3045711 said:
Jerry Jones sounds like a guy that doesnt give a flying **** about what anybody thinks...

He's the boss and nobody can do jack about it. Wade phillips is just a puppet. Poor guy gets all the blame when the guy at the top makes all the decisions.

Black and white, huh. Scary. Really.
dcfanatic;3045243 said:
Why? Before we signed Rossum we didn't see Ogletre..

Yes we did. He returned two kickoffs against KC and fumbled one of them. Which I think it's why he didn't return another one.
dcfanatic;3045249 said:
Yeah. And Wade says don't cut Ellis because I know what he can do.

And Jerry says tough. I drafted Spencer and it's his turn. Right?

Right. But that has to do with personnel more than anything else. And, by the way, Wade was one of the proponents to trade up for Spencer.
He didnt even look good returning kicks...He didnt look fast at all.

Maybe at Wr he'll step up like in pre-season...:confused:

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