Audio: Jerry Jones lays down the law!!!

Big Dakota;3045652 said:
Can you imagine if we drafted James Francis and Tony Mandarich instead of Aikman and Emmitt. People treat Jimmy like he was some sort of genius when in reality he was more lucky than anything when it came to the draft.

Jimmy was smart enough to recognize this about the draft. It's not exactly a crapshoot, but it's very unpredictable, so Jimmy wanted to get as many draft picks as he could and true to form, it worked out eventually. That and his ability to scare talented but troubled players to death were probably his greatest attributes.

The thing that denies Jimmy being a 'genius' to me is that he was pretty average with the Dolphins. Basically they were a 9-7 to 10-6 team with Don Shula and just continued to be a 9-7 and 10-6 team with Jimmy.

I just don't understand why fans and critics of both Jerry and Jimmy can't understand that neither one by themselves created the dynasty, but the combination of the two happened to make for great success.

This thread is awesome.

Like five people addressing me and ignoring the fact the sacred cow who runs their beloved team just reiterated in bold print that he's the real head coach.


Especially one in particular.

The audio is what it is. But some people listen and then try really hard to twist it into something to support their love for Jerry.

They sound cool to the other five people in the thread who agree with them and then sit behind their computers as if they know what's really going on.

Vocal minority.

Meanwhile the rest of planet who resides in reality listens and hears a man saying he's got a few football coaches that he's paying $3 mil a piece to who aren't deciding which football players will play on Sundays.

It's insanity and it's a hilarious.

One guy says he thinks Jerry means something else besides what he's saying.

One guy says he thinks the coaches are all agreement with Jerry and that's why the moves are made.

One guy has no reading comprehension skills and keeps asking me how I know what happened when it's clear I was stating an example.

One guy found some silly term he saw on Wiki as if I set up this interview today and wrote the scripts for Newy, Whitt and Jerry.

And a few guys just jump in here because I started the thread and they want to be groupies.

CZ at it's best.

Jerry could have said the sky was green in that audio and some people would run around saying that at times it is if you are wearing a certain brand of sun glasses at a certain time of the day at a certain time of the year.

Yet when they are reminded of the 13 year drought they do the same damn thing Jerry did in that interview when he was pressed on that issue.

The best part is that they have to be told they look this silly.

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
DallasDomination;3045724 said:
He didnt even look good returning kicks...He didnt look fast at all.

Maybe at Wr he'll step up like in pre-season...:confused:

I'm sure he'll be the backup KR in this game because we don't want to use Austin in that role since he's starting. It's either Ogletree or we're backing up Felix with Scandrick, whom Dallas has shown no faith in as a KR.
Originally Posted by Smith22
Most of this came from the hosts asking him about demoting Roy Williams. Basically, Jerry was saying even if the coach wanted to demote him, Jerry could overrule him.

Alexander;3045279 said:
And philosophically, this is completely and utterly wrong.

Not necessarily and not always. In the Cowboys case is up in the air. Jerrathor's record leaves PLENTY of room for criticism. However, Wade's record doesn't give him ANY defense against questioning, even if indeed it does comes from the Jerrathor.

The Ellis/Spencer example should be one of them. Yea, Wade felt safe with Ellis because he knew what Ellis could do, but the more snaps Ellis took, the less Spencer did and the more his development is stunted. The head coach's instint is to go with what works now as opposed to what will work in the future. Obviously, and looking at it now, the head coach was wrong.

Also the fact that Ellis didn't do anything to endear himself to management, like Jim Jeffcoat did towards the end of his career, didn't help him either, but I digress.

Now, I do understand that a coach MUST have the room to demote/promote players as a motivation and/or discipline tool and there, I completely agree, is where the Jerrathor crosses a line he should not.
dcfanatic;3045730 said:
This thread is awesome.

Like five people addressing me and ignoring the fact the sacred cow who runs their beloved team just reiterated in bold print that he's the real head coach.


Especially one in particular.

The audio is what it is. But some people listen and then try really hard to twist it into something to support their love for Jerry.

They sound cool to the other five people in the thread who agree with them and then sit behind their computers as if they know what's really going on.

Vocal minority.

Meanwhile the rest of planet who resides in reality listens and hears a man saying he's got a few football coaches that he's paying $3 mil a piece to who aren't deciding which football players will play on Sundays.

It's insanity and it's a hilarious.

One guy says he thinks Jerry means something else besides what he's saying.

One guy says he thinks the coaches are all agreement with Jerry and that's why the moves are made.

One guy has no reading comprehension skills and keeps asking me how I know that' what happened when it's clear I was stating an example.

One guy find some silly term he saw on Wiki as if I set up this interview today and wrote the scripts for Newy, Whitt and Jerry.

And a few guys just jump in here because I started the thread and they want to be groupies.

CZ at it' best.

Jerry could have said the sky was green in that audio and some people would run around saying that at times it is if you are wearing a certain brand of su glasses at a certain time of the day at a certain time of the year.

Yet when they are reminded of the 13 year drought they do the same damn thing Jerry did in that interview when he was pressed on that issue.

The best part is that they have to be told they look this silly.

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
The crazy thing is you don't realize its you that are doing this. I feel sorry for you dude, seriously. :eek:
speedkilz88;3045734 said:
The crazy thing is you don't realize its you that are doing this. I feel sorry for you dude, seriously. :eek:

Guess who is in the vocal minority club, lol.
Chocolate Lab;3045287 said:
It's just the way that Jerry insists on everyone knowing HE should get credit for things... Ugh. All it does is give more fodder to the Bachs of the world.

Marketing.. it's all about marketing..

There's a very thin line between love and hate, but both have one thing in common that the Jerrathor loves:

One guy find some silly term he saw on Wiki as if I set up this interview today and wrote the scripts for Newy, Whitt and Jerry.

Please tell me you are talking about the confirmation bias post.
speedkilz88;3045739 said:
You dude and its not even close.

So you think the majority of Cowboys fans want Jerry Jones deciding who's going to play on Sunday as opposed to the actual football coaches making those decisions?
yimyammer;3045583 said:
What you say may be true and I'm not saying you're incorrect, but can we have some evidence? Do you have any links, articles, books or videos sources to support your assertions

The Boys ( by Skip Bayless who was actually a good writter before he became Skippy Clueless )

If you lived in Dallas, then you've certainly must have heard of KLIF. Mike Fisher was a host there and wrote about many of those things as well in his columns.

Boys will be Boys = Jeff Pearlman.
dcfanatic;3045754 said:
So you think the majority of Cowboys fans want Jerry Jones deciding who's going to play on Sunday as opposed to the actual football coaches making those decisions?
:rolleyes: See this is your problem, you decide what people think. You can't see the forest for the trees.
yimyammer;3045680 said:
Which Fisher Book are you referring to?

Stars and Strife: Inside the Dallas Cowboys' Reemergence as America's Team or The 'Boys Are Back: The Return of the Dallas Cowboys

I believe it was Stars and Strife.

Is the Jimmy Johnson book you are referring to Turning the Thing Around: Pulling America's Team Out of the Dumps-And Myself Out of the Doghouse ?

Turning the thing around.
Angus;3045703 said:
By the use of the collective "WE" you identify yourself with the team that Jerry Jones owns. If you don't want to put up with him and his mistakes and his self-importance affecting you, you'll have to divorce yourself from the Cowboys. That's the only way.

But conceding the mistakes he has made and the difficulties his interference has caused, the only reason the Cowboys are still America's Team can be attributed only to Jerry Jones and no one else because he is the architect. And he is responsible for you still being a fan.
Tom Landry and Tex Schramm started it, but Jerry Jones has gone beyond their start to make the Cowboys greater than the New York Yankees ever were in the sports world - a magnificent achievement, especially without winning it all for many years.

I regret many of the things he does, but there is no other person I would rather see own the team - though I would like for him to turn the GM duties over to Stephen. Very soon.


Angus, I hope this post, especially the bolded part, was a half hearted attempt at sarcasm.
jterrell;3045562 said:
The Aikman thing is 100% true.

Jerry drafted him to market him. Blond pretty boy to sell jerseys; he needed someone to sell jerseys.

Jimmy Johnson had no choice but wanted Tony Mandarich. Jimmy still took Steve Walsh in the supplemental draft.

At the end of their rookie years Jimmy took a vote of his staff and all but 2 guys voted Walsh as starter(not surprising at all since Walsh own the sole game of their rookie years and most all the coaches had Walsh at Miami) for the next season. Jerry knew he needed an offensive mind and went to Ernie Zampese who suggested Norv Turner. Turner came in and settled on Aikman and the rest is 3 rings worth of history.

--to Jimmy's credit he flipped Walsh for a 1st and 3rd getting back more than he paid for the guy.

--Jerry is also why we traded Hershel. He saw his agents monetary demands which were "QB money" in Jerry's opinion and this was back when Dallas wasn't selling anything, so he told Jimmy to work on a trade for him. Jimmy fleeced Minny and the dynasty was born.

Jerry isn't all good or all bad. He has wins and losses like anyone; some of the losses were the proper calls at the time and some of the wins, like Herschel, were dumb luck... but he is what he is and that's what the Cowboys will have. Hating him is just pointless. Those he bothers most should just find a new team. It is his team, and they are one and the same. He didnt just buy the team he has spent 20 years 'being' the team.

great stuff as always.
Randy White;3045757 said:
The Boys ( by Skip Bayless who was actually a good writter before he became Skippy Clueless )

If you lived in Dallas, then you've certainly must have heard of KLIF. Mike Fisher was a host there and wrote about many of those things as well in his columns.

Boys will be Boys = Jeff Pearlman.

The last person I'd believe on anything related to Troy Aikman is Skip Bayless. Jeff Pearlman was very critical of Bayless in the book you referenced. Also, Pearlman makes no mention that I can recall where he cited any evidence that Jimmy wanted Mandarich over Aikman. He had an affinity for Walsh being from Miami and yes Jimmy had doubts about whether Troy could win the big game. But even Walsh conceded that Troy was the far better player on the practice field. Troy's talent was off the charts and evidet to both coaches and players. Troy's only "negative" was that he was so cerebral he couldn't improvise. He just wanted the play and to execute the play exactly the way it was drawn up. Enter Norv Turner and the rest is history.
Yakuza Rich;3045617 said:
I can verify myself that I would read local Dallas papers and reports at this time and it was pretty well known that Jimmy didn't want Aikman to be his starter after the '89 season.

People gotta remember that with most successful college coaches, they really have a hard time getting used to losing. Last year the Cardinals made the Super Bowl with a 9-7 record and Jimmy could take 6 years to lose 7 games while at the U of Miami.

At the time, Jimmy really didn't grasp the concept (and I don't think he ever really did) of 'rebuilding.' They drafted Troy #1 overall and went 1-15 with Troy as the starter. This ticked off Jimmy quite a bit and he felt that if they had started his guy in Steve Walsh, they would be on the fast track to the SB. That's how college coaches like Jimmy would think. I also think that it played a huge role in Jimmy leaving Dallas. He never grasped the fact that just about every owner thought Jerry was NUTS for hiring a college guy in the first place and then even more NUTS for keeping him after a 1-15 team. Jimmy never looked at it that way and said his dream job was to take over the Dolphins, Jerry looked at it another way and was greatly offended by it. Jerry should've let cooler heads prevail, but I can see why he was so greatly hurt by the comment, regardless of ego.

But from the way I heard Aikman was drafted because Landry worked him out and wanted him from the get-go. Then Landry was fired and Jimmy took a look at him and was impressed, noting that if they had Aikman at the U ' we would've never lost a game and won by an average of 50 points.'

But after the '89 season, Jimmy changed his tune and Jerry basically said that Troy is your guy. Eventually they got rid of David Shula (another Jimmy guy) and brought in Norv (a guy that Jerry wanted).

Like jterrell said, Jerry isn't all good nor is he all bad.


I agree that Jerry isn't all bad or good, he's human and I believe it's his fragile ego (insecurity) that hurts the success of the team and ironically has hindered him from the result I believe he desperately wants to achieve (Super Bowl wins with him as the clear reason).

IMO, part of his problem is that I believe he is seeking something that is unattainable. That being considered a football man and the reason for any Super Bowl success. This is a team sport and no one person is ever solely responsible. The QB and head coach get an inordinate amount of credit and that's never gonna change.

If Jerry ever wins another Super Bowl, I'll give him the same credit I always have. Hiring competient coaches, willingness to spend money, running his business well so he has the money to spend, hiring good scouts and personel evaluators, obtaining good players, etc but I'll never think Jerry did it on his own. I also won't say any coach or player did it on his own nor did Jimmy Johnson do it on his own. It's a team and you need a team approach from jocks to socks. Do that Jerry and you'll have my undying support.

As far as the Jimmy/Jerry era went, they were both at fault and they both acted like egotistical spoiled little brats and I'll always be a little pissed at both of them for being so childish but I place a little more blame on Jerry. Not because he didn't have every reason to be outraged at Jimmys for his comments, the way he reportedly stiffed Jerry at a post super bowl party toast and his generally tyranical attitude.

I believe I heard Jerry make the statement that you should never get mad with your money and that's what he did with Jimmy. Someone needed to be the bigger man and since Jerry was in charge from jocks to socks and it was his money, I blame him for not overcoming his emotions and finding a way to keep Jimmy around for a run at the 3rd Super Bowl in a row. To me it was a win-win, if Jimmy couldn't do it, I doubt anyone else could have either and if Jimmy failed, the blame would have gone to Jimmy not Jerry. Jerry's image might be completely different if their relationship had ended under different circumstances.

I think there is still a part of Jerry that is trying to prove to Jimmy and the rest of the world that he can be the person responsible for bringing another Super Bowl to Dallas, but for the reasons I said above, even if the Cowboys do win another Super Bowl with Jerry at the helm, I don't believ he'll ever get the credit he covets (unless perhaps if he went down on the field and coached the team himself).
dcfanatic;3045730 said:
The audio is what it is. But some people listen and then try really hard to twist it into something to support their love for Jerry.

It's not " love " for the Jerrathor. Lord knows I have my issues with him. However, those of us have been listening to him since 1989 know that the Jerrathor has a language of his own. Mike Fisher, who used to be sort of his mouth piece, tunned us into that many years ago.

Basically, the Jerrathor is no different than from any other CEO. He listens to everybody and when there's no unanimous agreement, he makes the decision. However, like any other CEO, he also like to implement his pet projects and ideas, which have been well documented ( Quinthy, T.O., Anthony Miller, Rocket, Galloway, etc..etc.. ) sometimes they work ok sometimes they don't.

By the way, don't think that mini-tirade didn't have a purpose behind it. The Jerrathor maybe alot of things, but stupid is not one of them. The Cowboys are playing the Seahawks this week. The Giants are playing the Beagirls ( Game of the week ). If this comments get picked up by BSPN and perhaps a few pre grame shows from here 'til Monday and are made to be some type of big deal, he feels he's done his job.

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