Audio: Jerry Jones lays down the law!!!

Well I said awhile ago they might as well see what the kid has. Austin has picked up his game and started producing, Hurd... well he is still incognito so what does giving Ogletree a chance hurt. If it took our esteemed GM to say it is so then so be it. It has already been said that Wade doesn't like using rookies, he trusts vets more. Well Hurd is a vet that has been trusted and found to fall flat so JJ probably figures what does he have to lose. Otree might be the other side of Austin and who knows what is up the Ringleaders sleeve. If Otree pans out #11 might be on the trade block before next draft and he might be willing to accept a 2nd rounder for him just to relieve the cap space. He can take the one year hit to go after other talent.
I'm still trying to figure out where Ogletree is mentioned in the audio...
T-RO;3045999 said:
Jerry had early success because he was lucky enough to go to school with Jimmy Johnson and pull off the heist of the decade with the Minn trade.

But Jerry's ego couldn't handle not getting enough credit. So he decided to do it his way, all his way and he fired Jimmy.

His way, all his way = ineptitude.

If anything were to happen to Romo the air would go out of the balloon and this team would go right back to 6-10 (or worse).

Imagine you become an owner of an NFL franchise. And let's say you are convinced that your favorite college football head coach is the right guy for the job and you hire him to be the HC of your NFL team.

Of course, it doesn't make a difference who it is, be it Pete Carroll or Urban Meyer, etc, the league is going to think you are making a colossal mistake because of the horrendous lack of success college coaches have had in the NFL.

Then after your first season with this guy, the team goes 1-15.

And you still keep him around after pulling off a gigantic trade for one player.

And this HC wants to dump your QB, the #1 overall pick in the draft for his guy that played QB for him in college. You relent and that QB works out and you also provide him with your O-Coordinator who is WORLDS better than the O-Coordinator the HC wanted and had here.

Eventually you win 2 Super Bowls, but after the second Super Bowl the HC lets it be known that his dream job was actually coaching for another team.

So you wouldn't be greatly offended in the least bit?

I find that hard to believe, regardless of the person's ego.

Now, I believe Jerry needed to let cooler heads prevail and deal with the situation. But Jimmy acted like a complete ingrate. Had really nothing to do with not getting enough credit, had to do with somebody acting like an ingrate and two people letting alcohol cloud BOTH of their better judgement.

Lastly, 90% of the teams would go 6-10 if their QB went out for the year. It's part of the problem with the salary cap system.

Doomsday;3045780 said:
I will be the first to give him credit if this team wins another Super Bowl, until then he gets the blame for not winning one.

I don't think Jerry would have it any other way. ;)
What has been the one constant since the team last won a Super Bowl?

Jerry Jones

He loves to point out that it didn't work with Parcells thus justifying to himself to go do it his way. However, what he fails to recognize is that Parcells turned the team from a 5-11 doormat to a yearly playoff contender.

He also brought an attitude of accountability to the organization which is quickly slipping away.

I'll give Jerry some credit, he's very good at some things. However, I think his ego and desire to win a Super Bowl doing it on his own terms so he can take credit is the downfall of this team.
Here's a look at the records of NFL teams in the past 10 seasons (not including this season).

2……….New England……….110-50
6……….Green Bay……….92-68
10……….Tampa Bay……….87-73
13……….St. Louis ……….83-77
17……….San Diego……….80-80
22……….Kansas City ……….75-85
23……….New Orleans……….73-87
27……….San Francisco……….64-96

Note, I didn't include the Texans since they have only been in inception since 2002, but Dallas has a much better record than the Texans since 2002.

I would think for being the worst owner in the NFL, his record would be so much worse.

BHendri5;3045959 said:
I have know problem with Jerry as the GM and owner, he is the best
Jerry is not the reason that we have not won in 13yrs, but if you want to believe that then you must also say that he is the reason we won 3 SBs in a 4yr span, you cannot have one without the other, because he is the one constant thing in both scenarios.

Your logic is flawed. The only consistent periods of improvement this team has enjoyed has been under the 2 real coaches that were more, if not entirely empowered on and off the field. Jerry was a tolerable GM in the uncapped era, because he spent the big money required to be successful. Since then, with the exception of Parcells, Jerry's larger roll in the football decision processes (by his own admission) has generated deteriorating results. He thought that he could self-coach (read "hire a patsy") the talented post Jimmy and Bill Cowboy Teams to Super Bowls and he actually got away with it once in 1995 despite the lack of leadership, but probably gave up another freebie in 1994 because Switzer was so incompetent. Look at the underperformance of this current team under yet another one of his yesman head coaches, same thing, a squandering of a team assembled under a real coaching staff. Jerry has a weekly radio preening and shows up on late shows where he doesn't realize that the joke is really on him because Al Davis is too senile to cart up to the camera to poke fun at. His coach isn't even allowed to talk to the media during the combine. What respect do you think players will have for this guy? What a joke.

Ego might have been a good thing in ushering in the Jimmy Johnson era and snapping up undervalued oil wells from the majors, but in excess it is obviously detrimental to making good football decisions. There has never been an NFL team built by a coach that doesn't have a solid degree of authority with his players. Jimmy and Bill had that authority (although Jerry eroded it over time) and all of the other followers, mostly lifer coordinators, didn't, and their trajectory has been obvious.
Hypnotoad;3045236 said:
Lets look at the facts - we know that Jerry isn't a dictator who doesnt listen to his coaches for decision making. Otherwise we wont have Carpenter or Brooking. But at the same time if he never made decisions independantly we would never have TO or Parcells.

I think there is a decision making process and he has the final say in it.

Stop being rational, you are going to screw up someones agenda.
JBond;3046275 said:
Stop being rational, you are going to screw up someones agenda.

You mean like hiring real and semi autonomous coaches? Crazy lunatic fringe stuff.
Doomsay;3046286 said:
You mean like hiring real and semi autonomous coaches? Crazy lunatic fringe stuff.

Love JJ the owner. Will live with JJ the GM. It's not going to change, so I do not see a reason to continually cry about it. That is all. It is what it is.
I had a night to digest this interview and decided I wanted to chime in a little even though I hate the interminable Jerry discussions.

I understand exactly what he was trying to say, and I wish he had never said it. I wonder if Jerry realizes just how much he is viewed as a meddling owner? This just added fuel (excuse me fule) to the fire. I know the facts are different than the perceptions in many ways, but feeding this and using the Super Bowls as justification just comes across as arrogant.

JBond;3046287 said:
Love JJ the owner. Will live with JJ the GM. It's not going to change, so I do not see a reason to continually cry about it. That is all. It is what it is.

Are you under the opinion that we can ever win anything with a compromised yesman coach?

BTW, what do you love so much about Jerry?
Doomsay;3046292 said:
Are you under the opinion that we can ever win anything with a compromised yesman coach?

BTW, what do you love so much about Jerry?

Simple answer, yes I beleive we can win another championship with JJ as the owner/GM.

As an owner there is not much to complain about. The GM leaves something to be desired at times. He can sound cocky and arrogant but it's his money, and the buck stops with him. He hates losing as much as the rest of us. I have a great deal of respect for JJ the business man. It's not as easy as many on this board like to make it out to be.

I personally have to make decisions my employees don't always agree with and sometimes I am right and sometimes I am wrong. That is the way it goes. No one is perfect.

Living in KC and watching the horrible Chiefs ownership for years and years makes me appreciate the job JJ does. I would much rather have a chance taker rather than sit 30 million under the cap each year content to take home a fat check regardless of how bad a team they field.
tyke1doe;3045885 said:
But when asked whether he involves himself in game-day coaching or decisions on who plays, Jerry shifts to talk about how an owner has say so over every aspect of the game. He doesn't address coaching decisions, specifically. Rather, he talks about his ultimate responsibility.

I found that a very strange response. It isn't unreasonable to assume he's trying to make an argument about his game-day coaching decisions - regarding who plays - by arguing the fact that as owner he has the right to make such decision.

Sorry, but the owner of a business doesn't make ALL decisions. That's why you hire competent people and give them the authority to make certain decisions. This is the way it is with most businesses. Sure, the owner has the ULTIMATE authority. But most realize they can't do everything nor make every decision so they hire competent people who can make the everyday decisions.

And I disagree that most NFL owners are as involved as Jerry is. A few may, but most let their coaches make those decisions and stay out of the way.

I didn't argue he doesn't involve himself in day to day operation of the team. I'm certain he does on occasion. But to think he actually coaches the team is ludicrous. I have no doubt he has thrust himself onto coaches with suggestions to do this or that. Take Henson for example. He threw that on Parcells and Parcells showed him quickly how stupid he was. Do I know that? No. Just what a reasonable person would infer from the situation and what Parcells said afterwards.

But to take it beyond the occasional owner suggestion and call him the HC of the Cowboys is insane. He's a meddlesome ole fool but not that meddlesome. And we know he can take a back seat ie Parcells. Give Jones sense enough to stay out of it the vast majority of the time. He's a billionaire so he must be doing some things right. He's very upfront with things. And you cannot leap to the conclusion he steered the conversation to the fact he didn't want to answer in the affirmative. He told you he has influenced the play of younger players on occasion. That is in the prerogative of a good GM to see what he has so he can tweek the roster. And he doesn't tweek without the input of all the staff including scouts. Coaches get it wrong and right just as often as GMs and the rest do.

There is nothing new in this interview. Nothing at all and he told you that, too.

Ask Hos if I've always been a Jones guy. He remembers the old board and my dislike of Jerry. Jerry is not the same guy anymore. Would I have him be more distant. I don't know. Maybe. But I can see both sides of the equation and where the middle lies. Call me reasonable.
So we're just now finding out after twenty years that he's the final authority for this team and always has been?..:eek: :huh:

When you right the $80-million checks, you make all the final decisions...;)
JBond;3046298 said:
Simple answer, yes I beleive we can win another championship with JJ as the owner/GM.

As an owner there is not much to complain about. The GM leaves something to be desired at times. He can sound cocky and arrogant but it's his money, and the buck stops with him. He hates losing as much as the rest of us. I have a great deal of respect for JJ the business man. It's not as easy as many on this board like to make it out to be.

I personally have to make decisions my employees don't always agree with and sometimes I am right and sometimes I am wrong. That is the way it goes. No one is perfect.

Living in KC and watching the horrible Chiefs ownership for years and years makes me appreciate the job JJ does. I would much rather have a chance taker rather than sit 30 million under the cap each year content to take home a fat check regardless of how bad a team they field.

I can't distinguish Jerry Owner from Jerry GM. I think that he has spent a lot of money on this team, which is better than being overly cheap as you point out. But in the FA era, spending it wisely is obviously more important.

As for JJ's GM hemisphere, I'm all too familiar with management responsibilities and one of them is making sure your company meets it's performance metrics. When Jerry has periododically increased his influence on the team and takes control via patsy proxy, he has failed miserably, his record speaks for itself. If you want to believe that Jerry will somehow change his losing game with the same management philosophy (Jerry in control, which he just espoused over the airwaves) then more power to you, but it isn't logical. Unless JJ has another uncomfortable self-reckoning with his Jerry-First football management failures, then we won't sniff February football while he is still alive. Our next coach will likely be Jason, a position coach/part coordinator/cordinator without authority that is in Jerry's pocket. I can really see the defense rallying around this guy that had hand holding sessions with the receivers last year.

BTW, Jerry wants to win his way with all of the personal accolades more than we want to win, but since the Jimmy era, he has no interest in winning if all of the credit doesn't accrue to him. Witness the destruction of 2 Cowboy squads on upward trajectories.
Doomsay;3046356 said:
I can't distinguish Jerry Owner from Jerry GM. I think that he has spent a lot of money on this team, which is better than being overly cheap as you point out. But in the FA era, spending it wisely is obviously more important.

As for JJ's GM hemisphere, I'm all too familiar with management responsibilities and one of them is making sure your company meets it's performance metrics. When Jerry has periododically increased his influence on the team and takes control via patsy proxy, he has failed miserably, his record speaks for itself. If you want to believe that Jerry will somehow change his losing game with the same management philosophy (Jerry in control, which he just espoused over the airwaves) then more power to you, but it isn't logical. Unless JJ has another uncomfortable self-reckoning with his Jerry-First football management failures, then we won't sniff February football while he is still alive. Our next coach will likely be Jason, a position coach/part coordinator/cordinator without authority that is in Jerry's pocket. I can really see the defense rallying around this guy that had hand holding sessions with the receivers last year.

BTW, Jerry wants to win his way with all of the personal accolades more than we want to win, but since the Jimmy era, he has no interest in winning if all of the credit doesn't accrue to him. Witness the destruction of 2 Cowboy squads on upward trajectories.

Your logic is flawed. You state as fact Jerry is in control as if he makes every decision to be made on a daily basis. That's impossible. You state you know how Jerry feels and thinks. That is the cognitive distortion of mind reading. All Jerry is saying is that when he wants to he has the right to have the final say. It does come across as arrogant if you take that as face value without putting it into context. He's told people before he takes in all the available data and makes decisions. He doesn't say he actually makes them all and again that is impossible. As another poster stated, no one person makes all the decisions in a business that large. Especially from a coaching standpoint. It's just absolutely silly to think Jerry sends plays in, influences game plans or the such. I have no doubt he drops hints or even says I'd like to see Olgetree in the game at some point this year; we need to find out what we have in him. That's Jerry the GM talking; if indeed he does that very thing. It could be as simple as saying we need to get some snaps for our younger players when we can.

This entire thread is a great example of all or nothing thinking, a cognitive distortion. The truth lies in the middle.
Yakuza Rich;3046247 said:
Here's a look at the records of NFL teams in the past 10 seasons (not including this season).

2……….New England……….110-50
6……….Green Bay……….92-68
10……….Tampa Bay……….87-73
13……….St. Louis ……….83-77
17……….San Diego……….80-80
22……….Kansas City ……….75-85
23……….New Orleans……….73-87
27……….San Francisco……….64-96

Notice the teams in bold. They are the ones who use "the GM is also the owner" model.

Those in italics all use the "owner is hands off" model.

I wonder who's right? As much as Jones likes to talk about how we like those three Super Bowl trophies? My response is a lot more than thirteen consecutive years of playoff futility.
Alexander;3046399 said:
Notice the teams in bold. They are the ones who use "the GM is also the owner" model.

Those in italics all use the "owner is hands off" model.

I wonder who's right? As much as Jones likes to talk about how we like those three Super Bowl trophies? My response is a lot more than thirteen consecutive years of playoff futility.


Many people fail to realize the NFL is not static. Like anything else, it's subject to change and paradigm shifts. Either an organization keeps pace with those shifts, or it sinks.

Even if we concede that Jerry deserves most of the credit for the 3 Super Bowl wins in the 90s, he still hasn't demonstrated an ability to win playoff games in the modern NFL.

And the prodigious success of his early years does not absolve twelve years of futility.

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