Audio: Jerry Jones lays down the law!!!

Alexander;3045389 said:
Scouts wanted Kendrell Bell. Jones wanted Quincy Carter. Failure.

Bill Parcells wanted to stay the course and go with Romo when he was ready. Jones wanted Drew Henson to be handed the keys. Failure again.

For every great move, there's a double amount of failure when Jerry Jones' talent decisions are what drive the process.

But you can't have it both ways, when he makes a right move you give him credit, every GM makes bad decisions, it just seems that to some people every bad decision is Jerry's and every good one was someone else's.
Couldn't he have picked a better time to practice his hog calling?

tecolote;3045427 said:
But you can't have it both ways, when he makes a right move you give him credit, every GM makes bad decisions, it just seems that to some people every bad decision is Jerry's and every good one was someone else's.

I notice that as well. Jerry only makes bad decisions and all good one well they belong to someone else. I think there is a group effort in Dallas with Jerry, the coach and the scouting department and in the end yes Jerry is going to make the final call.
At least this thread isn't as delusional as the one from last week.
yimyammer;3045321 said:
Man, I wish Newy had pressed Jerry more on this answer and others.

He let him off the hook with his standard "Did you like those 3 super bowls" reply. He should have said hell yes, I liked those super bowls and I wish you'd get back to doing things like you did back then, empower your coach with some authoity and don't undermine his credibility. I wish he would have pressed him by saying you don't really expect me or fans to believe the Cowboys are being run the same way they were in the Super Bowl years do you?

He also missed an opportunity to reply to Jerrys comment that Parcells didn't bring us any super bowls. I wish Newy had said, no he didn't but he got the team competitive again and the team showed remarkable improvement over what had been put on the field 10 years prior to his arrival and much of the team that is playing today is the direct result of the work Parcells did. To dismiss Parcells because he didn't win Super Bowls is ridiculous in my opinion.

I'm as hard on Jerry as anyone, but all I think he really has to do (and there appears to be evidence he may be doing so) is empower his coaches, give credit where credit is due (Jerry may sign off on all decisions, but he isn't making all the decisions, play calls, etc) and quit trying to spin everything in such a ridiculously positive light. I think its good for the man in charge to make it clear publically that anything less than excellence will not be tolerated, all positions are constantly evaluated, no job is safe and if any player or coach thinks they are, then they should just take a look at where To is playing now.

Patrick Crayton is a good example of what can happen when a players job is not firmly secure. Crayton said it all when he said he practiced harder and had more motivation than he's had in a long time. I think it's good for players to feel a little insecure and play with a chip on their shoulders.

We all know Jerry is going to be the front man for the organization, I just want him to set a high standard, preach the team concept and not let contracts or draft location determine who plays, establish a strong chain of command so that players don't think they can make end runs around their coaches, etc.

These are not drastic adjustments and I believe they could make a big difference in how the team performs.

I see evidence that some of this is occurring and hope it continues, Jerry isn't completely clueless and he's certainly not as bad as Snyder or Al Davis. Hopefully he'll improve because we all know he's not going anywhere.

:clap: :hammer: :clap: :hammer:
Good Jerry is saying Otree will play. Someone with sense. Otree is a baller.
Hoofbite;3045434 said:
At least this thread isn't as delusional as the one from last week.
The how dare Wade rush only four against Matt Ryan thread? Yeah that one was even funnier.
speedkilz88;3045453 said:
The how dare Wade rush only four against Matt Ryan thread? Yeah that one was even funnier.

No, the "Jerry Beats Wade 62-64" or whatever the title was.

That thread was a real winner.
dcfanatic;3045206 said:
Jerry Jones lays down the law!!!

By dcfanatic, October 30, 2009 1:15 pm

Here's the Cowboys 'real' head coach letting you fans know he has decided Kevin Ogletree needs to start playing and so that is exactly what will happen this Sunday.

I think that's what he said.

And Oh yeah. He makes all the decisions. All of them! He will take into consideration what the 'football coaches' say but when it really comes down to it he will be deciding who plays on Sundays.

And we wonder why it's been thirteen years...

Jerry Jones on The Fan

It's called being the boss and letting everyone know it.

And I gotta say. I knew this was how things were being done at Valley Ranch, but to hear him being so vocal about it and basically telling the fans that this is how it is and that he could care less if we like it or not kind of made me feel sorry for Wade Phillips.

I have killed Wade on many occasions.

I think from now on I may not do that as much.

Yep, now you can point to jerry jones, you can use jerry jones own words against him if the team isnt winning;
In a sense i understand what your saying about wade you feel sorry for him, but wade signed the contract, he knew what he was getting into

this also goes back DC to players being said before going over the head coach to the owner Jerry complaining,

now we know that is where the big problem is;
I listened to the audio. I found it stranged the interviewer asks about selecting players to play on game day, and Jerry Jones shifts the discussion to GM responsibilities.

Uh, GM responsibilities involve which players should be released from the roster, NOT who plays on game day.

And, no, the Rooneys do not dictate who plays on game day. Many owners and GM's don't do that. That's the coach's responsibility.

When the interviewer tries to clarify, Jerry Jones avoids the topic to discuss more generalities about his powers and what he can do as owner.

It's the classic diversion tactic.
dcfanatic;3045407 said:
He just told you that it would't matter one way or the other.

That's the point.

The coaching staff has to hope he's thinking like they are.

If not they work with what he wants done.

yep, now thats the problem and we know it now DC
no more excuses or blames on the head coach now it lays at jerry jones door
tyke1doe;3045471 said:
I listened to the audio. I found it stranged the interviewer asks about selecting players to play on game day, and Jerry Jones shifts the discussion to GM responsibilities.

Uh, GM responsibilities involve which players should be released from the roster, NOT who plays on game day.

And, no, the Rooneys do not dictate who plays on game day. Many owners and GM's don't do that. That's the coach's responsibility.

When the interviewer tries to clarify, Jerry Jones avoids the topic to discuss more generalities about his powers and what he can do as owner.

It's the classic diversion tactic.
C'mon. The real question was about Roy Williams being a bust and Jerry got defensive about it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Everlastingxxx;3045280 said:
My problem is it appears that Jerry feels he knows more than the coaches. If Wade says player X is not ready...but Jerry thinks he is, player X is playing. Jerry thinks he knows more than Wades 30 years of experience. I have a problem with that.

So O-Tree is playing because Jerry says so? I am happy he is, but id rather a real coach make that decision. No wonder we have a been a joke the last decade.

Yea I hated it when Jerry made Troy Aikman, and Michael Irvin, among other great 90's players retire because of medical issues. And why didn't he have the foresight to have pro bowl caliber replacements ready to replace Aikman, Irvin, etc...? Man can you believe Jerry had the audacity to trade for Joey Galloway, thinking he was the go to receiver the Cowboys needed to make one more Superbowl run? Then, even though he was too old, he just lets Emmitt walk away. Why couldn't Jerry just wave a magic wand and instantly have a a great team ready to compete for Superbowls, once the 90's Cowboys team got too old. What the hell is the matter with Jerry?
So we are supposed to believe that Jerry is telling the coaches to play an undrafted FA in his first year basically because of what HE HIMSELF has seen on the practice field against the coaches wishes by that audio!:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

So what.. Jerry makes the decisions. I believe many times he has indited himself "from the top down" when things have gone poorly over the past few years. I think he does include himself responsible for the good and the bad.

Thats what owners and directors of companies do. Yes, maybe he thinks he knows a bit more about football than he does but it is not like he has never been involved in the game before he bought the Cowboys.

You guys can complain all you want - it's not changing one single solitary thing. You ought to be thankful for an owner that is willing to pay players and try to do whats best for the team even if it is not right all the time.

When you invest in players the kind of money that Jerry has over the years you better be willing to be patient with that investment and that is what you see with TO, RW, Henson, and many others. Sometimes he may tell the coaches that I have invested in this player and even though the coaches think it may be prudent to go with someone else Jerry says we have to give it a bit more time.

It's the coaches job to tell Jerry what they think, and its Jerry job to take that information and decide what is best based on that investment. This is not High School football guys, there is a lot of money on the line and as much as Jerry has put up he better well have final say!
cowboyjoe;3045469 said:
Yep, now you can point to jerry jones, you can use jerry jones own words against him if the team isnt winning;
In a sense i understand what your saying about wade you feel sorry for him, but wade signed the contract, he knew what he was getting into

this also goes back DC to players being said before going over the head coach to the owner Jerry complaining,

now we know that is where the big problem is;

Now? Joe, where ya been?

Jerry's been the problem since the day Dallas stopped winning Superbowls. At least that's what I've been told.

Let me fill ya in on the gist of things.

Jerry is not only the root of all problems, he's also the biggest obstacle the team has to overcome when having success.

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