Bandwagon Fans

Most of us are sick of it but we can't move teams because we're addicted like you are. And that's why we do it. But we don't constantly need you parading around the board calling people out. You're doing exactly what you talk about but on the other spectrum. But I do appreciate your enthusiasm about the boys. Very underrated.
I only call out the habitual haters. How many times do I have to say it. In other words, “YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.” Now man the hell up and deal with it.
Most of us are sick of it but we can't move teams because we're addicted like you are. And that's why we do it. But we don't constantly need you parading around the board calling people out. You're doing exactly what you talk about but on the other spectrum. But I do appreciate your enthusiasm about the boys. Very underrated.
Yeah, I actually like the guys with enthusiasm. Sometimes it's unwarranted though. Now is a perfectly acceptable time to be down on the team. We crapped the bed and refuse to make changes. It seems reasonable to be upset.
Those who say, ”I’ll believe they can go all they way when/if I see it.”
Sorry but our train has no bandwagon to jump on

I only call out the habitual haters. How many times do I have to say it. In other words, “YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.” Now man the hell up and deal with it.
I'm partially on your side bro. I'm just telling you that when you constantly hound other posters, you're doing exactly what they're doing which is annoying other posters. We all have to have respect for each other, the fight is out there not within these walls.
I'm good then... because I remember 1989... and I think that team would destroy this team.

I don't say I will believe it when I see it. I know I won't see it again.
YouTube still has the 90s games though.
You want us to believe that you have been holding your breath since the 90's?

Houdini couldn't pull that one off.
You mean anyone who‘s not a blind homer like you, gotcha. By the way you can’t bandwagon a team that’s been garbage for almost 30 years genius.
Oh, the adjective of blind is way off mark...get real.
I'm good then... because I remember 1989... and I think that team would destroy this team.

I don't say I will believe it when I see it. I know I won't see it again.
YouTube still has the 90s games though.
What a ridiculous thing to say. The team of 1989 was a bottom-feeder team in the league. There is no way that team could beat the current team.
Where in Hawaii should I call for the “Whaaambulance” to get Rock
Ever been to the blow hole? Take a loaf of bread to feed the colorful fish. As to a contribution...make one.

There aren’t any bandwagon fans my man!!

Unless they are like 60yrs old
Ever been to the blow hole? Take a loaf of bread to feed the colorful fish. As to a contribution...make one.
Been to Hawaii a lot and have been there I believe

That is one! People are frustrated…again. I get it. Whining about it vs understanding it is key
I'm partially on your side bro. I'm just telling you that when you constantly hound other posters, you're doing exactly what they're doing which is annoying other posters. We all have to have respect for each other, the fight is out there not within these walls.
Again, I only call out the CONSTANT HATERS! What about this don’t you all get? They deserve every bit of it.

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