Bills Game: Worst Performances


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27,244 was bad but he was far worse in the Jets game....
not throwing per sey, im referring to a seasoned qb making rookie decisions..look over at allen nothing spectacular but he didnt force the ball anywhere..either took the sack. ran for few yards. threw It away, or dump it off..lived for anther series..

Dak was just hoping for miracles just throwing up prayers, instead of just playing it safe and get another possesion rather punt then fumble , throw a pick, and 2 others should have been picks if he didnt get bailed out by penlatys,..he seemed shell shocked deer I headlights, it was his worse DECISON making game.. boneheaded green mistakes..

the way we were running, no need to force stuff..also on coaching how they didnt keep feeding zeke and ALSO ZEKE BEING A WEAPON IN THE PASS GAME TWO BAD PASES TO ZEKE AS WELL, THAT ONE LOOKED TO BE A TD IF IT WERE THROWN CORRECTLY..

TO ME THIS WAS A LOSS SQURELY ON DAK.. his decsions making last 2 drives in MN to now have been slowly regressing..


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Do we even have a CB who could cover Bease one-on-one, especially in that defensive scheme? Highly doubtful.......


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@xwalker , I respect what you do here with the reviews, but you do seem a bit biased with regard to this game. Honestly, how many players can cover Beasley one on one in the slot?

And I still think Dak was holding the ball too long on several plays.
This game? He's biased in every review and every thread he gives stats. He knowingly gives information to mislead people and steer a narrative. Like that Jeff Heath/Jamal Adams thread where he gave about 4 stats that favored Heath and left out a plethora that showed how bad he is and what kind of upgrade Adams would be. After multiple posters exposed it he acted like a child. Dudes a clown.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
This game? He's biased in every review and every thread he gives stats. He knowingly gives information to mislead people and steer a narrative. Like that Jeff Heath/Jamal Adams thread where he gave about 4 stats that favored Heath and left out a plethora that showed how bad he is and what kind of upgrade Adams would be. After multiple posters exposed it he acted like a child. Dudes a clown.
I've always taken his posts as defending someone who's being overly criticized, but this one just went beyond reasonable to me.


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I've always taken his posts as defending someone who's being overly criticized, but this one just went beyond reasonable to me.
It's what I imagine spags reviewing film would sound like. Agenda pedal pressed to the floor.


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Lmao, nobody and I mean nobody but you would have great as an option when talking about his performance yesterday.
I think Dak had a bad game for Dak but not a bad game for an nfl QB
He had good and bad. The int was bad, the throw to Zeke was bad and there were others
But he also had some good


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The problem is that he isn't lying these guys played poorly. The bigger issue is the if/then statements. So because x played poorly y played poorly. So y is absolved of any responsibility for this bad decisions.

On the star pick. Dak should probably have taken the sack. He was obviously trying to make a play but compounding the issue. This is something that Romo did as well.

We're not a good football team. Parcells said,"you are what your record says you are." We are a middling team trending downward.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Your no more informed than any other dont know what youre watching, what makes you think you know how to break down film?

You're not your.

I have a track record of being correct.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
@xwalker , I respect what you do here with the reviews, but you do seem a bit biased with regard to this game. Honestly, how many players can cover Beasley one on one in the slot?

And I still think Dak was holding the ball too long on several plays.
I respect your opinion. You are in the small group of fans with a balanced perspective.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Though it was on, I wasn't paying a lot of attention to the game.

Beasley is uncoverable with one DB. Cowboy fans should know this. Did we scheme some LB bracketing help on Beasley, or was it our usual "next man up", "we do what we do" garbage? I'm guessing the latter. I'm not going to give Lewis grief for failing to single cover a guy who can't be single covered.

Thompson's numbers for the season are awful, and his QB rating when thrown on was actually *good* before he ever started a game. Around 60. Now it's 131. Think of how awful he must be to yield a rating of 131, *then* think of how awful he must have been *in his starts* to flip his season score from 60 to 131.


Reviewing game stats, I was wondering just how we lost. It's really not surprising. Turnovers. Missed FGs. One thing that stuck out was sacks. 4. Granted that Dak threw almost 50, but that's a lot of sacks. How many of those sacks did XSF have a hand in? His relative weakness is pass protection.

Why not play Looney over XSF? Looney was demonstrably not awful starting last year.

Back to your banging on Devin Smith. The fact remains that his QB rating when thrown to is in the 130s. Probably highest on the team at this point. Cooper had justed edged him out when I last looked.

Smith was also one of the top college gunners of his draft class, so there's no known excuse for the team not to make him active for games. It's much like how he was just ignored by the writers during the offseason and training camp. But when it came time for preseason games, he stood out from the lower tier WRs. He could execute where they could not. Then he stood out in the season. Then was made inactive nevertheless, which completely screwed us in the Jets game.

Maybe he slept with somebody's girl. Maybe he said something negative about the Red Menace. For whatever reason, the team has treated Smith like persona non grata since we signed him, despite being a consensus 2nd round pick who we got because of his recurring health issues, but who is healthy now and performing like a consensus 2nd round pick.

One of my top goals in posting is to get people to come up with their own information and to support their opinions.

You've given an example of how to do that.

You provided the QB rating with Devin Smith as the target as well as the background on him being top gunner in college.

I'll take your word on both.

Is is odd if Devin Smith was a top gunner on ST in college that he would not be active. They obviously like #83 better on ST despite the fact his his inexperience was a problem on that punt debacle in the Pats game.

Also great point on Looney. I was just think about him while reviewing game footage of the offense. Based on last season, it seems that Looney might be a tad better than XSF. My guess is that they don't want to expose the backup OC to injury because they don't have another legit option at backup OC; although, XSF has played OC a few times in the NFL, IIRC.