Blackistone: Coaching hires prove NFL discriminates

superpunk said:
His reputation with young QBs, perhaps??? And the fact that Green Bay has one Aaron Rodgers sitting on the bench?

Are they that desperate that they're going to hire a head coach simply because he's good with quarterbacks?

I don't buy that.
Gaede said:
Are they that desperate that they're going to hire a head coach simply because he's good with quarterbacks?

I don't buy that.

You don't buy that but you would buy into the Packers being a racist team?
Doomsday101 said:
You don't buy that but you would buy into the Packers being a racist team?

Nice !!

Give him a solid point but he wants to hang his hat on the race card.

Gaede said:
Are they that desperate that they're going to hire a head coach simply because he's good with quarterbacks?

I don't buy that.

I don't know the full reason they hired him, but that was one that was brought up. None of us know the full reason. Jim Bates should have gotten that job, but they obviously wanted someone to work with Rodgers. Where's the uproar about old, defensive coaches like Jim Johnson and Jim Bates not getting a HC look? Is it because they're old? Because their name is Jim?

An NFL owner is going to hire the man he is most comfortable with. This man is going to be the face of the franchise. It's their millions they're putting up, let them hire who they want. They're not going to hire a white man, if they think a black man would be a better choice. They're doing what they think is best for their organization, and that is their right.
Gaede said:
Are they that desperate that they're going to hire a head coach simply because he's good with quarterbacks?

I don't buy that.


I thought he was hired as head coach not quarterback coach.
Doomsday101 said:
You don't buy that but you would buy into the Packers being a racist team?

They wear cheese on their head. Tell me THAT'S not racist!!!!!! Plus, they are perilously close to Canada. That CAN'T be good!
superpunk said:
They wear cheese on their head. Tell me THAT'S not racist!!!!!! Plus, they are perilously close to Canada. That CAN'T be good!

Vaild point. LOL
Just a side note -

Reggie Fowler
owner - Vikings
Hired New Head Coach

If I recall - Childress is white? So why would an African American OWNER hire a white guy?
superpunk said:
I don't know the full reason they hired him, but that was one that was brought up. None of us know the full reason. Jim Bates should have gotten that job, but they obviously wanted someone to work with Rodgers. Where's the uproar about old, defensive coaches like Jim Johnson and Jim Bates not getting a HC look? Is it because they're old? Because their name is Jim?

An NFL owner is going to hire the man he is most comfortable with. This man is going to be the face of the franchise. It's their millions they're putting up, let them hire who they want. They're not going to hire a white man, if they think a black man would be a better choice. They're doing what they think is best for their organization, and that is their right.

In your first paragraph you raise speculations/questions.

In your second paragraph you make declarations. "They're not going to hire a white man, if they think a black man would be a better choice."

How do you know this?

Here's the problem with racial insensitivity (and I don't want to use the word "racism" because that implies malice), many whites don't know that they're engaged in it.

It's easy to overlook people, things if your experience doesn't encompass those people, things.

It's easy not to "think" that a black candidate will be a good head coach for your team if the only well you've drawn from is the white well, so to speak.

That's the purpose of the Rooney rule. People sometimes unintentionally/subconsciously follow and do things the way they've always done it, and sometimes someone needs to introduce them to a new way of doing things that they may not have considered previously.
Dallas said:
Just a side note -

Reggie Fowler
owner - Vikings
Hired New Head Coach

If I recall - Childress is white? So why would an African American OWNER hire a white guy?

Reggie Fowler has a minority interest in the Vikings. Zygi Wulf (sp?) is the owner. I believe Zygi's race is caucasian.
Dallas said:
Just a side note -

Reggie Fowler
owner - Vikings
Hired New Head Coach

If I recall - Childress is white? So why would an African American OWNER hire a white guy?
Zygi Wilf is the majority owner not Reggie Fowler. Fowler became the minority owner because his finances weren't up to par.

And I do recall Cottrell was interviewed for the job, as well. I have no problem w/the Childress hire.

Actually don't have a problem w/any of the hires except the Green Bay and Jets hires. They just seem like head scratchers to me.
Doomsday101 said:
You don't buy that but you would buy into the Packers being a racist team?

lol, man. I never said the Packers were a racist team. And I didn't mean too. Please don't put words into my mouth.

I just think it's unfortunate that McCarthy can get a head coaching gig for being good with QB's, but Lewis, Gray and Rivera can't even get a sniff while having good, aggressive defenses.
Dallas said:
Just a side note -

Reggie Fowler
owner - Vikings
Hired New Head Coach

If I recall - Childress is white? So why would an African American OWNER hire a white guy?

Uh, because blacks are more conditioned to doing business with whites than vice versa.

You've likely never heard the old joke within the black community during segregation ... the white man's ice is colder than the black man's ice (sarcasm shown towards blacks who rather do business with whites than blacks.)

Sigh. You guys really need to get out more.
Gaede said:
lol, man. I never said the Packers were a racist team. And I didn't mean too. Please don't put words into my mouth.

I just think it's unfortunate that McCarthy can get a head coaching gig for being good with QB's, but Lewis, Gray and Rivera can't even get a sniff while having good, aggressive defenses.

They're reaching, Gaede. Pure and simple.
NinePointOh said:
Why wouldn't he?

Well, did he interview all these black coaches on the list and if he did not then why did he not?

Is he Racist against his own race - it must be!

No other reason, right? They are all obviously qualified are they not?
tyke1doe said:
So where is Mangini's production?

Super Bowls.

Where's Payton's production?

Super Bowl. Coached with Parcells.

Where's McCarthy's production?

Brett Favre?

You can't produce as a head coach unless you get a head coaching job.

I think coaches like Henderson deserve a shot. Gray also. But to suggest that an owner compromise what he thinks is the best man for the job based on the race of the candidate is crazy.

Yes and it's also America where Norv Turner can get job after job after job and suck as a head coach, and black candidates can get even one of his chances after two failed attempts by this awful coach.

Turner has rings too.
aikemirv said:
Well, did he interview all these black coaches on the list and if he did not then why did he not?

Is he Racist against his own race - it must be!

No other reason, right? They are all obviously qualified are they not?

You want to take one example and apply it to decades and decades of obvious discrimination.


- Mike G.
Dallas said:
Nice !!

Give him a solid point but he wants to hang his hat on the race card.


Race card?

You see, this is why these type of threads 'get ugly'. Certain people generalize opposing points of view and then over-personalize their own. That is, the second someone brings up race--some people naturally get defensive and will not listen or discuss reasonably.

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