The reaction of Skins fans appears to mostly negative to Gibbs decision to replace Patrick Ramsey with Mark Brunnel. Many feel Patrick was not given a fair opportunity (he wasn't) and others think Brunnel was given too great of an opportunity last year and failed (he was).
But underlying the decision itself is another issue that has to concern Skins fans. And that is their confidence in Joe Gibbs himself. Many Skins fans feel Gibbs has more than earned the right to do what he thinks best for the team (he has) but are shaken in their confidence because this decision seems unfair and/or stupid (yes to both). So this magnifies the game on Monday far beyond the usual massive proportions of a typical skins/boys tilt. The fact is if the Skins can pull out a win, by whatever means on Monday, Gibbs will be vindicated with the majority of skins fans. If not, and with a bye week following, it could be mutiny on the Skinty.:laugh2:
To assure that pain and loathing in skinsville begins early Tuesday morning, the defensive game plan has to be press the receivers at the line, jam the box and turn the hounds loose until the noodle armed Brunnel cries "uncle". I'm looking forward to both the game and the nuclear winter that's sure to follow in our nation's capitol.