CeeDee Lamb on his next contract: I want to be one of the top-paid WRs, if not the top


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Dez Bryant was no leader. He was literally a child who still needed a baby sitter. It is impossible to lead others when you do not work at your craft or prepare properly. His is the very definition of subversive. He did nothing but tear down anything that anyone tried to build while he was here. An absolute god tier physical specimen. Easily one of the top 10 most disappointing humans to ever wear a Cowboy jersey. Dropped the only pass that ever really mattered.


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Dez Bryant was no leader. He was literally a child who still needed a baby sitter. It is impossible to lead others when you do not work at your craft or prepare properly. His is the very definition of subversive. He did nothing but tear down anything that anyone tried to build while he was here. An absolute god tier physical specimen. Easily one of the top 10 most disappointing humans to ever wear a Cowboy jersey. Dropped the only pass that ever really mattered.
Grossly overrated by the fanbase. Had the ability to be a great route runner, but refused. Was caught by the camera jogging his routes many times.


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I wish that they wanted to be champions as much as they want that next big bag.


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I hate that players never want to give home team discounts for the betterment of the team. I also hate that I'm rooting for guys to take less money that saves billionaire owners a few million bucks that they'll never miss.

I really wish the system could be changed so that teams resigning their own drafted talent at top dollar could get a break against the cap.
I agree. I think the salary cap should only apply to free agents. If you drafted the player and he's never been on any other team then whatever salary they get does not count against the cap.


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I agree. I think the salary cap should only apply to free agents. If you drafted the player and he's never been on any other team then whatever salary they get does not count against the cap.
Or like the NBA where you can pay your FA's more than anyone else can.


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Hes gonna make bank that's for sure. No way Jerry doesn't sign lamb.


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How in the world did you come to think this way? Winning means nothing to you.
sure it does, but this team at the end of the day has nothing to do with me or my personal life. if they gave ceedee a record wr contract, what do i care? it's not my money. the idea to take less money so you can give more money to someone else is just as crazy. You think ceedee taking less so we can make another free agent from another team the highest paid player makes sense? or are we using that extra money to give a guy like sam williams an overpriced extension?


Original Zoner (he's a good boy!)
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Why in the world would you pay top dollar for a player that was pouting and essentially gave up after the first series of a home playoff game!

You can pay a lot less for a WR who can do that.

Speaking of which, why pay break the bank money for a LB who fades every season when it matters most and will demand DE money to keep doing it.


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Recently seen heading towards CeeDee's house:

He earned it. The nfl is a business and plsyers want to make as much as they can in the 10 or so years they have the opportunity. If I’m a player I want my money lol


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Why in the world would you pay top dollar for a player that was pouting and essentially gave up after the first series of a home playoff game!

You can pay a lot less for a WR who can do that.

Speaking of which, why pay break the bank money for a LB who fades every season when it matters most and will demand DE money to keep doing it.
So you want to trade Micah and lamb? Brilliant strategy if a high draft pick is your goal


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sure it does, but this team at the end of the day has nothing to do with me or my personal life. if they gave ceedee a record wr contract, what do i care? it's not my money. the idea to take less money so you can give more money to someone else is just as crazy. You think ceedee taking less so we can make another free agent from another team the highest paid player makes sense? or are we using that extra money to give a guy like sam williams an overpriced extension?
Paying players huge salaries is what keeps you from winning super bowls. It's really obvious.

Since it has nothing to do w/ your personal life, why do you care about another man's personal finances?


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Not that I want to go to the Super Bowl, just pay me top dollar instead...
Micha didn’t ask him that . He asked him, “where are you with the contract”. He gave an exact and complete answer to the question.


Original Zoner (he's a good boy!)
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So you want to trade Micah and lamb? Brilliant strategy if a high draft pick is your goal

You can lose without them as easily as with them and i would suggest that high draft picks may be the best plan going forward.

Once these two get paid and Dak as well, how to you build a team?

Damn man, think how poorly they played in that playoff game and the attitudes they have displayed both during and after, and this is before they got their big paydays. How do you think they are going to act after they get their bags?


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So do 31 other teams in the league. It's rare u find a wr that good so late in the draft. Even 1st rounders usually take a year or two
It's rare to find a good one and in addition one that is mature, isn't a diva, cares about winning and team more than money/me, and just comes to work every day and works his *** off!


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Sounds like a horrible idea until you consider the Chiefs did exactly that with Hill (traded him) and went on to win two Superbowls. Packers did the same with Adams (traded him) and had one down year but now are back to having a big stable of good WRs.

When you have to pay a QB top 3 money, it's almost like you <HAVE> to move on from a WR on your team that deserves Top 2-3 WR money.
Exactly my thoughts but unfortunately we don't a QB who can overcome that like PM


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Paying players huge salaries is what keeps you from winning super bowls. It's really obvious.

Since it has nothing to do w/ your personal life, why do you care about another man's personal finances?
except it's not obvious. each year there's a team with players making huge salaries who get to the superbowl. The chiefs had like 2 mil worth of cap space left this year and have like 20 mil going into next season. The 49ers have even less.

i noticed you didn't address the point of taking less to make someone else the highest paid or overpaying a homegrown talent.

as for your other question, hmmmm shouldn't you be asking yourself the same question? You're the one upset he wants to get paid top dollar, not me. i'm on his side. i actually have kids in sports and if they were given a chance to get paid top dollar for all the hard work i know they put in, i'm not going to tell them "oh no son, all those sacrifices you made, all that training, time spent to become great, yea let's just ignore that and take less than what the guys you are better than are making".

Not only that, i also had a good friend who played in the nfl briefly (dedrick epps). Dude literally has one in-season catch because his knee got wrecked on that play and never got back to how he was. that can happen to anyone in this sport. Doesn't make sense to take less money in a sport that can literally end your ability to provide for your family. High risk sport needs to provide high rewards.