Stick by your guns theogt. You're absolutely right. The kid can't redirect laterally. It's unnatural for him. I don't know what people are looking at if they are missing this crucial point. The ability of an impact NFL RB to have lateral agility is crucial. It's FAR more important than speed. The only thing I can thing of is that most of his proponents are either so enamored by his speed that they refuse to see this major flaw, or they have no ideal of the importance of lateral agility. A NFL RB needs these things to be good/great: Vision, Instincts, Lateral Agility, and Quickness to the LOS. That's it folks. He has to have ALL these attributes and not just some if he wants to impact. He DOESN'T need speed. If you can find a RB with all these attributes, and speed as well, then he'll impact bigtime, but a NFL RB can have the same kind of impact w/o speed. And while CJ looks to have good vision, instincts, and quickness he lacks Lateral Agility. This flaw will be exposed in the NFL, and make him less effective. I'm not saying he'll be a bust, but he won't impact the way people here seem to think he will. However, because of his great speed, he'll still be a great return man, but as a RB he'll be hampered and take a lot of hits while he stutters to redirect himself. Watch ANY great RB and you'll see that the ability to move laterally is probably his most important skill. I can't stress enough the importance of this one attribute in determining the effectiveness of a NFL RB. CJ doesn't move well laterally folks, theogt and I can't explain it any simpler than that.