Colin Cowherd: Comparing Purdy's situation to Dak

Playing in any major sport is a job. Their job is to provide you entertainment. That is it. Professional sports is a business to make money.

It is not to make all of your hopes and dreams come true as you attempt to live vicariously through players achievements while sitting on your couch.
BS. Part of their job is to win titles and that goal, as professionals, is innate to the job. Period. End of story. No one playing professional sports should be out there just to cash a check. Wanting to win at the highest level is endemic to the job and an absolute requirement.
So you who are watching football safely from your couch and not taking any hits wants a guy to risk his life and endure pain for less money. All to give the worst GM in the NFL more money to misuse or not use at all.

Nice fallacious appeal to emotion.

Any other fallacies you want to drop?

Agreed. He’s the worst GM in the NFL.
More like Jerry is an idiot.
Both can be true. Jerry is no doubt an idiot. But Dak Prescott has proven to have no awareness and is greedy enough to trash the franchise's chances at a better team for his personal bank account.
Yes that makes them an elite defense :facepalm: again, please never respond to me again.last year was the first time you watched football. Keep your mouth closed
The year before last that defense you blame to defend your QB held their opponent to 17 points in a playoff game. Your vaunted QB and the offense were only able to eke out 12 points. Let's not pretend like the offense has been pulling it's weight - it really hasn't and on the offense the QB has consistently played horribly in playoff games. That isn't the defenses doing.
Care to elaborate?
It's probably just an opinion that you already know you won't agree with so...why worry?
Both can be true. Jerry is no doubt an idiot. But Dak Prescott has proven to have no awareness and is greedy enough to trash the franchise's chances at a better team for his personal bank account.
A bit of wisdom...on CZ forum?

I was under the impression we had to draw hard lines in the sand on every micro issue to prove how smart and superior we are over everyone else (s opinion). :)
No worry.....just making fun or light at the length of theories on malice. Just fun.
Okay. Sounds like you were seriously calling them out. Who cares what they think. Dak doesn't, why should you?

On the other hand...I do get it. It's a bit odd thing to say. If you don't like him as a player, team mate, contract signee :)...fine. But as a person? Who knows. still really just doesn't matter. Can't change the whole world.
The year before last that defense you blame to defend your QB held their opponent to 17 points in a playoff game. Your vaunted QB and the offense were only able to eke out 12 points. Let's not pretend like the offense has been pulling it's weight - it really hasn't and on the offense the QB has consistently played horribly in playoff games. That isn't the defenses doing.
How many turnovers did that defense produce. The elite one that led the league in turnovers? I'll wait.

Amd dak isn't my qb but please continue.

Let's make it more clear for your kind. Is dallas defense on par with niners and 2022 eagles? Yes or no will do.
3 years in 2 CCGs 1 SB, it’s amazing how similar they are, lmao, bet he’s not worried about the brotherhood

Zero Superbowl rings..... they may or may not be similar, but this is a team game.

Which quarterback between the two, had the better WR corp, running backs, TE, defense, coaching staff/play calling and play design???


It's hilarious how people try to make it look like one man is responsible for the success of a whole team.
The 49rs Brass will be calling Jerry to get his input.Word has is to give Purdy
70 Million a year Contract..

How many turnovers did that defense produce. The elite one that led the league in turnovers? I'll wait.

Amd dak isn't my qb but please continue.

Let's make it more clear for your kind. Is dallas defense on par with niners and 2022 eagles? Yes or no will do.
Last year it was because the defense allowed too many scores. The year before, it's because the defense didn't cause enough turnovers. At what point do you look at the offense and expect it to you know - produce offense? The defense didn't produce turnovers, it however did what it was supposed to do - hold the opponent to under 20. Am I to understand that the so called vaunted offense can't be bothered to actually contribute without the defense bailing them out at every turn? If that is the expectation does the offense have any responsibility to bail the defense out or is that too much to expect?
Last year it was because the defense allowed too many scores. The year before, it's because the defense didn't cause enough turnovers. At what point do you look at the offense and expect it to you know - produce offense? The defense didn't produce turnovers, it however did what it was supposed to do - hold the opponent to under 20. Am I to understand that the so called vaunted offense can't be bothered to actually contribute without the defense bailing them out at every turn? If that is the expectation does the offense have any responsibility to bail the defense out or is that too much to expect?
Who said this was a vaunted offense? Your fatal mistake is thinking I'm a dak fan. Fix yourself then come back and talk football. We never had an elite defense. Can you get that through your skull?

2022 philly did
2021-2023 niners did
2021-2023 cowboys did NOT.
Oh and 2024 eagles do. Miraculously they'll have more playoff success than 2021 and 2023 I wonder why :rolleyes:
Who said this was a vaunted offense? Your fatal mistake is thinking I'm a dak fan. Fix yourself then come back and talk football. We never had an elite defense. Can you get that through your skull?

2022 philly did
2021-2023 niners did
2021-2023 cowboys did NOT.
I agree. The defense was solid and opportunistic, but not elite. You can’t be elite if you can’t consistently impose your will on the LOS and stop teams from running on you, especially championship-caliber offenses. It was a plain as day Achilles heel and it was never properly addressed and like clockwork, always reared its very obvious head in the playoffs.
I agree. The defense was solid and opportunistic, but not elite. You can’t be elite if you can’t consistently impose your will on the LOS and stop teams from running on you, especially championship-caliber offenses. It was a plain as day Achilles heel and it was never properly addressed and like clockwork, always reared its very obvious head in the playoffs.
Same defense who Aaron Jones called frontrunner who fold if you punch them in the mouth. That's the defense clueless fans want to compare to the niners. Disgusting really
BS. Part of their job is to win titles and that goal, as professionals, is innate to the job. Period. End of story. No one playing professional sports should be out there just to cash a check. Wanting to win at the highest level is endemic to the job and an absolute requirement.
Show me where it states that in a player contract.
Show me where it states that in a player contract.
It’s obviously inferred and implied. It’s an unenumerated imperative similar in concept to unenumerated rights via the 9th Amendment to the Constitution. You know, things that aren’t explicitly spelled out rights but are Constitutional rights nonetheless, like the right to travel, right to vote, right to marry, right to privacy etc etc etc. Not all moral imperatives are spelled out in a contract and they don’t need to be. There are inferred responsibilities that come with job requirements and this is overtly obvious and wanting to win at the highest level is part of the job requirement for a professional athlete. If, as a professional athlete, you don’t care about winning, then get off my team.
Both can be true. Jerry is no doubt an idiot. But Dak Prescott has proven to have no awareness and is greedy enough to trash the franchise's chances at a better team for his personal bank account.
You are correct most players do not try to maximize their new contract.
It’s obviously inferred and implied. It’s an unenumerated imperative similar in concept to unenumerated rights via the 9th Amendment to the Constitution. You know, things that aren’t explicitly spelled out rights but are Constitutional rights nonetheless, like the right to travel, right to vote, right to marry, right to privacy etc etc etc. Not all moral imperatives are spelled out in a contract and they don’t need to be. There are inferred responsibilities that come with job requirements and this is overtly obvious and wanting to win at the highest level is part of the job requirement for a professional athlete. If, as a professional athlete, you don’t care about winning, then get off my team.
In other words, you made it up. You have no factual data stated in a business contract which backs up your assumptions

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