Conner Williams is still fools gold


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JJ Watt makes a lot of guys look like rag dolls guys. Remember JJ WATT best defensive player of the league???? So I bet Connor will be better this year. I prefer him over Sua Filo anyday.


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He can do no wrong by so many around here. I wonder why people didn't give other under performing players this same amount of slack as they give Connor. Heck I remember reading all these threads about how Jaylon Smith was another stupid 2nd round draft choice of Jerry. Byron Jones was small school trash who could only win a jumping contest. LVE was Bobby Carpenter.

Yet Connor Williams is Zach Martin and don't you dare say otherwise or we will jump on you.
Dang, you yield way too much to environment.


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He can do no wrong by so many around here. I wonder why people didn't give other under performing players this same amount of slack as they give Connor. Heck I remember reading all these threads about how Jaylon Smith was another stupid 2nd round draft choice of Jerry. Byron Jones was small school trash who could only win a jumping contest. LVE was Bobby Carpenter.

Yet Connor Williams is Zach Martin and don't you dare say otherwise or we will jump on you.
Lol relax. You're grossly overstating everything.


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I'm seeing a guy with poor technique or a lack of strength get off balance and ragdolled. Then the guy that just blew him up takes a shot on our RB's legs behind the line.
No point in pretending he didnt just get thrown out of the defenders way. At this level that shouldnt be happening. Very rarely do you see a guy get handled like that.
Being ragdolled doesnt mean you were only out muscled. You could be ragdolled for poor technique. The result is the same.
Every OL gets ragdolled from time to time.

Nitpicking plays to try to create some narrative about Williams is silly.


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What I'm interested in seeing with Williams is how he handles lining up with Dalvin Tomlinson/Dexter Lawrence over him in Week One, and Da'Ron Payne/Jonathan Allen in Week Two. Both matchups are with physically strong guys that are all power. It will be a test to see how good his anchor is with the added weight. The video on the run play above was more of a loss of leverage due to him overextending rather than him being overpowered.

The key for the above matchups is whether Williams now has the functional football strength to match his added bulk. I don't know if we have the answer to that question yet, but by the end of Week Two, we should have a pretty clear answer.


The Labeled One
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So we need to pull the plug on CW because JJ Watt was beating him? :lmao:
Laughing @ everyone that still think JJ Watt is a great player..Everyone can have an opinion...but don't be shocked he ends up on the bench just like he did last year.
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I think in the Texans game the TD to Gallup that got called back, the hold they called was on the other guard. No way Connor held. His hands were inside the tackle and he just stood him up. Either that or it was just a bad call.

And not for nothing, but Cooper had zero inside pressure in that game.


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After 3 pre-season games....the guy that everyone said was one of the most improved players during the off-season...put on more weight...better technique...more experience....bla bla bla

Still continues to suck the life out of this offense. More penalties...more blown assignments...more entitlement. long as this guy is starting....we as an offense.. are gonna be inconsistant. He just kills drives w/ his penalties...and they always seem to happen during a big play.

Teams have figured out he's the weaklink in the line...and have targeted him. JJ Watt was killing him the 1st couple of series...when the Cowboys finally had to pull the plug...and move Filo to left G to combat the breakdowns.

Maybe the light will come on for this guy...but I'm not buying he's put on a bunch of weight...or got stronger.

Right now...we just can't afford to teach a guy on the run. Either he can handle the job...or not.

And as of now..He can't. :(
DITCH HIM!! Practice time is up!!


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The O-Line has played very well for a number of years, so where is the coaching failure?
Weve invested 3 first round picks, lael would have been a first round pick and a 2nd round pick. They are the most expensive o line in the league and was ranked one of the worst in pressure % and was graded around number 20 in pass protection


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Laughing @ everyone that still think JJ Watt is a great player..Everyone can have an opinion...but don't be shocked he ends up on the bench just like he did last year.


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After 3 pre-season games....the guy that everyone said was one of the most improved players during the off-season...put on more weight...better technique...more experience....bla bla bla

Still continues to suck the life out of this offense. More penalties...more blown assignments...more entitlement. long as this guy is starting....we as an offense.. are gonna be inconsistant. He just kills drives w/ his penalties...and they always seem to happen during a big play.

Teams have figured out he's the weaklink in the line...and have targeted him. JJ Watt was killing him the 1st couple of series...when the Cowboys finally had to pull the plug...and move Filo to left G to combat the breakdowns.

Maybe the light will come on for this guy...but I'm not buying he's put on a bunch of weight...or got stronger.

Right now...we just can't afford to teach a guy on the run. Either he can handle the job...or not.

And as of now..He can't. :(
the Thread Title says it all. If you just posted that, it would have summed it up well. I'm with u. I am not buying the Conner Williams snake oil just yet. He hasn't looked much better in preseason. I think he is what he is...a RT that doesn't belong playing in a phone booth as a guard. At RT he may look vastly better. He is very athletic...but doesn't have the body type to be inside. Not sure why the staff think otherwise. WEIRD.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Weve invested 3 first round picks, lael would have been a first round pick and a 2nd round pick. They are the most expensive o line in the league and was ranked one of the worst in pressure % and was graded around number 20 in pass protection
All 3 1st rounders have been considered at r near the best when healthy. But Frederick didn’t play, remember? And Smiths back is always an issue. You can’t coach health.

On the flip side, Leary and Looney weren’t top draft picks, yet they did well in Dallas. And the Cowboys received a lot of grief for overvaluing Frederick when they drafted him, yet he became one of the best, if not the best, centers in the game.


Last Man Standing
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Pretty sure every Cowboys OL got a holding penalty during the Texans game.

Not on that touchdown drive. And only one had a penalty that cost the team 4 points.

Not hating on C.Will but kid has a lot of work to do. He’s the weak link on that line right now.


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Laughing @ everyone that still think JJ Watt is a great player..Everyone can have an opinion...but don't be shocked he ends up on the bench just like he did last year.

I'm pretty sure if JJ ends up on the bench, it won't be because of his play on the field. It will be because he got injured. Which is a distinct possibility. Implying that he can't play, or is washed up, simply isn't true. The guy had 16 sacks last season and only Aaron Donald had more.


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I think Williams may be the first OG that this JJ Watt person has ever beaten in his career...the shame...:facepalm:


The Labeled One
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I think in the Texans game the TD to Gallup that got called back, the hold they called was on the other guard. No way Connor held. His hands were inside the tackle and he just stood him up. Either that or it was just a bad call.

And not for nothing, but Cooper had zero inside pressure in that game.
I'm pretty sure if JJ ends up on the bench, it won't be because of his play on the field. It will be because he got injured. Which is a distinct possibility. Implying that he can't play, or is washed up, simply isn't true. The guy had 16 sacks last season and only Aaron Donald had more.

I didn't say he was a scrub...I said he's those that think he's still elite. Good player....but not the all world...can't be blocked type of player.

And sadly...It's not just being over matched that is a problem for CW. It's the penalties...It's the mental errors. Sitting down and breaking down see a lot of missed opportunities on offense. 8 out of 10's either CW or Dak @ fault.


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conner is just starting his second season....and some want to call him a bust.....i remind you to see A) byron jones and B) taco.....patience grasshoppers


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Laughing @ everyone that still think JJ Watt is a great player..Everyone can have an opinion...but don't be shocked he ends up on the bench just like he did last year.

He had 16 sacks as a 3-4 DE last year.

Yes it was a down year by his standards, but still pretty great IMHO.