666 has claimed many victims from Tony to Dez and Coop and burnt to the ground a talent pool that should and deserved a better fate the last 6 seasons!
The world's most valued sports franchise has suffered under the spell of Dak and his fanboys.
Just a matter of time now till we are freed and we have gotten a taste of the last 2 games of how a QB can play with even the most average of talent scales.
The final part of this saga will be played out when Dak is back and booed off the field as the gig will finally be over for #4 permanently in Big D.
Its gonna be so cringe to watch. . . so sad for him
The problem all these years was the propaganda coming out of the Offices of the Biggest Fan Boy of them all The Owner/ GM . . . But I understand Him .. . . He is Senile and has an Agenda . . . Money
For the life of me I can't understand what the other Fan Boys saw or what their Agenda was. . . But it became a chicken and the egg scenario . . . Jerry invested on What He believed the Fan Base wanted . . . if these Dak Fan Boys would not had been do vocal., this team may have been rid of this fraud a long Time ago . . . The Delusional Dak fans encouraged the stupidity of the Gm
As far as all the talent wasted in the locker room . . Oh well Snake Lee and the guy who abandoned the team . . . Witten. Should have spoken up . . . had a team meeting and brought the Kool Aid drinking owner to His senses in 2016 (only legitimate chance this team had at greatness)
Only players who have spoken up have been WRs and they sell get ran out of town . . . but the rest of the team has seen what you and I have seen yet they all remain Quiet
I told everyone Culture has changed and everyone will be held accountable . . . because Micah aint having it . . . I told everyone His arrival marked the end of Prescott . . . Prescott is not a leader of Men . . . He is a Media Talking Head
No where to hide when Alpha Dogs are roaming the Hallways. . . Dak needs to carry His weight in Mcha's bunker . . . No more coddling or excuses
Cooper raised the Bar and has shown the Coordinator and supporting cast are more then adequate
So having said that all I gotta say is: