Cowboys and Dan Reeves? Possible Consultant? (Per Mort; Link added)


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iceberg;2604677 said:
so answer the question. when you know jones isn't going anywhere, why do you keep on it like it will happen?

2 constants in here. jones isn't going anywhere.
you'll whine about it at every opportunity.

He could operate the team like a normal owner without him going anywhere if he wanted to.

And you forgot one constant: You'll whine about anyone and everyone who is critical of Jerry's mismanagement.


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Bach;2604748 said:
I didn't realize he was only 56 either. I wish we could just fastforward to 2010 if that's the plan.

You and me both.

It bothers me that Jerry is letting this farce continue if he has plans to change it in 2010 anyway.


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CATCH17;2604705 said:
The thing is Jerry has been making smart moves for awhile but the players on the field haven't been able to cash it in at the end of the year.

I don't think this move will make a lick of difference and I don't think anything will until we have a HEAD coach that will instill discipline on these guys no matter how tormented they claim to be.

This team stinks because of the players screwing it up and I have 0 faith in Wade being able to change the discipline and focus on this team.

And to be honest, I don't think Jerry has any faith in Wade restoring discipline either. But lets be honest with ourselves: Jerry does want discipline for the team, but at the same time, he doesn't want someone who is going to undermine his input or opinion. His ego will not allow it, and I don't blame him one bit.

As a fan, its easy to say that he should relinquish all control over the team to someone that knows what he is doing, but this man owns the company. You cannot expect the owner of a company to not want to have a say or some sort of control in what is going on.

Even though hiring Shannahan seems obvious, he couldn't rightfully go against his word and fire/demote Wade after he said that the coaching staff was intact. And Shannahan is not going to come here in a consultant role.

This is the best-case scenario for him and the organization if you come to the realization and accept that Jerry is always going to have a say in what is going on. The team gets experienced leadership and discipline without creating too many waves while Jerry still gets a say in the matter. It works out for both sides.


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iceberg;2604721 said:
in retrospect, jones tries too hard to get the flash player and thinks mental problems will just work themselves out.

to date has any real "mental problem" worked out like we'd have hoped?
TO? great divide here.
tank johnson? move along son and take your 6 shooter with you
pacman? wow. only 1 year and not even all of that.

it's not about the talent it's about coming together as a team and letting talent develop. someone said jones does a lot of band aids and that sounds pretty fair. he can get the talent but the talent isn't coming together.

couple that with romo having some growing pains and we had a bad year all around. focusing on any 1 given area is pointless but agendas come out and player xyz must go.
Gotta add Underwood to that lonney list.


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Hostile;2604653 said:
Shanahan in 2010 really could happen I think. I think the leash is really short.

That leash is so dam short it is a freaking choke collar!!!

Seriously, I think Wade has to win at least 1 playoff game next year to keep his job, probably 2.

I dont see Cupcake doing it, he is like 0 for his career in the playoffs.

HC in 2010 will either be Garrett or Shanny.


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Bach;2604748 said:
I didn't realize he was only 56 either. I wish we could just fastforward to 2010 if that's the plan.

won't argue there. it seems like we're going into a self-exiled limbo so we can save perception but everyone can see where we're going anyway, so you're only making it worse by doing what would normally be the right thing to do.

i'm for keeping garrett and working on that plan. it's unfair to put a young coach after 1 bad year into the "you suck forever" caretory when it could well be an investment that would only pay off for someone else. we simply don't know yet.

did we sign romo too soon?
did we give up on garrett too soon?

these are the hard decisions we can speculate on and move on about our day. jones has to live with the decisions, good or bad.

it's hard to be patient when you just want to be a winner again.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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I think some people are way overestimating how close Reeves would be to the coaching and Xs and Os side of things. I don't think he'll be out on the practice field changing plays and telling players what to do. He'll have a much more general role in advising all aspects of the football side of operations. Things like what assistant coaches he doesn't think are doing a good enough job. What scouts might need to be replaced. Good candidates he knows that could be hired in case of a job opening on the coaching or scouting staff.

Plus, hopefully, things like how you can't have players running to the owner and going over the coach's head, and how entertaining clients at practices is a bad idea.

But Reeves did commentary for Westwood One radio games every weekend, so he's still close to the game and he has a good overview of the current league. And he's still very sharp. So he'll be an excellent resource for coaches to bounce things off if they want a second opinion on something.

And as much as some will hate it, I guarantee you this is a Wade-inspired move. We all know Jerry has had a poor to nonexistant relationship with most of the Landry era. All the connections here, despite Reeves being a former Cowboy, are to Wade. Like it or not, Wade's been in this league a long time and has connections to a lot of successful people. I think the team is wisely using that resource, and I also get the sense that Stephen is the one behind this. Which is a good thing. A very good thing.

Now let's make it official.


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Alexander;2604715 said:
I think you are way overestimating the magnitude of his input.

Consultants do not function in anything close to the role of a head coach or a general manager. They do what their title says, they consult. Advice and observation will be the things he'll likely be involved with, just as he was with the Texans three years ago. I doubt he will be on the sidelines with a headset on Sundays or be on the practice field or filmroom 24-7.

If not, then Jerry Jones is doing it wrong.

This very well may be the case, but I doubt Reeves would turn down an OC job just to have an educated opinion for another team. He may not be in the forefront, but I have no doubt he will have more of a significant impact on the team structure that the standard consultant would.


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zrinkill;2604756 said:
You and me both.

It bothers me that Jerry is letting this farce continue if he has plans to change it in 2010 anyway.

iceberg;2604764 said:
won't argue there. it seems like we're going into a self-exiled limbo so we can save perception but everyone can see where we're going anyway, so you're only making it worse by doing what would normally be the right thing to do.

i'm for keeping garrett and working on that plan. it's unfair to put a young coach after 1 bad year into the "you suck forever" caretory when it could well be an investment that would only pay off for someone else. we simply don't know yet.

I've seen some speculation that with the economy and new stadium that Jerry may not want to buy out Wade's final year. But I think he has enough money to do it if he wanted.

The only other reasons is he either has someone in mind he wants to go after in 2010 who isn't wanting to coach in '09 or he still hasn't given up on his original plan of Garrett taking over and wants to give him one more year before deciding to do so or not. I also think Jerry likes what he saw most of the 2nd half of the season out of Wade's defense and doesn't want to change that.

But if Jerry was really just keeping Wade around until he could hire the guy he wanted in 2010, then initially that guy wasn't Shanahan since he wasn't available at the time Jerry was so definitive about Wade coming back next season. I think Shanny is in play now, but initially Wade coming back had nothing to do with waiting for a new HC in '10 or else the coach he initially had in mind was someone like Holmgren or Cowher.

It's really hard to pinpoint his exact reason for staying the course with Wade another year though. I think Wade lost the team and they quit on him and it'll be hard to get them back and especially hard to change your style and play the tough guy at this point.

Obviously we'll all be watching and rooting them on in the fall, but there's no doubt it's a totally dysfunctional situation now.


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Bach;2604802 said:
I've seen some speculation that with the economy and new stadium that Jerry may not want to buy out Wade's final year. But I think he has enough money to do it if he wanted.

The only other reasons is he either has someone in mind he wants to go after in 2010 who isn't wanting to coach in '09 or he still hasn't given up on his original plan of Garrett taking over and wants to give him one more year before deciding on do so or not. I also think Jerry likes what he saw most of the 2nd half of the season out of Wade's defense and doesn't want to change that.

But if Jerry was really just keeping Wade around until he could hire the guy he wanted in 2010, then initially that guy wasn't Shanahan since he wasn't available at the time Jerry was so definitive about Wade coming back next season. I think Shanny is in play now, but initially Wade coming back had nothing to do with waiting for a new HC in '10 or else the coach he initially had in mind was someone like Holmgren or Cowher.

It's really hard to pinpoint his exact reason for staying the course with Wade another year though. I think Wade lost the team and they quit on him and it'll be hard to get them back and especially hard to change your style and play the tough guy at this point.

Obviously we'll all be watching and rooting them on in the fall, but there's no doubt it's a totally dysfunctional situation now.

Cannot argue with any of that.


rock music matters
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Bach;2604754 said:
He could operate the team like a normal owner without him going anywhere if he wanted to.

And you forgot one constant: You'll whine about anyone and everyone who is critical of Jerry's mismanagement.

he could, but he doesn't want to.

and no i won't. you see me in your madness of king jerry thread? i just wish you'd keep that crap to a thread and not every post.


rock music matters
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Bach;2604802 said:
I've seen some speculation that with the economy and new stadium that Jerry may not want to buy out Wade's final year. But I think he has enough money to do it if he wanted.

The only other reasons is he either has someone in mind he wants to go after in 2010 who isn't wanting to coach in '09 or he still hasn't given up on his original plan of Garrett taking over and wants to give him one more year before deciding to do so or not. I also think Jerry likes what he saw most of the 2nd half of the season out of Wade's defense and doesn't want to change that.

But if Jerry was really just keeping Wade around until he could hire the guy he wanted in 2010, then initially that guy wasn't Shanahan since he wasn't available at the time Jerry was so definitive about Wade coming back next season. I think Shanny is in play now, but initially Wade coming back had nothing to do with waiting for a new HC in '10 or else the coach he initially had in mind was someone like Holmgren or Cowher.

It's really hard to pinpoint his exact reason for staying the course with Wade another year though. I think Wade lost the team and they quit on him and it'll be hard to get them back and especially hard to change your style and play the tough guy at this point.

Obviously we'll all be watching and rooting them on in the fall, but there's no doubt it's a totally dysfunctional situation now.

holy cow - rational convo. : )

so far we agree on what's unfolding, if not the reasons behind it.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Chocolate Lab;2604776 said:
And as much as some will hate it, I guarantee you this is a Wade-inspired move.

It was a move intended to help Wade Phillips. From my perspective, it is clear Jerry Jones likes Wade Phillips and wants him to succeed. He likes the type of relationship he has with him, which obviously is very comfortable.

If he was out to truly get bang for the buck for a consultant, the last person he would hire would be someone that close to Phillips. It also signals that he is nowhere near ready to replace him either. I have no doubt that Jones envisions this as an opportunity to keep Wade Phillips and salvage his tenure, not have him in as a true consultant to take apart the organization and staff and go over it with a fine tooth comb. Reeves is non-threatening and very unlikely to be invasive to Phillips.

We all know Jerry has had a poor to nonexistant relationship with most of the Landry era. All the connections here, despite Reeves being a former Cowboy, are to Wade. Like it or not, Wade's been in this league a long time and has connections to a lot of successful people. I think the team is wisely using that resource, and I also get the sense that Stephen is the one behind this. Which is a good thing. A very good thing.

The level of consideration to Phillips is considerable. If they truly wanted to get a top to bottom consulting job done, Reeves is not the person to do it with the parties in place.

If he helps Phillips, fine. I just do not read as much into it as any sort of change or commitment to it on a grand scale from Jerry Jones. This is just helping ease tensions with the fan base, keep the status quo while trying to improve and provide Phillips with the help he apparently needs.


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Bach;2604754 said:
He could operate the team like a normal owner without him going anywhere if he wanted to.

And you forgot one constant: You'll whine about anyone and everyone who is critical of Jerry's mismanagement.

As opposed to those who whine about Jerry's every move. Tag..... you're a 3rd grader.


Old Fashioned
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maxsports;2604282 said:
That is brand new!! Wow. we might do something positive!!!!!

LOL ya

run for 2 yrds
run for 2 yrds
run for 2 yrds
pass for incomplete

rinse and repeat

Dan Reeves football at its finest!


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Alexander;2604825 said:
It was a move intended to help Wade Phillips. From my perspective, it is clear Jerry Jones likes Wade Phillips and wants him to succeed. He likes the type of relationship he has with him, which obviously is very comfortable.

If he was out to truly get bang for the buck for a consultant, the last person he would hire would be someone that close to Phillips. It also signals that he is nowhere near ready to replace him either. I have no doubt that Jones envisions this as an opportunity to keep Wade Phillips and salvage his tenure, not have him in as a true consultant to take apart the organization and staff and go over it with a fine tooth comb. Reeves is non-threatening and very unlikely to be invasive to Phillips.

The level of consideration to Phillips is considerable. If they truly wanted to get a top to bottom consulting job done, Reeves is not the person to do it with the parties in place.

If he helps Phillips, fine. I just do not read as much into it as any sort of change or commitment to it on a grand scale from Jerry Jones. This is just helping ease tensions with the fan base, keep the status quo while trying to improve and provide Phillips with the help he apparently needs.

JJT was on with norm a minute ago and he said from what he knows reeves would be here to be wades ally when he walks down the hall to talk to jerry.

I am not sure if this complete sorriness on jones and phillips part or a step in the right direction.

Howbout, instead of consultants just remove the man and dont make this thing drag on a year.


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Alexander;2604825 said:
It was a move intended to help Wade Phillips. From my perspective, it is clear Jerry Jones likes Wade Phillips and wants him to succeed. He likes the type of relationship he has with him, which obviously is very comfortable.

If he was out to truly get bang for the buck for a consultant, the last person he would hire would be someone that close to Phillips. It also signals that he is nowhere near ready to replace him either. I have no doubt that Jones envisions this as an opportunity to keep Wade Phillips and salvage his tenure, not have him in as a true consultant to take apart the organization and staff and go over it with a fine tooth comb. Reeves is non-threatening and very unlikely to be invasive to Phillips.

The level of consideration to Phillips is considerable. If they truly wanted to get a top to bottom consulting job done, Reeves is not the person to do it with the parties in place.

If he helps Phillips, fine. I just do not read as much into it as any sort of change or commitment to it on a grand scale from Jerry Jones. This is just helping ease tensions with the fan base, keep the status quo while trying to improve and provide Phillips with the help he apparently needs.

I think you're on the money, which is not unusual, in your case. The only concern I would have is to what extent this kind of hire would prevent Jones from further organizational evaluation. Does he say, "Okay fixed!" What I like about the move is it sort of satisfies that old adage. How do you get yourself out of a hole? You quit digging. I hope maybe Jones recognizes that he is in a hole and hopes Reeves will help him get the shovel out of the dirt.


rock music matters
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PullMyFinger;2604831 said:
LOL ya

run for 2 yrds
run for 2 yrds
run for 2 yrds
pass for incomplete

rinse and repeat

Dan Reeves football at its finest!

so who's the one who doesn't know you don't have 5 downs in football - you or dan reeves?


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Grandpa.......tell me bout' the good ole days..........:laugh2:


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iceberg;2604853 said:
so who's the one who doesn't know you don't have 5 downs in football - you or dan reeves?


PullMyFinger;2604831 said:
LOL ya

run for 2 yrds
run for 2 yrds
run for 2 yrds
pass for incomplete

rinse and repeat

Dan Reeves football at its finest!

and at least there would be commitment to the run instead of

pass downfield 15 yards incomplete
pass downfield 13 yards incomplete
run shotgun draw for 7 yards