Cowboys Camp Construction 'Crosses A Line!’ - Irate Oxnard Residents


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Wrong. They don't have to ask them nor inform them. Yes, a courtesy letter could have been sent out, or a general notice. But they do not have to.
But the persons in the home do not have that right. It was a convenience only.

And, if done on purpose, it is the teams right to do so.
As open practices are open to anyone, but they are allowed to control what is put on video. As they don't mind so much from the ground point of view. and especially with MM, nothing is allowed to be videoed from a high advantage point.

Washington used to charge people to observe TC, and that allowed fans and opponents to be able to video practices since they paid a fee. That stopped real quick.

Dallas has every right to do this within the confines of the area the pay a hefty price for.

When Landry was coaching and TC was at Thousand Oaks. The team used to buy out the entire side of a hotel across the practice field so opposing teams could not go there and film the practices.
I back the people here.
1)- Cowboys dont own the property- they rent (or lease it) They dont have the same rights as an owner. Can someone rent your house and start putting structures right up to the neighbors property lines without yours/anyones approval?

2)- there is usually a 5-15 foot property line distance once the object/structure is approved. This came into focus in Bay Area (Menlo Park) when people were building 8000 square foot homes on 8000 square foot lots. Size, height and distance to neighbors all now face restrictions that probably exist in some form in Oxnard.

3)- this is a residential area- not commercial so restrictions will be tougher for what can be built, its size, and approvals needed

4)- this is Oxnard whos residents have money and power. They like having but dont need the Cowboys there. Keep irritating them and Cowboys will be asked to leave. Cowboys are guests-they should act like it and respect the people/area.

I dont see the relevance of why you are discussing charges- agree that is 100% up to the team.

America's Cowboy

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There are photos at the Dallas Morning News but I couldn't post that link.




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They have always used platforms to film practices. This "temporary structure" is apparently something new this year.

My question is, can it be moved to another location on the practice field, so it doesn't block the view of people that have viewed practices from their homes for many years?

Seems like there is an easy solution to this, but I am not sure the Cowboys care about the fans and residents of the area. That would be unfortunate.

Can someone tell me what the Cowboys charge fans to view training camp practices? I have been going to training camp in Green Bay for many years. Never was a charge to attend camp. Thousands of fans attend every practice at Ray Nitschke Field during camp. Most NFL teams do not charge fees for training camp practices. I find it offensive, if true, that the Cowboys do.
It is free. It has always been free. Therefore they are concerned some one will video practice from a high advantage point.
I don’t blame them for protecting the view.


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so from those photos, they have a brick wall, and looks like a courtyard patio type space. So it is not right against their windows. I don’t care either way, They have the right to complain. But on the other side of that wall. The can go right up to it if they want. Regardless if Dallas or another place. The team that ise the field otherwise than Dallas.

I can understand why, but for 4 weeks and what view are they really blocking other than the practice. What if they were putting in a highway. They would be doing it for years.


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It is free. It has always been free. Therefore they are concerned some one will video practice from a high advantage point.
I don’t blame them for protecting the view.
Well, someone here said that if the residents want to watch practice they should pay and enter like everyone else. I found that statement odd, but not surprising that another Cowboys fan was giving misinformation, if what you say is true, and practices are free. Why I asked if it's true that they charge to view training camp practices. I'm glad they do not, as most teams don't.

Teams film the practices for their own use. There is not a huge concern about people hiding in high places and filming training camp practices. These concerns come about in relation to people filming regular season practices. Regular season practices are closed to the public and media obviously.

Most teams also have joint practices during camp, so those practices are obviously filmed by the other team you are practicing with.


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The Dallas Cowboys are in the midst of making preparations for training camp in Oxnard, California, but it seems they aren't starting off on the right foot.

According to the Dallas Morning News, Oxnard residents are upset with the Cowboys for building temporary structures for training camp inches away from their property with no prior notice. Residents are taking action in response by hiring attorneys and filing a complaint to the city.

That's rich - the Cowboys bring probably a couple of million dollars to the Oxnard city coffers and the folk are upset about temporary structures? From reading the artilcle, it seems the folks were more upset about the structures keeping them from having front row seats at no cost to practiecs in years prior. I bet the Cowboys giving the folks free passes to the practices would soothe their little hearts. As a retired insurance claims adjuster, it's amazing what a "greenback poultice" can do.



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Why is there no ability to edit a post after a short period of time?

Very strange indeed, to not allow comments to be edited or deleted.
This should not be a mystery. A lot of people will comment on your original post. It wouldn't be fair to them if their posts remained after you changed your original post hours later.


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A property line is a property line. One can build anything they want as long as it's within their property line. Tough cookies for those who built their homes knowingly next to the Cowboys training camp property.
There are all kinds of laws regarding this stuff depending on where you live. There are different setback laws for permanent and temporary structures. It even gets into what type of property is involved. I would think a high structure would need more than a 1 inch setback from a property line just for safety reasons. But I could be completely wrong.

By me any structure has to be 10 feet away from a neighbors property line. If no one complains, you can get away with it being closer. But when you go to sell your house.......

America's Cowboy

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There are all kinds of laws regarding this stuff depending on where you live. There are different setback laws for permanent and temporary structures. It even gets into what type of property is involved. I would think a high structure would need more than a 1 inch setback from a property line just for safety reasons. But I could be completely wrong.

By me any structure has to be 10 feet away from a neighbors property line. If no one complains, you can get away with it being closer. But when you go to sell your house.......
I read how the City of Oxnard approved of what the Cowboys did.


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They are temporary and if within the confines of the campus and not on the actual property Of the owners.
umless there is a city ordinance saying it has to be so many feet away. Which I doubt. Same as putting up a privacy fence right on the property line.

I am sure they are not buildings. And are temporary,

Respect for your neighbors. Just that simple. If you are going to built big structures close to their property, common sense and decency would have been to notify neighbors before hand that butt right up to the practice field.