Twitter: Cowboys Tweets 5/23


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I watched film on him also. If you're talking about him missing a receiver a few times....then yes. But, to say he stares at an open receiver and then goes a different direction doesn't even make sense. And from the film, how could you possibly see that he's staring at the receiver? Unless there is a cam in his helmet, right between his eyes, there's no possible way you can tell that. Even if you see his helmet turn that direction, doesn't mean he's staring at the receiver. He could be possibly looking off the Safety. He could be seeing if the Safety is going to jump the route. So, what your saying is not valid. So, I was just curious on how you came up with that conclusion without a cam in his helmet right between his eyes.

No, I can't see his eyes, but you can tell the difference from looking off a safety and looking at a receiver.


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No, I can't see his eyes, but you can tell the difference from looking off a safety and looking at a receiver.
No you really can’t. Just like you also can’t tell what his eyes are doing if his helmet isn’t moving. Just because he looks left and his head goes that way doesn’t mean his eyes are staring at one place. You ever played football?


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Who saw the film pretty good his rookie year? He had problems in 2016 as well. You guys just keep denying what is there. You make him out to be the second coming, and then make excuses to why he's not. You bought into false hope and are now fully in denial.
He had problems like every other qb. I don't make him out to be anything other than what he is. You are victim of believing the garbage spewed from other Dak haters. You have been told that a quarterback is flawless and throws the deep ball every play. They failed you.


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No you really can’t. Just like you also can’t tell what his eyes are doing if his helmet isn’t moving. Just because he looks left and his head goes that way doesn’t mean his eyes are staring at one place. You ever played football?
I always wondered how guys could even say a guy stares down receivers from his tv. It's essentially impossible to do.


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His receivers (all receivers including RB) as unit had some of low YAC numbers too as unit 4.46 yac, 1378 total yac for the team. 2 of 3 longest TD passes were to RB, the 3rd was to Dez at 50 yards. Now not all the late throws and throwing his guys in to tackles on him but he did have 4-5 passes a game where he was far enough off target that his receivers were tackled where they caught. A qb needs to maximize his pass to get the most out of each play. Think if he throws to a guy on a 3rd and 7 and the guy runs a designed route of 6 yards with the intent he will be able to gain a yard on his own but the pass gets there late or off target and his receiver is tackled at the catch because he had to stop, go to the grown or was lead to far to sideline to turn up the field.

Dallas was in the bottom 5 in YAC avg per comp
Dallas was in the bottom 5 in total YAC as a team.

The top 5 in yac avg per comp, Rams, Commanders, Lions, Jags, and Saints
The top 5 teams in total YAC, Saints, Steelers, Chargers, Commanders, Chiefs
Of course that happens at it does with ALL QBs. You guys act like Dak is the only QB that does It's almost comical.


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It was predictable in 2014 & 2016 too.

Sometimes we just have better talent then other teams.

When you have an Oline that can just steam roll teams you can get away with basic football.

Incredible Oline play and a Wizard at QB that could extend plays are the only reason this offense has had any success.

We can't rely on just out rostering teams.

Also, it's just regular season success. We need more then a good regular season every now and again.

Dallas has nothing to show for all of those points scored.

Lol....we had the same freaking talent in 2016 other than Zeke, the same OLand Wr’s would’ve been playing if they schemed it up different as you suggest.


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Lol....we had the same freaking talent in 2016 other than Zeke, the same OLand Wr’s would’ve been playing if they schemed it up different as you suggest.
Definitely not the same OL and it wasn’t the same Zeke in 2017.


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I think part of it was the coaching. You can see in the All or Nothing series coaches telling Dak that even when Dez is covered he's open and to still throw him the ball. The other problem is when he did throw it to him there was a good chance he would drop it (this past season at least) and then complain that he wasn't getting enough targets. It was time to move on from Dez. His contract wasn't worth what we were getting. He was good...was.

That’s what most coaches say about their best WRs.


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Definitely not the same OL and it wasn’t the same Zeke in 2017.

We had the same OL minus Leary and Free, most here couldn’t wait for Free to leave and considered Collins an upgrade, Zeke was here for more than half the season.
So it wasn’t the scheme, it was the drop off in Level of play.


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Teams that win consistently almost alway outroster the competition. And there’s no reason why we shouldn’t expect the organization to make finding and developing talent the cornerstone of what we do well. That’s actually something we’ve done more successfully than most here in recent years.

Out postseason offense has been pretty successful, too. We’ve got little to show for all the points scored because of all the points given up. Especially in the postseason.



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I disagree.

Coaching and QB matter more then the overall roster.

If you have great coaching and QB play the pieces around those 2 things don't seem to matter as much in the salary cap era because all teams are so similar.

Neglecting schematics puts the Cowboys at a disadvantage and puts to much stress on the talent.

Playing into our tendencies is a reason why you see the teeter totter from 2014 to 2016.

The mentality you have is the same the coaches have. The problem is other teams are figuring out how to stop what we do and arrogantly not changing has cost us consistent success.

Now after the season is over they supposedly want to change the pass game instead of getting out in front of it.

you’re wrong, name all the talent starved teams that win consistently?


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When I was watching all or nothing I couldn't get over how Linehan just had no idea how they would replace Zeke.

You replace him the same way other teams do when their tailback goes down.

It's such an easy position to get production from. The talent in the backfield almost doesn't seem to matter.

We had a former pro bowl guy in our backfield too.

The players on the team were supposedly frustrated at the coaches for not riding Morris the same way they did Zeke.

So how do you do it Catch? You had Morris and Smith, Jay Gruden is considered one of the best schemers in football and he had Bill Callahan, yet they had no success at running the ball even though they tried.


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I'm not sure what you mean the plan all along was these two starting and they probably should due to size
and talent. Byron Jones could be a very nice Corner he was out of position at Safety. The only question can
Chiwi baby stay healthy. That's the big question.
You’d start Byron over Malcolm butler. That’s why Jason Garrett is what he is and Belicheck is what he is


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Coaching is getting the most out of your players and assistants. It's also putting them in the right positions to succeed by calling a smart game, including plays, substitutions and clock management.

Really? How many times have you seen players in position to recover a fumble, make a pick, get a sack, make a tackle, make a catch, only to miss the opportunity. I’ve seen it plenty. You act like the coaches don’t do that, and then blame them when the player screwup. They can’t win with you


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Really? How many times have you seen players in position to recover a fumble, make a pick, get a sack, make a tackle, make a catch, only to miss the opportunity. I’ve seen it plenty. You act like the coaches don’t do that, and then blame them when the player screwup. They can’t win with you
I've been a coach for a long time. I always take responsibility and have never blamed my players. Some of YOU PEOPLE don't have a freaking clue! So kiss my.....


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eroo said:
I could certainly see that.

I see too many "single points of failure" on this team. Points that don't happen with other teams.

The Vikings can lose their quarterback and star running back and yet still make it to the NFC Championship.

Lol, the Vikings fielded a top notch defense that kept them in games, you saw what happened when they saw a met another good D.
Also, what they did, we did in 2016, except go one more round on a Hail Mary that had more to do with the Saints than them

The Eagles can suffer through all of their losses and still win it all.

Please give us a Gm that had all his moves workout and provided his coach great depth . Philly was the exception not the norm.

If this team loses Sean Lee, it's an excuse for losing to Green Bay and the Rams - one guy.

Greenbay lost Rodgers and they were in the same boat.

If they lose Tyron Smith, the whole offense collapses - one guy.

And then people want to pass off 2017's failed season because Elliott was suspended?

It wasn’t just Zeke, it was Smith,Zeke,Lee, and a one legged Smith, and a second year Qb, underachieving WRs

Nowhere do these excuses happen but in Dallas. Other teams overcome. Because their coaches make it happen.

Again, what happened in Greenbay? New York? Seattle?

We are player reliant.

As is most


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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I've been a coach for a long time. I always take responsibility and have never blamed my players. Some of YOU PEOPLE don't have a freaking clue! So kiss my.....
You might have to PM this, but I'm genuinely curious as to which school you coached.
My brother and sister went to Ingleside, before it burned down... won't get into that.
I ended going to Gregory before moving away.
I remember a lot of the High Schools in CC and our area, which there was nothing in our area then...

Might be cool to swap some stories.