Cowlishaw: As Cowboys run out of time, it's hard to trust all-seeing GM/owner Jerry Jones

Jerry serves a useful purpose. It just isnt picking coaches or personnel. When it comes to those issues he is usually (except Jimmy and Bill) reactive instead of proactive.
As long as he looks me in the eye, admits he's made mistakes and tells me about the time he over extended himself for Deion Sanders, I'm fine with trying the same thing again next year.

I can not wait for camp in July.

I kind of like the story he tells where he was humbled when his credit cards were canceled at the airport. Always brings a tear to my eye.
Oh I don't know about that. I used to take that attitude a dozen years ago after all those terrible drafts and Dave Campo but then he hired Parcells and very obviously surrendered power and ate humble pie publicly. It's one thing to say that you suck it's another to take meaningful action to correct it. Jerry Jones can do that. It's in the public records.

I just wish Jerry would stop acting nouveau riche and start acting more from the shadows. He very obviously loves the attention but it's counterproductive to winning.

Yes, he had to do it to entice a quality coach like Parcells but, he couldn't keep his hands off the wheel for more than one season.
He just had to go get the playa "TO" in spite of Parcells and Parcells finally told him to stick it. No good coach would continually allow a GM to
meddle and interfere while the coach is trying to build a winner from hot garbage.
Jerry is doing a better job lately, but he still loves to gamble too much (no backup QB) and the fact remains that he has yet to build a complete team. Anybody with half a brain can build up one side of the ball at the expense of the other side. Jerry and his staff need to prove they can build up both sides to playoff level simultaneously.
Well, looks like old Jethro will be going to his grave with his big ego intact and no more SB appearances, much less wins. He better start hanging banners for regular season victories cuz that looks like it will be all he will get. And oh yeah, can't take your money with you either. :popcorn:
I really couldn't read any more. It's not a trend when the primary reason happens to be your two best players (including your pro bowl QB) going down with an injury.

You seriously believe Romo fixes all of this?

Even with Romo, this team struggled so the idea that if Romo never went down we would be competing with the Panthers is ludicrous

Both Jerry and Aikman have said the same
Jerry is the 390th richest person in the entire world.
Think about that. He has more money than Donald Trump. Mark Cuban, Ross Perot ect.

He is close to the end of his life....

He values winning more than you eating his vendors hot dogs.

1. Valuing it and knowing how to do it is two different things.

Years ago, when he hired Parcells, he said, "I get it, I get it now.... I really do" - that was short lived.

2. Also, to add to #1. When you are valuing it but still thinking about other things to make money(turning things into a circus for media attention"p) etc.... it's a de-valuing process.

3. Now, to add to 1 and 2. Jerry wants to win. Win very badly. Yes, I know. He can almost taste it.
Problem is, he is titled master head chef in one of the most prestigious gourmet kitchens in the world.... and he doesn't really know how to cook like a master head chef. More like a typical run of the mill diner cook. He'll get a few orders right... Then he will burn the crap outta something. Then we are toast!
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There's a easy way to get to Jerry, do the same as after the Campo era, the press, the fans, and espn all have to begin to ridicule and laugh at him. Ask him the embarrassing questions over, and over, and over till his ego breaks, and it will break, just like it did when he brought Parcells in and shut his mouth for the first year or so... Get it done.

He wanted to get the new stadium financed, that's why he hired Bill.
Most discussion about Jerry Jones are ruled by hyperbole. Here are three examples:

1) Jerry is a meddling owner.
2) Jerry isn't a real football guy.
3) Jerry is the worst owner in the NFL.

Jerry isn't a meddling owner. He's the GM. He does what GMs do. Unfortunately, he hasn't been particularly good at it over the past 20 years. And, like it or not, Jerry is a legitimate, bonafide fooball guy; he played football; he's been around football at every level his entire life; and, he helped assemble a great team back in the early 1990s. Unfortunately, once again, Jerry's football decisions have been hit-or-miss over the past 20 years. He's not the worst owner in the NFL, though. Teams like Cleveland, Jacksonville, and Washington are drafting in the top of the first almost every year. The problem is thus: The difference between mediocre owners and bad owners is less than than difference between mediocre owners and good owners.

Jerry's organization is good enough to make a wildcard round appearance once every few years. However, it's not good enough to compete with elite teams consistently and, in some cases, at all. The Cowboys haven't beaten New England since Tom Brady and Belichick came to town. They've lost the last five games against Green Bay. Their win over Seattle last season was the exception rather than the rule. The Cowboys flounder in the divisional round because that's where they face the elite teams -- the teams who make the playoffs year in and year out. That's the key to winning Super Bowls, stringing playoff appearances together. They Cowboys organization simply hadn't been good enough to do that.
Credit for winning his way which is why you'll never see another voice bigger than Jerry's ever again in Dallas. Jerry would rather lose and make money than win with someone else getting the credit.

In order to fuel your hatred you always go back to Jerry making money. Jerry will make money regardless. We haven't won anything in 20 years and he is now worth over 4 Billion Dollars.

Jerry will never give up control of this team. And this team will continue to make money regardless of 8-8, 12-4 or 5-11.

Jerry absolutely wants credit and he also believes he can build a winner. Are you really shocked that a man worth 4 Billion dollars has an ego and believes he can do this?
Over two decades have passed since Jones and Jimmy Johnson parted ways. Millions of Lassies and Benjis have lived and die since then and some fans still haven't wrapped their brain around the Jones as owner conundrum yet.


I've accepted it, long ago, because I know for a fact that I'm not going to stop watching and I'm not going to stop buying Cowboys stuff.

I know he's going to get money and ratings from me so I accept responsibility for him being able to do as he pleases.
These two points are completely contradictory. You can't talk about winning when you're hiring bargain bin coaches. We've seen those results and so has Jerry. Winning is not his primary motivation because, if it was, he'd have done something different which he did with Parcells but only for making more money by using a top notch HC as leverage to build his monument to his ego.

How many coaches in the league are making more than JG?
Not exactly bargain bin.
So which high priced coaches were available that Jerry passed on?

I've accepted it, long ago, because I know for a fact that I'm not going to stop watching and I'm not going to stop buying Cowboys stuff.

I know he's going to get money and ratings from me so I accept responsibility for him being able to do as he pleases.
I only read Dallas media to see if they are finally calling out Garrett..

It even seems like Tim is doing it to an extent now..

The belief that success would never come with Jerry Jones as the all-seeing GM or with Jason Garrett as the club's robotic head coach was suspended.
What exactly is correcting itself?

next season well be a different results and as you and I have already talked about
there will be those who jump back on the band wagon.
If you cant see a better season next year then this ....well I can't help you

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