Dak is a mental choker!

America's Cowboy

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Dak's leadership and intangibles are overrated too. Nate Newton was on the radio a few weeks ago telling a story about at training camp, he told Dak that he needs to get on his receivers more if they're making mistakes and not doing something right. Dak said something like "Nah that's not in me to do that"

Also compare to Tom Brady's comments about his time in Tampa when he responded to Baker Mayfield about the locker room being stressful when Brady was there:


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Lol we've been knowing this by his last few playoff performances
And Jerry still signed him to the top QB contract in all of football.

I mean... there is nothing we can do as fans. Just watch the Cowboys legacy burn in a firepit, and bring Smores.

This organization, this team is chock full of losers. I'd like the juice a few top 5 picks would bring to Jumpstart a rebuild... but Jerry will ruin that too.

So it's whatevs


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Dak cost this game against the 49ers. Dude is a mental choker!

Someone needs to rattle him around real good a couple of times and either make him wake up or break him! Cowboys need to find out already if this guy mentally has what it takes to toughen up and improve his game or not.
He needs to sit! You can tell when he is going to screw up.


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Wow, I'm really proud of all you "haters". This would have been the perfect time for telling him back the crap he's been coughing up for years now whenever someone said the truth about Dak. You didn't, because you're simply better than this clown. Cudos.

With that being said, in all important losses Dak has played a major role. There was absolutely no need to give him that kind of extension yet again. Everyone with halt a brain knew it. And someone here already dared to ask what would have been the alternative. LoL, a friggin rebuild would (and should) have been the way to go. 8 years where quite enough to evaluate what Dak is capable of and how far he can go with his team.

So extending him and basically keeping this team around was the most stupid thing Jerry could have done. You either go truly all in if you sign your QB1 to so many more years, or go into full reboot mode. Now we're stuck with this situation for ages.


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Dak cost this game against the 49ers. Dude is a mental choker!

Someone needs to rattle him around real good a couple of times and either make him wake up or break him! Cowboys need to find out already if this guy mentally has what it takes to toughen up and improve his game or not.

Seriously, get help.


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He panics and falters when the pressure is on.....but what can we do but cheer for the team to try and win with him at the helm each week.....Jerry and sons are the dumb fools who thought they found the next Aikman with this dude, signed him long term yet again putting us fans in more future years of pain and torment...
...The Joneses suck ballz!

America's Cowboy

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Wow, I'm really proud of all you "haters". This would have been the perfect time for telling him back the crap he's been coughing up for years now whenever someone said the truth about Dak. You didn't, because you're simply better than this clown. Cudos.

With that being said, in all important losses Dak has played a major role. There was absolutely no need to give him that kind of extension yet again. Everyone with halt a brain knew it. And someone here already dared to ask what would have been the alternative. LoL, a friggin rebuild would (and should) have been the way to go. 8 years where quite enough to evaluate what Dak is capable of and how far he can go with his team.

So extending him and basically keeping this team around was the most stupid thing Jerry could have done. You either go truly all in if you sign your QB1 to so many more years, or go into full reboot mode. Now we're stuck with this situation for ages.
Little big mouth still trying to act tough behind your computer screen. Hilarious.


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Dak cost this game against the 49ers. Dude is a mental choker!

Someone needs to rattle him around real good a couple of times and either make him wake up or break him! Cowboys need to find out already if this guy mentally has what it takes to toughen up and improve his game or not.
Hold on… where you not the same person that was defending him?
Or did you finally see the light and see him for what he really is. An average QB nothing better and one that is incapable of making a deep playoff run

I’m sure all the Dak aficionados are all going to state his total yards thrown, touchdowns and win loss record over the last 3 years as a testament to him being great.

He’s the same old Dak who keeps on learning how to blackmail an idiot GM / owner and makes the same excuses after every loss… being doing it for 9 years now…


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Dak cost this game against the 49ers. Dude is a mental choker!

Someone needs to rattle him around real good a couple of times and either make him wake up or break him! Cowboys need to find out already if this guy mentally has what it takes to toughen up and improve his game or not.
Find a new team, hater.


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Any time this ball is thrown deep, I think terrible things are going to happen.

I don't know about the choking aspect, I do know that he has been terrible. And the sad thing is i knew he was going to be bad going into this game.... there is definitely a mental problem with him because at this point I can almost guess whcih games he will be bad and which ones he will be good exactly.