The comical thing about people like you is they simply argue in absolutes. Nobody says Romo was flawless, but it’s patently clear that Garrett was an incompetent play-caller. I mean you haven’t refuted the fact that Dallas was last in play action passes and when all was said and done by 2012, Dallas was operating out of shotgun 85% of the time and that the media was talking about whether Dallas needs to run more hurry-up because that’s the only offense that was successful.
There is a reason Jerry began the journey of stripping away play calling from Garrett the next year, while saying major changes would take place which included even bouncing Garrett’s brother who was ‘promoted’ to passing game coordinator like the year before, while he kept trying to push his pet project Ogletree into the starting lineup.
I never said Garrett was a great coach but I also don’t think all the losses were his fault either. Romo made a living out of slinging the ball around, many times it worked out and sometimes it didn’t (especially in big games). He got hurt so often because he hung onto the ball so long. Dumb face Eli has had one of the worst O lines in the NFL for almost 6 years, with no running game, and he has yet to miss a game due to injury. In no way am I saying Eli is better than Romo but he’s much smarter about getting rid of the ball on time.
Point is, Romo had his ups and downs but people like you refuse to acknowledge that. You talk out of both sides of your mouth. When things went right, you give Romo credit for audibles and running the offense but when things go wrong it’s always the coaches fault. Just like Sunday, sure I blame JG for not playing the starters in pre season and I oiced my discontent with that decision but regardless, Dak had wide open throws he missed. That’s not play calling and I don’t blame the coaches for not having him prepared. These weren’t complicated, tight window throws, these were throws that high schoolers make on a regular basis. That’s concerning from a QB standpoint, not as much on the coaching. There were plenty of plays to be made and Dak sucked.
People still blame Dak’s downfall on the Atlanta game which is ridiculous. Yeah, JG screwed that one up bad but Dak is a professional football player in the NFL, if he's still “shell shocked” from a game almost a year ago or if he needs perfect circumstances to succeed then he’s not a franchise QB and is mentally weak (shouldn’t even be a captain in that case).
So Dallas ran shotgun 85% of the time? What year? Once again, people blame the FO on never geting Romo or Witten a SB and a common excuse is “they never gave Romo an O line”. So either a) that’s not true or b) perhaps it is true and that’s why they ran shotgun so much. Which was it?
A lot of the same people who blame coaching are the ones who say “McClay is really running the show” or “McClay is a genius” yet JG also gets the blame for bad personnel decisions. Again, which one is it?
Like I said, coaching isn’t great but the way Jerry and Co have built this team is a joke and some fans continue to blame it ALL on coaching when in reality, very few coaches would have success with the cast of characters that the Cowboys have fielded. I think the talent on this roster is vastly exaggerated and has always been greatly unbalanced on one side of the ball or the other.
I mean jesus, look at our offense now. Cole friggin Beasley is as close to our number 1 as there is and we have no TE and quite a few more questions on the O line. The problem is, even if we had a true number one or TE, I’m starting to doubt whether our QB could even get the ball to him, so what’s the point? It’s like having a stud RB with no O line (look at the Gnats).
Coaching is an issue but there’s a lot bigger issues on this team IMO.