Dak is under a whole lot of pressure this year


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If we are now giving Romo more credit for good things that happened. Even including roster building.

Are we now giving Romo more blame for the failure
To win a Super Bowl?

Where is the line drawn here.

What part of Tony Romo being given a new contract and given Peyton Manning like duties don’t you understand in this, without Garrett interfering over his own words which was only in 2014? How hard is that concept for you to grasp? Garrett didn’t even have Romo in game planning meetings.. Jerry Jones forced it from on top.


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What part of Tony Romo being given a new contract and given Peyton Manning like duties don’t you understand in this, without Garrett interfering over his own words which was only in 2014? How hard is that concept for you to grasp? Garrett didn’t even have Romo in game planning meetings.. Jerry Jones forced it from on top.

I understand what you’re saying. Even with all that. It’s still asinine to say that Romo is the main reason for the success running the ball.

What part of, your assertion is asinine, don’t you understand?


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I understand what you’re saying. Even with all that. It’s still asinine to say that Romo is the main reason for the success running the ball.

So now ‘large part’ has turned into ‘main reason’...


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I’m now going to blame GM Romo for the fact that the defense sucked.


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Large part

Main reason.

Both asinine.

Two totally different things.

And no it’s not asinine, because if you consider play-calling and how your offense is going to attack conceptually as a large part of the success of your offense, which pretty much every Dak defender now uses as an excuse for his play last year, then that would logically entail, you guessed it, Romo would be a large part in that success..


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Two totally different things.

And no it’s not asinine, because if you consider play-calling and how your offense is going to attack conceptually as a large part of the success of your offense, which pretty much every Dak defender now uses as an excuse for his play last year, then that would logically entail, you guessed it, Romo would be a large part in that success..

And despite all that.

Scouts still have to scout the right lineman to draft.

The GM has to pick the right lineman.

The lineman still need to actually make the blocks

And the running back is the one actually carrying the ball.

So again.

Large part..... asinine.

Just more hero worship.


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And despite all that.

Scouts still have to scout the right lineman to draft.

The GM has to pick the right lineman.

The lineman still need to actually make the blocks

And the running back is the one actually carrying the ball.

So again.

Large part..... asinine.

Just more hero worship.

So when a person says a QB played a large part in the success of the running game, that by default mean that they ignore all those factors above, because large obviously entails only a QB is the reason a RB is successful when the word is used in that context.. yeah I’m pretty sure I meant by large, that we drafted scrubs at OL and their blocking had nothing to do with it and Romo was blocking himself and Callahan didn’t implement these zone blocking schemes..

So tell me why was Garrett demoted from play calling and Jerry said he’s not going to touch the offense our best season just happened to be when Romo was finally in control of the offense?


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I think this is a big year for him, sure. He has had his NFL taste and has seen both ups and downs over the last 2 seasons. It is time to see who he is and like many here I am reserving my judgement until after this season. Still, I find it funny how many are so quick to throw the kid under the bus. At least give the kid this season and then you can have your little anti-rants.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I think this is a big year for him, sure. He has had his NFL taste and has seen both ups and downs over the last 2 seasons. It is time to see who he is and like many here I am reserving my judgement until after this season. Still, I find it funny how many are so quick to throw the kid under the bus. At least give the kid this season and then you can have your little anti-rants.
Pretty much how I feel. The guy's done enough here to have a shot to prove what he can do.


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I think this is a big year for him, sure. He has had his NFL taste and has seen both ups and downs over the last 2 seasons. It is time to see who he is and like many here I am reserving my judgement until after this season. Still, I find it funny how many are so quick to throw the kid under the bus. At least give the kid this season and then you can have your little anti-rants.



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Yea I agree. But man every time I see him throw a 10 yard out I hold my breath as the ball slowly flutters over there. I’d like to see him attempt more outside go routes just to keep the defense honest. (Mostly because if it gets picked at least it’s down the field a bit instead of a pick 6)
Yeah his arm is fine but footwork still needs work. He'll need to work on that every off season of his career most likely, even if just making subtle adjustments.


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Yeah his arm is fine but footwork still needs work. He'll need to work on that every off season of his career most likely, even if just making subtle adjustments.

Welllets hope he EARNS himself many off seasons

Screw The Hall

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I love that Dak has pressure on him, it makes the truth about a player get revealed more quickly. I have to admit, I'm more optimistic than most about him though.


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Wouldn't be at all surprised if Dak came out throwing. Establish some confidence. Create doubt in the Panthers and upcoming opponents. Create better lanes for Zeke who, they will discover too late, isn't all the Cowboys have on offense. Would be great to see a TE score the first TD of the season. A nice 40 yarder in that drive somewhere to a "non-primary" receiver. Epic.