First of all, this is a completely different kind of situation.... And by the way you're taking as far too personal and you're trying to tell us how all those players might feel like you live in their head you know the operations of their mind?
show me around the league where this type of deal has been done in the past a player going into year 9, on the same team, and a third contract which BTW will be a record-breaking NFL contract?
because I still haven't seen it over the last what 20 years, if you want to go back 10 years, that's fine ,
show me a player who's been on the same team going for his third contract and the contract happens to be up for record-breaking NFL deal with the highest biggest contract in NFL history going into a player's 9th year?
How many players in the NFL, not just quarterbacks, but players have been on the same team that long in the third contract is what this is going to be ,show me how many of those were actually done most players are on a team that long like tank they end up giving a discount they rework their contract they take less money to stay on the team it's like their last contract and it's usually lower not higher this is a record-breaking deal that the front office has to figure out is it good for the team not just the fans not just the player, but long term for THE TEAM...
I mean nobody really wants to discuss this but I'm just curious on how many players have been in this exact position and the team actually paid them it doesn't seem like a lot I mean it couldn't be I mean it's the third contract and it's a record-breaking biggest contract to ever be handed out to any NFL player in there going into year 9?