Just goes to show that the AP doesn't have a clue about voting for an MVP. How could Prescot finish 2nd among them when the only thing that he does well is beat NFL Toads and run up his stats against prevent defenses.
Any voting process is flawed. Personally, I would not entrust voting for awards given in team sports to any governing body outside of the leagues themselves. That is an opinion I have held for Hall of Fame voters, etc.
That said, the AP's voting process is structured and not haphazardly conducted. It is not done as flippantly as the NFL Top 100 election process for example, which is something I have carried a pet peeve over since its inception decades ago.
I wish the process was more transparent in gauging how individual voters came up with their votes but that is unlikely to ever happen. Even so, the OP explains how each voter sorts their choices in order and assigns a point value to each specific choice.
It is a multi-layered consensus vote. And is weighed heavily by individual voters using statistical data accumulated by their five choices per voter. That is the choice made by the AP.
Conceivably, the NFL could 'steal' the AP's process, kick them to curb and let a select panel of 50 ex-NFL coaches/college coaches/etc. (for example) use the exact same process. Perhaps then, the consensus vote would reflect more than statistics into the overall evaluation.
Just me ranting about stuff not going to happen though.