I like you better after your middle paragraph. You do value postseason success more than regular season success.
Kellen has been the offensive coordinator of these top offenses in recent seasons. Give the guy some credit-he is obviously not as bad as you portray him. Not like Dak goes out there and starts calling all the shots and succeeds despite Kellen’s input.
Drew only played 1 game his initial season, so you can remove that season too.

He joined New Orleans and they promptly went to the NFCCG. Detroit is hopefully a franchise that this team never wants to call a standard threshold (at least for that time period). Lots of coaching restarts and flux in the front office-recipe for disaster.
I really like Dan Campbell’s philosophy in building on the lines of scrimmage and making the team understand it’s about gutting it out every day. I feel they will give Green Bay a really tough game and may win it. The unfortunate thing is the way the league scheduled it though. If Seattle wins their game, then the Lions are eliminated from playoff contention before the game begins.