Dak top of the league last year in recognition of and accuracy to open receivers


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Niners are team we will need to beat again. Can we do it THIS time? Oline healthy will determine that
Dallas could luck out maybe and the Eagles knock off the 49ers and than Dallas beats the Eagles. But the problem isn't the 49ers or the Eagles it's Dallas just playing terrible when it matters most. Pretty much the QB.


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Had hope that we struck gold, but Im also a realist and understand completely that we have the card we are dealt, and we have no other better option than to role with Dak.
Believing that Dak still has an achievable ceiling is chasing fool's gold, we already know what Dak is.
The question that needs to be answered this season is can MM and Schott put the perfect Dak friendly system in, and if that happens, then we can get past SF.
Yah, we already know Dak is. A top 10 QB. Better than most of the league. When he has great blocking from the Oline he plays elite football. Even did it as a rookie. There are only 6 or 7 QB's on the planet better than Dak. We are lucky to have him. Struck gold with that 4th round pick.

Beating SF is a lot more than Dak. We need a run game, we need great Oline play, we need the defense to play great all the way through and make plays. SF is an amazing team and those young QB's are only getting better.


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This is why I am interested to see what happens this season. Bro can you imagine if we hit on the Mazi pick and can finally stop the run and take away the step up lane for the opposing qb.

We will have a stable kicker. And good ST.

And our O-Line should be improved. Am crossing fingers and toes for Tyron. But our TE should take a leap forward. Good O-Line and Pollard and other RB’s should feast. Tolbert must take the next step or cut him loose. Gallup is back and Lamb is ready. Some say we got a good WR in the draft.(I am not a college football guy so I am never sure.) Plus the one we traded for. If the injury bug looks the other way we will take the division and be better prepared for the post season. Want to see Dak take control of playcalling in certain situations. He is savy enough now where he should see things and can audible to hone run plays. He is out there grinding and working on his game. Effort is never a problem for him.
Where do you keep getting this Oline improved thing? The Oline is brittle and ready to crumble with no quality backups to speak of.

We lost a starter and replaced him with a backup.


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Prescott threads popping up like California wildfires.
11 out of 40 threads on first page of Fan Zone directly pertain to #4
(1:40 pm EDT / 12:40 pm CDT, July 10th)

America's Cowboy

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This was true before when he would take off. Now he stands in the pocket like a 38 year old Drew Bledsoe. Doesn't look like the same player to me.
Not true. It's clear you don't do some research before commenting. What's worse are the so many who 'like' your badly misinformed comment. All because y'all simply don't like Dak. Yet, the statistical facts say otherwise...


Dak had his second highest rushing attempts average per game last year in 2022. That's because he missed 5 games due to injury, or else, his numbers would have been higher.


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Hitting open receivers isn’t his problem. It’s poise under pressure and anticipating openings that aren’t quite there where he falls short.
Also predictability of routes and time required for Moore's system of calls and deeper progressions.

America's Cowboy

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Yep you're right, he just didnt see the moving Safety .....again.
Correct. No excuses though. It's 2nd & 2 inside the 49ers 20. I don't care what pass play Kellen Moore called. You tuck the ball in your arm and simply run for 2 yards to get another 1st down! Dak messed up on that INT, as did Kellen Moore.

America's Cowboy

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Nonsense. These same trolls were hating on Dak when he was on his rookie deal. Dak is right in line with his ranking.

Dak creates plenty of winning opportunities. The offense just struggles against the #1 defense in the NFL without Pollard. Not a big deal. They are #1 for a reason.

I dont see Dak holding onto the ball too long. I see an Oline that cant hold up against elite defenses. I see a RB like Zeke that sucked and put us in lots of 3rd and 2nd and long. That part is a statistical fact.

If I have a problem with Dak its that he should pull the ball down more and take off when he has the chance. Make the defense pay. Needs to dump the ball a little more to the check down or the back instead of firing it in there thinking he can make every play.
:hammer: :hammer:


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Dallas could luck out maybe and the Eagles knock off the 49ers and than Dallas beats the Eagles. But the problem isn't the 49ers or the Eagles it's Dallas just playing terrible when it matters most. Pretty much the QB.
I can agree Dak had a bad game, posters lose cred with me with they cant seem to bring themselves to mention the other players who failed to live up to challenege.. there was a CB that had a pretty bad game.. we had 3 WR who no showed and a TE who played his worst game not to mention the RB and basically an OL that got man handled..take CD out and you didnt gain 100 yards....but yeah the QB is the only one who played bad...Ooh and we gave up 100 yards rushing AGAIN in a damn playoff game..Its like some have a TV setting that only shows Dak during Cowboy games.

America's Cowboy

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I have been sayin the same , I think this is probably why KM is not here anymore
It's most likely why Kellen Moore got fired...and rightfully so. Dak needs to seriously wake up and make much smarter decisions when it matters most.